How to read a file and save the line number of  the last line read?

I am using RandomAccessFile and file as my class. I am trying to read a log file as it gets updated and print it out to a java window. i so far have the framework setup but dont know how to save the last line number so.
i need this variable so i dont reprint out the same line numbers to the java window. please advise.

i now have the line number of the last line read, but now when i reopen the file, how can i skip that number of lines?

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    Hi, guys
    I need your help for reading data from multiple files and save the results into one output file. When files are selected from file chooser, my program read the data line by line , do some calculations and save the result into the output. I made an array to store input files and it seems to be working fine, but when it comes to SaveFile() function, issues NullPointException message.
    public class FileReduction1 extends JFrame implements ActionListener
       // GUI definition and layout
        /* ACTION PERFORMED */
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
            if (event.getActionCommand().equals("Open File")) getFileName();
        /* OPEN THE FILE */
        private void getFileName() {
            // Display file dialog so user can select file to open
         JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
         int result = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(this);
         // If cancel button selected return
         if (result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION) return;
            if (result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
             files = fileChooser.getSelectedFiles();
                    System.out.println("files length"+files.length);
                    for(int i=0;i<files.length;i++)
    filelist+=files[i].getName()+" ,";
    if (checkFileName(files[i]) )
    textArea.append("file "+files[i].getName()+"is a proper file"+"\n");
    else{JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Please select file(s)",
                    "Error 5: ",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); }
         // Obtain selected file
    /* READ FILE */
    private void readFile(File fileName_in) {
    // Disable read button
    // Dimension data structure
         data = new String[numLines][4];
         // Read file
         // Rnable open button
    /* Get number of lines in file and prepare data structure. */
    private void getNumberOfLines(File fileName_in) {
    int counter = 0;
         // Open the file
         // Loop through file incrementing counter
         try {
         String line = fileInput.readLine();
         while (line != null) {
              System.out.println("(" + counter + ") " + line);
    line = fileInput.readLine();
         numLines = counter;
         catch(IOException ioException) {
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Error reading File",
                   "Error 5: ",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    /* READ FILE */
    private void readTheFile(File fileName_in)
    // Open the file
    //int row=0;
    int col=0;
    System.out.println("Read the file");
    // Loop through file incrementing counter
    String line = fileInput.readLine();
    while (line != null)
    boolean containsDoubles = false;
    double temp;
    String[] lineParts = line.split("\t");
    for (col=0;col<lineParts.length;col++)
    data[row][col] = lineParts[col];
    containsDoubles = true;
    System.out.print("data["+row+"]["+col+"]="+lineParts[col]+" ");
    } catch (Exception e) {row=0; col=0; temp=0.0;}
    if (containsDoubles){ row++;}
    line = fileInput.readLine();
    catch(IOException ioException)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Error reading File", "Error 5: ",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    /* Return flase if selected file is a directory, access is denied or is
    not a file name. */
    private boolean checkFileName(File fileName_in) {
         if (fileName_in.exists()) {
         if (fileName_in.canRead()) {
              if (fileName_in.isFile()) return(true);
              else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,
                        "ERROR 3: File is a directory");
         else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,
                        "ERROR 2: Access denied");
         else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,
                        "ERROR 1: No such file!");
         // Return
    /* OPEN FILE */
    private void openFile(File fileName_in) {
         try {
         // Open file
         FileReader file = new FileReader(fileName_in);
         fileInput = new BufferedReader(file);
         catch(IOException ioException) {
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Error Opening File",
                   "Error 4: ",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
         textArea.append("OPEN FILE\n---------\n");
         //System.out.println("File opened successfully");
    /* CLOSE FILE */
    private void closeFile(File fileName_in) {
    if (fileInput != null) {
         try {
         catch (IOException ioException) {
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Error Opening File",
                   "Error 4: ",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    System.out.println("File closed");
    private void process(File fileName_in) {
         //data = new String[numLines][3];
         // Read file
    double temp,temp1;
    //int number=data.length;
    for (int i=0; i<row; i++)
    double tempup=(row*multixy)-(sumx*sumy);
    double tempdown=(row*square_x_sum)-(sumx*sumx);
    double tempbup=sumy-(slope*sumx);
    double tempside=(row*square_y_sum)-(sumy*sumy);
    double cordown=Math.sqrt(tempdown*tempside);
         textArea.append("Data for file"+ fileName_in.getName()+" have been processed successfully.");
         textArea.append("Please enter output file name including extension.");
    System.out.println("intecept b="+intb);
    private void saveFile()
    textArea.append("SAVE FILE\n---------\n");
    if (openFile1())
         try {
    catch (IOException ioException) {
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Error Writing to File",
    private boolean openFile1 ()
         // search for the file path
    StringBuffer stringpath;
    int temp=fileName_in.getName().length();
    int temp_path=fileName_in.getPath().length();
    int startd=(temp_path-temp);
    stringpath=new StringBuffer(fileName_in.getPath());
    stringpath.delete(startd, temp_path+1);
    fileName_out = new File(path, title);
    if (fileName_out==null || fileName_out.getName().equals(""))
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Invalid File name",
                   "Invalid File name",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    boolean created = fileName_out.createNewFile();
    fileOutput = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(fileName_out));
    fileOutput.println("File Name"+"\t"+"Slope(m)"+"\t"+"y-intercept(b)"+"\t"+"Coefficient(r)"+"\t"+"Correlation(R-Squared)");
    fileOutput = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(fileName_out,true));
    catch (IOException exc)
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Please enter the file name","Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    private void outputToFile() throws IOException
    // Initial output
         textArea.append("File name = " + fileName_out + "\n");
         // Test if data exists
         if (data != null)
         fileOutput.println(fileName_in.getName() +"\t"+ slope+"\t"+intb+"\t"+corr+"\t"+r_sqrt);
    textArea.append("File output complete\n\n");
    textArea.append("No data\n\n");
         // End by closing file
    private void initialcomp()
    sumx=0.0; sumy=0.0; multixy=0.0; square_x_sum=0.0; square_y_sum=0.0;
    for(int i=0;i<data.length;i++)
    for(int j=0;j<data[i].length;j++)
    /* MAIN METHOD */
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
         // Create instance of class FileChooser
         FileReduction1 newFile = new FileReduction1("File Reduction Program");
         // Make window vissible
    Sorry about the long lines.
    As you can see, all input files saved in array called files, however when OpenFile1() function is called, it take input (fileName_in) as a single file not an array. I'm assuming this causes the exception.
    When there's muptiple inputs, program should take each file from getFileName() to outputToFile() sequentially.
    Does anybody have an idea to solve this?
    Thanks a lot!!

    you naming convention is confussing. you should follows Java naming have a getXXX but decalred the return type as "void"...get usully means to return something...
    your code is doing too much..and hard to follows..
    1. get the selected files
    for each selected file
    process the file and return the result
    write out the result.
    /** close the precious resource */
    public void closeResource(Reader in){
        if (in != null){
            try{ in.close(); }
            catch (Exception e){}
    /** get the total number of line in a file */
    public int getLineCount(File file) throws IOException{
        BufferedReader in = null;
        int lineCount = 0;
            in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
            while ((in.readLine() != null)
            return lineCount;
        finally{ closeResource (in);  }
    /** read the file */
    public void processFile(File inFile, File outFile) throws IOException{
        BufferedReader in = null;
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
            in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inFile));
            String line = null;
            while ((in.readLine() != null){
                .. do something with the line
            writeToFile(outFile, result.toString());
        finally{ closeResource (in);  }
    public void writeToFile(File outFile, String result) throws IOException{
        PrintWriter out = null;
            out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(outFile, true));  // true for appending to the end of the file
        finally{  if (out != null){ try{ out.close(); } catch (Exception e){} }  }

  • How to read a file and save the contents into array list

    i have textfile contains information like:
    Name: James Smith
    Customer no: 663,282
    Post code: BA1 74E
    Telephone no: 028-372632
    Last modified: Feb 10, 2008 6:50:00 PM GMT
    Name: Janet Smith
    Customer no: 663,283
    Post code: BA1 74E
    Telephone no: 028-372632
    Last modified: Jan 11, 2007 8:10:05 PM GMT
    how can i read the contents of this textfile and put the data into an ArrayList called ArrayList<Customer> customerList.
    i knew that i need two classes, one for CustomerDetails and one for ReadFile.
    i have already done the customer class as:
    import java.util.Date;
    public class Customer
        String Name;
        int CustomerNo;
        String Postcode;
        String teleNo;
        Date lastModified;
        public Customer(String Name, int CustomerNo, String Postcode, String teleNo, Date lastModified)
         assign(Name, CustomerNo, Postcode, teleNo, lastModified);
        public void assign(String Name, int CustomerNo, String Postcode, String teleNo, Date lastModified)
        public String toString()
         String allDetails = "Name: "+Name+
             ", Customer No: "+CustomerNo+
             ", Postcode:"+Postcode+
             ", Telephone No: "+teleNo+
             ", Last Modified Date: "+lastModified;
         return allDetails;
    }i just wondering how can i code the ReadFile class?
    can anyone help me please. thank you in advance.

    thank you for your suggestion, but i have already started to code the readCustomer class using the Scanner.
    the code i got so far is:
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class readCustomer
        public static void main(String[] args)
        public static void readCustomer(String filename)
         try {
             Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(filename));
             while (scanner.hasNext()) {
         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        public static void processLine(String line)
         Scanner scanner2 = new Scanner(line);
         String description =;
    *// here is where i am struggling. i don't know how to get the information after the : sign*   
    }i am currently struggling with the processLine method?
    also, i am not sure how to group a set of information and put them into the arraylist.
    Any hint, please. Thank you.
    Edited by: mujingyue on Feb 26, 2008 12:42 PM

  • How to write a file and save it in a folder

    I have a doubt in pl/sql....i have written a pl/sql for inserting records.What i need is ,I need to select the records with some id .how to do this and include id in this pl/sql.
    thanks in advance,

    y iam putting this double quotes is because i need this fieds as such.thats y.and what u have said is right ..this @id is a keyword by which i want to select records.could u pls help me out in doing this script.i f thsi @id is not to be mentioned in insert then where will i mention about this @id.Because it has to be incremented when its moved to next record.
    the script which i have made changes is
    a number:=1;
    Mnemonic number;
    "@Id" number;
    exit when a>10;
    INSERT INTO CUSTOMER ("Mnemonic","Gb Short Name","Gb Name 1","Gb Street","Sector") VALUES
    (Mnemonic,'ratheesh','name','anna nagar','1001');
    here what should be changed.pls help me out..
    thanks in advance,

  • Reading s file and saving a the dta to an array

    I have a txt file that is contained of text and numbersso this is the format :
    Xunit , YUNIT
    So I want to read this file and save the numbers to two arrays, here is my code, and it gives error on Ch[i] = result[1]; it also say array out of bound and it gives me the watrning that overrides a depricated API. hELP:
    import java.util.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    public class ReadFile {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    /*Open the file and Read the file
         File inputFile = new File("wfmdata.txt");
         FileReader in = new FileReader(inputFile); */
         FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("wfmdata.txt");
    BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
    DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bis);
         String c;
         String[] T = new String[10012];
         String[] CH = new String[10012];
    int i=0;
    /*Read one line and store it in variable c */
    c = dis.readLine();
    //if a null line return
    if(c != null)
    if( (c == "XUNIT , YUNIT"))
    String[] result = c.toString().split(",");
    T[i] = result[1];
    CH[i] = result [1];
    System.out.println( T[i] + "," + "CH" + result.length);
    how would I change the code to get rid of the errors!
    there are 10000 lines of numbers(data).

    If you are only trying to read in integers i would recommend a different approach. Try using the scanner class. It's new to 1.5 It basically splits up everything in the data source into tokens based on where there is white space. what might interest you is that it has methods to just retrieve primitive types ints, doubles etc.
    you might try something like this. It will ignore strings and just handle integers, based on the format you have given.
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class ReadFile
        public static void readFile() throws FileNotFoundException
            Scanner sc = new Scanner(new FileReader("C:\\YourFile.txt")); // set the source of the data and create a scanner object to tokenize the data
            int[] xUnit = new int[10012]; // initialise the integer arrays
            int[] yUnit = new int[10012];
            while (sc.hasNextInt() == false) // checks to see if the next "token" read by the scanner is an integer
      ; // moves onto the next token until an int is found.
            for (int count = 0; count < xUnit.length; count ++)  // goes through the array until it hits the end
                xUnit[count] = sc.nextInt(); //assigns the int to the array
      ; // skips the comma
                yUnit[count] = sc.nextInt(); //assigns the next int to the other array
            for (int count = 0; count < xUnit.length; count ++)
                System.out.println( xUnit[count] + "," + yUnit[count]); //prints out all the data read in
    }Bear in mind my java experience is fairly limited, so this may not be what you're after.

  • Reading a file and changing one part of the file

    I am trying to read a file and then I want to change the first value on each line. The file I am reading is a .HEADER file. Which is just read in notepad I am just opening this like a txt file. I get no say at all how this file is created originally
    I want to change the value on the first line the a new title plus the ext .dat. The file is below. This stays the same format just with different values.
    ECG000 1 171 26112 9:14:56 23/04/2002
    ECG000 8 43(0) 8 127 79 -24066 0 AED trace
    I want to change the ECG000 to a new value eg Pat1.dat on the first line and Pat1 on the second line. When I read this file in and output to the dos window I get ECG000 0 0 0 and that is it. Any ideas why this is happening and how I can replace the values in the file??
         private void FileExt() throws IOException
              System.out.println("In function");
              BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("c:\\Projects\\FirstSupport\\ECG000.HEADER"));
              String s;
              Vector data = new Vector();
              ECGFile = new FileWriter("c:\\Projects\\FirstSupport\\ECG.txt",true);
              System.out.println("Reading the file");
              while ((s = br.readLine()) != null)
              String label = s.substring(0, s.indexOf(" "));
              String newLabel = (label+".dat");

    I think this is what you're looking for:     private void FileExt() {
              java.util.List data=new ArrayList();
              String s;
              try {
                   BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                        new FileInputStream(new File("ECG000.HEADER"))));
                   while ((s = br.readLine()) != null)  {
              catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
                   System.out.println("Input file not found");
              catch (IOException ioe) {
              ListIterator li=data.listIterator();
              try {
                   PrintWriter ECGFile=new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(
                        new File("ECG.txt")));
                   while(li.hasNext()) {
                        if (s.substring(0, 6).equals("ECG000")) {
                             s="Pat1.dat"+s.substring(6, s.length());
              catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe1) {}

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    the server for other people to download,can you give me a idea how
    to do this.Thanks.
    <cfdocument format = "PDF" pagetype="A4"

    <cfdocument filename="" format = "PDF" pagetype="A4"
    Give the physical path to the filename. You have write
    permission for this folder to create a PDF file.

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    Hi Folks,
    Can anyone please help me finding some references to read XML files and push the data to MS CRM 2011 preferably by using a console application.
    Please let me know if any ways of handling it in simple ways.

    How to read XML file:
    How to work with CRM:
    ClientCredentials credentials = new ClientCredentials();
    credentials.Windows.ClientCredential = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("USER", "Password", "Domain");
    Uri uri = new Uri("http://server/Organization/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc");
    OrganizationServiceProxy proxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(uri, null, credentials, null);
    proxy.ServiceConfiguration.CurrentServiceEndpoint.Behaviors.Add(new ProxyTypesBehavior());
    IOrganizationService service = (IOrganizationService)proxy;
    //using "service" you can create, update and retrieve entities.
    More information here about service functions:

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    You should install Camera Raw 4.6.
    Visit this page and follow the instructions carefully:

  • How to synchronize if one servlet read a file and anothe servlet update the

    How to synchronize if one servlet read a file and anothe servlet update the file at a time?

    Create a class that holds the reference to the file and do the whole file manipulation just in that class. than synchronize the read and write methodes. A reference to this file handler class can be stored to the servlet context in one servlet and read out from the servlet context in the other servlet.

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    I have allready bought the programs, but need to reinstall AE and PP due to an error with dynamic link.
    Where do i find the program install?
    And tips on how to reinstall without messing things up?
    last question is, does my recent files and saves work after the reinstall?
    Thank you

    karianne wrote:
    I have allready bought the programs, but need to reinstall AE and PP due to an error with dynamic link.
    Where do i find the program install?
    Which versions? Which operating system?
    Try Download and Installation Help

  • Reading text file and display in the selectOnechoice list item In ADF.

    I have a requirement to read the text field which have list of strings and that string display in the SelectOneChoice List item component on page load.
    I am using Jdeveloper version.
    Any suggestion will highly appreciated..
    Thanks in advance.

    Google will produce you with hints on how to read content of a file from Java (ideally the file uses some delimiter). Then in a managed bean, you read the file and save its content in a list of SelectItem. So your managed bean should have the following property and setter/getter pairs
    ArrayList<SelectItem> listFromFile = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    public void setListFromFile(ArrayList l){ //you don't need this }
    public ArrayList<SelectItem> getListFromFile(){
       //read file content and iterate over the file list entries
      for(i=0, i < fileContent.length, ++i){
         SelectItem si = new SelectItem();
         si.setValue(... the value to update the list of value with ...);
         si.setLabel("... the label to show in the list ...");
      return listFromFile;
    }The af:selectOneChoice component should look as follows
    <af:selectOneChoice id=".." value="...attribute to update with selection ..." ...>
       <f:selectItems value="#{managedBean.listFromFile}"/>

  • How can I automatically fill and save PDF forms from an iSeries database file withouth viewing PDFs?

    We have incoming data that we need to insert into a PDF form then save an individual PDF file for each record from the database table for our Image system.  Data is coming from an iSeries file and I can Manually perform all the steps within the process, but this needs to be something that we can run from a scheduled job and should be a totally hands off process.  The form is in Adobe Acrobat and I've been trying some of the JavaScript pieces, but can't seem to get everything to run automatically.  I'm new to PC programming and can use any suggestions on how to handle this process.

    You might want to post this to the Acrobat SDK forum here. For it to work with Acrobat, it cannot be a completely automated process, however, due to licensing (and technical) restrictions. There are a number of third-party APIs that might help. If you post again, include what format the data is in (FDF, XFDF, XML, XDP) and what programming languages you can work in.

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    In your description you say the first document opens as the Title you gave it.
    Templates always open as Untitled so it sounds like you have saved a regular document, perhaps into your templates folder which is possible.
    Since you have already worked on it and it has been previously saved, Lion will now Save for you and Save a Version is available
    The other document does open as Untitled so sounds like a real template and as Peggy has pointed out will not have either Revert nor Save a Version until you Save it and have changed something in it.
    This is a classic example of just how Apple's supposedly "simplification" of the process, is leading to confusion of what has happened. That the conditions and resulting actions from those conditions is so convoluted says it all.
    It all reminds me of the Monty Python Life of Brian sketch with the "simplified" John Cleese instructions to the class, as to if you have a brother in an older dorm whether to hang your hat and bag on the hooks provided. The trouble is Apple does not get the joke, that it is transforming itself into a frequently self contradictory bumbling bureacracy. The price of unchallenged self appointed geniushood.
    The incoherent half baked stumbling juggernaut has reached new triumphs with its edict on enforced Sandboxing on developers when it is unable to follow even its own instructions.

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    Experts, Can you please tell me the steps to do the GR(Goods Receipt) against the Material(Receiving Materials). I want to findout the open periods.

  • Aperture photos don't show on iTunes synch

    Synching with iPhoto works fine, butI can't see any photos when attempting to synch to Aperture. As noted in another post, Projects don't show up. It does see smart albums, but with a zero photo count for all. Any thoughts on why? Do Aperture photos