How to rearrange channels

Does anyone know how to rearrange the channel order, with tv anywhere master.

i asked this question already, and apparently it is not possible, as the MSIPVS / WinDVR software was designed in USA, where such a feature is not necessary due to number of channels available

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    Best regards

    Hi Jörg,
    i suppose that you´re programme whose create the *.tdms file is writing on false position. Try to create datas with timechannel on first indes in diadem, then save it and then open it again. you see that all is correct. So please tell me what programm in what version do you use and please attache it here.
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    When you don´t have Labview you can use the 30 days test of current version 8.5 under following link
    german version download link
    english version download link
    Hope it helps
    Best Regards

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    perita wrote:
    Thanks for your reply.
    >> Generally, devices bought in the U.S. can only be used in the U.S.
    This seems to me like poor and outdated policy. It reminds of times when you could not take a laptop to Europe because the power supply was only for 110 V.  Most manufacturers have moved to simplifying things for the customer and for themselves by making models more universal. 
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    You can reload it with this firmware wet54gv3_v2d16_ce_20091027.img.

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    How to rearrange single photo in grid view
    dkindler - 03:33pm Jul 8, 2007 Pacific
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    17 messages. Displaying 14 through 17.
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    DonRicklin - 9:53am Sep 12, 07 PST (#14 of 17)
    Drag from center of image not frame, if you aren't doing so already.
    Don Ricklin, MacBook 1.83Ghz Duo 2 Core running 10.4.10 & Win XP, Pentax *ist D
    Post Reply | Bookmark back to top
    birgit ha - 9:57pm Sep 20, 07 PST (#15 of 17)
    I use LR 1.2 on a mac. I can arrange/drag photos when they are in library in all photographs, quick collection.
    As soon as I put them in the categories/keyword tags (in library) I can"t sort them anymore. Sort by user, drag them from center..... nothing works.
    anybody can help??!!! pretty frustrating..
    Post Reply | Bookmark back to top
    DonRicklin - 4:16am Sep 21, 07 PST (#16 of 17)
    User order only works in Folder or Collection (including Quick Collection) Views. And only the lowest (non Parent) level unless Menu/Library/Include Photos from Subitems is unchecked.
    Don Ricklin, MacBook 1.83Ghz Duo 2 Core running 10.4.10 & Win XP, Pentax *ist D
    Post Reply | Bookmark back to top
    birgit ha - 7:57pm Apr 8, 08 PST (#17 of 17)
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    Hope somebody can help!!!

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    I'd suggest you get WiFi Explorer from the Mac App Store. For only $3.99 I find it well worth the cost for the ease of use and better info in relation to the built-in tools.
    Disclaimer: any product suggestion and link given is strictly for reference and represents my opinion only. No warranties express or implied. I get no personal benefit from the sale of any product I may recommend in any of my posts in the Communities. Your mileage may vary. Void where prohibited. You must be this tall to ride. Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear. Preservatives added to improve freshness. Contestants have been briefed on some questions before the show. No animals were harmed in the making of this post.

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    Solution is to speak to Adobe directly and receive confidential info.

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    Sorry! I posted my first revision of the answer.
    Here is what I meant to say:
    According to this KnowledgeBase, DAQmx and Traditional DAQ behave the same. Are you seeing something different?
    As far as a workaround goes, all you have to do is trap the No DMA error. This error should be -200251. So in software, if you receive error -200251, then you need to configure the board to use interrupts, and then start the task again.
    How to configure the board for interrupts differs from the four different DAQmx API�s (C, C++, DotNET, and LabVIEW). If you are unclear about how to do this in your environment, please let us know, and we can find
    Best regards,
    Justin T.
    National Instruments

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    Did you do a revalidate() on the panel after removing the component?

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    The Loop browser and the track have a fixed size. You can only hide the Loop Browser by pressing the Loops button in the footer to make the time line longer.
    Or drag the resize corners to enlarge the GarageBand application window. Have you set your display to the maximum possible resolution in the for your screen in the System preferences > Display?
    If you have only a small 13" screen, try to resize the GB WIndow beyond the bounds of the screen by pushing the trackheads beyond the left border and dragging the right resize corner.
    -- Léonie

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    i am impleme3nted a sinple client/server application. The serv handles multiple connection via multithread(one thread per connection). Here is my code
    private void listen(int port) throws IOException {
    ss = new ServerSocket(port); // Create the ServerSocket
    System.out.println("Listening on " + ss);
    while (true) {
    Socket s = ss.accept(); // Grab the next incoming connection
    System.out.println("Connection from " + s);
    // Create a DataOutputStream for writing data to the other side
    //dout = new ObjectOutputStream(s.getOutputStream());
    // dout.useProtocolVersion(ObjectOutputStream.PROTOCOL_VERSION_1);
    Thread clientThread =new ServerThread(s); // Create a new thread for this
    // connection
    My client and server exchange object(serializable). How can i change this in order to add the ServerSocketChannel feature so that one thread deals with many connection?
    thanks a lot

    Hi, yes i have seen that document
    but i don't really know how i cna use it to update my code with channel feature.
    how can we do, please provide me an update of my previously posted code. I would be so thankful.
    thanks a lot

  • Important question: I have got a PXI-4472 and I am able to do single-channel acquisition. How does multi-channel acquisition work?

    Look at the VI: it is quite eleborate, but the crucial point is Data Acquisition and Trigger&Gate (and, consequentely, Write to File operation).
    I can add plot on the Waveform Graph DATA, this is rather easy, simply adding the channel numbers in the channel control (es. writing 0,3,7 will collect data from the three channels).
    First question: is this operation of adding plots correct?
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    More over, and MORE IMPORTANT: is it possible to set different trigger conditions for different channel
    s? How can I control this operation?
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    Look at the Block Diagram: do I have to connect ERROR IN and ERROR OUT to every suVI or function that makes this connection possible (as Trigger&Gate and Write File)?
    Start& ‏700 KB

    First: yes, the operation is correct.
    Second: yes again. When you consider a multi-channel acquisition, your sampling rate must be shared among the channels.
    Third: when you specify a list of channels you want to acquire from, the channel considered for analog triggering is the first you put in the list.
    Connect the error clusters whenever you can,in particular when you are dealing with I/O operations.

  • How to arm channel 1 of a PCI 6133 DAQ card using labview?

    I am new to the Labview and I need some help.  I have a PCI 6133 multifunction DAQ card and I'm using Labview 8.2 to capture five channels waveform data.  I setup channel ai0 to be the trigger channel and I need to capture data from ai0, ai1, ai2, ai3, and ai4 when ai0 is trigger.
    1) I am using DAQ assistant to configure my channels.  How can I arm the channel ai0?  I have an "execute button" and it should arm the scope when I click it.
    2) Is there trigger ready signal, so I can save all the channels data when channel ai0 is trigger?
    Can anyone provide some help?

    Hello wirte spreedsheet,
    Thanks for posting to Discussion Forum. It looks like you are using the
    PCI-6133 to acquire analog data from ai0:ai4. You want to use ai0 as
    the trigger for the other channels.
    Does your application need to be retriggerable?
    Are you doing continuous acquisition?
    Are you doing Analog start trigger or reference trigger?
    Take a look the following shipping examples, found in LabVIEW click
    Help>>Find Examples. On the browse tab, Hardware Input and
    Output>>DAQmx>>Analog Measurements>>Voltage:
    Cont Acq&Graph Voltage - Analog SW
    >> This example demonstrates how to perform an analog software
    triggered acquisition. The example allows the user to specify the
    triggering condition and the number of pre-trigger samples to acquire.
    Cont Acq&Graph Voltage - Int Clk - Analog
    >> This example demonstrates how to continuously acquire data
    (Waveform) using the DAQ device's internal clock and an analog slope
    start trigger.
     Take a look at these applications and let me know if you have any questions or comments.
    Have a good day.
      Sandra T.
    Applications Engineer | National Instruments

  • How to read channel for channel and appended data for appended data?

    Good day,
    I wrote a little program that saves blocks of data after a trigger to a
    file, it will append these blocks off data as much times as you set it.
    Each appended data block has a time stamp and a signal path and burst
    number as a header.
    I use the storage way to save it to TDM format. This all seems to work nicelly.
    Now is my question:
    Afterwards i want to read each block or burst seperatelly. How can I do
    this. I can't seem to find an easy way to read just one data block in
    the file.
    best regards
    Joost van Heijenoort
    Ursa Minor Space and Navigation

    allready found out that I have to save it in unique channel names...
    this helps..
    best regards

  • How to design channel select VI for Agilent34970A

    Hello Guys,
                 I want to design a temperature data acquisition system by using 34970A,but now i have a problem that i don't know how to design a channels selecting vi?
    My idea is to select any channel from multiple channels to scan,pls help me for explaining how to do,because my labviw knowledge and experience  is so poor.

    Thanks for the response.  In order to incorporate the sampling information (sampling frequency) into my data ( 160 X 512 2-D Array), I use "Build" However, for the input argument "Y," I can only use a 1-D array.  I try with my 2-D array, but it gives me a connection error.  So, my first thought was to stick the Build into a for loop with a shift register.  I use an indexing tunnel node when guiding my data array into the loop.  I then connect the 1-D array to the build, and send the output to a "Build" where the output goes to the shift register, and the other input comes from the first shift register.  What prevents this from working i.e., creating a 2-D waveform array, is that the option to uncheck the "Concatenate Inputs" is not available when i right click on the  Build  I notice that I do have the option to uncheck it when i'm just using 2 waveforms without the shift register.  Would you have any suggestions?  I want keep it running as efficient as possible, so i figured that I might want to avoid doing the filtering 160*13 times, manually.
    would there be any advantage to using the Digital IIR over the Butterworth ?  The input for the former is a waveform while for the latter is a plain ol' array, but i notice that i can send a waveform into it and i don't get an error.
    Message Edited by Alias77 on 07-17-2007 06:35 PM

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    In terms of a loop over byte[] data, double[] left, double[] right...
    8-bit mono
    for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i += 1) {
         left[i] = (double)data;
    16-bit monofor (int i = 0; (i*2) < data.length; i++) {
    left[i] = ((double)data[2*i] << 8) + (double)data[(2*i)+1]);
    8-bit stereofor (int i = 0; (i*2) < data.length; i++) {
    left[i] = (double)data[2*i];
    right[i] = (double)data[(2*i)+1];
    16-bit stereofor (int i = 0; (i*4) < data.length; i++) {
    left[i] = ((double)data[2*i] << 8) + (double)data[(2*i)+1]);
    right[i] = ((double)data[(2*i)+2] << 8) + (double)data[(2*i)+3]);

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