How to reference a actionscript in another actionscript class

How can I use constant variables from a Constatnst file (.as file) in another actionscript class?

What id I don't have the not defined as a class.
public static const BASE_NAME = "ABC";
public static const EQUIPMENT_NAME = "777";
I can't import is file as its not a class file, right?
So, how can I access BASE_NAME, etc.
In a mxml file, I use the <mx:Script source="/../"/>
but how about in an actionscript class file.

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    First, please tell us your first name, and update your forum handle. It’s make it easier to track your threads, and help you.
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    >> after click one radiobox,i want to get other column's value in the selected row in the after submit process
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    catch(Exception e){
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              ClassZ myZ = new ClassZ;
    under package A.2;
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    Compiled from
    public class Hello extends java.lang.Object {
        public Hello();
        public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
    Method Hello()
       0 aload_0
       1 invokespecial #6 <Method java.lang.Object()>
       4 return
    Method void main(java.lang.String[])
       0 new #4 <Class java.util.Timer>
       3 dup
       4 invokespecial #7 <Method java.util.Timer()>
       7 new #2 <Class Hello$1>
      10 dup
      11 invokespecial #5 <Method Hello$1()>
      14 lconst_0
      15 lconst_1
      16 invokevirtual #8 <Method void schedule(java.util.TimerTask, long, long)>
      19 returnWell in this example, you have opcodes with arguments which are expressed as (for example) "#7 <Method java.util.Timer()>". This describes a constant pool element. I assume #7 refers to the location within the constant pool, and the text description tells you that it's an item of type method, and gives you the method name. So for all arguments expressed in this form, you'll need to reconstruct a constant pool item.

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    thanks for your efforts despite my ignorance! My HHC file does not look like that, it has a different structure without an HTML list. After some fiddeling I got it to work now, even though I still did not find out why my TOC structure does not match yours (the binary TOC option is not active).
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    <toc version="1.0">
    <properties imagelist="C:tocimages.bmp">
    <item name=".." link="...html">
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    Thanks for your help
    Best regards

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    Best regards

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    when 'SMTP_ADDR'.
              DATA: flag type i.
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    Thanks and Regards,

    We can avoid this EPC check by deleting or putting a comment Or By passeing the EPC to it ie
    w_flag type i." #EPC
    we can also avoid the EPC error by this way.then this willnt be aa part of EPC check
    Thanks & Regards,

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    I am guessing that you are developer by your nickname, so i will add something for developers :-)
    This is actually a good question and the answer is that you can use database (and this is where this forum come to help you, and
    Kalman Toth gave you the basic answer), but if your need is for application that you are developing then there are several more option which you need to check what is best for you.
    define a group of int constants in application can be done:
    >> Using database table (best for big collection or a Collection that you need some changing)
    >> Using ini file (very useful for constant Collection)
    >> Using app config file (useful for constant Collection, remember that changing the file will restart the app and all users sessions will end in some cases)
    >> Using static class
    and so on
    I hope this is useful :-)
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    I've gotten this far (select statement below), but I don't know how to reference the current tab that I've clicked on / the current tab is active (see :P0_TAB_NAME)
    select "MENU_CODE" id,
    decode(menu_type,'FL','<img src="#APP_IMAGES#folder.png" border="0"
    style="vertical-align:middle">&nbsp<b>' ||menu_description,
    'PG','<img src="#APP_IMAGES#pgm.png" border="0"
    style="vertical-align:middle">&nbsp<b>' ||menu_description,
    'PG','<img src="#APP_IMAGES#tree_group.png" border="0"
    style="vertical-align:middle">&nbsp<b>' ||menu_description) name,
    decode(page_name,null,null,'f?p=&APP_ID.:'||page_name||':&SESSION.') link,
    null a1,
    null a2
    where b.display_sequence = a.menu_group
    and b.tab_name = :P0_TAB_NAME
    order by MENU_CODE

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