How to remove all item in JPanel???

How to effectively remove all item before add new item and display new panel??? I only know
p1.setLayout(null);But seems like my JButton still there....Please advice

As we dunno what the item in the panel, we just want to clear all item in panel. Because the clear panel in action listener, it perform clear the previous panel before display new panel.
Please advice

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    Thanks. That solved it. I had my doubts since I wasn't concerned about my lost bookmarks. I was concerned about the broken functionality. In any event, restoring from a backup solved both the functionality and the lost bookmarks. I appreciate the response!

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    If all else fails use Utilities> Terminal.
    If there are several locked files in the Trash, you can unlock them all at the same time at the command line. Follow these steps:
    Open Terminal. It's located in /Applications/Utilities.
    chflags -R nouchg  
    Type one space (not pictured) after nouchg in the line above, so that it ends in "nouchg ". Do not press Return yet.
    Type:chflags -R nouchg  Type one space (not pictured) after nouchg in the line above, so that it ends in "nouchg ". Do not press Return yet.
    Double-click the Trash icon in the Dock to reveal the contents of the Trash. If necessary, arrange the Finder window so that a portion of the Terminal window is still visible.
    Press the Command-A key combination to select all files in the Trash.
    Drag the files from the Trash to the Terminal window.
    Note: This automatically enters the pathname for each file. This eliminates the need to individually empty multiple Trash directories, particularly when multiple disks or volumes are present.
    Press Return. No special text message will be shown indicating that the command was successful.
    Empty the Trash.
    If the Trash does not empty or if you see a message in Terminal that says "usage: chflags [-R [-H | -L | -P]] flags file..." you most likely did not type the text in step 2 as indicated or did not leave a space. Repeat the steps if this happens.

  • How to remove all hyperlinks at once?

    Hi guys,
    I want to know how to remove all hyperlinks in a text at once. I know how to remove one link at a time. But it's time consuming if you paste a text with a lot of hyperlinks.

    Duplicate your document for safe then drag and drop the icon of the copy of the icon of this script saved as an application.
    --[SCRIPT remove links]{code}
    Enregistrer le script en tant qu'Application ou Progiciel : remove
    Déposez le sur le bureau par exemple.
    Glisser-déposer l'icône d'un document Pages sur celle du script
    va éliminer tous les Hyperliens et signets prédsents dans le document.
    On peut également qlisser déposer un fichier index.xml.
    Save the script as an Application or an Application Bundle: remove
    Store it on the desktop for instance.
    Drag and drop the icon of a Pages document on the script's icon
    to remove the Hyperlinks and Bookmarks embedded in the document.
    We may also drag & drop an index.xml file.
    Yvan KOENIG (Vallauris, FRANCE)
    16 février 2009
    enhanced 17 février 2009
    property removeBookmarks : true
    true = remove the bookmarks
    false = don't remove the bookmarks *)
    property removeLinks : true
    true = remove the Links
    false = don't remove the Links *)
    property liste : {}
    on open (sel)
    set theDoc to (item 1 of sel) as text
    tell application "System Events" to tell disk item theDoc
    set nn to name
    set uti to type identifier
    set isPackage to package folder
    end tell
    if nn is "index.xml" then
    my traiteIndex(theDoc)
    else if uti is not in {"", ""} then
    error "Not a Pages document !"
    else if isPackage then
    -- here the document is a package
    if theDoc ends with ":" then set theDoc to text 1 thru -2 of theDoc
    tell application "Finder"
    set the_index to (theDoc & ":index.xml")
    set indexGzAvailable to exists file (the_index & ".gz")
    set indexAvailable to exists file the_index
    end tell -- Finder
    if indexGzAvailable then
    if indexAvailable then tell application "Finder" to delete file the_index
    my expandIndex(the_index & ".gz")
    my traiteIndex(the_index)
    if indexAvailable then
    my traiteIndex(the_index)
    error "No Index available !"
    end if
    end if -- indexGzAvailable
    -- here the document is a flat one
    tell application "Finder"
    set cont to (container of file theDoc) as text
    set name of file theDoc to (nn & ".zip")
    end tell -- Finder
    set theDocZ to cont & nn & ".zip"
    my expandDoc(theDocZ, theDoc)
    tell application "Finder"
    set name of file theDoc to (nn & "yk")
    set theDocF to cont & nn & "yk"
    set the_index to (theDocF & ":index.xml")
    set indexAvailable to exists file the_index
    end tell -- Finder
    if indexAvailable then my traiteIndex(the_index)
    end if -- nn …
    end open
    on traiteIndex(theIndex)
    local theKey1, theKey2, theKey3, theKey4, theKey5, itm, itm1, itm2, itm2
    my nettoie()
    (* Lis le contenu du fichier Index.xml *)
    set texte to read file theIndex from 1
    if removeBookmarks then
    (* supprime les descripteurs de signets *)
    set theKey1 to "<sf:bookmark sf:name"
    set theKey2 to "</sf:bookmark>"
    if texte contains theKey1 then
    set my liste to my decoupe(texte, theKey1)
    repeat with i from 2 to count of my liste
    set itm to my decoupe(item i of my liste, theKey2)
    set itm1 to item 1 of itm
    set itm1 to text (1 + (offset of ">" in itm1)) thru -1 of itm1
    set itm2 to my recolle(items 2 thru -1 of itm, theKey2)
    set item i of my liste to (itm1 & itm2)
    end repeat -- i
    set texte to my recolle(my liste, "")
    end if
    end if -- removeBookmarks
    Here are samples of Hyperlinks in the index.xml file
    --link to bookmark
    <sf:p sf:style="paragraph-style-32">
    <sf:bookmark sf:name="page 3" sf:ranged="true" sf:page="3">
    page 3
    --link to URL
    <sf:p sf:style="paragraph-style-32">
    <sf:link href=";tstart=0" sf:style="SFWPCharacterStyle-7">
    <sf:span sf:style="SFWPCharacterStyle-7">
    Change cell color if number is different from previous cell
    --link to an other Pages document
    <sf:p sf:style="paragraph-style-32">
    <sf:link href="pages:///Users/yvan_koenig/Documents/Sans%20titre%20-%20copie.pages#un%20 signet%20externe">
    <sf:file-alias sf:file-alias="0000000001ae000200010c4d6163696e746f7368204844000000000000000000 000000000000c45c8cef482b00000008a77c1853616e73207469747265202d20636f7069652e7061 67657300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000360f06c5c03419000000000000000000010002000009200000000000000000000000000000 0009446f63756d656e747300001000080000c45c70cf0000001100080000c5c0260900000001000c 0008a77c0008a76f00006bdf000200414d6163696e746f73682048443a55736572733a7976616e5f 6b6f656e69673a446f63756d656e74733a53616e73207469747265202d20636f7069652e70616765 7300000e0032001800530061006e00730020007400690074007200650020002d00200063006f0070 00690065002e00700061006700650073000f001a000c004d006100630069006e0074006f00730068 0020004800440012003455736572732f7976616e5f6b6f656e69672f446f63756d656e74732f5361 6e73207469747265202d20636f7069652e7061676573001300012f00001500020012ffff0000"/>
    <sf:span sf:style="SFWPCharacterStyle-7">
    vers autre document
    if removeLinks then
    (* supprime les descripteurs de liens *)
    set theKey1 to "<sf:link href="
    set theKey3 to "<sf:span sf:style="
    set theKey4 to "</sf:link>"
    set theKey5 to "</sf:span>"
    if texte contains theKey1 then
    set my liste to my decoupe(texte, theKey1)
    repeat with i from 2 to count of my liste
    set itm to my decoupe(item i of my liste, theKey4)
    set itm1 to item 2 of my decoupe(item 1 of itm, theKey3)
    set itm1 to text (1 + (offset of ">" in itm1)) thru -1 of itm1
    set itm1 to item 1 of my decoupe(itm1, theKey5)
    set itm2 to my recolle(items 2 thru -1 of itm, theKey4)
    set item i of my liste to (itm1 & itm2)
    end repeat -- i
    set texte to my recolle(my liste, "")
    end if -- texte contains
    This piece of code takes care of a bug in the save as Pages '08 process.
    A link to an other document is not completely disabled so the 'disabled' link remains blue.
    The link is stored this way:
    <sf:p sf:style="paragraph-style-32">
    <sf:span sf:style="SFWPCharacterStyle-7">vers autre document</sf:span>
    when it would be:
    <sf:p sf:style="paragraph-style-32">
    vers autre document
    if texte contains theKey3 then
    set my liste to my decoupe(texte, theKey3)
    repeat with i from 2 to count of my liste
    set itm to my decoupe(item i of my liste, theKey5)
    set itm1 to item 1 of itm
    set itm1 to text (1 + (offset of ">" in itm1)) thru -1 of itm1
    set itm2 to my recolle(items 2 thru -1 of itm, theKey5)
    set item i of my liste to (itm1 & itm2)
    end repeat -- i
    set texte to my recolle(my liste, "")
    end if -- texte contains
    end if -- removeLinks
    set lineFeed to ASCII character 10
    if texte contains (lineFeed & lineFeed) then set texte to my recolle(my decoupe(texte, lineFeed & lineFeed), lineFeed)
    if texte contains (return & return) then set texte to my recolle(my decoupe(texte, return & return), return)
    set eof of file theIndex to 0
    write texte to file theIndex
    my nettoie()
    end traiteIndex
    on decoupe(t, d)
    local l
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
    set l to text items of t
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    return l
    end decoupe
    on recolle(l, d)
    local t
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
    set t to l as text
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    return t
    end recolle
    on nettoie()
    set liste to {}
    end nettoie
    (* Expands the zip file z in the container d, z and d are pathnames as strings *)
    on expandDoc(z, d)
    do shell script "unzip " & quoted form of (POSIX path of (z)) & " -d " & quoted form of (POSIX path of (d))
    end expandDoc
    on expandIndex(f)
    do shell script "gunzip " & quoted form of (POSIX path of (f))
    end expandIndex
    on lisIndex_xml(f)
    local t
    set t to ""
    set t to (read file f)
    end try
    return t
    end lisIndex_xml
    on compactIndex(nDoc)
    local aliasNDoc
    set aliasNDoc to nDoc as alias
    write leTexte to aliasNDoc starting at 0
    do shell script "gzip " & quoted form of POSIX path of aliasNDoc
    end compactIndex
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE samedi 14 mars 2009 20:55:42)

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    I am using custom list form customized in infopath 2013, I want to remove these items from ribbon :
    I tried with Infopath  "form Options" like:
    But still showing "Picture-1" options. How to remove those items from ribbob?

    I understand that in the list view web part, you wanted to remove the ribbon of InfoPath form.
    There are to mothed to achieve it:
    Open the list, click new item, edit page, edit web part, unclick the ‘Show InfoPath Ribbon or toolbar’ box, the new item page will remove the riibon.  Then when you open the page which has the list view web part, the ribbon of InfoPath form will also
    be removed.
    Open the page which has the list view web part, edit page, edit the list view web part, unclick the ‘Show InfoPath Ribbon or toolbar’ box, the ribbon of InfoPath form in the web part will be removed. Then when you open the list, the ribbon of InfoPath form
    will also be removed.
    The two method edit the same page newifs.aspx, so the list and the webpart will be modified in the same time.
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == I tried to update firefox add-ons ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.22.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Safari/531.22.7

    Try a new profile. See [[Recovering important data from an old profile]]

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    I cannot secure delete items from trash: 180 items (pictures, files, folders) remain even if I check "remove all items".  Macbook Pro, 10.6.8

    Maybe the items are locked.
    Mac OS X 10.6 Help: Shortcuts for working with items in the Finder
    Shortcuts for working with items in the Finder Command (⌘)-Shift-DeleteEmpty the Trash without any warning or when it contains locked filesCommand (⌘)-Shift-Option-Delete

  • How to delete all items in the HUB ?

    How to delete all items on shot in the HUB ?

    Hi all,pay attention to the words I've marked in bold in the first answer from the technical support member:  "From the BlackBerry Hub, hold your finger on the date at the top of the list. A side menu will appear. Click on the Garbage Can to delete all messages prior to that date" At first, I also didn't understand how to make it works, but you have to slide until the date is at the top of displayed messages, then you can tap and hold to select all messages preceding that date. 

  • How to remove all CIM in SLD

    Hi all
    i would like to remove all software component from current SLD. i am not telling reimport new released CIM and Contents Version.
    how to remove all related component to make empty SLD BOX?
    Regards and Thanks in advance

    goto SLD-> software catalog -> products / s/w components...
    now when u open any particuler product, the ris an button of REMOVE, click tht to remove tht product and all its related components else,
    select ur component u want to delete and then again click REMOVE, u will be deleting only tht componenet...
    so u need not delete all the components or products, just the ones u dont find useful...

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    I've got a folder structure like this:
    How do I generate a Report that lists all items in a certain
    subfolder, including all subfolders?
    For instance how to list all items in the Examples folder and
    below (e.g all items), or how to list all items for the
    folder /Examples/Product1 and below?
    I need to provide a read-only view of the items in a report etc
    for one user-group. There might be a better way than a

    The spaces in the folder structure got stripped off...
    Trying to show it by prepending >'s instead of spaces to show
    the hierarchy:
    (I hope u get it)

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    Hi Niall,
    A few years ago, you helped a user who asked "How to remove all instance in a repeatable subform". Please could you do again with approximately the same problem ?
    In a click event, I have the script "_CarteEN.addInstance();". Well ! Many cards appear. To protect them, I put above a mask (it's a button with a background Fill). Now, how can I do to remove all masks with only one click using the resetdata or anything else...
    I try this but it doesn't work.
    while (flowedSubform.CarteEN._CacheCV.count > 2)
    Many thanks for your help !

    There is no subform named "flowedSubform"
    The "CacheCV" is not a container object (subform). so you can't access the instanceManger of this object.
    the below lines should work
    while(_CarteEN.count >1)

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    Is there an example of how to enumerate all items and reset one of the fields in each element in the primary table to 0?

    Have you taken a look at the examples directory that come with
    your distribution? You did not mention what platform/version/API
    you are using, but under your Berkeley DB home directory you should find
    examples_c/examples_cxx/examples_java. Under those directories
    is a getting_started directory. I believe that the examples there
    illustrate what you are asking about.
    If you have not done so already, you can also check the sample code
    in the Chapter on "Secondary Databases" in the "Getting Started Guide" at:

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    Thanks in advance.

    The difference in file size you are seeing is because you are only using motionless stills in your movies. No motion, and no effects. Some codecs allows for file size reduction by writing first and last frame information for a still, regardless of the length in the video sequence. Why the transition increases file size is because the codec actually has to write info for each frame in the length of the transition.
    This is not going to be the case with anybody working with actual video clips, or if someone adds motion to their stills. The codec then has to write information for every frame, resulting in a larger file size. For most projects, transitions will not make any significant change in file size.

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    Does anyone know how to remove all the ALV buttons?
    I now the IT_EXCLUDING option, but is there a different and
    faster way?
    (I'm using ALV classes).

    All the ALV Toolbar Buttons can be removed in Single Shot.
    There is a method in CL_GUI_ALV_GRID->SET_TOOLBAR_VISIBLE.
    it is protected method create class that is inheriting from CL_GUI_ALV_GRID.
    CALL METHOD ME->set_toolbar_visible
               visible = '0'
    *        EXCEPTIONS
    *          error   = 1
    *          others  = 2
           IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *                  WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    Set visible to '0' will disable all the buttons.
    Example Program:
    TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_sflight,
           carrid TYPE sflight-carrid,
           connid TYPE sflight-connid,
           Fldate TYPE sflight-fldate,
           price TYPE sflight-price,
           currency TYPE sflight-currency,
      END OF ty_sflight.
            WA_FCAT TYPE LVC_S_FCAT.
    data : o_cont type REF TO cl_gui_custom_container ,
            o_grid type REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid.
         METHODS : M1.
         METHOD M1.
           CALL METHOD ME->set_toolbar_visible
               visible = '0'
    *        EXCEPTIONS
    *          error   = 1
    *          others  = 2
           IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *                  WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
         CALL SCREEN 200.
    *&      Module  STATUS_0200  OUTPUT
    module STATUS_0200 output.
    *  SET TITLEBAR 'xxx'.
    endmodule.                 " STATUS_0200  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0200  INPUT
    module USER_COMMAND_0200 input.
       WHEN 'BACK'.
         LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.
    endmodule.                 " USER_COMMAND_0200  INPUT
    *&      Module  GET_DATA  OUTPUT
    module GET_DATA output.
                                                              UP TO 50 ROWS.
    WA_FCAT-col_pos = '01'.
    WA_FCAT-fieldname = 'CARRID'.
    WA_FCAT-tabname = 'SFLIGHT'.
    WA_FCAT-ref_table = 'SFLIGHT'.
    WA_FCAT-col_pos = '02'.
    WA_FCAT-fieldname = 'CONNID'.
    WA_FCAT-tabname = 'SFLIGHT'.
    WA_FCAT-ref_table = 'SFLIGHT'.
    WA_FCAT-col_pos = '03'.
    WA_FCAT-fieldname = 'FLDATE'.
    WA_FCAT-tabname = 'SFLIGHT'.
    WA_FCAT-ref_table = 'SFLIGHT'.
    WA_FCAT-col_pos = '04'.
    WA_FCAT-fieldname = 'PRICE'.
    WA_FCAT-tabname = 'SFLIGHT'.
    WA_FCAT-ref_table = 'SFLIGHT'.
    WA_FCAT-col_pos = '05'.
    WA_FCAT-fieldname = 'CURRENCY'.
    WA_FCAT-tabname = 'SFLIGHT'.
    WA_FCAT-ref_table = 'SFLIGHT'.
    CREATE OBJECT o_cont
    *    parent                      =
         container_name              = 'C1'
         I_PARENT = O_CONT.
    CALL METHOD o_ALV->set_table_for_first_display
         it_outtab                     = IT_SFLIGHT
         it_fieldcatalog               = IT_FCAT
    CALL METHOD O_ALV->M1.  "method called to remove all the toolbar buttons

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