How to rename datafiles?

Hi folks,
I have created datafiles thru Oracle 9i Admin wizard as DATA01.ORA Here, point to be noted is the data file extension (.ORA) which was shown as the default extension when I created the file. But after creating this, I have seen the existing data files with extensions as USERS.DBF, SYSTEM.DBF and so on.
What could be the impact if we have data files with .ORA extension? How do I rename this extension to .DBF without loosing the data on it?
Thank you,

There is no impact to having files named .ora vs .dbf
It is a matter of convention more than anything.
If you really want to rename all the datafiles the easiest approach is probably
sqlplus /nolog
connect sys/change_on_install as sysdba;
alter database backup controlfile to trace;
shutdown immediate;
(If on NT stop the OracleService'SID' for your DB)
Find the 'udump' directory and find the most recent ORA000????.trc file.
This contains a script which will recreate the controlfile via sql.
Now, with the DB shutdown rename all datafiles listed in the ORA000??? file to .dbf or .whatever
(Dont forget the TEMPFILE entries at the end.
Edit the ORA000????.trc file to reflect the new datafile names.
Delete everything before 'STARTUP' in that script.
Save in a directory as cr_NEWDB.sql
start service (if NT)
sqlplus /nolog
connect sys/change_on_install as sysdba
If everything went well all files will be renamed.
This is also heavily documented in

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    I tried to rename a datafile by making the datafile and table space offline,
    I am getting the following error messages
    SQL> alter tablespace usersdata rename datafile '/home/oracle/DB11G/usersdata03.dbf' to '/home/oracle/DB11G/usersdata04.dbf';
    alter tablespace usersdata rename datafile '/home/oracle/DB11G/usersdata03.dbf' to '/home/oracle/DB11G/usersdata04.dbf'
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01525: error in renaming data files
    ORA-01141: error renaming data file 8 - new file
    '/home/oracle/DB11G/usersdata04.dbf' not found
    ORA-01110: data file 8: '/home/oracle/DB11G/usersdata03.dbf'
    ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
    Linux Error: 2: No such file or directory
    Additional information: 3
    Thnaks in adv..

    ##how to move datafiles.
    1. Shut down the database E.G: shutdown immediate
    2. Move datafiles by OS commands. mv /oracle/product/dbs/test02.dbf /oracle/oradata/ORALOG/test02.dbf
    3. Startup the database in mount state e.g: startup mount
    4. Rename that file e.g: alter database rename file '/oracle/product/dbs/test02.dbf' to '/oracle/oradata/ORALOG/test02.dbf';
    5. Open the database e.g: alter database open
    Asif Kabir

  • How to rename a database

    Hello Gurus,
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    Secondly,What should be the criteria to fix the size of archive log.i.e.What should we keep in mind while deciding the size of archive log?

    For the first question:
    With regards to the archive logs, these are needed to recover your backed up datafiles. So, what you keep is largely determined by your backup strategy. Check out:

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    but when I try to online , get error to recover
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    sequence of what I did is below:
    SQL> alter database datafile '/usr/Systems/1354RM_1/databases/dbsnml/data/rbs04.dbf' offline;
    Database altered.
    SQL> alter tablespace RBS rename datafile '/usr/Systems/1354RM_1/databases/dbsnml/data/rbs04.dbf' to '/usr/Systems/1354RM_1_7.1_Master/databases/dbsnml/data/rbs04.dbf';
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    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01113: file 13 needs media recovery
    ORA-01110: data file 13:
    SQL> recover datafile '/usr/Systems/1354RM_1_7.1_Master/databases/dbsnml/data/rbs04.dbf';
    ORA-00279: change 71449081 generated at 12/23/2008 20:18:05 needed for thread 1
    ORA-00289: suggestion :
    ORA-00280: change 71449081 for thread 1 is in sequence #455922
    Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
    ORA-00308: cannot open archived log
    ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
    HP-UX Error: 2: No such file or directory
    Additional information: 3

    SQL> alter tablespace RBS rename datafile '/usr/Systems/1354RM_1/databases/dbsnml/data/rbs04.dbf' to '/usr/Systems/1354RM_1_7.1_Master/databases/dbsnml/data/rbs04.dbf';Did you rename the file at OS level after you issued above command? Oracle will not rename the file at OS level.
    Other than that, if you plan to change rollback segment tablespace, better create a new one and create new rollback segment in new tablespace and drop the old one.

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    May be this helps,

  • How to rename a column name in a table? Thanks first!

    I tried to drop a column age from table student by writing the
    following in the sql plus environment as :
    SQL> alter table student drop column age ;
    but I found the following error
    ORA-00905: &#32570;&#23569;&#20851;&#38190;&#23383; (Lack of Key word)
    I have oracle enterprise edition 8.0.5 installed at windows 2000
    thank you
    And I want to know how to rename a column name in a table?

    In Oracle 8i, your syntax would have worked.  However, if I
    recall correctly, in Oracle 8.0, you can't rename or drop a
    column directly.  One way to get around that problem is to
    create another table based on a select statement from your
    original table, providing the new column name as an alias if you
    want to change the column name, or omitting that column from the
    select statement if you just want to drop it.  Then drop the
    original table.  Then re-create the original table based on a
    select statement from the other table.  Then you can drop the
    other table.  Here is an example:
    CREATE TABLE temporary_table_name
    SELECT age AS new_column_name,
    FROM   student
    DROP TABLE student
    CREATE TABLE student
    SELECT *
    FROM   temporary_table_name
    DROP TABLE temporary_table_name
    Something that you need to consider before doing this is
    dependencies.  You need to make a list of all your dependecies
    before you do this, so that you can re-create them afterwards. 
    If there are a lot of them, it might be worthwhile to do
    something else, like creating a view with an alias for the
    column or just providing an alias in a select.  It depends on
    what you need the different column name for.

  • How to Rename a Topic ID in Map File to Avoid Conflict with Another Program?

    Robo 8 HTML:
    Can somebody assist me in understanding how to rename a topic ID in my map.h file?
    An application programmer informs me there are nine topic IDs (shown below) in my project map file which conflict with predefined names of constants/functions from the Visual Studio Libs program and, is requesting I change the names of the topics listed below to resolve topic ID conflict in order to enable F1 call for these topics.
    #define Open    59
    #define Save    60
    #define Print   63
    #define Cut     72
    #define Copy    73
    #define Paste   74
    #define Clear   75
    #define Status  81
    #define Substructure  139
    Can I simply alter the topic names and retain their associated map numbers in <Create/Edit Map ID> dialog to resolve the map file conflict with Visual Studio Libs program functions? Or, is there more work involved in changing a topic name in a map.h file?
    Any assistance with this question is greatly appreciated.

    Simply renaming the TopicID's in the .h file won't work. The TopicID is used in the alias file (projectname.ali) to link a map number with a topic. Also, you can use either TopicID's or map numbers to call the help. (Using TopicID's only works for WebHelp afaik.)
    If you use map numbers to call the help, you can rename the TopicID using the mentioned dialog. No problem.
    If you want to change the ID from the files, you have to change both the .h file as the .ali file. No changes to topics needed.

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    As for the Users...
    Go to system preferences - users and groups - click the plus sign - add the name you want.
    Restart your MB - login with your username.
    go back to users and groups - highlight your uncles name - click the minus sign.

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    I can't figure out how to rename css style in mx. I have the
    style selected in the proprety inspector. Is there supposed to be a
    rename option at the bottom of the same dropdown box? There is
    option to edit style and a few others in same dropdown box... but
    no rename option. Please be specific... I have looked it up on the
    internet... but still cant find the option.

    Do a Find and Replace to find name1 and replace with name2.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
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    "computerpain" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ed43p3$m9h$[email protected]..
    > Hello,
    > I can't figure out how to rename css style in mx. I have
    the style
    > selected
    > in the proprety inspector. Is there supposed to be a
    rename option at the
    > bottom of the same dropdown box? There is option to edit
    style and a few
    > others in same dropdown box... but no rename option.
    Please be
    > specific... I
    > have looked it up on the internet... but still cant find
    the option.
    > Thanks,
    > PoJ

  • How to recover datafile.when control file auto backup is off

    hi friend
    i took hot backup of my database using following command
    rman>backup database;
    in my case controlfile auto backup is off.
    and i have lost my all controlfiles as well as datafiles except spfile.
    i have recovered control file using dbms_backup_restore package.
    know i am able to mount database using following command
    rman> startup mount;
    when i wrote following command
    rman> restore database;
    i got following error
    RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile name found to restore
    enven i have backup of datbase.
    can anybody tell me how to recover datafiles in this case.
    thanking you

    I think you might have a problem here as the error from RMAN is described in the following metalink note
    Doc ID: Note:100565.1
    You should change you backup script to be something like
    rman {
    backup database include current controlfile;
    do you have any earlier backups of your database?

  • How to rename a file in Application server

    Hi All,
    Here I have a issue with  the present file which is being generated in application server.
    Before the completion of the file the EDI tool is extracting the file from the app server.So here I would like to generate the file with a temp name and then rename to the actual file name which EDI recognises and fetches.
    Please correct me If I am wrong and let me know how to rename the file in application server.
    Vijay N

    you can try using unix command , if your application server is unix.
    use move command
    mv   <source>  <target>
    REPORT ZUNIX line-size 400
                    no standard page heading.
    data: unixcom like   rlgrap-filename.  
    unixcom = 'mv file1 file2'.
    data: begin of tabl occurs 500,
          end of tabl.
    data: lines type i.
      refresh tabl.
      call 'SYSTEM' id 'COMMAND' field unixcom
                    id 'TAB'     field tabl[].
    or else you can open dataset/ read the dataset and move it to another file and delete the old file.

  • How to rename the column name in oracle 8i?

    Does anyone know how to rename the column name in oracle 8i?My method was drop the relationship key first then delete the old column,finally add the new column.
    Thanks for your replay.

    There is no facilty to rename a column name in Oracle 8i. This is possible from Oracle 9.2 version onwards.
    For you task one example given below.
    Already existed table is ITEMS
    columns in ITEMS are ITID, ITEMNAME.
    But instead of ITID I want ITEMID.
    step 1 :- create table items_dup
    as select itid itemid, itemname from items;
    step 2 :- drop table items;
    step 3 :- rename items_dup to items;
    ITEMS table contains columns ITEMID, ITEMNAME

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    How to rename folder in Final Cut Pro X project library? I can't double click on folder, when I right click it just gives options to erase. Can someone help?

    I think you may have misunderstood - the question is regarding renaming a project "folder", not a project name.
    Still, the accepted answer here makes no sense to me at all - it's about renaming an event. So we're all confused ;-)
    BTW as of 10.0.5, I still cannot rename a project folder while background tasks are running - no clue is given that this is what's going on, second-clicking on the folder just (frustratingly) does nothing. When background tasks finish, it works again.

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    Is it possible. How could i do it?
    Thanks & Regards
    Poomani Sankaran

    Lists.UpdateListItems Method
    would be helpful for your requirement.
    Here is a blog with code demo for your reference:
    Best regards,
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Please let me know the process of how to rename the existing project in NetWeaver.

        If you want to rename Development Component (DC) project, here is the procedure..
    How to rename local Development Component Projects in Netweaver Developer Studio

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