How to replace a string in a text file?

Hi All,
i read one text file and based on that i replaced the old character with the new string but it doesnt any one of you have idea on this?
My Code:
String newPassword=(String) getInputText1().getValue();
String password=(String)getSimNo().getValue();
String sampleText = (String) getMobileNo().getValue();
FileReader fr =new FileReader("c:/newLogin.txt");
BufferedReader br =new BufferedReader(fr);
String record=br.readLine();
while (record !=null)
String[] afterSplit=record.split(":");
for (int p = 0; p < 1; p++) {
String userName=afterSplit[1];
String passWord=afterSplit[3];
if(userText.equals(userName) && password.equals(passWord)) {
System.out.println("password: " + password +" changed to : "+ newPassword +" successfully");
record =br.readLine();
sample fiile in the text:

All readLine does is copy a line of the file into a local variable. Change the copy as you will, the file won't change.
You need to write a new version of the file, with the altered lines. Then, if required, you can delete the original file and rename the new file to the old file name.

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    Hi, this is my fourth post to and my final one for the day, so I can allow feedback to emerge on my compliance or lack thereof with the conventions of the board.
    Fortunately, I have picked up the skill of telepathy and so am able to answer your question. :)
    In your processLine(String line) method or equivalent, you can do something like this:
    if (line.indexOf("source:") == 0) {
       source = line.substring(6, line.length());
    } else if (line.indexOf("POSTdata:") == 0) {
       postdata = line.substring(9, line.length());

  • How to search a String within a text file ?

    ************** text file ****************
    Good bye good
    bye good bye
    good bye
    good bye good
    bye good
    ************** Input and Output ****************
    Input: good bye
    total strings Matched: 5
    whichlinesmatched: 2
    whichlinesmatched: 2
    whichlinesmatched: 3
    whichlinesmatched: 4
    whichlinesmatched: 5
    whichlinesmatched: 0
    whichlinesmatched: 0
    whichlinesmatched: 0
    whichlinesmatched: 0
    whichlinesmatched: 0
    ** but the desired output is 3, and only line 2, 3, 4 matched
    ** Could you please have further help about this? Thank you.
    ************** the codes****************
    public class Tokenize{
    public static void main( String args[] ){
    int maxNumberOfLine = 1000; //the maximium number of line in data file for input
    String fileName = "test"; // file name for data input
    String stringForCount = "good bye"; // specified word for counting
    int totalStringMatched = 0; // number of word matched
    int[] whichLineMatched; // line number for each word matched
    whichLineMatched = new int[maxNumberOfLine];
    // Input string (stringForCount) has been stored in a string array, wordForCompare[]
    // For example: stringForCount = "good bye"
    int stringLength = 2;
    String wordForCompare [] = { "good" , "bye" };
    // wordForCompare[0] = good
    // wordForCompare[1] = bye
    int wordFromFile;
    StreamTokenizer sttkr;
    FileInputStream inFile = new FileInputStream(fileName); //specifying the file to be opened
    Reader rdr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inFile)); //assigned a StreamTokenizer
    sttkr = new StreamTokenizer(rdr);
    System.out.println("Searching for word : " + stringForCount );
    while( (wordFromFile = sttkr.nextToken()) != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF)
    System.out.println( "going looping through file, token is: " + sttkr.sval );
    if (stringLength == 1) {
    } else {
    for (int p=1; p < stringLength; p++) {
    wordFromFile = sttkr.nextToken();
    System.out.println( sttkr.sval );
    if (!(sttkr.sval.equals(wordForCompare[p])))
    else if (p==stringLength-1) {
    whichLineMatched[totalStringMatched-1] = sttkr.lineno();
    } // end of else
    } // end of for-loop
    } // end of else
    System.out.println( " total strings Matched: " + totalStringMatched );
    } // end of if
    }//end of while for wordFromFile
    for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    System.out.println( "whichlinesmatched: " + whichLineMatched<i> );
    } catch(Exception e) {} //end of try

    A small change to roopa_sree's code, this code fails if there are multiple occurences of the search string in the same line. Make this small change to correct it,import;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    public class WordCounter {
         public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
              if(args.length != 1) {
                   System.out.println("Invalid number of arguments!");
              String sourcefile = args[0];
              String searchFor = "good bye";
              int searchLength=searchFor.length();
              String thisLine;
              try {
                   BufferedReader bout = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (sourcefile));
                   String ffline = null;
                   int lcnt = 0;
                   int searchCount = 0;
                   while ((ffline = bout.readLine()) != null) {
                        for(int searchIndex=0;searchIndex<ffline.length();) {
                             int index=ffline.indexOf(searchFor,searchIndex);
                             if(index!=-1) {
                                  System.out.println("Line number " + lcnt);
                             } else {
                   System.out.println("SearchCount = "+searchCount);
              } catch(Exception e) {

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    package int
    Reads the next byte of data from the input stream.
    An InputStreamReader is a bridge from byte streams to character streams: It reads bytes and decodes them into characters using a specified charset. The charset that it uses may be specified by name or may be given explicitly, or the platform's default charset may be accepted.

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    FileName: COL.txt
    AcctNo AcctName Primary Secondary Status Opendate
    121244 IPI Company Noel Jose Active 12/05/2007
    As you can see the content i want to split it per column.. Please help me

    Jose_Noel wrote:
    Hi prometheuzz,
    What do you mean by one thread...?You created two threads* with the same question in it. That way, people might end up giving you an answer that has already been posted in your other thread: thus wasting that person's time.
    Just don't create multiple threads with the same question please.
    * a thread is a post here at the forum

  • How to output strings to an text file and excel file

    Hi guys,
    I am writing a simple application taht process some string inputs from user using a simple GUI. The GUI consists of a series of
    textfields which the user can enter names, age, addresses....etc
    Once they complete filling up that GUI form, they click SUBMIT. All the values will then be read. These strings are then required to be output to 2 files
    1. To a text file which I can open it and read it anytime I wish.
    2. To an excel file which follows a specific format. That is, all names will be written to column B, all ages will be written to column C...etc
    The programme is expected to keep running allow the user to enter details of multiple persons(some 300 sets of data of different persons) until he clicks on End program.
    Please advise how I can output the strings to
    1. Text file
    2. Excel file.
    Many many thanks. I need this for one of my project which is due so so soon...... :((

    1. Text file
    See link to "Documentation - Tutorials" on the left
    side of this page.
    2. Excel file
    Dont try to write the real excel format (if you want
    to do it soon).
    - write data to a plain text file.
    - Use tab stops for separation of values.
    - Name file as excel file. (*.xls)
    If you double click this file, excel will import data
    and insert it to a table in the right order by
    Excel can save this as real .xls now.
    Anyone here with a better idea? (Try to learn by
    myself)good thing to know for the excel tip :)

  • How to replace the string in a file

    Hi, I have a file which contains the following data
    <hello>Heading </hello>
    I need to replace the contents of file.dat
    database sequence value (for example xx_seq.nextval)
    Can some one please tell me how to search this <filenum>
    and replace this with xx_seq.nextval
    and write the entire contents of the file to new file
    I am doing some thing like this
    suppose if my database value returns 11 from the above sequence then
    the output should be in file2.dat as
    <hello>Heading </hello>
    declare f_in utl_file.file_type;
    s_in varchar2(10000);
    string1 varchar2(32000);
    x number;
    f_in := utl_file.fopen('SAMPLEDIR','input.txt','R');
    f_in1 := utl_file.fopen('SAMPLEDIR','input1.txt','W');
    select xx_seq.nextval into x from dual;
    begin utl_file.get_line(f_in,s_in);
    string1:= string1 || s_in;
    utl_file.put_line( (f_in1,s_in);
    end loop;
    In this case it is reading and writing as it is, but unable to replace the sequence value
    Can some one please tell me how to do using replace function

    Hi, I have tried this but getting error
    step 1: create table test_dept(dno number, dname varchar2(20))
    insert into test_dept values(10,'10-Sourcing dept');
    insert into test_dept values(20,'20-Audting dept');
    insert into test_dept values(30,'30-Computer dept');
    select * from test_dept;
    10     10-Sourcing dept
    30     30-Computer dept
    20     20-Audting dept
    step 2:
    create table test_web (name varchar2(60), xml_col xmltype) ;
    step 3:
    create sequence test1_seq start with 100 increment by 1
    step 4:
    test.out has the following contents (it is not .xml file) and i dont have <?xml version="1.0" ?> tag at the begining
    <Transaction_Type>TR 1</Transaction_Type>
    <Transaction_Type>TR 2</Transaction_Type>
    <Transaction_Type>TR 3</Transaction_Type>
    step 5:
    v_check_file_exist BOOLEAN;
    v_file_length NUMBER;
    v_block_size NUMBER;
    v_file_path VARCHAR2 (100);
    v_file_name VARCHAR2 (100);
    v_file_type UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    v_str varchar2 (32760);
    v_cnt number;
    v_seq number;
    --check whether file exists and has data in it
    v_file_path := '/usr/tmp';
    v_file_name := 'test.xml.out';
    -- initailise the variables
    v_cnt := 0;
    UTL_FILE.FGETATTR (v_file_path,
    if v_check_file_exist
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (' File exists');
    IF v_file_length > 0 AND v_block_size > 0
    select test1_seq.nextval into v_seq from dual;
    insert into test_web values(v_seq,v_file_name);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('No data found '||SQLERRM);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('others '||SQLERRM);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('No Data in File');
    END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (' File Not Available');
    END IF;
    I am getting below error
    File exists
    others ORA-31011: XML parsing failed
    ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML
    LPX-00210: expected '<' instead of 't'
    Error at line 1
    My requirement is to replace the
    1. contents of the file WP10 from <file_num>WP10</file_num>
    with sequence value 'WP101' because sequence is starting at 100
    2. Replace all Dept tag <Dept>30</Dept> with Dname value from test_dept table
    for example
    <Dept>10</Dept> should be replaced with <Dept>10-Sourcing dept</Dept>
    update the
    when i say select * from test_web;
    It should contain this row
    101 <File>
    <Transaction_Type>TR 1</Transaction_Type>
    <Dept>10-Sourcing dept</Dept>
    <Transaction_Type>TR 2</Transaction_Type>
    <Dept>20-Audting dept</Dept>
    <Transaction_Type>TR 3</Transaction_Type>
    <Dept>30-Computer dept</Dept>
    Can you please check

  • Hi to update a text file..

    hi i m just creating a simple banking program..
    and i save the account balance in a text file..and when i read the customer's account
    id and the customer withdraws money, i have to update the file
    but....i don't know how to replace the balance of account which is already wrriten in the
    text file..i can write the new amount or money next to that original line..
    but if i want to replace the amount of money in the same line................

    hi kajbj..
    i got the code here..maybe something is my code..
           RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(account,"rw");
         while (line1 != null) {
                    String line2 = bf.readLine();
                    String line3 = bf.readLine();
                    String line4 = bf.readLine();
                    if (line1.equals(acctN)) {
                           System.out.println("how much do you want to withdraw?");
                         int howMuch = Keyboard.readInt();
                         int balance = Integer.parseInt(line4);
                         balance -= howMuch;
                      line1 = bf.readLine();

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    I'm working on a blogging program and I need to add data from a text file named messages.txt into a JTextArea named messages. How do I go about doing this?

    Student_Coder wrote:
    1) Read the file messages.txt into a String
    2) Initialize messages with the String as the textSwing text components are designed to use Unix-style linefeeds (\n) as line separators. If the text file happens to use a different style, like DOS's carriage-return+linefeed (\r\n), it needs to be converted. The read() method does that, and it saves the info about the line separator style in the Document so the write() method can re-convert it.
    lethalwire wrote:
    They have 2 different ways of importing documents in this link:
    Neither of those methods applies to JTextAreas.

  • Need help on how to add a delimeter into a text file

    Actually, this program reads a textfile. After reading, i need to put certain delimeters after certain characters and print them out to a new file.
    this is how it works :
    for example...
    471117-01-5179052004 VENUE SECURITIES SDN. BHD.
    This is wat the programs read. Now i have to put a semicolon after this numbers ..
    471117-01-5179052004 (;)
    then put another semiclon after this words
    But, this text file contains around 2000 lines, and i have to do this for each line...thts y i dunt understand how to code it.

    thanks mr. micheal dunn. Anyway, how can i put this code to read from a text file.....because i need to read the whole text line and put semicolons. i cant use stringbuffer as it only reads a certain length of string..could u tell me how to do this.
    this line is actaully a short line from the text file.
    String str = "471117-01-5179052004 VENUE SECURITIES SDN. BHD.";
    need to put the semicolon is this line actually :
    471117-01-5179052004(;)AVENUE SECURITIES SDN.BHD. (;)000350785A (;)RAHMAN BIN KADIRAN 51, TAMAN MUHIBBAH SUNGAI MATI MUAR 84400(;)JMY(;)SMYSBI (;) 8516 000000030000004600 (;)1581800 ...can u explain wat is tht \\d+-..sorry im a beginner here...hope u can help me out..

  • How to insert new line in a text file

    hi all,
    i wnat to know how can i insert a new line in a text file using java.
    for example i want the formate of the text like this
    1 2 3
    4 5 6
    until now i know only how to insert data but not new line.
    Thanks in advandce

    Hi you can put a new line in a text file using System.getProperty("line.separator"). This implementation will work for every OS.
    class Demo{
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
    FileWriter fr = new FileWriter("FileDemo.txt");

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    My problem is that I want to connect to the remote computer programatically within LabVIEW (I do not want to have to use the computer's OS to establish the connection. Is there a function that I can use to do this?
    Thomas D. Schaefer
    Wells Manufacturing Corp

    You should really start a new thread with a new question like this, so that more people see it. Some people look primarily at threads that have no responses yet. Also, don't post the exact same question in multiple places. Or, if you must cross-post to some other forum, make sure to mention it in your question text.
    I'm happy to be a brick in your Western Wall, but I'm not sure what the main objective is here. Is the main problem really getting access to the "X bytes received in Y seconds at Z bytes/sec" string? Or is it accomplishing the file transfer? And what OS and LabVIEW version are you running?
    I think your problem is that you the LabVIEW System Exec command does not allow for the degree of interactivity that you need if you want to issue a sequence of commands to a command-line executable. However, under Windows XP (and, presumably, other Windows versions, though I can't check), you can tell the FTP executable to use commands from a textfile script by using the -s switch, and you can override the prompts during multiple file transfers with the -i switch:
    If you issue a command in this format to System Exec, and make sure to create a file at FILEPATH with your command sequence (one per line), then you should at least accomplish the FTP actions. This won't give you the transfer details in the standard output, unfortunately. However, if you just want a general sense of how much was transferred and how quickly it happened, you can code that in LabVIEW by getting the resulting file sizes and using Tick Count before and after the System Exec call to see how long the transfer took.
    Hope that helps,

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