How to return fault from Async BPEL

I have ESB that has input,output and fault, This ESB calls Async BPEL that takes only input. Now i want to return fault from BPEL to ESB. How do i do it?
Please help.

My use case is i am implementing AIA. So my enterprise layer is ESB and my ABCS provider is BPEL. As provider takes lot of time to complete the instance, to avoid timeout issue i just created Async BPEL with two ports one for input another for fault. I am able to send back my fault back to this call back port. But how i can receive the fault to the same ESB which called the BPEL?
I am not able to implement it. I can not go for any workaround like creating one more BPEL and then make it as sync, put pick activity and receive the fault then send back to ESB.
Thats the reason i am very specific. If you find some solution please let me know.

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  • How to return fault from Async BPEL to ESB

    I have ESB that has input,output and fault, This ESB calls Async BPEL that takes only input. Now i want to return fault from BPEL to ESB. How do i do it?
    Please help.

    My use case is i am implementing AIA. So my enterprise layer is ESB and my ABCS provider is BPEL. As provider takes lot of time to complete the instance, to avoid timeout issue i just created Async BPEL with two ports one for input another for fault. I am able to send back my fault back to this call back port. But how i can receive the fault to the same ESB which called the BPEL?
    I am not able to implement it. I can not go for any workaround like creating one more BPEL and then make it as sync, put pick activity and receive the fault then send back to ESB.
    Thats the reason i am very specific. If you find some solution please let me know.

  • Trying to throw fault from one BPEL process to another

    We are trying to throw a fault from one BPEL process to another and apparently are experiencing a common problem. That is, the invoking process times out and never receives the fault.
    Likely a beginner's mistake is at fault (pun intended).
    Below are samples of a simple "Hello World" process that tries to throw the fault.
    snippet of pbel file....
    <process name="HelloJavaWorldSynchronous"
    <sequence name="Sequence_1">
    <assign name="Assign_3">
    <from expression="12345"/>
    <to variable="FaultVar" part="code"/>
    <from expression="'Hello fault summary'"/>
    <to variable="FaultVar" part="summary"/>
    <from expression="'Hello test detail'"/>
    <to variable="FaultVar" part="detail"/>
    <throw name="Throw_2" faultName="client:myFault"
    HelloJavaWorldSynchronous.wsdl file
    <import namespace="" location="RuntimeFault.wsdl";/>
    <schema xmlns="">
    <import namespace="" schemaLocation="HelloJavaWorldSynchronous.xsd";/>
    <message name="HelloJavaWorldSynchronousRequestMessage">
    <part name="payload" element="client:HelloJavaWorldSynchronousProcessRequest"/>
    <message name="HelloJavaWorldSynchronousResponseMessage">
    <part name="payload" element="client:HelloJavaWorldSynchronousProcessResponse"/>
    <portType name="HelloJavaWorldSynchronous">
    <operation name="process">
    <input message="client:HelloJavaWorldSynchronousRequestMessage"/>
    <output message="client:HelloJavaWorldSynchronousResponseMessage"/>
    <fault name="myFault" message="ns1:RuntimeFaultMessage"/>
    <plnk:partnerLinkType name="HelloJavaWorldSynchronous">
    <plnk:role name="HelloJavaWorldSynchronousProvider">
    <plnk:portType name="client:HelloJavaWorldSynchronous"/>
    The standard RuntimeFault.wsdl file (RuntimeFaultMessage message is defined in here, so I don't need a message in HelloJavaWorldSynchronous.wsdl. Do I?)
    <?xml version="1.0"; encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <definitions name="RuntimeFault"
    <message name="RuntimeFaultMessage">
    <part name="code" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="summary" type="xsd:string"/>
    <part name="detail" type="xsd:string"/>
    But when we invoke the process, after the standard 45 seconds timeout, we still get...
    <faultstring> Waiting for response has timed out. The conversation id is f290d62d2ad31aa6:-49eb76f4:124eb51622a:-7c91. Please check the process instance for detail.</faultstring>
    The console audit below might hold a clue. I noticed the mesage BPELFault" has not been caught by a catch block at the end.
    [2009/11/13 11:18:32] Updated variable "FaultVar" More...
    -<part xmlns:xsi="" name="code">
    <code xmlns="" xmlns:def="" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi="">12345
    -<part xmlns:xsi="" name="summary">
    <summary xmlns="" xmlns:def="" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi=""/>
    -<part xmlns:xsi="" name="detail">
    <detail xmlns="" xmlns:def="" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi=""/>
    [2009/11/13 11:18:32] Updated variable "FaultVar" More...
    -<part xmlns:xsi="" name="code">
    <code xmlns="" xmlns:def="" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi="">12345
    -<part xmlns:xsi="" name="summary">
    <summary xmlns="" xmlns:def="" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi="">Hello fault summary
    -<part xmlns:xsi="" name="detail">
    <detail xmlns="" xmlns:def="" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi=""/>
    [2009/11/13 11:18:32] Updated variable "FaultVar" More...
    -<part xmlns:xsi="" name="code">
    <code xmlns="" xmlns:def="" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi="">12345
    -<part xmlns:xsi="" name="summary">
    <summary xmlns="" xmlns:def="" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi="">Hello fault summary
    -<part xmlns:xsi="" name="detail">
    <detail xmlns="" xmlns:def="" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi="">Hello test detail
    Throw_2 (faulted)
    [2009/11/13 11:18:32] "{}myFault" has been thrown. More...
    -<myFault xmlns="">
    -<part name="code">
    <code xmlns="" xmlns:def="" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi="">12345
    -<part name="summary">
    <summary xmlns="" xmlns:def="" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi="">Hello fault summary
    -<part name="detail">
    <detail xmlns="" xmlns:def="" xsi:type="def:string" xmlns:xsi="">Hello test detail
    [2009/11/13 11:18:32] "BPELFault" has not been caught by a catch block.
    [2009/11/13 11:18:32] BPEL process instance "570162" cancelled

    Thanks very much for this answer. It was right on.
    You wanted to know "how (I) get on". Funny you should ask. Believe it or not, I had figured out the problem on my own just about the time you were posting your reply (of course, this is a bit too convenient. No one will ever believe me).
    But the answer leads to another question. What is the Throw activity for, if not to throw an error to the calling process? Is it only used to throw within scope of the process its self?
    I am probably biased by the Java world I am coming from, but Throw feels like it should terminate the process (without side effects like a big red mark in the console) bubble up the fault to the calling process who can catch it (if so desired). Using the reply we must explicitly Terminate (which includes that unsightly red mark).
    Is there any way to get this behavior from the Throw, or should we just reprogram the "wetware" and learn a new paradigm?
    Is there any way to end a process without marking it with a red flag that suggests something went wrong?

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    I was able to write java code for the above process
    the code is here
    NormalizedMessage nm = new NormalizedMessage( );
    String uniqueBpelId = com.collaxa.cube.util.GUIDGenerator.generateGUID();
    java.util.Map msgProps = new HashMap();
    // NormalizedMessage res = deliveryService.request("OraFormsService", "initiate", nm);
    nm.setProperty("conversationId",uniqueBpelId);//to set the property for this message
    nm.addPart("payload",xml1);//to add to the payload of this message"OraFormsService", "initiate", nm);
    // System.out.println("con1 "+IDeliveryConstants.STATE_HANDLED);
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    WhereCondition cond;
    cond = new WhereCondition(buf.append(SQLDefs.IM_state).append( " = " ).append(IDeliveryConstants.STATE_UNRESOLVED ).toString() );
    //cond = WhereConditionHelper.whereInstancesOpen();
    IInvokeMetaData imd[] = locator.listInvokeMessages(cond);
    String ids[] = new String[imd.length];
    // print out the partial process information
    // for processes in manual recovery status on invoke
    for (int i = 0; i < imd.length; i++)
    System.out.println("ConversationId=" +
    System.out.println("ProcessId=" +
    System.out.println("State=" + imd[i].getState());
    ids[i] = imd[i].getConversationId();
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    Thanks, I figured out this my ways to solve it.
    I want ask you: How to return Lis<> (async). 
    public async void loaddata(string id)
    var httpClient = new HttpClient();
    var srtHtml = await httpClient.GetStringAsync("");
    var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
    List<Models.EnglishDictionary> arrays = new List<Models.EnglishDictionary>();
    var newsListNodehtml = htmlDoc.GetElementbyId("entryContent");
    if (newsListNodehtml != null)
    var senseblock = newsListNodehtml.Descendants("div").Where(x => x.GetAttributeValue("id", "") == id);
    if (senseblock != null)
    foreach (var node in senseblock)
    Dictionaries = new Models.EnglishDictionary();
    var def = node.Descendants("span").FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetAttributeValue("class", "") == "def");
    var examp = node.Descendants("span").FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetAttributeValue("class", "") == "def-body");
    //Dictionaries.Symbol = "/Photos/glasses-50.png";
    if (def != null)
    Dictionaries.Description = def.InnerText.Trim();
    if (examp != null)
    Dictionaries.Examp = examp.InnerText.Trim();
    var hw = node.Descendants("span").FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetAttributeValue("class", "") == "hw");
    var prsgram = node.Descendants("span").FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetAttributeValue("class", "") == "posgram");
    var word = node.Descendants("span").FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetAttributeValue("class", "") == "guideword");
    if (hw != null)
    Dictionaries.Word = hw.InnerText.Trim();
    if (word != null)
    Dictionaries.GuideWord = word.InnerText.Trim();
    if (prsgram != null)
    Dictionaries.Grammar = prsgram.InnerText.Trim();
    // error = "No data";
    I want on ousite it will called back into "itemsource" of lisview.

    arrays.Add(Dictionaries);You think of what is type??? string

  • How to return rows from tmp table created inside function??

    I'm trying to return rows from a cursor or table (created within
    the function). How do I specify the return type?

    Here is the code that examples to create a function that can
    return data from table.This is achieved using REFCURSOR concept.
    Hope this helps you.I'm giving all stuff in single PL/SQL
    block.You can break it and create a package and declare
    refcursor type and function in that as well.
    -- Declare generic cursor type
    TYPE gencur_type IS REF CURSOR ;
    -- Declare generic cursor varaible
    gencur gencur_type;
    -- Declare record type
    TYPE rec_type IS RECORD(descr emp.ename%type) ;
    -- Declare record type variable
    rec rec_type;
    --This how you declare a local function that returns gencrtype
    data set
    --This function is called in main block
    FUNCTION call_refcur return gencur_type
              rr gencur_type;
         OPEN rr FOR SELECT descr FROM emp;
         RETURN rr;
    END;-- end of local function
    -- Main block begins here
    -- Call the local function so that gencur will have
    -- the data set returned by select statement
    gencur:= call_refcur;
    -- Open a loop to test the stuff
         FETCH gencur INTO rec;
         EXIT WHEN gencur%NOTFOUND;

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    :Name.option := '1';
    if :name.option = '1' then
    Block: Name
    Item: yes_no - Key-next-item trigger
    :Name.option := '1';
    if :name.option = '1' then
    Thanks - Patty

    The code behind the GO_BLOCK is executed immediately after the GO_BLOCK, it doesn't stop at that point. So you have to split your code, like
    go_block('check_stuff');Then, create a procedure like
    :Name.option := '1';
    if :name.option = '1' then
    END;Then, when returning from the block (in whatever trigger you use), just call that procedure.

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    plz help me through example of code as wl as procedure where.... return cursor from procedure to jdbc

    CREATE procedure anil3 @count INT OUT,@opcode INT OUT,@total_tiff INT OUT
    declare @query2 varchar(300),@tiff_count int,@query1 varchar(300)
    set @query1='declare move_cursor   cursor forward_only static for
    select count(opcode),opcode from TABLE1 group by opcode
    open move_cursor'
    fetch next  from move_cursor into @count,@opcode
    set @opcode="'"+@opcode+"'"
    set @total_tiff=0
    while (@@fetch_status=0)
         set @query2='declare move_cursor2  cursor static for '+
         ' select count(tiff) from TABLE2  where opcode='+@opcode+
           ' open move_cursor2 '
         fetch next  from move_cursor2 into @tiff_count
         while (@@fetch_status=0)
              set @total_tiff=@total_tiff+@tiff_count
              fetch next  from move_cursor2 into @tiff_count
         close move_cursor2
         deallocate move_cursor2
    print  @total_tiff
    print @count
    print @opcode
    fetch next  from move_cursor into @count,@opcode
    close move_cursor
    deallocate move_cursor
    above this is sql server 2000 PL/SQL and i hv to get the value
    print @total_tiff
    print @count
    print @opcode
    through JDBC
    plz help me out how to return Cursor to JDBC and HOW toPRINT THESE THREE VALUE @total_tiff, @count, @opcode through JDBC
    get this values through JDBC

  • How to implement Fault Handler in BPEL

    Any good material or sample available on ? How to handle exception properly If error does occur in BPEL ?

    Check this out,

  • How to return data from Ejb as collection to Front End application.

    I am creating a J2ee application. Here i am accessing BAPIs using stateless session bean through JCO connection. Now the BAPI is returning a return Table and return Structure to the EJB.
    I have coded the following code in one of the Ejb Method as follows:
    JCO.Table returnTable = null;
    JCO.Structure returnStructure = null;
    JCO.ParameterList paramList = siteBAPI.getExportParameterList();
    JCO.ParameterList paramList2 = siteBAPI.getTableParameterList();
    returnTable = paramList2.getTable("SITE_SUBSITE_INSTL");
    returnStructure = paramList.getStructure("BAPIRET2");
    Now i want to sent this data( returnTable & returnStructure) to front end application where front end developer accessing this returned data using Jsp.
    My scenario is that , first i want to convert this returnTable & returnStructure in a single collection and then sent this collection to Front end.
    My aim is that , the front end the application should not receive the Data, using JCO.table Variable but as a single Collection.
    I am using NWDI-2004s sps10.
    i need urgent help on this issue and i would really appreciate if somebody can put the answer with some sample code on how to return the data as Collection.

    if you want to return a result, then you probably shouldn't be using a message bean. message beans for for asynchronous tasks. session beans for for synchronous tasks. thus it would make much more sense to have your jsp call the session bean directly.

  • How to return error from subscription function of an event

    I am creating a subscription function for an oracle shipped event, The event fires fine, i can do my custom validations in this function. In case the validations fail, I need to return an error message.
    As per the guides and metalink documents, the way to do this is by returning 'ERROR' . But even though I return an ERROR, it does not error out. Whether I return SUCCESS or ERROR , the behaviour is the same.
    While creating the subscription function, for On Error , I selected, "Stop And Rollback ".
    Is it possible to return errors from the subscription functions.

    You shouldn't be passing ResultSet objects across the EJB layer.
    Instead you should be passing data back and forth.
    All of the data access code should be in one place in one class.
    That class should open the connection, run the query, process/store the results of the query and then close the connection.
    In this case you probably want to return a list of something to your jsp.
    So your EJB call should be more like
    public List<resultBean> check(String id){
      ResultSet rs = Statement.("select * from table1 where id=123");
      List resultList = new ArrayList();
      while ({
        Bean myBean = new Bean();
      return resultList;

  • How to return Collection from from entity bean to servlet?

    is it possible to return Collection from entity bean (Which is returns form CMR field ) to servlet ?

    public class test extends HttpServlet {
       private LocalBean lookupBean;
        protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
            PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
      for(Item i : lookupBean.getMyCollection() )
    public interface BeanLocal {
        Collection<Item> getMyCollection();  
    public class Bean implements BeanLocal {
        private EntityManager em;      
         public Collection<Item> getMyCollection() {
            return em.createQuery("SELECT i from ITEM i").getResultList();
        }    and if you create an instance of your servlet you'll have to reinitialize LocalBean
    @EJB(name="myejbref", beanInterface=BeanLocal.class)
    private BeanLocal lookupBean;
    private BeanLocal getLookupBean() {
    if(lookupBean == null) {
    try {
    InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
    lookupBean = (BeanLocal) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/myejbref");
    catch(Exception e){
    return lookupBean;

  • How to return stream from bpel process

    As per my requirement I need to generate a file it could be pdf /text and then send this file as output of my bpel process.
    I am not getting any document which provide me any solution.
    Please help me out ASAP.

    To try and make myself clearer on what I'm trying to say, create a simple use case
    1. create an empty BPEL process
    2. Create a read file adapter using the opaque schema
    3. Create a receive to that partner link
    4. create a write file adapter using the opaque schema
    5. create an invoke for that write partner link
    6. create an assign that copies the receive varible to the write variable.
    Now test this, you can place any file in the read location and the file should look exactly the same in the write location. Hopefully this explaind the opaque schema.
    If you want to convert to pdf then you need to create a custom app to do this this can be placed in the middle of the process. Create a java web service that accepts base64binary and reponds bas64binary. You java app will need to convert what this is into pdf format and respond in binary format.
    You just use simple assign activities to map opaque with base64Binary.
    hope this helps

  • How to return values from a BSP page to Javascript

    Hi All,
    I want to call a BSP page which reads a single value from a table and returns that value I want the Javascript in the HTML code to get the value from the BSP page.
    Can you kindly let me know how I can return the value from the BSP page to JavaScript.
    Kindly please provide me a simple code of a BSP page and the Javascript

    you need 3 elements to make the javascript code read the value in any field in the table: table´s name, line and column. This is how your code could look like:
    script language="javascript>
       var row = 0;
       function display(){
          row = row + 1;
          campo = 'tabla1_' + row + '_4';                 " <-- table, line, column
          valor = document.getElementById(campo).value;
    ROW works as a counter. You have in variable valor the value of the field and can do with it what you want, perhaps display it with ALERT. I am reading the values from field 1 to n in column 4 in table TABLA1. Pay attention to the '_' in the concatenation of field´s name. The table in my BSP is very simple:
    <htmlb:tableView id                = "tabla1"
                           table             = "<%= mytable %>"
                           width             = "100%"
                           allRowsEditable   = "X"/>
    and somewhere I must call function display in my javascript code:
    <htmlb:button  id="boton" text="Texto aqui" onClientClick="display()" />
    So, give it a try.

Maybe you are looking for