How to return more than one value from a  function

hello everybody,
Can anyone tell me how to return more than a single value from a function, the problem is i have 4 points,
2 points form one line ,another 2 points form 2nd line ,each point is 3 dimensional(x,y,z coorinates) so i will pass these values to func(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3,x4,y4,z4), i will find the point of intersecton of two lines and i will get it as x,y,z , now how to return these 3 coordinates,usually the function returns only one value, please help me to solve it out.

I think the easiest way or trick here is (easiest isn't always the best as we know, but atleast this one will work) to create simple data array. and pass that. Create an array with:
class justArray {
int x=0
int y=0;
int z= 0;
justArray[] points= new justArray[4];
points[0].x= ..
points[0].y= ..
points[0].z= ..
points[1].x= ..
return points[]

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    say I have this:
    public static int myFunc(String inString)
         // I want to return two values from this method
    }yeah so how would i do that?

    If the two values are somehow related--like a person's name and his age--define a class that has those two values as member variables--for example, Person. But only if that class and the assocation of those two quantities makes sense as an entity in your program. Don't do it just to jam to quantities into one return.
    Or, if the two values are two of the same thing--person A's age and person B's age--then you can return an array or Collection.
    If it doesn't fit either of those two scenarios, then your method is trying to do too much unrelated stuff and you should break it into multiple methods. For example, calculating a Person's age based on his birthdate and today's date and calculating his Body Mass Index based on his height and weight. Those two quantities should NOT be returned together.

  • How to return more than one value through RECORD TYPE from function

    Hi friends,
    i m ew in oracle forms. i want to return the two values at a time from a function but can't,Please help me. my codding is as following
    Thanks in advance.
    FUNCTION Fun_Choose_Right_cast(v_post_no payroll.post_register.post_no%TYPE) RETURN RECORD IS --here is the error 
    v_return_char CHAR NOT NULL := 'X';
    TYPE row_no_record_type IS RECORD
         (v_row_id NUMBER(3)NOT NULL := 0,
         v_char CHAR NOT NULL := 'X');
    row_no_record row_no_record_type;
    IF v_post_no = 1 THEN
         IF TRUNC(v_post_no*0.15) >= 1 THEN
              row_no_record_type.v_row_id := v_post_no;
              v_char := 'A';
              --v_return_char := 'A';
         END IF;
         IF TRUNC(v_post_no*0.075) >= 1 THEN
              row_no_record_type.v_row_id := v_post_no;
              v_char := 'B';
              --v_return_char := 'B';
         END IF;
         IF TRUNC(v_post_no*0.275) >= 1 THEN
              row_no_record_type.v_row_id := v_post_no;
              v_char := 'C';
              --v_return_char := 'C';
         END IF;
         IF row_no_record_type.v_row_id = 0 AND v_char = 'X' THEN
              row_no_record_type.v_row_id := v_post_no;
              v_char := 'D';
         --IF v_return_char = 'X' THEN 
              --v_return_char := 'D';
         END IF;
    ELSIF(v_post_no BETWEEN 2 AND 100) THEN
         IF TRUNC(v_post_no*0.15) > TRUNC((v_post_no-1)*0.15) THEN
              row_no_record_type.v_row_id := v_post_no;
              v_char := 'A';
              --v_return_char := 'A';
         END IF;
         IF TRUNC(v_post_no*0.075) > TRUNC((v_post_no-1)*0.075) THEN
              IF TRUNC(v_post_no*0.15) > TRUNC((v_post_no-1)*0.15) THEN
                   row_no_record_type.v_row_id := v_post_no-1;
                   v_char := 'B';
                   --v_return_char := 'A';
                   row_no_record_type.v_row_id := v_post_no;
                   v_return_char := 'B';
              END IF;
         END IF;
         IF TRUNC(v_post_no*0.275) > TRUNC((v_post_no-1)*0.275) THEN
              row_no_record_type.v_row_id := v_post_no;
              v_char := 'C';
              --v_return_char := 'C';
         END IF;
         IF row_no_record_type.v_row_id = 0 AND v_char = 'X' THEN
              row_no_record_type.v_row_id := v_post_no;
              v_char := 'D';
         --IF v_return_char = 'X' THEN 
              --v_return_char := 'D';
         END IF;
         END IF;
    RETURN row_no_record;

    Posting your Oracle version is immensely helpful when asking questions (different version = different answers / functionality available).
    select * from v$version;Also, using tags will preserve the formatting of your code.
    You should likely read (a lot) about  []
    Basically, you would need to create a PL/SQL record and reference that, OR you could create a SQL type.
    If you're looking for a 'simple' way to return many single values (no arrays) then your best bet would be a procedure with multiple OUT parameters.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Return more than one value in a function

    Hi All,
    I want to return values from table. 4 values will be returned from the table.
    Did something like this....will work for a single row.
    RETURN varchar2
    temp1 varchar2(1);
    temp2 varchar2(1);
    temp3 varchar2(1);
    temp4 varchar2(1);
    v_strng_val varchar2(2000);
    select '1','2','3','4' into temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4 from dual;
    v_strng_val := temp1;
    v_strng_val := v_strng_val||','||temp2;
    v_strng_val := v_strng_val||','||temp3;
    v_strng_val := v_strng_val||','||temp4;
    return v_strng_val;
    when others then
    return null;
    End test_func;I know this could be done through collections. But not worked on collections
    Please Suggest. Thanks.
    Edited by: user545846 on Jul 20, 2009 10:26 PM

    use refcursor you can do it.
    SQL> create or replace function get_dept_emps(p_deptno in number) return sys_refcursor is
    2 v_rc sys_refcursor;
    3 begin
    4 open v_rc for 'select empno, ename, mgr, sal from emp where deptno = :deptno' using p_deptno;
    5 return v_rc;
    6 end;
    7 /
    Function created.
    SQL> create or replace type emptype as object(empno number,
    2 ename varchar2(10),
    3 mgr number,
    4 sal number);
    5 /
    Type created.
    SQL> create or replace type t_emptype as table of emptype;
    2 /
    Type created.
    1 create or replace function populate_emps(deptno in number := null)
    2 return t_emptype is
    3 v_emptype t_emptype := t_emptype(); -- Declare a local table structure and initialize it
    4 v_cnt number := 0;
    5 v_rc sys_refcursor;
    6 v_empno number;
    7 v_ename varchar2(10);
    8 v_mgr number;
    9 v_sal number;
    10 begin
    11 v_rc := get_dept_emps(deptno);
    12 loop
    13 fetch v_rc into v_empno, v_ename, v_mgr, v_sal;
    14 exit when v_rc%NOTFOUND;
    15 v_emptype.extend;
    16 v_cnt := v_cnt + 1;
    17 v_emptype(v_cnt) := emptype(v_empno, v_ename, v_mgr, v_sal);
    18 end loop;
    19 close v_rc;
    20 return v_emptype;
    21* end;
    SQL> /
    Function created.
    SQL> select * from table(populate_emps(30));
    7499 ALLEN 7698 1600
    7521 WARD 7698 1250
    7654 MARTIN 7698 1250
    7698 BLAKE 7839 2850
    7844 TURNER 7698 1500
    7900 JAMES 7698 950

  • How to return more than one object from SwingWorker

    I am using a SwingWorker to call 3 different methods of another class (data fetch class). Each of these 3 methods returns a String array. I am able to get the first array outside the thread code using the get() method of the SwingWorker class,
    final String tmpOrdNum = OrderNum;
    SwingWorker worker = new SwingWorker() {
         DATA_FETCH_TO_ARRAY data_fetch = new DATA_FETCH_TO_ARRAY(tmpOrdNum);
         public Object construct(){
              String [] orderArr = data_fetch.getHeaderArray();
              //String [] detailArr = data_fetch.getDetailArray();
              //String [] storeArr = data_fetch.getStoreArray();                    
              return orderArr;
         //Runs on the event-dispatching thread.
         public void finished(){     }
    worker.start() ;
    String[] testArr = (String[])worker.get();      //gets the header array
    /* HOW DO I GET THE DETAIL AND STORE ARRAYS HERE?*/I want to be able to call the other 2 methods of the data fetch class - getDetailArray() and getStoreArray() shown commented in the above code one by one.
    Can someone please suggest a way of doing this? Thank you.

    Return String[][] from construct method.
    Here is an example (observe test method):
    import java.util.*;
    public class ArrayTest{
         public static void main(String[] args){
              String[][] result=(String[][])new ArrayTest().test();          
              System.out.println("result1: "+Arrays.toString(result[0]));
              System.out.println("result2: "+Arrays.toString(result[1]));
              System.out.println("result3: "+Arrays.toString(result[2]));
         public Object test(){
              String[] str1={"A","B","C"};
              String[] str2={"M","N","O"};
              String[] str3={"X","Y","Z"};          
              String[][] out=new String[3][];
              return out;

  • Output parameters or how to return more than one value

    My RMI server retrieves a list of Strings from the database. I need to return a status code int and an array of Strings to the RMI client. Does anybody have any ideas on how to do this. The only way I have come up with is to return an array of Strings using the first array position as the status code. But this is very ugly. There doesn't seem to be any way to have output parameters. I can use "output parameters" with code that lies in the same app by using wrapper classes or arrays but this does not really apply to a client and server running on different machines. Any ideas?

    Well, my general reaction is that you don't need a status code. (You can instead throw an exception if the status is anything but "OK".)
    However, on the assumption that you really DO need the status, then some alternatives are
    o Return an object that has a status code and an array as member variables.
    o In the call, pass in an object that the server can fill in with the array of strings. have the function return the status code.

  • How to return more than one varibles from a method?

    can you use the codes:
    return var1, var2,var3;
    If not, what is the correct way to do so? thanks.

    You can only return 1 object from a method in Java.
    However, this 1 object can contain multiple other objects. For example, a Vector object:
      public Vector someMethod() {
        Vector v = new Vector();
        return v;
      }If these multiple objects are the same type, you can also use array to achieve want you want.
      public String[] someMethod() {
        String ss = new String[3];
        ss[0] = "abc";
        ss[1] = "xyz";
        ss[2] = "123";
        return ss;

  • Best way to return more than 1 value in a function?

    Hi all,
    What's the best way to return more than 1 value from a function? returning a cursor? varray? objects? etc? I thought of a cursor first, but i was hesitant since i am not sure if the cursor will be automatically closed when you return a cursor(open cursor no longer used is bad). Example:
    OPEN c_temp_cursor;
    RETURN c_temp_cursor;
    With above example, c_temp_cursor is remained open. Or is it automatically closed once it exits from the function? Need some suggestions and expert advice.
    Note: Function is to be used to return and not a procedure (This is a requirement. Can't explain the details on why).
    Edited by: dongzky on Jul 3, 2010 4:17 PM
    typo: "ir exists" to "it exits" (in bold)

    First create your pl/sql table type
    Then a table:-
    CREATE TABLE v_stats_daily(start_date date, field1 number, field2 number, field3 number);
    Some insert into the table so we've got test data...
    insert into v_stats_daily values('08-OCT-2003',10,20,30);
    insert into v_stats_daily values('08-OCT-2003',40,50,60);
    insert into v_stats_daily values('08-OCT-2003',70,80,90);
    Then create your function:-
    (pStatDate Date) RETURN pmc_tab IS
    MyArray pmc_tab;
    vstat1 NUMBER;
    vstat2 NUMBER;
    vstat3 NUMBER;
    MyArray := pmc_tab();
    select sum(Field1), sum(field2),sum(field3)
    into vstat1, vstat2,vstat3
    from v_stats_daily
    where Start_date = pStatDate;
    MyArray(1) := vstat1;
    MyArray(2) := vstat2;
    MyArray(3) := vstat3;
    RETURN MyArray;
    In SQL*Plus:-
    SQL>set serverout on
    Then a lump of PL/SQL to run your function:-
    MyDate DATE;
    MyArray pmc_tab;
    i NUMBER;
    numOut NUMBER;
    MyArray := pmc_stats('08-OCT-2003');
    dbms_output.put_line('Table count: '||to_char(MyArray.count));
    for i in 1..MyArray.last LOOP
    numOut := MyArray(i);
    --if numOut is null then
    dbms_output.put_line('Value: '||to_char(numOut));
    --end if;
    Your output will look like:-
    Table count: 3
    Value: 120
    Value: 150
    Value: 180
    Hope this helps,

  • Possible to return more than one value?

    If I have a somethign like this:
    public int test()
    return 5;
    }Is it possible to have test() return more than one value? And if it can, can you post an example showing how?

    Could you post an example of how to do this?If you do not know how to define a class, you need to start from the very beginning.
    Sun's basic Java tutorial
    Sun's New To Java Center. Includes an overview of what Java is, instructions for setting up Java, an intro to programming (that includes links to the above tutorial or to parts of it), quizzes, a list of resources, and info on certification and courses. A couple dozen code examples that supplement The Java Developers Almanac.
    jGuru. A general Java resource site. Includes FAQs, forums, courses, more.
    JavaRanch. To quote the tagline on their homepage: "a friendly place for Java greenhorns." FAQs, forums (moderated, I believe), sample code, all kinds of goodies for newbies. From what I've heard, they live up to the "friendly" claim.
    Bruce Eckel's Thinking in Java (Available online.)
    Joshua Bloch's Effective Java
    Bert Bates and Kathy Sierra's Head First Java.
    James Gosling's The Java Programming Language. Gosling is
    the creator of Java. It doesn't get much more authoratative than this.

  • Subquery returned more than one value

    I have this statement which has been working fine - not I get a 'Subquery returned more than one value" error:
    'WAS3' AS 'Rec ID',
    E.EecEEID AS 'Emp ID',
    eepNameFirst AS 'First Name',
    eepNameLast AS 'Last Name',
    EecDateOfOriginalHire AS 'Service Date',
    (SELECT DATEDIFF(YEAR, EecDateOfOriginalHire, getdate()) from empcomp EC WHERE EC.EecEEID = E.EECEEID) as 'Yrs of Serv'
    JOIN EmpComp E
    ON E.eecEEID = eepEEID
    JOIN Company
    ON eecCoID = cmpCoID
    EecDateOfTermination IS NOT NULL
    (SELECT 1
    FROM EmpComp e2
    WHERE e2.EecEEID = E.EecEEID
    --AND e2.eecEmplStatus <> 'A')-- changed to <> ...this WAS/is to filter out anyone that was termed then re-hired
    --AND E.EecTermReason NOT IN ('I01','I02','I03','I14','I22','V05','V07','V09','V12','V22','V13', 'TRO')
    AND E.eecDateOfTermination
    IN (SELECT (EC.eecDateOfTermination)
    AND EC.eecDateOfTermination IS NOT NULL
    AND eC.eecDateOfTermination >= DATEADD(wk,DATEDIFF(wk,0,GETDATE()),0)
    AND EC.eecDateOfTermination <=DATEADD(wk,DATEDIFF(wk,0,GETDATE()),6)
    AND e.eecDateOfTermination >= DATEADD(wk,DATEDIFF(wk,0,GETDATE()),0)
    AND E.eecDateOfTermination <= DATEADD(wk,DATEDIFF(wk,0,GETDATE()),6)))
    --AND eC.eecDateOfTermination >= DATEADD(wk,DATEDIFF(wk,0,('12/30/2007')),0)
    -- AND EC.eecDateOfTermination <=DATEADD(wk,DATEDIFF(wk,0,('12/30/2007')),6)
    -- AND e.eecDateOfTermination >= DATEADD(wk,DATEDIFF(wk,0,('12/30/2007')),0)
    -- AND E.eecDateOfTermination <= DATEADD(wk,DATEDIFF(wk,0,('12/30/2007')),6)
    -- AND E.eecDateOfTermination IS NOT NULL ))
    --added below per Paul Cottle to exclude employeess less than four years
    AND E.eecdateoforiginalhire >=dateadd(year,-4, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)

    Check this, if it works:
    'WAS3' AS 'Rec ID',
    E.EecEEID AS 'Emp ID',
    eepNameFirst AS 'First Name',
    eepNameLast AS 'Last Name',
    EecDateOfOriginalHire AS 'Service Date',
    DATEDIFF(YEAR, EecDateOfOriginalHire, getdate()) as 'Yrs of Serv'
    FROM EmpPers
    JOIN EmpComp E ON E.eecEEID = eepEEID
    JOIN Company ON eecCoID = cmpCoID
    WHERE EecDateOfTermination IS NOT NULL
    (SELECT 1
    FROM EmpComp e2
    WHERE e2.EecEEID = E.EecEEID
    AND E.eecDateOfTermination
    IN (SELECT (EC.eecDateOfTermination)
    AND EC.eecDateOfTermination IS NOT NULL
    AND eC.eecDateOfTermination >= DATEADD(wk,DATEDIFF(wk,0,GETDATE()),0)
    AND EC.eecDateOfTermination <=DATEADD(wk,DATEDIFF(wk,0,GETDATE()),6)
    AND e.eecDateOfTermination >= DATEADD(wk,DATEDIFF(wk,0,GETDATE()),0)
    AND E.eecDateOfTermination <= DATEADD(wk,DATEDIFF(wk,0,GETDATE()),6)))
    AND E.eecdateoforiginalhire >=dateadd(year,-4, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
    If this post answers your query, please click "Mark As Answer" or "Vote as Helpful".

  • How to pass more than one value for one column in procedure

    select id, name from col_tab where dept_name in ('ECE','CIVIL');
    when i was running this it is working well.
    TYPE type_refcur IS REF CURSOR;
    PROCEDURE str(char_in VARCHAR2,ans OUT type_refcur);
    END pack_str;
    PROCEDURE str(char_in VARCHAR2,ans OUT type_refcur)
    OPEN ans FOR
    select id,name from col_tab where dept_name in char_in ;
    END str;
    END pack_str;
    the package was created.
    my doubt is to pass more than one value for char_in (e.g ('ECE','CIVIL'))
    2. when i was storing the value in string like val = 'ECE,CIVIL' ,
    how to get the id,name for ECE and CIVIL.
    plz help me

    Hi Rebekh ,
    I am recreating your packages for the desired output.
         TYPE type_refcur IS REF CURSOR;
         PROCEDURE str(char_in VARCHAR2,ans OUT type_refcur);
    END pack_str;
         PROCEDURE str(char_in VARCHAR2,ans OUT type_refcur)
              lv_t varchar2(200);
              lv_t := REPLACE(char_in,',',''',''');
              lv_t := 'select id,name from col_tab where dept_name in (''' || lv_t || ''')' ;
              OPEN ans FOR lv_t;
         END str;
    END pack_str;
    Input Parameter char_in is a comma seperated value for dept_name

  • Can Function Return more than One Values ??

    Hi Experts,
    I would like to ask you Can Function Return more than one values. I Used Function with Out and In out parameter and its working Fine..
    1. what is harm using Out and In out parameter in function
    2. if we can use Out and In out parameter in Function so what is deffernce between procedure and Function.
    3. Is there any Other Way Though which we can return more the One values in Function.
    Please advice me...
    Umesh Goel

    You can return multiple value from function. But, in PL/SQL and not in a SQL.
    The following examples demonstrate that -
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Mar 28 17:41:15 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    SQL> create or replace package glob
      2  as
      3    b varchar2(20);
      4    c varchar2(20);
      5  end;
      6  /
    Package created.
    SQL> create or replace function test_mul_out(a in number)
      2  return number
      3  is
      4    cursor c1(eno in number)
      5    is
      6      select ename,job,sal
      7   from emp
      8   where empno = eno;
    10    rec c1%rowtype;
    11    d  number(10);
    12  begin
    13    open c1(a);
    14    loop
    15      fetch c1 into rec;
    16      exit when c1%notfound;
    17       glob.b:= rec.ename;
    18    glob.c:= rec.job;
    19    d:= rec.sal;
    20    end loop;
    21    close c1;
    22    return d;
    23  end;
    24  /
    Function created.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> declare
      2    zz  number(10);
      3  begin
      4    select test_mul_out(7777)
      5    into zz
      6    from dual;
      8    dbms_output.put_line('Ename: '||glob.b);
      9    dbms_output.put_line('Job: '||glob.c);
    10    dbms_output.put_line('Sal: '||zz);
    11  end;
    12  /
    Ename: Avik
    Job: CLERK
    Sal: 3456
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> Regards.
    Satyaki De.

  • LOV Return more than one value to differenent items on page

    New to express. I need to returm more than one value from list of LOV. For example: LOV => select a, b, c from testtable
    I would then like to
    a to populate item1 => with submit
    b to populate item2 => hidden
    c to pupulate item3 => hidden
    as items on my page
    when a user chooses a (with submit) in item1 b and c would populate also, b and c are hidden to the user. Any advice?

    Dear Frank
    I did it as like as the following link lead me:
    The problem has been appeared when I attached the "Create" button and when press on it to create new record, then the "LOV" couldn't work correctly.
    Thanks for your reply

  • Can a method return more than one value?

    I was studying for my biology exam and I got bored and I started thinking and then I wandered if a method can return more than one value...?
    For example, if I want a method to return a row a column, I make a method that returns an int. But what if I want to return two ints? Or what If I want to return an integer and a string? Is it possible or do I have make two methods, each returning one thing?
    What I always did until now is is I want for example to return a few integers, I would store them in a String and then when I return the string, I parse the numbers out using stringtokenizer... but it doesn't look like the best way... and it's pretty annoying...

    I'm weak on terminology, hence I don't even know what
    AFAIK means...As Far As I Know
    This doesn't really make sense for me. It's more
    efficient to make a whole class just for two
    integers, than having two methods? Efficiency is not the point. The flow is.
    If you have two methods, the caller must be aware of both of them. The other way it's up to the callee.
    Just because the
    two integers are related to each other? Doesn't
    making a class require more memory usage than just
    making two one-line methods?The memory usage is not wholly irrelevant, but there are ways to handle that (caching, inlining, etc.).
    It's a bit hard to counter your point for me, but if you had done a lot of GUI painting stuff, you'd see all those Points, Dimensions, Rectangles, you name it, are quite invaluable.

  • Can oracle  function return more than one value

    Hi All
    please answer can oracle function return more than one value
    need one schenario

    Can any function, irrespective of the language, return multiple values?
    So why do you think Oracle will now suddenly do it differently than all other languages? Never mind that it is impossible for a function (a unit/module of code) returning a memory address, to return multiple memory addresses. The machine code that does that, has not been yet been designed/implemented.
    I am continually amazed that this question is asked. It is about something so fundamental in almost every single 3rd and 4th generation language... something that is taught right at the start... the definition of what a procedure and what a function is.
    Sorry, but I simply cannot pull punches on this subject and smooth it over. There is something fundamentally wrong with your training as a programmer if you have to ask such a question about a function.
    And whatever programming skills you build on such a foundation, will be seriously lacking.
    I kindly suggest that you get back to the very basics of programming - and review and revisit until you fully understand it. There are no shortcuts in becomming a good programmer.
    Message was edited by:
    Billy Verreynne

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    Ok guys, wanted to get everyone's opinion on basically how I should set up my hard disks.  Here's my complete system breakdown. Haswell 4770 Nvidia 760 with 4Gb MOBO: asrock pro3 z87 32 gigs ram @ 1866mhz Samsung EVO 120gb PNY XLR8 240gb Seagate Barr

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    Hello ,how are you,I write this query : [b]SELECT *, max(trackerId) FROM  sessiontracker [/b]in sqlite manager and it works ,but when I use it in Air application  ,it send me back this error: ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property max(tr

  • Average the value based on day in SQL

    I have a table with two fields (SampleTime, value) the table likes: SampleTime field2 1999-01-01 01:00:00 0.01 1999-01-01 02:00:00 0.01 1999-01-01 03:00:00 0.03 The sample time has one hour interval. How can get average value of field2 based on day?

  • Possible to reduce leading by 1 pt?

    I'm wrestling with all kinds of ways to tweak a text block to fit a space in a Photoshop document. The one thing I'd really like is the ability to reduce leading by one point, less that the default of 2 pts via the keyboard shortcuts. Tips?

  • CIN Path not found

    Hi All, When i was trying to gather material on cin in internet i use to foud the following path starting with Indirect Taxes, but in eaither in easy access or spro i am not abel to find that . please any one tell me where i can find this all these p