How to run a unix script from oracle warehouse Builder

can any one share the information about, running the unix script or scripts using oracle warehouse builder.

One way is define a workflow. Inside the workflow you put
1)an external process that "points to" the shell script and then
2)put the mapping
The external process must have the "COMMAND" parameter set to the name of the shell script. If the script has parameters you must put them in the "PARAMETERS LIST" separated by "?" (for example, ?par1?par2).
The path where OWB executes the external process I think is the ORACLE_HOME of the OWB.
f you don't use workflow, you can try with this more complex solution. I tried with 9i and OWB 9.2 and it's working well.
You create an autonomous procedure (within a package or not) :
And use the script that you need your dba/unix admin to install first of all, with a call like that.'sh ' || txt_dir_name || '/ ' || txt_dir_name || ' ' || email_addr );
Then you import your procedure into OWB and use it in your mapping with the "pre-mapping" icon (you can set parameters for your proc with constants if you want).
To implement, go to metalink and find "Note:168065.1" - "How to call a UNIX shell script from PL/SQL".
Once it's done once, it's not so bad. But I would still recommend the workflow approach also..
I hope this helps.

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    can you show:
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    grep <super user> /etc/passwd (It's not clear for me, what you call super user. For me - root is super user. )
    ls -la /var/spool/cron/crontabs
    Generaly for add cronjobs for any user need:
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    For more information - man crontab

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    import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch;
    //import com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException;
    import com.jcraft.jsch.Session;
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    //((ChannelExec) channel).setErrStream(System.err);
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    System.out.print(new String(tmp, 0, i));
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    // System.out.println("JSCH: exit-status: " +
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    { return "password"; }
    public String getPassphrase()
    { return ""; }
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    { return true; }
    public boolean promptPassphrase(String arg0)
    { return true; }
    public boolean promptYesNo(String arg0)
    { return true; }
    public void showMessage(String arg0)
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    Exceptioncom.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: UnknownHostKey: RSA key fingerprint is 02:a0:d6:c0:6f:69:2c:a9:a7:fa:7c:71:1c:60:ed:57
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    how can i run a unix script from java application.
    This java application is on windows.
    So I think it's safe to assume that the target script is on a remote unix server.
    Take a look at

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    -- cr_job10.sql
    job_name => 'my_backup_job',
    job_type => 'EXECUTABLE',
    job_action => '/h/oracle/scripts/',
    start_date => '06-SEP-07 5.33.00PM US/Pacific',
    repeat_interval => 'FREQ=DAILY',
    end_date => '08-SEP-07 4.00.00PM US/Pacific',
    enabled => TRUE,
    comments => 'My Backup Job');
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    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    ORACLE_HOME = /h/oracle/product/10r2
    System name: SunOS
    Node name: sol
    Release: 5.10
    Version: Generic_118855-14
    Machine: i86pc
    Instance name: orcl
    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
    Oracle process number: 15
    Unix process pid: 22396, image: oracle@sol (J000)
    *** ACTION NAME:(MY_BACKUP_JOB) 2007-09-06 17:33:00.175
    *** MODULE NAME:(DBMS_SCHEDULER) 2007-09-06 17:33:00.175
    *** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2007-09-06 17:33:00.175
    *** CLIENT ID:() 2007-09-06 17:33:00.175
    *** SESSION ID:(140.13520) 2007-09-06 17:33:00.175
    *** 2007-09-06 17:33:00.175
    ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job 53267
    ORA-27369: job of type EXECUTABLE failed with exit code: 274662
    I googled on this:
    ORA-27369: job of type EXECUTABLE failed with exit code: 274662
    Google returned only 1 hit.
    There, I see some evidence that I need to configure something inside
    of Oracle to run shell scripts from the scheduler, but possibly just
    for machines running windows. I'm running Solaris.
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    run shell scripts from the scheduler?

    Hello people,
    I should have added this bit of information:
    "The script runs fine from oracle's crontab."
    "The script runs fine from a shell owned by oracle."
    I'm getting responses telling me to check my env variables and permissions
    which would be helpful to a UNIX novice.
    I have a feeling that no one is using the scheduler to run RMAN scripts.
    Tim Hall suggested I take a close look at these files:
    Currently I'm setup like this:
    bash sol root /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin 31 #
    bash sol root /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin 31 # ll $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/externaljob.ora
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root dba 52 Sep 7 15:29 /h/oracle/product/10r2/rdbms/admin/externaljob.ora
    bash sol root /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin 32 #
    bash sol root /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin 32 # cat $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/externaljob.ora
    # externaljob.ora
    run_user = rman
    run_group = rman
    bash sol root /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin 33 #
    bash sol root /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin 33 #
    bash sol root /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin 33 #
    bash sol root /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin 33 # ll $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ext*
    -rwsr-x--- 1 rman dba 30388 Sep 21 2006 /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin/extjob*
    -rwsr-x--- 1 rman dba 30392 Sep 21 2006 /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin/extjobo*
    -rwsr-x--- 1 rman dba 34468 Sep 21 2006 /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin/extproc*
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle dba 300 Sep 21 2006 /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin/extusrupgrade*
    bash sol root /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin 34 #
    bash sol root /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin 34 #
    bash sol root /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin 34 #
    On my system, the user 'nobody' has no shell so I cannot use nobody.
    I created a user named rman:
    bash sol root /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin 34 #
    bash sol root /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin 34 #
    bash sol root /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin 34 # su - rman
    Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005
    $ id
    uid=220(rman) gid=220(rman)
    $ date
    Fri Sep 7 16:30:03 PDT 2007
    Jared points out that rman needs access to extproc:
    $ ls -la /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin/extproc
    -rwsr-x--- 1 rman dba 34468 Sep 21 2006 /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin/extproc
    Here is a demo of rman running his script:
    bash sol root /h/oracle/product/10r2/bin 35 # su - rman
    Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005
    $ ls
    $ scripts/
    $ cat scripts/
    #! /bin/sh
    /usr/bin/date > /tmp/ 2>&1 &
    exit 0
    $ cat /tmp/
    Fri Sep 7 16:31:23 PDT 2007
    $ rm /tmp/
    I am focused on this error:
    ORA-27369: job of type EXECUTABLE failed with exit code: 274662
    And I am focused on this exit code: 274662
    What does 274662 mean?
    If the Scheduler gives me an error like "274662" rather than some English,
    it's obvious to me the Scheduler is a POS and I should not use it.
    And of course,
    If I cannot run RMAN from Oracle Scheduler, I'll use cron.

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    Can use Java Stored Proc, or an External Proc.
    Java method:
    create or replace and compile Java Source named "OSCommand" as
    -- java:        OS COMMAND
    -- descr:       Executes an Operating System Command using the JAVA RTS
    -- IN parameter:        os command to execute (including fully qualified path names)
    -- OUT parameter:       returncode [\nstring]
    --                      where string a max of 32000 chars of the output of the command
    --                      (note that \n is used as separators in the string)
    --                      returncode=-1   Java RTS error occurred (e.g. command does not exist)
    --                      returncode=255  o/s command failed (e.g. invalid command params)
    import java.lang.*;
    public class OSCommand{
            public static String Run(String Command){
                    Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
                    int     rc = -1;
                            Process p = rt.exec( Command );
                            int bufSize = 32000;
                            int len = 0;
                            byte buffer[] = new byte[bufSize];
                            String s = null;
                            BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream( p.getInputStream(), bufSize );
                            len = buffer, 0, bufSize );
                            rc = p.waitFor();
                            if ( len != -1 ){
                                    s = new String( buffer, 0, len );
                                    return( s );
                            return( rc+"" );
                    catch (Exception e){
                            return(  "-1\ncommand[" + Command + "]\n" + e.getMessage() );
    show errors
    create or replace function osexec( cCommand IN string ) return varchar2 is
    -- function:    OS EXEC
    -- descr:       Executes an Operating System Command
    language        JAVA
    name            'OSCommand.Run(java.lang.String) return java.lang.String';
    show errors===
    This can then be used from PL/SQL and even SQL. e.g.
    SQL> select osexec( '/bin/date' ) from dual;
    Wed Nov  9 13:30:13 SAST 2005
    SQL>Note the Java permissions required - replace FOO with the name of applicable Oracle schema
                    '<<ALL FILES>>',
    Last thing... note that opens a potential giant size security hole into the Oracle Server Platform. So implement it properly using a proper Oracle security model.

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    Please help me out
    thanks in advance

    This seems like a very strange thing to want to do.
    What is the perl script doing?
    Do other programs (not some shell script) access this server-side perl script from a different machine?
    If so how do they do it?
    What currently triggers the perl script to execute?
    What currently handles the output from the perl script?
    If you can answer these questions (and understand the answers) you should be able to come up with a different approach to this.
    You do not really want to call a remote perl script from a Java program, you want to achieve the effect you think that would have if you could do it.
    So find the answers to the above questions, write them on 3" x 5" cards and lay them out on your desk.
    What flow of control needs to happen? Which piece of code needs to produce or consume which piece of data?
    If that fails, ask you self or who ever is making you do this what are the use-cases?
    If you do not know what use-cases are or do not understand them well enough try reading
    Use Case Modeling (The Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series) by Kurt Bittner and Ian Spence (Paperback - Aug 30, 2002)
    It is a short and easy to read book on the subject and also one of the best.
    You MUST understand WHAT you are trying to achieve before you can decide HOW you are going to achieve it.

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    This is probably a dumb question...
    How do I run a shell script from the GUI? I've been told to double click it but when I do, it opens as a text file.

    The behavior you describe is that used by the KDE and GNOME desktops of Linux.
    Under OS X, if you make a script then mark it as executable, double-clicking on it in the Finder will not execute it. Actually, it uses a rather complex algorithm ([summarized here|]) to determine what to do with it. This is implemented in Mac OS X' LaunchServices framework (incidentally, the associations are cached in /Library/Caches/*.csstore and ~/Library/Caches/*.csstore). You can read the details in the developer docs about LaunchServices.
    Anyway, in short, the suffix '.command' is a built-in type in the LaunchServices network that identifies a shell script. If you run
    /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServic es.framework/Support/lsregister -dump
    ... it will tell you as much.

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    I have installed the Oracle Warehouse Builder 10g Release 2 although, when i execute the file launch.exe installed at OWB_ORACLE_HOME/bin/, it not work
    Somebody know something about this problem?
    Postdata: I have Kaspersky antivirus installed as well.

    What process are you doing in OWB to get this error?
    Did you install the Workflow server?

  • How can I run a Unix script from a desktop icon?

    I have a Unix script I've created in vi and would like to run it by double clicking on an icon on my desktop. I would like to do this without the additional application layer of Applescript, Automator or Terminal. Is this possible?
    Thanks in advance.

    Sounds like a job for platypus.

  • How to run an XML Report from Oracle Forms 10G

    Hello Friends,
    I am in need of showing a xml report output through a button press trigger in Oracle Forms10G.
    I have designed the report in XML Publisher and the report looks fine.I found few scripts useful in running the Oracle Report from Oracle forms10G like Run_Report_Object.But I am not aware of any script that could run a XML report and show the output directly from a Form.
    All I want is to run a XML report from an Oracle Form with a button press trigger and show the output in an html version.
    Can this be achieved?
    If so, Kindly advise as this is an immediate work.

    If I am not wrong the XML publisher is same as BI publisher ...
    There is one document which explains how to integrate using web service
    You want to check this
    or you can also try web.show_document ..

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    In oracle forms we can use the HOST command but what about oracle reports2.5.
    I have to email the attached file 100245.pdf from oracle reports to the given email id
    uuencode 100245.pdf 100245.pdf | mailx -s "test" [email protected]

    It's because .bat (or .cmd) files are scripts and not executables and are interpreted using the command line executable - which is normally cmd.exe (although you can buy others).
    So you need to call cmd.exe passing the bat file name as a parameter, something like
    cmd.exe /c batchfilename
    Without the /c you will never get a response.
    However, this brings us to the bizarre conclusion that you are going to:
    call cmd.exe (a shell interpreter)
    to launch a batch file
    that calls cygwin (another shell interpreter)
    which then runs ls
    When shouldn't that just be:
    call cmd.exe to run the dir command
    Or better yet, If you are just after a file name listing and you seem to understand Java stored procs, why not just write a JSP to list the contents of a directory? No problems with OS dependant commands, scripts and 3rd party interpreters. Plenty of examples of that out on the internet as well.

  • Running an Unix Script from Informatica Mapping/workflow.

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    I have a need to start /stop service to a remote server (away from the DAC server ,which is on UNIX os)
    how could this be done in a best way?
    I am planning to do this through Informatica Workflow,and need help (technical steps Please) to do this.
    1) workflow will call the Unix Script
    2) Unix Script logins to the remote server
    3) Unix scripts navigates to particular folder
    4) Unix script executes a command to Start/Stop the server.
    5) Unix Script logs out.
    6) if everything done success ,Workflow will success else fail with the error code.

    Hi ,
    I have a need to start /stop service to a remote server (away from the DAC server ,which is on UNIX os)
    how could this be done in a best way?
    I am planning to do this through Informatica Workflow,and need help (technical steps Please) to do this.
    1) workflow will call the Unix Script
    2) Unix Script logins to the remote server
    3) Unix scripts navigates to particular folder
    4) Unix script executes a command to Start/Stop the server.
    5) Unix Script logs out.
    6) if everything done success ,Workflow will success else fail with the error code.

  • Can we run a unix script from sql plus

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    Thank You

    user539616 wrote:
    Is there any possibility to run unix command from sql plus? I would appreciate if you can provide with the syntax.
    Thank You
    KKWithin sqlplus you can run
    1) SQL statements
    2) PL/SQL blocks
    3) any valid sqlplus command.
    SQLplus commands are documented in the SQLPlus reference manual. For 10g this is found at You might be interested in the HOST command, detailed at
    Just beware that the HOST command (or the shortcut version of it alluded to by Warren Tolentino) spawns a child process. When control comes back to sqlplus, that child process is gone.
    What is the business problem you are trying to solve? If we knew that we could probably give better advice than blindly giving you the correct technical answer to a narrow question.

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    Can any one help on these.Which book I have to look.

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