How to scroll an image

I wonder how to put an image into a JScrollPane for my photo searching application. It would also be good if the image can be scaled. I tried to use a JLabel and JPanel but for some reason it displays wierd and even though it has scrollbars it wants to be full size.

I just put a JLabel with the image as the icon and put in in a JScrollPane and it worked. The only difference is that before I used BoxLayout and now I use MigLayout, it probably forces the scrollpane to the correct size.
I am using my ImageWrapper class for the image wich has a BufferedImage in it and can do drawing methods and create copies of itself in various java image objects. The problem is that the scale method in ImageWrapper does not appear to be working so I cannot zoom the image.
Here is just the part of my PhotoFinderGUI class that displays the image:
public class PhotoFinderGUI {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
          new PhotoFinderGUI();
     private JLabel imagePreview = new JLabel();
     public PhotoFinderGUI() {
          JFrame frame = new JFrame("Photo Finder");
          JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel();
          mainPanel.setLayout(new MigLayout());
          ImageWrapper img = new ImageWrapper("test-image.jpg");
          img.scale(0.5, 0.5);
          mainPanel.add(new JScrollPane(imagePreview, ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS), "dock center");
}And just the code from ImageWrapper class that deals with init and scaling:
class ImageWrapper {
     private BufferedImage image = null;
     private Graphics2D g = null;
     public ImageWrapper(String filename) {
          Image temp = new ImageIcon(filename).getImage();
          image = new BufferedImage(temp.getWidth(null), temp.getHeight(null), BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR);
          g = (Graphics2D) image.createGraphics();
          g.drawImage(temp, 0, 0, null);
     public void resize(int w, int h) {
          double wScale, hScale;
          wScale = w / image.getWidth();
          hScale = h / image.getHeight();
          g.scale(wScale, hScale);
     public void scale(double h, double v) {
          g.scale(h, v);
     public ImageIcon getImageIcon() {
          return new ImageIcon(image);

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  • XML scrolling thumbnail, image loader, & Buttons [halfway works]

    I started a flash-based website a few years ago. Back in 2006 I was able to get a xml scrolling thumbnail, image loader to work without a glitch.
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    Screenshot of Site/Timeline:
    Before getting into the two questions I have, I would like to post an image of the site as it looks whenever an swf file is saved out, as well as a piece of the timeline in the back for reference.
    Issue #1
    As of now when the swf file is saved out you get exactly what you see above:
    a: A scrolling thumbnail
    b: ...which loads a large image when clicked on it - PEFECT...
    1a: I need for the buttons to load in this action, not for it to just load on its own.
    [i.e., the silk_paintings gallery is what is open, so I need the "silk_paintings" button to call up this action]
    note: Initially I had attacked this problem by taking out the actions layer you see above and applying it directly to the individual buttons with some crude MouseEvent Listener/Handerls... that did not work - at all.
    Im sure it may be "easier" to make an array out of it, but with my coding level it may be "easier" to apply it to the buttons.
    1b: How I currently see it, I would take the xml-list and duplicate it for the number of galleries I have.
    [I would then re-name the xml-list to reflect the name of the galleries they are to represent, i.e. "silk_paintings"]
    [also, I would have to rename the folders to "thumbnails1,2,3, etc., & "images 1,2,3, etc"
    From there I would duplicate the actions and paste it into the buttons, changing the xml-list name to that of "silk_paintings", etc., as well as write in the MouseEvent listener Handler to make it work. [ah, ha, but what is that magic phrase, I have tried to implement various code from other tutorials, and all in vein.]
    Issue #2
    At this point I would be tickled pink just to get this to basic function to work.
    However, once the buttons are working and calling up the xml, etc., then I need the buttons to stay on the semi-transparent blue color it is whenever in the 'hit' state. [note: NOT pictured above.]
    With the way the buttons are currently set up, and with wanting to use scripting to get them to interact with the thumbnail gallery, it will have to be some miraculous code to tell that button what color to stay as whenever its clicked, and of course it going back to white when another button is clicked.
    Since this is an Adobe Forum I would like to make a few additional statements in hopes that the developers, etc. may take heed.
    Adobes products are not cheap, and when I went to purchase the websuite I went in as a designer needing a program as not to need to program.
    I understand the flexibility that coding gives, but something as simple as linking buttons should not be in the realms of rocket science. [yes, for many its not...but my brain just does not operate that route despite all the tutorials thrown at me.]
    Again, it would seem that there would be a button panel where you could drag options like scrolling thumbnail slider, loader, and then parameters would come up. [much like Apples iWeb. - but before the argument of one being pro and the other for non-pros, I see it differently. Software should not be the limiting factor in how flexible you can design, or rather ones lack of programming shouldnt be. With all the talented, and I say this in all humility and honesty, programmers working for Adobe, Im sure something could be programmed like what Im asking for.]
    note: Director is a good example, back in 1997 I knew nothing of multimedia and in one week I had assembled a portfolio, clicking buttons, speech, movies, and all. - and no, I dont have the money to buy more software!
    At this moment I am at the mercy of someone who reads code like its a nighttime tale they are telling their kids, and who can see the exact issue I have and can share the appropriate, correct code. [as I have noticed, it has to be on target - naturally - but this target changes with just a slight change in the design.]
    Thank you,
    The actionscript: [note: This is only the current working/good code that Im trying to get the buttons to call up.]
    fscommand("allowscale", false);//keep SWF display at 100%
    var x:XML = new XML ();//Define XML Object
    x.ignoreWhite = true;
    var fullURL:Array = new Array;//Array of full size image urls
    var thumbURL:Array = new Array;//Array of thumbnail urls
    var thumbX:Number = 25;//Initial offset of _x for first thumbnail
    x.onLoad = function(){ //Function runs after XML is loaded
        var photos:Array = this.firstChild.childNodes;//Defines variable for length of XML file
         for (i=0;i<photos.length;i++) {//For loop to step through all entry lines of XML file
              fullURL.push(photos[i].attributes.urls);//Each loop, adds URL for full sized image to Array fullURL
              thumbURL.push(photos[i].attributes.thumbs);//Each loop, adds URL for thumbnails to Array thumbURL
              trace(i+". Full Image = "+fullURL[i]+"  Thumb Image = "+thumbURL[i]);         
              var t = panel.attachMovie("b","b"+i,i);//Each loop, Define local variable 't' as a new instance of 'b' movie clip, given unique instance name of 'b' plus the index number of the For loop
              t.img.loadMovie(thumbURL[i]);// Each loop, load thumbnail image from XML data into variable movie clip
              t._y = 0;//Set Y coordinate of variable movie clip
              t._x = thumbX;//Set X coordinate of variable movie clip based on variable thumbX
              t.numb = i;//Set sub-variable 'numb' inside variable t to hold index number
              t._alpha = 75;//Set the Alpha value of the variable movie clip to 75% - for onRollOver highlight action
              thumbX += 55;//Increment thumbX value so next thumbnail is placed 125 pixels to the right of the one before
              t.onRollOver = function () {//define onRollOver event of the variable movie clip
                   this._alpha = 100;//Set thumbnail alpha to 100% for highlight
              t.onRollOut = function () {//define onRollOut event of the variable movie clip
                   this._alpha = 75;//Reset thumbnail alpha to 75%
              t.onPress = function () {//define onPress event of the variable movie clip
                   this._rotation += 3;//rotates thumbnail 3 degrees to indicate it's been pressed
                   this._x += 3;//Offset X coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during rotation
                   this._y -= 3;//Offset Y coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during rotation
              t.onReleaseOutside = function () {//define onRelease event of the variable movie clip
                   this._rotation -= 3;//rotate thumbnail back 3 degrees
                   this._x -= 3;//Reset X coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during rotation
                   this._y += 3;//Reset Y coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during rotation
                   this._alpha = 75;//Reset thumbnail alpha to 75%
              t.onRelease  = function () {//define onRelease function to load full sized image
                   this._rotation -= 3;//rotate thumbnail back 3 degrees
                   this._x -= 3;//Reset X coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during
                   this._y += 3;//Reset Y coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during
                   this._alpha = 75;//Reset thumbnail alpha to 75%
                   holder.loadMovie(fullURL[this.numb]);//Load full sized image into holder clip based on sub-variable t.numb, referenced by 'this'
         holder.loadMovie(fullURL[0]);//Initially load first full size image into holder clip
    x.load ("silk_paintings.xml");// path to XML file
    panel.onRollOver = panelOver;
    function panelOver() {
         this.onEnterFrame = scrollPanel;
         delete this.onRollOver;
    var b = stroke.getBounds(_root);
    function scrollPanel() {
         if (_xmouse<b.xMin||_xmouse>b.xMax||_ymouse<b.yMin||_ymouse>b.yMax) {
         this.onRollOver = panelOver;
         delete this.onEnterFrame;
         if (panel._x >= 740) {
         panel._x = 740;
    if(panel._x <= (thumbX-10))  {
              panel._x = (thumbX-10)
         var xdist = _xmouse - 830;
         panel._x += -xdist / 7;
    The xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <photo thumbs="thumbnails/i_brown_fairy.jpg"  urls="images/brown_fairy.jpg"  />
    <photo thumbs="thumbnails/i_blonde_fairy.jpg"  urls="images/blonde_fairy.jpg"  />
    <photo thumbs="thumbnails/i_flower_fairy.jpg"  urls="images/flower_fairy.jpg"  />
    <photo thumbs="thumbnails/i_red_fairy.jpg"  urls="images/red-fairy.jpg"  />
    Attached is a link to the file I made named "index".
    I would have liked to have included the following files but was limited due to "you-send-it" not uploading folders.  Files not included: [but functioning] : xml list - images [folder] - thumbnails [folder]
    Again, Thank you

    The issues with the buttons calling up the scrolling thumbnail panel have been resolved, as well as keeping the buttons in their hit state once clicked, thanks to Rob.
    Those that have been following this thread, or stumble upon it in their searches later, may appreciate to see the final solution to this particular issue.
    [Hopefully I will be able to update this thread with a url in the future to show the site in operation, which may help somebody with their project in the future if its set up similarly.]
    Alas, it would be nice if future versions of flash had a more direct, flexible, user friendly method for creating navigation.
    [We may see development beyond the flash ads which everyone seems to loathe... and more creativity with flash in terms of games, web interactivity, &  animation.
    Below are 2 sets of code:
    a] the first is located within the first frame of the first button, and has some extra variables in it that the additional buttons call upon...
    b] the second is the code applied to every other button.
    fscommand("allowscale", false);//keep SWF display at 100%
    var x:XML = new XML();//Define XML Object
    x.ignoreWhite = true;
    var fullURL:Array = new Array();//Array of full size image urls
    var thumbURL:Array = new Array();//Array of thumbnail urls
    //  .......  CHANGE
    var thumbX:Number;// = 25;//Initial offset of _x for first thumbnail
    // make an array of all of the instance names of each button object...
    // only do this once
    var buttonsList:Array = new Array(shadesOfGrey, silkPaintings);
    shadesOfGrey.isLatched = false;
    // the rollover function... repeat for each button
    shadesOfGrey.onRollOver = shadesOfGrey.onDragOver=function ():Void {
         if (!this.isLatched) {
    // the rolloff function... repeat for each button
    shadesOfGrey.onRollOut = shadesOfGrey.onDragOut=shadesOfGrey.onReleaseOutside=function ():Void {
         if (!this.isLatched) {
    // the mouse press function... repeat for each button
    shadesOfGrey.onPress = function():Void  {
         this.isLatched = true;
    shadesOfGrey.onRelease = function():Void  {
         x.load("shadesOfGrey.xml");// path to XML file
         thumbX = 25;
    function resetAllButtons():Void {
         for (b in buttonsList) {
              buttonsList[b].isLatched = false;
    x.onLoad = function() {//Function runs after XML is loaded
         //  resets the position of the panel on each new load
         panel._x = 740;
         //  .......  CHANGE  removes the existing movieclips from the panel before any new load...
         for (c in panel) {
              if (typeof (panel[c]) == "movieclip") {
         var photos:Array = this.firstChild.childNodes;//Defines variable for length of XML file
         for (i=0; i<photos.length; i++) {//For loop to step through all entry lines of XML file
              fullURL.push(photos[i].attributes.urls);//Each loop, adds URL for full sized image to Array fullURL
              thumbURL.push(photos[i].attributes.thumbs);//Each loop, adds URL for thumbnails to Array thumbURL
              //trace(i+". Full Image = "+fullURL[i]+"  Thumb Image = "+thumbURL[i]);
              var t = panel.attachMovie("b", "b"+i, i);//Each loop, Define local variable 't' as a new instance of 'b' movie clip, given unique instance name of 'b' plus the index number of the For loop
              t.img.loadMovie(thumbURL[i]);// Each loop, load thumbnail image from XML data into variable movie clip
              t._y = 0;//Set Y coordinate of variable movie clip
              t._x = thumbX;//Set X coordinate of variable movie clip based on variable thumbX
              t.numb = i;//Set sub-variable 'numb' inside variable t to hold index number
              t._alpha = 75;//Set the Alpha value of the variable movie clip to 75% - for onRollOver highlight action
              thumbX += 55;//Increment thumbX value so next thumbnail is placed 125 pixels to the right of the one before
              t.onRollOver = function() {//define onRollOver event of the variable movie clip
                   this._alpha = 100;//Set thumbnail alpha to 100% for highlight
              t.onRollOut = function() {//define onRollOut event of the variable movie clip
                   this._alpha = 75;//Reset thumbnail alpha to 75%
              t.onPress = function() {//define onPress event of the variable movie clip
                   this._rotation += 3;//rotates thumbnail 3 degrees to indicate it's been pressed
                   this._x += 3;//Offset X coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during rotation
                   this._y -= 3;//Offset Y coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during rotation
              t.onReleaseOutside = function() {//define onRelease event of the variable movie clip
                   this._rotation -= 3;//rotate thumbnail back 3 degrees
                   this._x -= 3;//Reset X coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during rotation
                   this._y += 3;//Reset Y coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during rotation
                   this._alpha = 75;//Reset thumbnail alpha to 75%
              t.onRelease = function() {//define onRelease function to load full sized image
                   this._rotation -= 3;//rotate thumbnail back 3 degrees
                   this._x -= 3;//Reset X coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during
                   this._y += 3;//Reset Y coordinate by 3 pixels to keep clip centered during
                   this._alpha = 75;//Reset thumbnail alpha to 75%
                   holder.loadMovie(fullURL[this.numb]);//Load full sized image into holder clip based on sub-variable t.numb, referenced by 'this'
         holder.loadMovie(fullURL[0]);//Initially load first full size image into holder clip
    // this one function scrolls the panel for all of the buttons, it gets the
    // size of the panel when the images are loaded by any given button...
    stroke.onEnterFrame = function() {
         if (this.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, false)) {
              if (panel._x>=740) {
                   panel._x = 740;
              if (panel._x<=740-panel._width+mask._width) {
                   panel._x = 740-panel._width+mask._width;
              if ((panel._x<=740) && (panel._x>=740-panel._width+mask._width)) {
                   var xdist = _xmouse-830;
                   panel._x += -xdist/7;
    Of note is the change to how the movie clips are measured... this change in and of itself has really helped to make the thumbnail panels operation more efficient.
    Below is the script for each additional button: [Having issues with the forums not letting me post additional code, so I will put the remaining code in a reply below.]

  • Parallax scrolling to images

    hey i am wondering if you know of a way to add parallax scrolling to image slide tumbnail slide shows ?
    this is what i am working on. i am using the compostion lightbox display, and in there. i have a thumbanil slide show. nowi have managed to get that in there. with the triggors.
    now. i am wanting to see if i can added thumbnail slides that when i hit the slide, it shows the next set of images.
    engagment| Bridal| wedding
    its one slide show, but when you hit it. you can go to the next slide, like how you have slide 1, 2 and 3.  that what i am thinking is what parallax scrolling is?
    can it be done? if so how?

    Thanks for your reply. I tried applying the following AS2 script to each image:
    For the first movie clip I used:
    animator = createEmptyMovieClip('animator',1);
    bg_1 = animator.attachMovie('star1','bg_1',1);
    bg_2 = animator.attachMovie('star1','bg_2',2);
    bg_1._x = -bg_1._width/2;
    bg_2._x = bg_2._width/2;
    speed = 1;
    starWidth = 950;
    animator.onEnterFrame = function() {
        bg_1._x -= speed;
        bg_2._x -= speed;
        if(bg_1._x <= -bg_1._width) bg_1._x = starWidth;
        if(bg_2._x <= -bg_2._width) bg_2._x = starWidth;
    For the second movie clip I used:
    animator = createEmptyMovieClip('animator',2);
    bg1 = animator.attachMovie('star2','bg1',1);
    bg2 = animator.attachMovie('star2','bg2',2);
    bg1._x = -bg1._width/2;
    bg2._x = bg2._width/2;
    speed = 2;
    starsWidth = 950;
    animator.onEnterFrame = function() {
        bg1._x -= speed;
        bg2._x -= speed;
        if(bg1._x <= -bg1._width) bg1._x = starsWidth;
        if(bg2._x <= -bg2._width) bg2._x = starsWidth;
    And for the third and final movie clip I used:
    animator = createEmptyMovieClip('animator',3);
    bg01 = animator.attachMovie('star03','bg01',1);
    bg02 = animator.attachMovie('star03','bg02',2);
    bg01._x = -bg01._width/2;
    bg02._x = bg02._width/2;
    speed = 3;
    starssWidth = 950;
    animator.onEnterFrame = function() {
        bg01._x -= speed;
        bg02._x -= speed;
        if(bg01._x <= -bg01._width) bg01._x = starssWidth;
        if(bg02._x <= -bg02._width) bg02._x = starssWidth;
    I thought this would work, but when I tested the movie all three movie clips moved together at the same speed. I want each movie clip to move at a different speed, but I'm completely stuck.

  • How to change background image in existing template?

    Current website needs overall change in background image which is already set in template. Is there anyone who knows how to change background image in existing templates?

    Make a friend with firebug &  you could find yourself from where it is getting applied.
    For the website you have given the background image it is using is [1] and it is getting set in css of body tag [2]. So Find the css at [3] and modify it OR replace [1] with other image with same file name.
    body {
        background: url("images/bg-body.jpg") repeat-x scroll 50% 0 #FFFFFF;
        color: #757373;
        font: 14px/18px Arial,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif;
        margin: 0;
        min-width: 979px;

  • How to swipe stacked images ?

    I am just starting with iAd producer and I would like to build a widget for Ibooks Author.
    The idea is to stack 80 anatomical images (what I did with multiview object) and then allow the user to scroll through those images.
    By default, I can scroll images by clicking but it is not really user-friendly since they need to click 80 times to see the full volume.
    Is there a way to scroll images when the user swipe the finger down/up (a bit like in the carousel view but without animation between two images) ?
    An alternative would be to set a slider bar, but then the problem is that it is not scrolling in real time (the image is no displayed until the finger is still on the screen).
    Your help would be much appreciated !

    donsankar wrote:
    How to insert multiple images in SQL/MySQL using serveletuse a BLOB
    are you sure you need to store images in the database?
    why not store the image on the file system and store a link to the image file in the database
    you really don't gain much putting images in the database

  • Scrolling an image in a scroller container by dragging mouse

    I have an image inside a group with a scroller.  When the image is larger than the scroller size, I get the scrollbars and can pan the image as desired.
    I have listeners that create and resize a rubber-band box as the user clicks on the image and drags the mouse over it.  That's working fine.
    What I want to add is an automatic, smooth scroll, so as the mouse is being dragged over the image, it begins to scroll as the mouse approaches the edges of the scroll area, and will continue to scroll smoothly until the edge of the image has been reached, or the user moves the mouse back.
    This is how my components are set up:
    <s:Scroller id="sourceScroller" width="450" height="500">
         <s:Group id="sourceScrollerGroup" horizontalScrollPosition="0" verticalScrollPosition="0">
              <s:Image id="sourceBitmap" mouseDown="_mouseDownListener(event)" mouseUp="_mouseUpListener(event)" />
    The image source is loaded dynamically.
    My tests have involved changing the value of the sourceScrollerGroup.horizontalScrollPosition and .verticalScrollPosition, but that had no effect.  I'm not sure how to proceed.  Would appreciate any pointers in the right direction.

    Try in safemode....
    '''Try the Firefox Safe Mode''' to see how it works there. The Safe Mode is a troubleshooting mode, which disables most add-ons.''
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default theme.)''
    * You can open the Firefox 4.0+ Safe Mode by holding the '''Shift''' key when you use the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * Or use the Help menu item and click on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item while Firefox is running.
    ''Don't select anything right now, just use "'Start in Safe Mode"''
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before using the Firefox shortcut (without the Shift key) to open it again.''
    '''''If it is good in the Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one.
    Please follow the [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] article for that.
    ''When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help other users who have the same problem.''

  • How do I get images from Aperture into print shop for mac?

    I have Print Shop for Mac and Aperture. How do I get images from Aperture into Print Shop? I'musing managed images with previews. Is there any option besides exporting to the desktop and importing?

    if you have previews turned on in Aperture and they're all genereated, you can simply drag-n-drop them into any application (just about). drag-n-drop is essentially the same as copy/paste as long as the application is setup to accept "drops" onto its windows.
    otherwise, if you're running Leopard (10.5) as your version of Mac OS X, when you import (or whatever it is in PrintShop), you should get a file selection dialog. from here, scroll down the left-hand side bar set of icons. near the bottom is a group called "Media". click on the triangle to open the group, choose Photos, and from here you should see an Aperture icon. click this and you'll see your whole library (or at least the portion of it that you have previews generated for. select the photo you want and viola!

  • Scrolling an image at the end of a ticker

    I am koushik from India. I am working in j2me(cldc-midp), for last six months.
    I have successfully scrolled a ticker and also worked with image.Now I want to scroll an image at the end of a ticker.So, at first I want to scroll an image independently, then I'll go for that. I want to do it not using Timer or I don't want it as a keyEvent,it should scroll like a ticker horizontally at the top of the emulator.Is it possible using Canvas,repaint()......
    if it possible , can anybody help me giving a sample code.

    Because it's an assignment that you've got to make we won't just post complete source code that can be pasted into your Canvas code. As a matter of fact, I don't have source code that accomplishes something similar, so I can't post any code.
    I will try to give some hints etc...
    Okay, you're not using the Ticker class. That's okay and the scenario is clear.
    You probably have got a Canvas screen in which you've made a sort of rectangle at the top of the screen. This rectangle (probably a filled rectangle) represents your titlebar. In this rectangle you will draw parts of a text during each run of the thread (timer).
    There are some interesting challenges: the process should be very smooth to let your ticker animate very realistic. The text will be drawn using a dynamic x coordinate. However, you will need to draw text first, then drawing a filled rectangle or something at the left or the text and at the right of the text to simulate that characters are visualised for only a certain part (like how the ticker does that).
    A fast thread (that sleeps for limited milliseconds) will obviously cause flickering on the screen that might be prevented with double buffering stuff. However this might be complicated on the mobile (the implementation should support double buffering to be able to use it), so then try to increase the delay between the (re)paint actions.
    The paint method should be clean and simple. Do not use any impressive calculations there. Try to find a balance in using class member variables and local calculations (in the paint method). Try to prevent the usage of local member variables in the paint method, to reduce processor load and heap usage.

  • How to scroll in Bridge

    Using Bridge, and my Apple Mighty mouse, how does one go to full screen and scroll a large image up and down. Click down on the mouse and it zooms. Use the scroll ball and you get more zoom. Zoom in. Zoom out. Big deal.
    Click and hold the mouse down and you can move the image. Ok.
    Use the arrow keys in zoom 100% and the next image comes up at the same zoom.
    Come on. I must be missing something here. Please enlighten me. How do you go to full screen and scroll an image?
    Why Can't we set a pref to let the scroll ball on our mouse either scroll or zoom? Is there a place to do this that I am missing?

    I don't know either of such a feature but I only work wit space bar to get to full screen and to explore a part of the picture at 100% only a mouse-click (and you don't need a Mighty one for that...) with the mouse pointed to it and shows you the part you wanted to see at 100 %.
    There might be some advantage in having the ability to use the scroll ball for this but then it would get complicated because this is mainly used for zooming in and out in other applications and it would get quit confusing.
    And I also don't see many advantage in checking sharpness other then 100 % so that is ruling the scroll ball out for me because it is not accurate for this.
    I use a 23" and have no experience with dual monitors but in my opinion the spacebar for full screen (I have the the pref 'generate monitor size previews' checked) and using click for 100 %, arrows for next or previous and command . or , (dot or comma) for rating does fulfil my needs.
    Also the new review mode (cmd B ) is a very nice way to work for the last selection.
    You could add a feature request but I doubt it would make any sense because you can already use the mouse with hold click to 'scroll' the image and why add yet another way to it?
    However there could be a possibility when writing a script for it that when you are in Bridge you could switch to this behavior. I'm not really into scripting so I don't know this is even possible but you can add a script to the scroll ball in the System preferences :-)

  • How to shrink an image?

    I am looking for a tutorial on how to shrink and image.
    So what I what to accomplish is on the main page there is a large main logo than when the page is scrolled down it will move to the upper left (I know how to do this) then is will also shrink down or scale to a smaller image and then I will have it as a sticky header. So lets say the logo is 350x250 and I want to shrink it down to 150x75.
    Hope that makes can I accomplish this?

    You can use animation with scroll , or place image with scroll setup so that when Page scrolls down to a specific position then the large logo hides on page and small logo appears which can be done using scroll movement.

  • How to remove corrupt image from iPhoto

    Somewhere in my photo library I have a photo that iPhoto really doesn't like! I want to know how to remove this image from my library, possibly by deleting it via Finder.
    When I scroll through my photos in iPhoto the software hangs momentarily, and then crashes completely, whenever it gets to this particular image. When I try to export my photos (for backup purposes) iPhoto always crashes when trying to export this same image.
    The problem has appeared with one of the recent updates to iPhoto, when I originally imported this image I could see and export the image just fine. The same issue is preventing me from migrating my photo library to the new Photos app - the import process that runs when I first launch Photos always crashes at the same point, presumably because of this same image file.
    I am unable to remove the image by deleting it via iPhoto because I can't get iPhoto to display the image without crashing, please can anyone suggest another way to get rid of it.

    I've been trying to post details from the crash report here, but the forum software tells me that the message contains 'an invalid character' - which character is invalid? Who knows...

  • How to capture an image from my usb camera and display on my front panel

    How to capture an image from my usb camera and display on my front panel

    Install NI Vision Acquisition Software and NI IMAQ for USB and open an example.

  • How do I add image upload to web app edit template?

    How do I add image upload to web app edit template. When creating fields I am selecting image from the field type. But the only way to upload and image is when I create the web app item within the admin. The option to upload an image is not available when the user submit web form opens.
    Wont send any of these questions through this email anymore but really needed assistance.

    On the Details tab of the Web App setup, under Web App Item Options; have you ticked "Allow File Upload" and specified a Default Upload Folder?

Maybe you are looking for

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