How to search a class in list of  jar files

Hi All,
I am using Windows XP. I have some 100's of jars and I want to find in which jar file a particular class exists. The search option in Windows XP (except Windows 2000) doesn't help. I tried the jarbrowser tool but it's search functionality is not working.
Can anybody please suggest a nice tool or approach ...
Thanks & Regards,

I know of one named ClassFinder that will do what you want.

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    From 11.1 onwards, the below two views are available to identify the jar files loaded into the Database.
    By querying the JAVAJAR$ view you can know information about the JAR files loaded into the Database and using JAVAJAROBJECTS$ view you can find all the java objects associated with the given JAR file.
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    Thanks & Regards,

    For curious, here are output prints for all 3 methods:
    1) parsing system property
    2) tschodt
    3) overcast SystemClassLoader to URLClassLoader
    package, Java Platform API Specification, version 1.6
    package com.thoughtworks.qdox.directorywalker
    package, Java Platform API Specification, version 1.6
    package java.util.jar, Java Platform API Specification, version 1.6
    package org.testng.internal.thread
    package, Java Platform API Specification, version 1.6
    package, Java Platform API Specification, version 1.6
    package sun.reflect.misc, Java Platform API Specification, version 1.6
    package esp.ejb.samples1.test
    package, Java Platform API Specification, version 1.
    ...Interestingly, method 1 and 3 gives the same list, same order, same count, just format of item is a little bit different. The order is same as in Eclipse .classpath file.
    Method 2 (tschodt) give significantly more items! rougly 3x! Different order (somewhat random it seems to me). Some items contain extra information, like version and string "Java Platform API Specification".
    It prints not absolute paths but logical Java names.

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    is it what is written on MANIFEST.MF ?
    for example i have a JAR file
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    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Created-By: Ant 1.4.1so, whats the version of this JAR ? 1.0 ?

    anyway, that was JSTL..jar.
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    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Created-By: Apache Ant 1.5.1
    Extension-Name: Struts Framework
    Specification-Title: Struts Framework
    Specification-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation
    Specification-Version: 1.1
    Implementation-Title: Struts Framework
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    Implementation-Vendor-Id: org.apache
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    truts-legacy.jarso, How do you believe whats the version now ? do u go with the comment "Manifest-Version: 1.0" or "Specification-Version: 1.1" ?
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    mvnath wrote:
    The jar files are worked before the installation of 1.5 but not after installation of 1.5I am guessing that the Windows file association for .jar somehow got munjed. It's hard to say since you have not provided much information.

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    Thank you for your replay.
    The problem is that I dont' really know what are the *.jar files I need to use at compile time. I have to get the list of *.jar files at runtime. My java program needs to compile any other given java project at runntime, and those projects will have certain project structures, such
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    Greetings, Jonas

    1 - double check the class is in the jar file, in that path, and is spelt correctly
    2 - restart Tomcat
    3 - check the contents of the tld file - particularly the extra-info tag and class name for it.

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    Depends on the application requirements. For a basic JSP/Servlet application just integrate Tomcat in Eclipse and assign it as application server to your web project, then you don't need to add anything. If you for example need JSF, then you should add its JAR's to the classpath of the web project, which is by default /WEB-INF/lib.

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    Class-Path: log4j.jar log4j-core.jar
    Class-Path: jsse.jar jcert.jar jnet.jar
    But this doesn't work. It only works when I do this:
    Class-Path: log4j.jar log4j-core.jar jsse.jar jcert.jar jnet.jar
    Here is how I'm running the jar:
    java -jar server.jar
    Is the documentation wrong? Or this is a bug?

    Certain attributes were only meant to be specified once. Like Main-Class and Class-Path for example. If these were listed two or more times, then the last occurance is the one that gets recognized (basically, each new instance overwrites the previous instance). Some attributes are listed as "per-entry" and are freely duplicated for each entry. For example signed jars could have a number of Name: and xxx-Digest: attributes.
    This link is to the manifest spec:
    To answer the original posters question, the doc's are in error. Actually, the error was not in the docs, it was in the tutorial, but none the less its still in error. He could have done this:
    Class-Path: log4j.jar log4j-core.jar
    jsse.jar jcert.jar jnet.jar
    ^-- two spaces before the start of jsse.jar
    because the docs allow for line continuation (although it's not exactly clear if you read the docs). The docs are also apparently in error regarding the max line length of 72 bytes. I have tested this with over 100 char's on a win32 machine and it works fine for me. The limitation must therefore apply to some other operating system, or it could just be in error.

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    I'm going to guess that your problem is getting a list of classes in the jar file in the first place. To do this, use classes and methods from the package and perhaps also the java.util.jar package.

  • How to authenticate a JWS Client download of jar files on a web server

    Here is a history of how i tried to implement the auth system:
    The resources(jar files) cannot be downloaded by any HTTP client from the server without some authentication method.
    As JWS is not reliable when using cookies (only 1.5 supports them, but with problems when in JNLP file i specify j2se version=older that 1.5) , i implemented another mecanism that works like this:
    1. 1.The template JNLP looks like this
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <jnlp codebase="" href="mapped/#JWS_CODE#___#PLATFORM#___app2.2.jnlp">
           bla bla
            <j2se version="1.4"/>
            <jar href="" version="2.2"/>
            <jar href="" version="2.2"/>
            <jar href=""/>
        <application-desc main-class="">
    </jnlp>2. All resources found in /mapped/ directory are mapped to JWSServlet
    3. The users login to a site , clik on link , /mapped/app2.2.jnlp , the servlet checks if the session is active , gets the PLATFORM form browser request header , gets the JWSCODE for the logged user, replaces this in the template, and returns it to the client
    4.Now after the 1st download the JNLP file is opened by JWS Client , that checks for latest version , requesting the JNLP file again
    like this:
    GET the servlet sees the the request has a JNLP file name with an ID and PLATFORM, and serves the JNLP as before
    6.The JWS Client will request for JAR Files
    GET that i have forced JWSID parameter in the URL, that's why the query string contains 2 "?"
    - forcing this is because the mapped/*.jar is redirected JnlpDownloadServlet that supports versions , diffs - i cannot use 'version' to put there the jswid param(e.g .../mapped/gui.jar version="fk12ks21092_2.2" because the JnlpDownloadServlet will not find this version , and if JWS Servlet will redirect to JnlpDownloadServlet with correct version param in request, the JWS Client will raise an exception because version responded is not right(JNLPDownloadServlet marks in response HTTP header the version of the jar so JWS CLient will chek it)
    JWS Client expects version 'fk12ks21092_ver2.2'; to correct this i should modify the JnlpDownloadServlet and i shouldnt
    on older versions than 1.5 JWS Client raises an exception because it wants to create a temp file named
    " gui.jar?jwscode=f12ks21092" because it contains "?"
    Only with 1.5 that seems to parse the jar name until it meets "?" char :(
    Thats why i wanted to send an error to the client to upgrade to Java Web Start 1.5
    Now, maybe u have a solution to this problem...
    All i want is a solution to let JWS Client download jars only if the user is authenticated by some mecanism....and also support the versioning system.
    Note that the jar names must preserve on the client JWS Cache dir ( i cannot use the same method to pass the JWSCODE when requesting the JARS as when requesting the JNLP).

    You need to look into JAAS

  • In .jar file how can I call API's of other .Jar file

    Hi all,
    I have created a "MyApplication.jar" file that dose not need any other .jar file Like xercesImpl.jar thne it is working fine.
    but If I make the .jar file of application that needs xercesImpl.jar API's
    of this .jar file then how I can call that xercesImpl.jar in my Application.jar newly created.
    please help me
    Thanks in advance.

    either add the other jar file to your classpath or do the following (taken from
    e68. Loading a Class That Is Not on the Classpath
    A URLClassLoader can be used to load classes in any directory.
        // Create a File object on the root of the directory containing the class file
        File file = new File("c:\\myclasses\\");
        try {
            // Convert File to a URL
            URL url = file.toURL();          // file:/c:/myclasses/
            URL[] urls = new URL[]{url};
            // Create a new class loader with the directory
            ClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(urls);
            // Load in the class; MyClass.class should be located in
            // the directory file:/c:/myclasses/com/mycompany
            Class cls = cl.loadClass("com.mycompany.MyClass");
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

  • Overriding a class which is in JAR file ?

         I have an application which is a Java Applet that downloads JAR files in runtime. And this Java Applet is invoked from Internet Explorer through JInitiator I want this application to use one class say "lwWin.class" which is in my local system instead of taking it from the JAR file. This class (lwWin.class) is in a package called "MyAwt.LwWins" of JAR files which are downloaded into the directory called "d:\Classes". Is it possible to let my application to use the class which is in local system instead of taking it from the JAR File ? Please tell me a way achieve this.Hope to see your replies soon.
    Thanks and Regards,

    It depends on the way the classes relate to one another. In a privilged appliction you could set up a special class loader, but the situation is somewhat complicated by the rules on how classes can reference those from other ClassLoaders.
    You could set up an extension of URLClassLoader that special-cases that specific class.

  • How to run a java program using additional jar files

    Hi everyone in the forum,
    i ve created an app using the hFreeChart in eclipse, so i added them as external jar files and tested the program.
    now my problem is that the program should run using a terminal in win and i do not know how can i do to make the command line or the system to find them, i added to the path but i read somtehing about classpath, but i have no idea. if anyone can help?
    thanks in advanced

    Actually, the best way to prepare a program for regular running is to make it an executable jar file, which means adding a manifest file which contains (at least) a Main-class: and a Class-Path: line. Referenced class libraries typically sit in a lib directory next to the java file. Then you can run it using java -jar myprog.jar.
    Failing that create a batch file or link that supplied java with command line parameters including a -classpath=
    Using the class path environment results in too much contention between competing values of it.

  • How to read the contents from the provisioning jar file in 11g

    Hi All,
    I am new to OIM 11g, can anyone please let me know the process of reading the existing jar.
    Actually What I am trying to do is:
    1. I created one process task and added one task 2. Created adapter variables 3. Create java task and select the method.
    Here I am seeing jar name as javatasks.jar:icf-oim-intg.jar.
    method name as oracle.iam.connectors.icfcommon.prov.ICProvisoningManager.createObject(java.lang.object).
    I would like to see internal code of that jar files(means need to know how they are handling proviosoing).
    but I searched in all folders I could't able to find that jar. can any one please let me know how to find the icf-oim-intg.jar in 11g.
    Edited by: 988908 on Feb 26, 2013 10:05 PM

    check inside

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