How to share a timeline you are working on with someone else (Without rendering)

I use CS6 and need to be able to share/export the timeline as is to someone I am working with but can't figure out how to do so without exporting like normal.
We would like to do so without loosing all of the clips and details in the timeline so that they could pick up editing where I left off and so on.
Please help.

This is why Harm has 17,000+ posts.  Some of them are actually helpful, and not snarky, and not Mac-bashing.
You should be able to hand off a project with renders. 
Using Project Manager is one way to collect all your assets and projects into one destination.  I've never used it, and don't know if it copies renders as well as footage.
Your renders are in a folder in your Pr Project folder, called "Preview Files."  Your colleage may have to relink the rendered files, as well as any source footage, depending on your file structure.

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    Hi Abhi,
    Welcome to SDN!
    If you are working as a BI Consultant it's good to have ABAP knowledge. Because In BI we use ABAP mainly in writing Routines, Functional Modules, etc.
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    Ha! Perfectly classic case of XY problem! Pointed out by Jongware in some other thread recently - couldn't find an exact link right now...
    In short:
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        User asks for help with Y.
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    Avoid XY problem!

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    How are you sharing your calendars. If you are doing this by sharing accounts, you won't be able to once your mobile me account expires. If you are using the calendar sharing feature, there is no reason you shouldn't continue to do so.
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    If you run into this problem do what I am doing, go to Apple and buy a mac, we need to stand up against all this and pay attention to the COMMERCIALS that are VERY TRUE and drop Microsoft, IBM, anything Gates related and stop using their products!!!

    Thanks Mike!
    I'm just so frustrated, its bad enough my other laptop wasn't even 2 yrs old
    yet and I've spent $800 to have it fixed twice already, this 3rd time I was
    DONE... so I moved onto Sony, but this Vista just is making my life a living
    hell, I just spent a fortune on the laptop, and now I have to buy Adobe 9
    when my adobe 7 isn't even 2 yrs old... ugh... its just very frustrating and
    nerve racking and is costing more than I make in a week in this business
    (real estate processing)... I should sell Microsoft for a living, I'd be a
    My husband's Mac has been through hell and back physically, is 5 yrs old and
    we've never had to take it in for any upgrades or issues, its SO easy to
    use... why can't Microsoft be the same?!?!
    Thanks for your input and for being understanding of my frustration, I bet
    you see those often! LOL

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    Supply pertinent information for quicker answers
    The more information you supply about your situation, the better equipped other community members will be to answer. Consider including the following in your question:
    Adobe product and version number
    Operating system and version number
    The full text of any error message(s)
    What you were doing when the problem occurred
    Screenshots of the problem
    Computer hardware, such as CPU; GPU; amount of RAM; etc.

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