How to show/hide total based on selected column in column selector

Is there a way to show/hide the total based on what column is selected in the column selector? Or alternatively to hide the total based on the column selected? I'm using OBIEE 10g.
Basically, I have a pivot table with a handful of row variables and one measure. Then I allow the user to select the column variable. The default is to have nothing, which I have achieved using the hidden/dummy column trick (Re: How to add new columns by using Multiselect However, if my pivot table is set to have a total, I now get 2 columns that are the same. When the user selects any other choice (e.g. gender), I would want to see Male, Female and the total. Something like this:
East 10
West 20
Total 30
Male Female Total
Count Count Count
East 6 4 10
West 14 6 20
Total 20 10 30
Any thoughts?

I recommend using view selector instead of column selector

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    I have a dataset that has a column 'locked' that is a boolean that I want to use to remove a button on a form.  The idea being that it will be set to 1 after a period of time thus removing the buttun that links to an update form and preventing the data from being changed.  Currently, I have the field linked to a check box at the top of the table.  How do I use this to hide the button (or any other html element for that matter) when set to 1 and show the element when set to 0?  I understand I need to creat a php variable from the mysql boolean and then use a if/else loop to hide/display the html but I don't know how to impliment this?  Thanks for any help offered.
    Here's the code:
    <?php require_once('Connections/testmypms.php'); ?>
    $currentPage = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
    $maxRows_spec_rx = 10;
    $pageNum_spec_rx = 0;
    if (isset($_GET['pageNum_spec_rx'])) {
      $pageNum_spec_rx = $_GET['pageNum_spec_rx'];
    $startRow_spec_rx = $pageNum_spec_rx * $maxRows_spec_rx;
    $colname_spec_rx = "1";
    if (isset($_GET['pxID'])) {
      $colname_spec_rx = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_GET['pxID'] : addslashes($_GET['pxID']);
    mysql_select_db($database_testmypms, $testmypms);
    $query_spec_rx = sprintf("SELECT spec_rx.spec_rx_id, spec_rx.FK_px_id, DATE_FORMAT(spec_rx.spec_rx_date, '%%d-%%m-%%Y') as formatted_rx_date, spec_rx.FK_user_id, spec_rx.spec_rx_rsph, spec_rx.spec_rx_rcyl, spec_rx.spec_rx_raxis, spec_rx.spec_rx_rhprism, spec_rx.spec_rx_rhprismbase, spec_rx.spec_rx_rvprism, spec_rx.spec_rx_rvprismbase, spec_rx.spec_rx_rnadd, spec_rx.spec_rx_rnhprism, spec_rx.spec_rx_rnhprismbase, spec_rx.spec_rx_rnvprism, spec_rx.spec_rx_rnvprismbase, spec_rx.spec_rx_rintadd, spec_rx.spec_rx_rinthprism, spec_rx.spec_rx_rinthprismbase, spec_rx.spec_rx_rintvprism, spec_rx.spec_rx_rintvprismbase, spec_rx.spec_rx_lsph, spec_rx.spec_rx_lcyl, spec_rx.spec_rx_laxis, spec_rx.spec_rx_lhprism, spec_rx.spec_rx_lhprismbase, spec_rx.spec_rx_lvprism, spec_rx.spec_rx_lvprismbase, spec_rx.spec_rx_lintadd, spec_rx.spec_rx_linthprism, spec_rx.spec_rx_linthprismbase, spec_rx.spec_rx_lintvprism, spec_rx.spec_rx_lintvprismbase, spec_rx.spec_rx_lnadd, spec_rx.spec_rx_lnhprism, spec_rx.spec_rx_lnhprismbase, spec_rx.spec_rx_lnvprism, spec_rx.spec_rx_lnvprismbase, spec_rx.locked, users.user_id, users.user_firstname, users.user_surname FROM spec_rx, users WHERE %s = spec_rx.FK_px_id AND spec_rx.FK_user_id = users.user_id ORDER BY spec_rx.spec_rx_date DESC, spec_rx.spec_rx_id DESC", $colname_spec_rx);
    $query_limit_spec_rx = sprintf("%s LIMIT %d, %d", $query_spec_rx, $startRow_spec_rx, $maxRows_spec_rx);
    $spec_rx = mysql_query($query_limit_spec_rx, $testmypms) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_spec_rx = mysql_fetch_assoc($spec_rx);
    if (isset($_GET['totalRows_spec_rx'])) {
      $totalRows_spec_rx = $_GET['totalRows_spec_rx'];
    } else {
      $all_spec_rx = mysql_query($query_spec_rx);
      $totalRows_spec_rx = mysql_num_rows($all_spec_rx);
    $totalPages_spec_rx = ceil($totalRows_spec_rx/$maxRows_spec_rx)-1;
    $colname_demographics = "1";
    if (isset($_GET['pxID'])) {
      $colname_demographics = (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? $_GET['pxID'] : addslashes($_GET['pxID']);
    mysql_select_db($database_testmypms, $testmypms);
    $query_demographics = sprintf("SELECT demographics.px_id, demographics.FK_title_id, demographics.firstname, demographics.surname, DATE_FORMAT(demographics.dob, '%%d-%%m-%%Y') as formatted_dob, title.title_id, title.title FROM demographics, title WHERE %s = demographics.px_id AND demographics.FK_title_id = title.title_id", $colname_demographics);
    $demographics = mysql_query($query_demographics, $testmypms) or die(mysql_error());
    $row_demographics = mysql_fetch_assoc($demographics);
    $totalRows_demographics = mysql_num_rows($demographics);
    $queryString_spec_rx = "";
    if (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
      $params = explode("&", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
      $newParams = array();
      foreach ($params as $param) {
        if (stristr($param, "pageNum_spec_rx") == false &&
            stristr($param, "totalRows_spec_rx") == false) {
          array_push($newParams, $param);
      if (count($newParams) != 0) {
        $queryString_spec_rx = "&" . htmlentities(implode("&", $newParams));
    $queryString_spec_rx = sprintf("&totalRows_spec_rx=%d%s", $totalRows_spec_rx, $queryString_spec_rx);
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <title>Spec Rx3</title>
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
    function MM_goToURL() { //v3.0
      var i, args=MM_goToURL.arguments; document.MM_returnValue = false;
      for (i=0; i<(args.length-1); i+=2) eval(args[i]+".location='"+args[i+1]+"'");
    <p>Spec Rx</p>
    <p><?php echo $row_demographics['px_id']; ?></p>
    <p><?php echo $row_demographics['title']; ?> <?php echo $row_demographics['firstname']; ?> <?php echo $row_demographics['surname']; ?> <?php echo $row_demographics['formatted_dob']; ?> </p>
      <input name="Add_spec_rx" type="button" id="Add_spec_rx" onClick="MM_goToURL('parent','add_spec_rx.php');return document.MM_returnValue" value="New Rx">
    <p> <a href="<?php printf("%s?pageNum_spec_rx=%d%s", $currentPage, max(0, $pageNum_spec_rx - 1), $queryString_spec_rx); ?>">Previous</a> <a href="<?php printf("%s?pageNum_spec_rx=%d%s", $currentPage, min($totalPages_spec_rx, $pageNum_spec_rx + 1), $queryString_spec_rx); ?>">Next</a></p>
    <?php do { ?>
    <table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="5">
        <td> </td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['formatted_rx_date']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_id']; ?></td>
        <input <?php if (!(strcmp($row_spec_rx['locked'],1))) {echo "checked";} ?> name="locked" type="checkbox" id="locked" value="1"></td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td>NrHPrism </td>
        <td><?php echo ($row_spec_rx['spec_rx_rsph']<>null) ? sprintf ("%+4.2f",$row_spec_rx['spec_rx_rsph']) : null; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo ($row_spec_rx['spec_rx_rcyl']<>null) ? sprintf ("%+4.2f",$row_spec_rx['spec_rx_rcyl']) : null; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_raxis']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_rhprism']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_rhprismbase']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_rvprism']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_rvprismbase']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_rnadd']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_rnhprism']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_rnhprismbase']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_rnvprism']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_rnvprismbase']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_rintadd']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_rinthprism']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_rinthprismbase']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_rintvprism']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_rintvprismbase']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo ($row_spec_rx['spec_rx_lsph']<>null) ? sprintf ("%+4.2f",$row_spec_rx['spec_rx_lsph']) : null; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo ($row_spec_rx['spec_rx_lcyl']<>null) ? sprintf ("%+4.2f",$row_spec_rx['spec_rx_lcyl']) : null; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_laxis']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_lhprism']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_lhprismbase']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_lvprism']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_lvprismbase']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_lnadd']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_lnhprism']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_lnhprismbase']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_lnvprism']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_lnvprismbase']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_lintadd']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_linthprism']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_linthprismbase']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_lintvprism']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['spec_rx_lintvprismbase']; ?></td>
        <td> </td>
        <td>User ID <?php echo $row_spec_rx['user_id']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['user_firstname']; ?></td>
        <td><?php echo $row_spec_rx['user_surname']; ?></td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
        <td> </td>
    <p> </p>
    <?php } while ($row_spec_rx = mysql_fetch_assoc($spec_rx)); ?>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> </p>

    Thanks for your help, nearly worked but only returned results where the if statement was met ie where locked =0, so I used an additional statement to display something else when when locked=1
    if($row_spec_rx['locked'] == 1) {
    echo "button html goes here";
    if($row_spec_rx['locked'] == 0) {
    echo "something else";
    I am sure there must be a more elegant way of doing this!

  • Total based on selected rows

    I have a column called record type and I would like to sub-total based on
    selected rows from the record type at the bottom. how do I do it ?
    for ex:
    rtype load
    s - 100
    b - 150
    r - 200
    z - 10
    total load1 b+r - 350
    total load2 b+z - 160

    You can use calculations in pivot tables to operate with distinct values of a column. You can create a new column (or row) as 'b' + 'r' record types. You can select wether to see original and total columns or only totals.
    See 'Examples of Calculations in Oracle BI Pivot Tables' section in "Oracle® Business Intelligence Answers, Delivers, and Interactive Dashboards User Guide" document.

  • How to Show ActionScript Graphics based Spinner on Flex or mobile application ?

    How to Show ActionScript Graphics based Spinner on Flex or mobile application

    Check out the BusyIndicator component introduced in Flex 4.5:
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
        <s:BusyIndicator />

  • How to display the total at the end of the column in the report.

    Hi all,
    Could any one please intimate, how to display the total at the end of the column. For example, i have a column, "sales" as the Key figure, and it has the data for all the transactions. Now, i would like to display the total at the end of the report, below the same column.
    Similarly, for all the other columns in the report, i need to display the total for all the columns in the report.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi All,
    Thanks for many suggestions. I tried by providing the "Total" under "Calculate Results as" and also "Counter for all detailed values" under "Calcuate Single Values as", in the  "Calculations" tab of the key figure, but i am unable to get the information. Again, i am providing the requirement below:
    CHAR - A   CHAR - B   TIME CH. - 1 KF -1  KF- 2 KF - 3
    1                     RAM        2012           1         50      50
    2                     SAM         2012          2         100    200
    Result                                               3           150   250
    Assume KF -1 as  "Qty." KF-2  as "Price" KF-3 as "Sales".
    Please intimate the solution.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Dynamic action - show/hide region based on LOV which returns ID

    Hi folks,
    this should be simple, so someone who works with dynamic actions.
    I have a LOV which is based on below query:
    select OBJECT_ID, KOD
      from x_data x;
       ID          KOD
        492961 BMW
        492964 VOLVO
        492960 MERCEDES
        492963 VOLKSWAGEN
        492959 SKODAItem :P200_KOD is based on LOV which displays KOD and returns ID.
    On my page I have also 1 region called TEST_REGION.
    I would like to set up a dynamic action shich will SHOW/HIDE a TEST_REGION based on selected value in item :P200_KOD (LOV). Region should be showed if displayed (KOD) value of selected ID starts with 'V%'
    By other words, if below query returns any record, then SHOW, else HIDE:
       select *
        from x_data x
      where x.kod like 'V%'
         and x.object_id = :P200_KOD;How should I define a triggering condition for dynamic action, for item :P200_KOD?

    One way:
    Create advanced dynamic action.
    Name : Hide region
    Event : Change
    Selection Type : Item(s)
    Items(s) : P200_KOD
    Condition : JavaScript Expression
    Value :
    $(this.triggeringElement).children("option:selected").html().substring(0,1) !== "V"Action : Hide
    Fire On Page Load : True
    Hide all page items on the same line : No
    False Action : Show
    Fire On Page Load : True
    Show all page items on the same line : No
    Selection Type : Region
    Region : TEST_REGION

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    Thanks for any advice.

    You can Option click on the eye beside the layer thumbnail icon to hide all but the selected layer(s).
    Option click again to show all the layers.
    Command click to toggle the selected layer visibilty on/off
    To hide multiple layers, select the layers, right click on one the eyes and click on Hide this layer
    Repeat to make the layers visible again.
    You can also click on one the eyes and then drag down or up to hide multiple layers and reverse to make the layers visible.

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    How can I show/hide the invisible characters in Mac Keynote 6?

    we call them non printing characters
    this cant be displayed in Keynote, Keynote is a video based presentation application and does not have many typographic tools.
    The sister application to Keynote is Pages which can show non printing characters so you should use that;
    View > show > invisibles

  • How to create a report  based on selected item from Select list?

    I have created a tables_LOV based on:
    select table_name d, table_name r from user_tab_cols
    where column_name like '%_type%'
    Then I created a page item ListOfTables,  Display as select list and pointing to tables_LOV.
    I run the page, and i can select the table i want from the drop down list.
    How to create a report  based on the selected item? (ex: select * from selected_table)
    many thanks in advance

    Hi Salah,
    Allright, have a look at this page:
    I think that simulates what you're trying to accomplish. I've set up the simplest method I could think of.
    The report is based on an apex collection. If you are not familiar with that, you should study the documentation: APEX_COLLECTION
    To recreate my example you should:
    1) create an (interactive) report on your collection
    SELECT *
       FROM APEX_collections
    WHERE collection_name = 'MY_COLLECTION'
    2) create a page_item select list for the tables you want to display (in my case this is called "P38_TABLES" )
    3) create a dynamic action that triggers on change of your select list page_item. The dynamic action must be a PL/SQL procedure perfoming the following code:
      l_query varchar2(4000);
      l_query := 'select * from '||:P38_TABLES;
      if apex_collection.collection_exists
            ( p_collection_name => 'MY_COLLECTION' )
          ( p_collection_name => 'MY_COLLECTION' );
      end if;
        ( p_collection_name => 'MY_COLLECTION'
        , p_query           => l_query
    Make sure you add your page_item to the "Page Items to Submit" section.
    4) Add an extra true action that does a refresh of the report region.
    Here are two pictures describing the da:
    Good luck and regards,

  • How to show/hide build in search box in javascript for LightSwitch html clients?

    For each collection on content item, there is built-in showSearch button we can add, once the user clicks on the search, a pre-built-in-search-box shows up above the collection so user can search items in the list. How can I show/hide the pre-built-in-search-box
    in javascript?
    Any help will be appreciated
    The built-in showSearch on content item
    The user clicks the search button, and the pre-built-in-search-box shows up to allow user to enter search terms

    Hi Joe,
    Welcome to Lightswitch forum.
    If you want to show/hide showSearch button, you can execute this line to show the button,
    this.FindControl("showSearch").IsVisible = true;
    Or execute the line below:
    this.FindControl("showSearch").IsVisible = false;
    Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How to Show/hide the UI Elements in a WD Application

    I need to show/hide and control other properties such as required, readonly etc from UI.
    Can somebody please tell me how I can do that as I am able to save and retrieve the fields from another UI, now the need is to apply them once the Application starts.

    To show/hide UI elements follow below procedure.
    1) define a attribute(VISIBLE in this case) element in the context of type WDUI_VISIBILITY
    2) in the UI element properties(Visible) bind the above attribute with the element you want to make visible/Hide.
    3) call below method to hide the UI element
           name = 'VISIBLE'
           value = cl_wd_uielement=>e_visible-none ).
    4)     wd_context->set_attribute(
           name = 'VISIBLE'
           value = cl_wd_uielement=>e_visible-visible ).  for display.
    You have to call these method at the right spot.
    Edited by: t sree on Oct 16, 2008 3:36 AM

  • Show / hide field based on text in another field

    I'm trying to make one of my fields reactive to what is the text generated in another field.
    At the moment I have this under calculate using custom javascript:
    var Mask = this.getField("Course").value;
    if(Mask == 'Swimming') this.getField("Code").display = display.visible;
    else this.getField("Code").display = display.hidden;
    Whereas Course is the field that is changing and Code is the one that will show/hide based on content of Course.
    Any help?

    Hi Everyone,
    After doing trials with simple calculations it still wasn't working and so I've figured out what the problem is - the document was being exported but with the data being pre-populated from an SQL database in which during the export it all happens at once, not a chain effect so when the export happens it was filling "Code" before "Course" had any info in it...
    The fix was basically having to create a different field in the SQL source itself for an independent field on the pdf form.

  • How to SHOW/HIDE a dreamweaver layer from a flash button?

    I have almost 2 weeks tying to find a solution for this. Please help...
    -How can you SHOW/HIDE an thml-dreamweaver layer from a flash movie button.
    My html layer name is LAYER1, and my FlashMC botton name is FLBOT1
    Now, what is the actionscript that im suppouse to place in the flash button?
    Please respond, Thanks

    Adobe removed Flash Text and Flash Buttons from CS4 for accessibility reasons.  Flash buttons aren't web friendly.  And if you use this approach, you'll need to work in Flash because DW doesn't write Action Script for you.
    That said, you could do something similar without Flash.
    Pure CSS Disjointed Menu Rollovers
    Pure CSS Disjointed Text Rollovers
    Show/Hide Layers with DW behaviors:
    Walter Zorn's Tooltips
    FloatBox Demos
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • How to show/hide a link column in a report, depending on another column?

    Sorry, thread duplicated.
    Edited by: Andres Vilallave on 14-may-2010 15:31

    I had a situation similar to this. I had NULL selected in the column when I wanted to hide the link. Please find below more explenation:-
    <b>example report </b>
    Interactive Report
    Col1     col2     col3
    1          a1       a2
    2          b1       b2
    -           c1       c2
    -           d1       d2
    -------------------------------------------In the above Report <b><i>col1</i></b> is a link . Upon clicking this, user should will be directed to Page XX
    so, when data in col2 of report is c1 or d1[can be a different display condition, you may want to implement this with CASE or anyother SQL construct] , I selected NULL which will not show the link.
    so, my point is, if the SQL you have in the INTERACTIVE REPORT is creative enough to have NULL in the column, Link is not enabled.
    Hope I got your problem correct.

  • How to show grand total at bottom in Pivot view?

    Hi All,
    How to show the report Grand total at bottom in pivot table?Plz help.

    Hi ,
    Thanks for the reply but My report structure is like below:
    AAA,BBB,CCC,DDD,EEE,FFF,GGG,HHH & III my report columns.I have arranged those columns in measure & i have to calculate the variance against each column like below structure.As per the report here I have lto calculate variance for 4 columns like AAA,BBB,CCC,DDD & after that total of each..then again variance for EEE,FFF & their total.After that i have to show grand total of all from AAAA to FFF likewise for rest of fields.
    Measures           variance
    AAA(db column)          1
    BBB(db column)          2
    CCC(db column)     3      
    DDD(db column
    Total     6
    EEE(db column)     4      
    FFF(db column) 5
    Total     9
    Grand Total(AAA TO FFF)     15
    GGG(db column)     6     
    Total     6
    Grand Total(AAA TO GGG) 21
    III(db column)          
    Grand Total(AAA TO III)     
    How to do that?
    Edited by: Sonal on Jan 11, 2012 9:06 AM
    Edited by: Sonal on Jan 11, 2012 9:15 AM
    Edited by: Sonal on Jan 11, 2012 9:17 AM

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    Hi! 1) Is it possible to create WDA with hidden menu bar, toolbar and address bar in the IE? 2) Is it possible to determine resolution of client's screen? It's for smart resizing of controls. Thanks!

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    I'll try to lay this out as best I can. I've been going crazy over this. I go to this particular photo forum and read a lot and post a lot. Ever since upgrading to mountain lion, every time I go to this forum, I now notice that certain words, complet

  • USB DVD Optical Drives

    Dear Forum: (This is my first submission, so please forgive me if I don't do it correctly.) A few months ago, I purchased a HP ENVY 23-k110 Desktop.  I did not know at the time of purchase that it did not have a DVD Optical Drive, so I purchased a US