How to show subtotals

I have a report with two columns one as category and the other as Dollar value.
Category has the following values:
Moved In
Moved Out
Now the user wants to add one subtotal line for the first three values. i.e sum of New, Increased and Moved In dollar values and another subtoal line at the last. i.e for the Lost, Decreased, Moved Out category.
Is there a way to do this?
Ambika Nanda.

Try with 'Combine with similar request option' (Union) where
1) Drag one dummy column and hard code the value 'Subtotal1' and take a filter on Category which is equal to ur first three values
2) In second request use same column but add the filter condition that values are not in (New,Increased,Moved In) and in last use the same condition as in 1st point.
I didnt tried it but this will help you up to some level

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    12/10/13 2:52 PM Web ADI Upload Job 13008 ERROR          BnePLSQLUpload.doUpload: Exception while uploading to PL/SQL API.  Error Code: 20001, Message: ORA-20001: -Please enter CONTAINER_ID -  Enter PO_NO -
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    ORA-06512: at line 1
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    ORA-06512: at "APPS.XXPO_COSTFACTS_WEBADI_PKG", line 264
    ORA-06512: at line 1
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    How to show the same error in the excel template?
    Here is the package:
       PROCEDURE upload_data (
                              P_CONTAINER_ID IN VARCHAR2
                            , P_SAIL_DATE IN DATE
                            , P_PO_NO IN VARCHAR2                     
                             ) IS
        lv_err_msg      VARCHAR2(240);
        lf_err_flag     NUMBER := 0;
        ln_temp         NUMBER;
        --------------------- checking for mandatory parameters---------------------------
             lf_err_flag := 1;
             lv_err_msg := lv_err_msg||'-'||'Please enter CONTAINER_ID - ';
          END IF;
          -------------Validation for Sail Date Format----------------------
             lf_err_flag := 1;
             lv_err_msg := lv_err_msg || ' ' || 'Enter Sail Date - ';
                SELECT 1
                  INTO ln_temp
                  FROM DUAL
                WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
                   lf_err_flag := 1;
                   lv_err_msg := lv_err_msg || ' Enter Sail date in DD-MON-YYYY Format';
                WHEN OTHERS THEN
                   lf_err_flag := 1;
                   lv_err_msg := lv_err_msg || ' Enter Sail date in DD-MON-YYYY Format'|| SQLERRM;
          END IF;
          -------------Validation for PO_Number----------------------
          IF (P_PO_NO IS NULL) THEN
             lf_err_flag := 1;
             lv_err_msg := lv_err_msg || ' ' || 'Enter PO_NO - ';
                SELECT count(1)
                  INTO ln_temp
                  FROM PO_HEADERS
                 WHERE Attribute4 =  P_PO_NO;
                WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
                   lf_err_flag := 1;
                   lv_err_msg := lv_err_msg || ' No Oracle PO for Biceps PO#'||P_PO_NO;
                WHEN OTHERS THEN
                   lf_err_flag := 1;
                   lv_err_msg := lv_err_msg || ' Error getting the Oracle PO for Bicpes PO#'||P_PO_NO||' Error-' || SQLERRM;
          END IF;
         -----------------------Insert Record----------------------------
         IF lv_err_msg is NULL THEN
                    , ERROR_FLAG
                    , ERROR_MSG
                    , trunc (sysdate)
                    , trunc (sysdate)
                  --  commit;
                    '-' || 'After ap_invoices_interface'
            WHEN OTHERS THEN
              lf_err_flag := 1;
              lv_err_msg  := lv_err_msg || ' ' || 'error loading CONTAINER_ID-' || P_CONTAINER_ID || SQLERRM;
              raise_application_error(-20001, lv_err_msg);
              raise_application_error(-20001, lv_err_msg);
        END IF;
      END upload_data;                        

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    Hi, you can change the number of rows on the report definition page (15 is the default value)- that's also where you can change pagination and max. number of rows etc.
    About the second question - you will have to use Case or Decode in your report query and have the value as link or not based on the condition column, something like:
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    Hi Aamir,
    Check if the below link helps!!
    Make sure to "Vote as Helpful" and "Mark As Answer",if you get answer of your question.

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    As far as i know you can't do this,the option you have is to create one more column (subtotal) and populate it by manual calculation at every subtotal (not alv subtotal but yours) .
    Best Regards

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    hi sampath,
    I giving u fair idea how to show g/l account balance
    There is a field in JDT1 - journal entry rows - JDT1.DebCred which is indicator when g/l account
    is debited / credited,it is filled with value D or C.
    You can add Case syntax in existing query with condition  JDT1.DebCred = 'D' then
    JDT1.Debit + Opening/Closing balance and if JDT1.DebCred = 'C' then
    JDT1.Credit - Opening/Closing balance.
    It requires much time & effort to build this query.
    Edited by: Jeyakanthan A on May 14, 2009 3:54 PM

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    Many thanks!

    Create a Formula Variable on Scheduled  DeliveryDate with processing as replacement path, replace variable with InfoObject, replace with Key and use it in the new formula in the columns.
    in this way query designer will accept you to use the char as in column,
    hope it helps you.
    Reddy A

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    Hi Harsha,
    Its done using FM 'RS_TREE_CONSTRUCT'
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    and this will be paid to vendor after certain period of time.
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    any idea how to work on the issue.

    Hi Kumar,
    This scenerio can be handled by making use of the Freight Screen, In freight create the Freight Items, Redemption Deposit and WCT. Map the respective GL accounts in the AP Column in Freight Window. When you are creating the invoice u can enter the respective amounts in the Freight window with a negative sign.
    This should solve your issue.


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    At the bottom left of the page, click on the zoom percentage, then select One-up from the menu.

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    xhost A1
    telnet to and login A1
    setenv DISPLAY "ipaddress of A2":0.0
    Anyone can direct me how to show picture the client that I am sitting at an also show on the server at the same time?

    VNC would let you do that. With a shared connection, both machines could run a VNC client to the same session.

Maybe you are looking for

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