How to skip the first row in Text file (in Sql Loader)

Hi All,
How to say the control file to skip the first row of the text file..
i just going this example
this is my text file:
1090358 474661834012245503813082012 0075 0 00000000000 000000000 00000130820120000000000000000 136.84 -833.3911082012 000000 000 009035847466183 090358 47466183 0015007514300000970001430000097700BH1150274792012081320120811201208122012-08-11-
Control file:
SKIP = 1,
WHEN (1:1)='D'
Above the Eaxmple text file i need to Skip the first row which is
please can anyone suggest me is this correct?
if not please correct me please
since two days i been serching but i didn't get any thing
Edited by: Lavanya on 24-Sep-2012 00:51

Lavanya wrote:
Hi Jeneesh,
Thank you for your prompt replay
I didn't try to load this control file
And i need one more question
I have Text file in my Machine which Contains very huge data so i was wrote one control file for that, and i got FTP connection also as well as.
My question is firstly I need to PUT the Text file Into Unix Server isn't?
so when i trying to put the text file into unix it's giving an error
ftp>put c:/abc.txt
Not connectedYou haven't succesfully made your FTP connection to the server.
ftp> o testserver
Connected to
220 testserver FTP server ready.
User ( myuser
331 Password required for myuser.
230 User myuser logged in.
ftp>then you can use FTP to put your data to the server. Remember, if you are transferring a text file from a windows based operating system to a unix server you need to put it in ASCII mode...
ftp> ascii
200 Type set to A.
ftp>which will automatically convert the windows CR/LF pairs to the single LF character used by unix.

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    B D E T
    A 1 Z blah1
    A 1 X blah2
    A 1 W blah3
    A 2 V blah4
    A 2 G blah5
    A 2 H blah6
    B 1 K blah7
    B 1 L blah8
    B 2 E blah9
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    A 2 blah4
    B 1 blah7
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    Can this be done in 1 query??
    Thanks all.
    Message was edited by:
    Scott Hillier

    here you go
    SQL> drop table t;
    Table dropped.
    SQL> create table t(B char(1), D integer, E char(1), T varchar2(5));
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into t values('A', 1, 'Z', 'blah1');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t values('A', 1, 'X', 'blah2');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t values('A', 1, 'W', 'blah3');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t values('A', 2, 'V', 'blah4');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t values('A', 2, 'G', 'blah5');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t values('A', 2, 'H', 'blah6');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t values('B', 1, 'K', 'blah7');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t values('B', 1, 'L', 'blah8');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t values('B', 2, 'E', 'blah9');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into t values('B', 2, 'F', 'blah0');
    1 row created.
    SQL> select b,d,t
      2    from (
      3  select row_number() over(partition by b, d order by b,d) rno,b,d,t
      4    from t)
      5   where rno = 1;
    B          D T
    A          1 blah1
    A          2 blah4
    B          1 blah7
    B          2 blah9karthick

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        super(columnNames, numRows);
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          if (column == 6) {
            return false;
        if (TableKey == 'O') {
          if (column == 0 || column == 4 || column == 5) {
            return false;
        if (TableKey == 'P') {
          return false;
      return true;
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    TYPES : BEGIN OF tp_grid,
            fname(25)   TYPE c,
            seqno       TYPE n,
            tl_styl TYPE lvc_t_styl,
            END OF tp_grid.
    DATA : wl_styl TYPE lvc_s_styl.
    DATA : wl_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo.
    DATA : lt_celltab TYPE lvc_t_styl.
      READ TABLE tl_grid INTO wl_grid INDEX 1.
      wl_styl-fieldname = 'TAG NUMBER'.
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          is_layout                     = wl_layout
          it_outtab                     = tl_grid
          it_fieldcatalog               = tl_init_fcat
          invalid_parameter_combination = 1
          program_error                 = 2
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          OTHERS                        = 4.
    ENDFORM.                    " display_initgrid
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    import java.awt.*; 
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    * @version 1.0 03/05/99
    public class FixedRowExample extends JFrame {
      Object[][] data;
      Object[] column;
      JTable fixedTable,table;
      private int FIXED_NUM = 2;
      public FixedRowExample() {
        super( "Fixed Row Example" );
        data =  new Object[][]{
            {      "a","","","","",""},
            {      "","b","","","",""},
            {      "","","c","","",""},
            {      "","","","d","",""},
            {      "","","","","e",""},
            {      "","","","","","f"},
        column = new Object[]{"A","B","C","D","E","F"};
        AbstractTableModel    model = new AbstractTableModel() {
          public int getColumnCount() { return column.length; }
          public int getRowCount() { return data.length - FIXED_NUM; }
          public String getColumnName(int col) {
           return (String)column[col];
          public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
            return data[row][col];
          public void setValueAt(Object obj, int row, int col) {
            data[row][col] = obj;
          public boolean CellEditable(int row, int col) {
            return true;
        AbstractTableModel fixedModel = new AbstractTableModel() {     
          public int getColumnCount() { return column.length; }
          public int getRowCount() { return FIXED_NUM; }
          public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {
            return data[row + (data.length - FIXED_NUM)][col];
        table = new JTable( model );
        fixedTable = new JTable( fixedModel );
        JScrollPane scroll      = new JScrollPane( table );
        JScrollPane fixedScroll = new JScrollPane( fixedTable ) {
          public void setColumnHeaderView(Component view) {} // work around
                                                 // fixedScroll.setColumnHeader(null);
        JScrollBar bar = fixedScroll.getVerticalScrollBar();
        JScrollBar dummyBar = new JScrollBar() {
          public void paint(Graphics g) {}
        final JScrollBar bar1 = scroll.getHorizontalScrollBar();
        JScrollBar bar2 = fixedScroll.getHorizontalScrollBar();
        bar2.addAdjustmentListener(new AdjustmentListener() {
          public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e) {
        scroll.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 100));
        fixedScroll.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 52));  // Hmm...
        getContentPane().add(     scroll, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        getContentPane().add(fixedScroll, BorderLayout.SOUTH);   
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        FixedRowExample frame = new FixedRowExample();
        frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() {
          public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e ) {

    Sorry, this code missed a very important line:
    So you meant:
    Object[][] header;//class atribute
    header=new Object[][]{//in the constructor
                { "h","i","j","k","l","m"},
                { "h","i","j","k","l","m"}
    public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {//in the TableModel
            if (row==0){
                return header[row][col];
            else {
                return data[row][col];
    I tried, but when I sort, the first row get sorted with the rest.

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    Thansk a lot for your help

    set the selection Attribute's value to 'Y' for the first row. Thats enough.
    Row row=vo.first();
    row.setAttribute("SelectionAttribute", "Y");

  • How to use the first row function value for the rest of records

    Hi all,
    I am having a select statement like this. We are calling function enabled for each row. So it is taking
    time. As per our bussiness logic, we can use what the function 'enabled' will give for the first row to
    other rows also. so that we can avoid calling the function 'enabled' next row onwars.
    decode(enabled(col1, col2, col3),'TRUE','xxx', col4),
    decode(enabled(col1, col2, col3),'TRUE','xxx', col5),
    decode(enabled(col1, col2, col3),'TRUE','xxx', col6),
    decode(enabled(col1, col2, col3),'TRUE','xxx', col7),
    decode(enabled(col1, col2, col3),'TRUE','xxx', col8),
    table1 t1, table2 t2 where t1.col1 = t2.col1
    decode(enabled(col1, col2, col3),'TRUE','xxx', col4),
    decode('true/false','TRUE','xxx', col5), --Here 'true/false' is the first row value after calling the function 'enabled'
    decode('true/false','TRUE','xxx', col6),
    decode('true/false','TRUE','xxx', col7),
    decode('true/false','TRUE','xxx', col8),
    table1 t1, table2 t2 where t1.col1 = t2.col1
    Any thoughts on this, how to implement this logic

    It's not clear where col1, col2, col3... etc. come from, so I've assumed they're in table1.
    with table1_X as (select enabled(col1, col2, col3) as enbl
                            ,col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8
                      from   table1)
    SELECT decode(t1.enbl,'TRUE','xxx', col4)
          ,decode(t1.enbl,'TRUE','xxx', col5)
          ,decode(t1.enbl,'TRUE','xxx', col6),
          ,decode(t1.enbl,'TRUE','xxx', col7),
          ,decode(t1.enbl,'TRUE','xxx', col8),
    from   table1_x t1 join table2 t2 on (t1.col1 = t2.col1)p.s. you'd be better leaving out the enabled function altogether and incorporating the logic of the function directly in the SQL, and then you would be avoiding any context switching which will clearly impact performance on any large amount of data.
    Edited by: BluShadow on 14-May-2013 08:26

  • How to skip the first screen in se38

    hi experts,
       I am struck up somewhere in getters and setters in field symbols.
    I am setting the file name field in se38 and trying to directly go to display mode of the program and i am doing that through  RS_SPOOL_ACCESS . I am not able to skip the first screen of se38 and go to diplay mode of the program.
    How can i do that. Skip first screen is not working.

    If all else fails,  partial BDC may be in order.
    report zrich_0003
           no standard page heading line-size 255.
    data:   bdcdata type table of bdcdata with header line.
    parameters: p_prog(30) type c.
      perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLWBABAP' '0100'.
      perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
      perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
      perform bdc_field       using 'RS38M-PROGRAMM'
      perform bdc_field       using 'RS38M-FUNC_EDIT'
      call transaction 'SE38' using bdcdata mode 'E'.
    *        Start new screen                                              *
    form bdc_dynpro using program dynpro.
      clear bdcdata.
      bdcdata-program  = program.
      bdcdata-dynpro   = dynpro.
      bdcdata-dynbegin = 'X'.
      append bdcdata.
    *        Insert field                                                  *
    form bdc_field using fnam fval.
      clear bdcdata.
      bdcdata-fnam = fnam.
      bdcdata-fval = fval.
      append bdcdata.
    Rich Heilman

  • How to format the spaces in a text file using bat file scripting

    Currently the records in my text file are like this:
    100239 0000015.00 
    I want them to be like this:
    100266 0000015.00 QRP
    There should be 6 spaces before the first column and 8 spaces after that. There should be 1 space between the second and third columns.
    Generally this file contains approx 1000 records.
    Any help is highly appreciated.
    Thank you.

    So far it's like this:
    for /f "skip=2 delims=*" %%a in (C:\Bonus_File_Export.txt) do (
    echo %%a >>C:\newfile.txt    
    xcopy C:\newfile.txt C:\Bonus_File_Export.txt /y
    del C:\newfile.txt /f /q
    I've to format a text file generated by the tool Microstrategy and it feed it to another system in a specific format. Ihave removed the headers with the above script but was unable to remove the spaces between those columns.
    You can use this code as a basis for your script:
    @echo off
    set Line=
    if exist d:\temp\newfile.txt del d:\temp\newfile.txt
    for /F "skip=2 tokens=1-2" %%a in (d:\temp\test.txt) do call :Sub %%a %%b
    goto :eof
    if not "%2"=="" (
      set Line=      %1        %2
    ) else (
      echo %Line% %1>>d:\temp\newfile.txt
    It works provided that your input file uses this format:
    Header line
    Header line
    100239 0000015.00  
    100240 0000016.00  
    100241 0000017.00  
    100242 0000018.00  
    100243 0000019.00  
    100244 0000020.00  

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    hI ,
    I NEED TO SAVE THE RichTextBox Content in text file ? 

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