How to solve a problem ? (use apktool)

Hi, all
I can't express what I fully want. (unskillfull english).
I had implement an air program for the android recentelly.
This App is hybrid app (AIR and Native App)
AIR App :  AIR for android (client socket)
Native App : just android app (serverSocket)
In few words here are the steps to merge the two apk from native project and AIR project into one apk:
Create an AIR App and use adt to create the AIR apk
Explode the AIR apk with apktool to decompile the application
Create a native Android App using app. as the package
Create a AppEntry class that extends the service you need to extends
Create a MainApp class that extends AppEntry
Update the AndroidManifest file with MainApp Intent and AIR permissions & settings
Export an unsigned apk
Explode the apk with apktool
Copy the AppEntry*.smali from the exploded AIR apk to the exploded native apk
Copy the assets folder (SWF and AIR xml) from the exploded AIR apk to the exploded native apk
Repackage the native apk with apktool
Sign the new apk
Run the zipalign tool on the new apk
Install the new apk into the Android device
This process can take some time, so the easiest approach is to create a batch file that does all of that at once. Once you have the batch file you can tie it into an Ant or Maven task and have one script does everything easily and you can set it that in one click have the entire Java native and AIR project merge and placed on the Android device.
and then  I am getting the following dialog box.
please help me

This might be coming if you have created apk-debug target of your air application. Try creating release target.

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