How to start a dos box ??

I try to start a DOS box from htlmdb ??
Any ideas ?

Any normal web application is not allowed to copy files to or from the computer of the user through an Operating System call. You can only achieve this by either facilitating file upload/download, or by using a signed applet within your webpage (the latter I would not recommend, it requires Java on the client).

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    ... and remember to call exit in the batch file, otherwise it may stay visible.

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    No XML required, but you must put the class into a package.
    Packages are folders with some files that identify whats in them, so you will end up with something like

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    I don't know enough about jvm.dll to answer the question, but I can give you some other information which might help you.
    There are two different executables on windows which you can use to start a java application. java.exe and javaw.exe. A command shell (dos window) will be displayed when you invoke java.exe, but it will not be displayed when you invoke javaw.exe.
    You can take a look and see which dll:s that javaw uses.

  • How to Bind a Combo Box so that it retrieves and display content corresponding to the Id in a link table and populates itself with the data in the main table?

    I am developing a desktop application in Wpf using MVVM and Entity Frameworks. I have the following tables:
    1. Party (PartyId, Name)
    2. Case (CaseId, CaseNo)
    3. Petitioner (CaseId, PartyId) ............. Link Table
    I am completely new to .Net and to begin with I download Microsoft's sample application and
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    Hello Barry,
    Thanks a lot for responding to my query. As I am completely new to .Net and following the pattern of Microsoft's Employee Tracker sample it seems difficult to clearly understand the concept and implement it in a scenario which is different than what is in
    the sample available at the link you supplied.
    To get the idea of the thing here is my code behind of a view vBoxPetitioner:
    <UserControl x:Class="CCIS.View.Case.vBoxPetitioner"
    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:vmPetitioner}">
    <v:vPetitioner Margin="0,2,0,0" />
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Right">
    <TextBlock Margin="2">
    <Hyperlink Command="{Binding Path=AddPetitionerCommand}">Add Petitioner</Hyperlink>
    | <Hyperlink Command="{Binding Path=DeletePetitionerCommand}">Delete</Hyperlink>
    <ListBox BorderThickness="0" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=CurrentPetitioner, Mode=TwoWay}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=tblParties}" />
    This part is working fine as it loads another view that is vPetioner perfectly in the manner I want it to be.
    Here is the code of vmPetitioner, a ViewModel:
    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
    Imports System
    Imports CCIS.Model.Party
    Namespace CCIS.ViewModel.Case
    ''' <summary>
    ''' ViewModel of an individual Email
    ''' </summary>
    Public Class vmPetitioner
    Inherits vmParty
    ''' <summary>
    ''' The Email object backing this ViewModel
    ''' </summary>
    Private petitioner As tblParty
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Initializes a new instance of the EmailViewModel class.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="detail">The underlying Email this ViewModel is to be based on</param>
    Public Sub New(ByVal detail As tblParty)
    If detail Is Nothing Then
    Throw New ArgumentNullException("detail")
    End If
    Me.petitioner = detail
    End Sub
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets the underlying Email this ViewModel is based on
    ''' </summary>
    Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Model() As tblParty
    Return Me.petitioner
    End Get
    End Property
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets or sets the actual email address
    ''' </summary>
    Public Property fldPartyId() As String
    Return Me.petitioner.fldPartyId
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As String)
    Me.petitioner.fldPartyId = value
    End Set
    End Property
    End Class
    End Namespace
    And below is the ViewMode vmParty which vmPetitioner Inherits:
    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Imports System
    Imports System.Collections.Generic
    Imports CCIS.Model.Case
    Imports CCIS.Model.Party
    Imports CCIS.ViewModel.Helpers
    Namespace CCIS.ViewModel.Case
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Common functionality for ViewModels of an individual ContactDetail
    ''' </summary>
    Public MustInherit Class vmParty
    Inherits ViewModelBase
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets the underlying ContactDetail this ViewModel is based on
    ''' </summary>
    Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property Model() As tblParty
    '''' <summary>
    '''' Gets the underlying ContactDetail this ViewModel is based on
    '''' </summary>
    'Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property Model() As tblAdvocate
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets or sets the name of this department
    ''' </summary>
    Public Property fldName() As String
    Return Me.Model.fldName
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As String)
    Me.Model.fldName = value
    End Set
    End Property
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Constructs a view model to represent the supplied ContactDetail
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="detail">The detail to build a ViewModel for</param>
    ''' <returns>The constructed ViewModel, null if one can't be built</returns>
    Public Shared Function BuildViewModel(ByVal detail As tblParty) As vmParty
    If detail Is Nothing Then
    Throw New ArgumentNullException("detail")
    End If
    Dim e As tblParty = TryCast(detail, tblParty)
    If e IsNot Nothing Then
    Return New vmPetitioner(e)
    End If
    Return Nothing
    End Function
    End Class
    End Namespace
    And final the code behind of the view vPetitioner:
    <UserControl x:Class="CCIS.View.Case.vPetitioner"
    <ResourceDictionary Source=".\CompactFormStyles.xaml" />
    <Border Style="{StaticResource DetailBorder}">
    <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
    <TextBlock Grid.Column="0" Text="Petitioner:" />
    <ComboBox Grid.Column="1" Width="240" SelectedValuePath="." SelectedItem="{Binding Path=tblParty}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=PetitionerLookup}" DisplayMemberPath="fldName" />
    The problem, presumably, seems to be is that the binding path "PetitionerLookup" of the ItemSource of the Combo box in the view vPetitioner exists in a different ViewModel vmCase which serves as an ObservableCollection for MainViewModel. Therefore,
    what I need to Know is how to route the binding path if it exists in a different ViewModel?
    Sir, I look forward to your early reply bringing a workable solution to the problem I face. 
    Warm Regards,

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    You can do as rizla said or go another route.
    We setup profiles to use for all of the oracle homes. Then in the scripts we call the profiles. Easier to migrate and manage in my opinion if you have multiple oracle homes. You can then use profiles when ssh'd into the boxes, too. Both ways will work.
    Script which you can chkconfig.
    # oracle_collabInfra
    # This shell script takes care of starting and stopping Oracle Collab Infra instance.
    #chkconfig: 345 96 14
    # Source function library.
    . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
    start () {
    echo $"Starting Collab Suite on the Infra instance..."
    echo $"Starting Listener..."
    runuser - oracle -c ". /home/oracle/.collabInfra_profile; lsnrctl start"
    sleep 10
    echo $"Starting Metadata Repository..."
    runuser - oracle -c ". /home/oracle/.collabInfra_profile; sqlplus '/ as sysdba' <<!
    sleep 10
    echo $"Starting Enterprise Manager Application Server Control..."
    runuser - oracle -c ". /home/oracle/.collabInfra_profile; emctl start iasconsole"
    sleep 5
    echo $"Starting Infra OID and OC4J_Security processes..."
    runuser - oracle -c ". /home/oracle/.collabInfra_profile; opmnctl startproc process-type=OID"
    runuser - oracle -c ". /home/oracle/.collabInfra_profile; opmnctl startproc process-type=OC4J_Security"
    echo $"Starting Infra HTTP_Server processes..."
    runuser - oracle -c ". /home/oracle/.collabInfra_profile; opmnctl startproc process-type=HTTP_Server"
    return $RETVAL
    stop () {
    echo $"Stopping Collab Suite on the Infra instance..."
    echo $"Stopping all Infra OPMN managed processes..."
    runuser - oracle -c ". /home/oracle/.collabInfra_profile; opmnctl stopall"
    sleep 5
    echo $"Stopping Enterprise Manager Application Server Control..."
    runuser - oracle -c ". /home/oracle/.collabInfra_profile; emctl stop iasconsole"
    sleep 10
    echo $"Stopping Metadata Repository..."
    runuser - oracle -c ". /home/oracle/.collabInfra_profile; sqlplus '/ as sysdba' <<!
    shutdown immediate;
    sleep 10
    echo $"Stopping Listener..."
    runuser - oracle -c ". /home/oracle/.collabInfra_profile; lsnrctl stop"
    return $RETVAL
    restart () {
    return $RETVAL
    # See how we were called.
    case "$1" in
    echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
    exit $RETVAL
    export ORACLE_BASE=/opt/oracle
    export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/collabInfra
    export ORACLE_SID=orcl
    export TMP=/tmp
    export TMPDIR=/tmp
    export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:$HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/backup_restore
    unset USERNAME

  • How do I remove text boxes from Pages

    I have an awful time with Pages on my lap top.  I am used to Appleworks  6.2 on my older desktop (PowerMac G4 / OS 10.4.11).  If I specify a US letter page I get that in Appleworks, it  is then 8.1/2" x 11", without running into pre-existing formats or other similar distractions. I can immediately type a neat business letter.
    Not with Pages.  On my MacBookAir, with Pages 4.3 and OS 10.8.4, I can type alright, but when I want to print what I typed, only a small part of what I typed shows up in in Print Preview of my typed page.  After a bit of backtracking,  I notice a blue-lined rectangle on my typed page containing the portion of my typing that appeared in that Print Preview.  It is apparently a self-formed "text box", that was not a part of my blank template page and was not inserted by me while or just before I typed.
    I did not find any way to delete the edges of that text box. The "delete" option under the pull down edit menu is blanked out.  If I click on the "Text box " symbol in the menu bar it does not let me switch off the text box, but instead gives me another text box inside the first one!  I suppose this is to allow user to print only a single keyboard stroke of the entire letter.  The "Inspector" seems to have no options to set text boxes.
    Pages "Help" Menu has nothing of how to delete a text box, or how to prevent it in the first place from screwing up what you have typed in such manner that it becomes unprintable.
    Similarly a small rectangular box formed on both the top and the bottom of each page (which could be a space reserved for a header or footer), but again I do not use these on my business letters, and they appear self-formed by Pages, and I would like to know how to prevent them, or delete them.
    In other words I like to get a blank page to start with, which will only set up and type what "I, THE  USER" enter on my keyboard. 
    Can anybody tell me how to this with Pages? 
    (PS. I can do it with even with Thunderbird !)

    1. Open a blank Word Processing template (they are listed in the Template Chooser sidebar), you have opened a Layout template that requires Textboxes for you to type into.
    2. To select a Textbox hold down the command key and click on its edge or lassoo it, then hit delete.
    3. If you don't want Headers or Footers, uncheck them in the Document Inspector
    4. Download the Pages09_UserGUide.pdf from under the Help menu and familiarise yourself with Pages' basics. Also look around your Menus and Inspectors which are laid out logically from left to right from broad to details.
    I suggest you click inside your textbox first go command a and copy the contents before you delete it and then paste that into a new Word Processing template.

  • How to start listener in sql developer for remote debug

    how to start listener in sql developer for remote debug ? Since the new version is different with the old version for remote debug, I don't know how to start the listener on the new version for remote debug.
    even follow the user guide below and not work . Experts on sql developer please help me with this.
    Remote Debugging
    To debug a procedure or function for a connection where the database is on a different host than the one on which you are
    running SQL Developer, you can perform remote debugging.
    Remote debugging involves many of the steps as for local debugging; however, do the
    following before you start the remote debugging: Use an Oracle client such as SQL*Plus to issue the debugger connection command. Whatever
    client you use, make sure that the session which issues the debugger connection commands is the same session which executes your PL/SQL
    program containing the breakpoints.
    For example, if the name of the remote system is remote1, use the following SQL*Plus command to open a
    TCP/IP connection to that system and the port for the JDWP session:
    EXEC DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP.CONNECT_TCP('remote1', '4000'); The first parameter
    is the IP address or host name of the remote system, and the second parameter is the port number on that remote system on which the debugger
    is listening.
    Right-click the connection for the remote database, select Remote Debug, and complete the information in the Debugger - Attach
    to JPDA dialog box. Then, follow the steps that you would for local debugging (for example, see Debugging a PL/SQL Procedure).
    Debugger - Attach to JPDA This dialog box is displayed when you right-click a database connection name and select Remote Debug.
    Use this
    dialog box if you are using the Sun Microsystem's Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA) and you would like the debugger to listen so
    that a debuggee can attach to the debugger.
    For more information about remote debugging, see Remote Debugging.
    Host: Name or IP address of
    the remote host on which SQL Developer should listen for the database to connect.
    Port: Listening port number on the remote host. You can
    choose any valid port number that is not in use by another process.
    Timeout: The number of seconds that SQL Developer will wait for the
    remote database to make a debugging connection. Don't Show Dialog Box Before Connecting: If this option is checked, this dialog box will not
    be displayed before future connections for remote debugging

    You're not the only one:
    Not able to start remote debug listener
    Re: remote debug question at version 64

  • Anyone know how to stop the "activate" box from blocking usage of a perfectly legal copy of Ilisten? I want to help my dyslexic grandson and this box, including the activation code, keeps popping up, keeping me from using the software. I activated the pro

    Anyone know how to stop the "activate" box from blocking usage of a perfectly legal copy of Ilisten? I want to help my dyslexic grandson and this box, including the activation code, keeps popping up, keeping me from using the software. I activated the program and did a few profile building sessions, now it pops up each time I start the program, blocking me from using it. Help sure would be appreciated.

    I looked at your post this morning and did not know enough to respond, other than to find out that links to iListen now go to newer, renamed software. Considering it's been nine hours with no response, I'm suspecting few people here have experience with that software. You could contact the current copmany that used to sell that package and see if they have any archived support info.
    BTW: please check you entry for "Mac OS" in your profile. It says iOS, which cannot run on an iMac. iOS is the system for phone and iPads but can't run on Mac computers. Do "About this Mac" from the Apple menu and see what it says about the OS version. Should look like this:
    If the "Processor" line says "Intel," you have a newer Mac than the old modles this forum covers; Intel iMac have their very own forum here:
    iMac (Intel)

  • How to start a Database

    I am really new in Oracle and i dont know how to start the database (i only know that the Oracle is installed...) Please Help !

    From the DOS prompt, perform the following:
    ==once you get svrmgrl> prompt then type
    connect internal
    == once you get database started message
    now your database is up and running.
    if you have any basic question and need good examples as well as good explanation, then, search at, site.

  • How to start Premiere Elements 11 with welcome screen

    How to start Premiere Elements 11 with welcome screen

    thank you
    Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 06:02:36 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: How to start Premiere Elements 11 with welcome screen
        Re: How to start Premiere Elements 11 with welcome screen
        created by Steve Grisetti in Premiere Elements - View the full discussion
    Are you saying that you want to see the menu screen when you launch the program?
    If so, go to the Help menu and select Welcome Screen. When  the Welcome Screen launches, click on the gear in the upper right corner and set Always Start On to Welcome Screen.
    Or are you asking how to start the program from the Welcome Screen?
    If so, you may want to check out my free 8 part Basic Training for Premiere Elements tutorials.
         Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
         To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
         Start a new discussion in Premiere Elements by email or at Adobe Community
      For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to

  • How to add FONT DIALOG box to my notepad application

    hai friends.......
    i am developing a notepad application like windows notepad. for that application i want add FONT dialog box.could you please tell me how to add font dialog box to my application.
    thank you.........

    Start by going through the Swing tutorials linked from the topic listing page of the [_Swing forum_|]. When you are confident of being capable of displaying a dialog with the components you need, correctly layed out, check out the API for GraphicsEnvironment#getAllFonts and Font@canDisplyUpTo.
    Any Swing related questions you might have along the way should be posted in the Swing forum.

  • How to go to dos in laptop envym6-1102sa

    i want to know how i enter the dos on my laptop envym6-1102sa
    i want put c.d and instal the windows from it i try to press on f9 in boot device but he get to me two choose 
    1.os manager 
    i hope find solution of how go to dos and how boot from c.d to instal the windows in my laptob
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    You're very welcome.
    If I am understanding your question correctly, you cannot change the drive letter of the recovery partition, or it will not work.
    If you add any other partitions to the notebook for data, and you need to use the recovery disks or recovery manager to restore the notebook, all the data on the partition you create WILL BE LOST, so make sure you back up that data.
    The recovery disks or recovery manager will repartition and reformat the hard drive to its out of the box condition.
    I also suggest you make your set of W8 recovery disks before trifling with anything.

  • Installer appears as "blank dos-box type", hangs, anti virus off, firewall off, system win xp 64 bit. all attempts to solve failed. What next?

    installer appears as "blank dos-box type", hangs, anti virus off, firewall off, system win xp 64 bit. all attempts to solve failed. What next?

    after trying to find, and use screen shot, i tried to access reader
    downloader... instead, found an offline version of reader. after
    installation started getting false reports that appeared as avg pop-ups.
    Within task manager, was able to detect virus / worm running 6 - 8
    services. immediately disconnected my 'net connection. closed all active
    services being run by rogue process. determined it was using two files
    named "lastalive0.dat" and"lastalive1.dat" to determine it's own status...
    upon stopping it's services it controlled, it would soft re-boot to
    resurrect another hijack attempt. tried workaround using secondary boot
    (win 7) to no avail. after two days, i transferred personal data to
    removable media and am in process of installing debian version of linux.
    i thank you for reply and apologize for my tardy response, it was my first
    forum experience
    On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 10:32 AM, Jeff A Wright <[email protected]>

  • How to  start Enterprise manager 10g Linux?

    Can some one please tell me
    How to start Enterprise manager 10g on Linux RHEL 4.7

    While runniing $ sh emctl start dbconsole getting error of Enveromment variable ORACLE_SID not Defined
    Can you pls tell me Where do i fine env file to source the ENV file Enterprise manager 10g
    Also do i need to run the *$ sh emctl start dbconsole* command from GUI of Linux.
    Actualy follwoing is my exact stetup
    I have installed Oracle EBS on Linux EHEL 4.7
    On the same Linux Box ( Where Oracle EBS is installed ) Installed Oracle Application and Infra. server and Discoverer
    Please guide me on the same.

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