How to start VPN Server with PPTP + How to backup Addressbook Server

Hey people,
I currently have Lion Server running on my mac mini server, it was upgraded to Lion (server) from Snow Leopard server.
Now i have 2 issues i'd like to address and ask your help for.
1. VPN Server on Lion Server.
I have had the VPN server running on Snow Leopard server without a problem, however, since my Lion upgrade it just isn't working with PPTP anymore.
I did read alot of discussions here and also read that you can configure it through the terminal using the serveradmin tool.
I have followed the instructions to get PPTP enabled, but it just isnt listening on the correct port, i don't see anything running nor can i connect from my Lion client to the server (i get server not responding).
Does anyone experiece the same problem? or know how to solve this?
2. Addressbook Server on Lion Server.
I have a few network users on my system, they use the Addressbook server through their iphone/ipad.
I don't know how to backup their contacts they added in the server, is there a way to backup the data?
I have already tried to export the user using the Workgroup Manager, but when i look in the file, i don't see any additional info other then the user settings.
I have been thinking of reinstalling the server to a complete fresh Lion only installation instead of the current upgraded Lion from Snow Leopard, that's why i need to backup the info.
Time Machine backups of an upgraded Snow Leopard Server to Lion Server won't work on a fresh Lion Server installation, i have always had the problem that it can't read the data for some reason.
Anyone know a solution for these 2 issues?

In your base module MANIFEST.MF include Rest module in ATG-Required.
It like,
ATG-Required: DCS B2CCommerce WebUI Rest
Hope it will work for you.
Kumaresh Babu A

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    You can start a new thread by making a thread object and passing it an implementation of a runnable object. Runnable has just one method, public void run(), this is was gets executed in a second thread. perhaps the code you would use would look something like this.
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    new Thread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
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       v_From       VARCHAR2(80) := '[email protected]';
       v_Recipient  VARCHAR2(80) := '[email protected]';
       v_Subject    VARCHAR2(80) := 'test subject';
       v_Mail_Host  VARCHAR2(30) := '';
       v_Mail_Conn  utl_smtp.Connection;
       crlf         VARCHAR2(2)  := chr(13)||chr(10);
      v_Mail_Conn := utl_smtp.Open_Connection(v_Mail_Host, 25);
      utl_smtp.Helo(v_Mail_Conn, v_Mail_Host);
      utl_smtp.Mail(v_Mail_Conn, v_From);
      utl_smtp.Rcpt(v_Mail_Conn, v_Recipient);
        'Date: '   || to_char(sysdate, 'Dy, DD Mon YYYY hh24:mi:ss') || crlf ||
        'From: '   || v_From || crlf ||
        'Subject: '|| v_Subject || crlf ||
        'To: '     || v_Recipient || crlf ||
        'MIME-Version: 1.0'|| crlf ||     -- Use MIME mail standard
        'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;'|| crlf ||
        ' boundary="-----SECBOUND"'|| crlf ||
        crlf ||
        '-------SECBOUND'|| crlf ||
        'Content-Type: text/html;'|| crlf ||
        'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 7bit'|| crlf ||
        crlf ||
        'some message text'|| crlf ||     -- Message body
        'more message text'|| crlf ||
        crlf ||
        '-------SECBOUND'|| crlf ||
        'Content-Type: text/html;'|| crlf ||
        ' name="Fund Authorization report"'|| crlf ||
        'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 8bit'|| crlf ||
        'Content-Disposition: attachment;'|| crlf ||
        ' filename="/usr/tmp/Test.html"'|| crlf ||
        crlf ||
        'HTML Attachment'|| crlf ||     -- Content of attachment
        crlf ||
        '-------SECBOUND--'               -- End MIME mail
      WHEN utl_smtp.Transient_Error OR utl_smtp.Permanent_Error then
        raise_application_error(-20000, 'Unable to send mail: '||sqlerrm);
    END;How can I attach a file which is stored in database server and send it in a mail.
    Please someone help me in this.

    Try this code
    Regards Salim.
       mail_conn       UTL_SMTP.connection;
       crlf            VARCHAR2(2) := chr(13)||chr(10);
       msg             VARCHAR2(32760);
       sid_name        VARCHAR2(16);
       bdump_dest      VARCHAR2(128);
       smtp_relay      VARCHAR2(32) := 'MyMailRelay';
       recipient_address  VARCHAR2(64) := '[email protected]';
       sender_address     VARCHAR2(64) := '[email protected]';
       mail_port       NUMBER := 25;
       log_file_handle UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
       log_file_dir    VARCHAR2(256) := 'ERR_LOG_DIR';
       log_file_name   VARCHAR2(256) := 'OracleErrors.log';
       maxlinesize     NUMBER := 32767;
       session_rec     sys.v_$session%ROWTYPE;
       audit_rec       sys.dba_audit_trail%ROWTYPE;
       auditing        BOOLEAN;
       LinesOfSQL      BINARY_INTEGER;
       offending_sql   DBMS_STANDARD.ora_name_list_t;
       CURSOR bdump_cur IS
          SELECT TRIM(value)
          FROM v$parameter
          WHERE name = 'background_dump_dest'
       CURSOR sid_cur IS
          SELECT TRIM(instance_name)
          FROM v$instance
       CURSOR session_cur IS
          SELECT s.*
          FROM v$session s
          WHERE s.sid = dbms_support.mysid
       CURSOR audit_trail_cur(AUDSID IN NUMBER) IS
          SELECT *
          FROM dba_audit_trail
          WHERE sessionid = AUDSID
          -- Ignore this error
          -- Ignore this error
          -- get the sid
          OPEN sid_cur;
          FETCH sid_cur INTO sid_name;
          CLOSE sid_cur;
          -- get the location of the alert log
          OPEN bdump_cur;
          FETCH bdump_cur INTO bdump_dest;
          CLOSE bdump_cur;
          -- get the session information
          OPEN session_cur;
          FETCH session_cur INTO session_rec;
          CLOSE session_cur;
          -- get the audit_trail information if it exists
          OPEN audit_trail_cur(session_rec.audsid);
          FETCH audit_trail_cur INTO audit_rec;
          auditing := audit_trail_cur%FOUND;
          CLOSE audit_trail_cur;
          IF session_rec.program = 'MyProgram.exe' THEN
             NULL;  -- ignore actions from MyProgram - that's where I do maintenance
             -- compose the message
             msg := 'Subject: Oracle error '||' on '||sid_name||crlf;
             msg := msg||'To: '||recipient_address||crlf;
             msg := msg||'For more information see the alert log file located at:'||crlf;
             msg := msg||bdump_dest||'/alert_'||sid_name||'.log'||crlf;
             msg := msg||'or the error log file: $'||log_file_dir||'/'||log_file_name||crlf;
             msg := msg||'Error Time='||TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')||crlf;
             msg := msg||DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_CALL_STACK||crlf;
             LinesOfSQL := sql_txt(offending_sql);
             msg := msg||'Offending SQL is:'||crlf;
             FOR loop_counter IN offending_sql.FIRST..offending_sql.LAST
                msg := msg||offending_sql(loop_counter);
             END LOOP;
             msg := msg||crlf||'----- PL/SQL Error Stack -----'||crlf;
             msg := msg||DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_STACK||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SADDR='   ||session_rec.saddr   ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SID='     ||session_rec.sid     ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SERIAL#=' ||session_rec.serial# ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.AUDSID='  ||session_rec.audsid  ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PADDR='   ||session_rec.paddr   ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.USER#='   ||session_rec.user#   ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.USERNAME='||session_rec.username||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.COMMAND=' ||session_rec.command ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.OWNERID=' ||session_rec.ownerid ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.TADDR='   ||NVL(session_rec.taddr   ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.LOCKWAIT='||NVL(session_rec.lockwait,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.STATUS='  ||NVL(session_rec.status  ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SERVER='  ||NVL(session_rec.server  ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SCHEMA#=' ||session_rec.schema#||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SCHEMANAME=' ||NVL(session_rec.schemaname,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.OSUSER='     ||NVL(session_rec.osuser    ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PROCESS='    ||NVL(session_rec.process   ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.MACHINE='    ||NVL(session_rec.machine   ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.TERMINAL='   ||NVL(session_rec.terminal  ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PROGRAM='    ||NVL(session_rec.program   ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.TYPE='       ||NVL(session_rec.type      ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SQL_ADDRESS='    ||session_rec.sql_address  ||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.SQL_HASH_VALUE=' ||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.sql_hash_value) ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PREV_SQL_ADDR='  ||session_rec.prev_sql_addr||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PREV_HASH_VALUE='||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.prev_hash_value),'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.MODULE='     ||NVL(session_rec.module              ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.MODULE_HASH='||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.module_hash),'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.ACTION='     ||NVL(session_rec.action              ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.ACTION_HASH='||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.action_hash),'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.CLIENT_INFO='||NVL(session_rec.client_info         ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.FIXED_TABLE_SEQUENCE='||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.fixed_table_sequence),'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_OBJ#='  ||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.row_wait_obj#)  ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_FILE#=' ||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.row_wait_file#) ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_BLOCK#='||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.row_wait_block#),'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_ROW#='  ||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.row_wait_row#)  ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.LOGON_TIME='     ||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.logon_time,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.LAST_CALL_ET='   ||NVL(TO_CHAR(session_rec.last_call_et)   ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PDML_ENABLED='   ||NVL(session_rec.pdml_enabled   ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.FAILOVER_TYPE='  ||NVL(session_rec.failover_type  ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.FAILOVER_METHOD='||NVL(session_rec.failover_method,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.FAILED_OVER='    ||NVL(session_rec.failed_over    ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.RESOURCE_CONSUMER_GROUP='||NVL(session_rec.resource_consumer_group,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PDML_STATUS='    ||NVL(session_rec.pdml_status    ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PDDL_STATUS='    ||NVL(session_rec.pddl_status    ,'Null')||crlf;
             msg := msg||'V$SESSION.PQ_STATUS='      ||NVL(session_rec.pq_status      ,'Null')||crlf;
             IF auditing THEN
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.OS_USERNAME='  ||NVL(audit_rec.os_username,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.USERNAME='     ||NVL(audit_rec.username   ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.USERHOST='     ||NVL(audit_rec.userhost   ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.TERMINAL='     ||NVL(audit_rec.terminal   ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.TIMESTAMP='    ||TO_CHAR(audit_rec.timestamp,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.OWNER='        ||NVL(audit_rec.owner      ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.OBJ_NAME='     ||NVL(audit_rec.obj_name   ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.ACTION='       ||audit_rec.action   ||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.ACTION_NAME='  ||NVL(audit_rec.action_name   ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.NEW_OWNER='    ||NVL(audit_rec.new_owner     ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.NEW_NAME='     ||NVL(audit_rec.new_name      ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.OBJ_PRIVILEGE='||NVL(audit_rec.obj_privilege ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.SYS_PRIVILEGE='||NVL(audit_rec.sys_privilege ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.ADMIN_OPTION=' ||NVL(audit_rec.admin_option  ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.GRANTEE='      ||NVL(audit_rec.grantee       ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.AUDIT_OPTION=' ||NVL(audit_rec.audit_option  ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.SES_ACTIONS='  ||NVL(audit_rec.ses_actions   ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.LOGOFF_TIME='  ||NVL(TO_CHAR(audit_rec.logoff_time)  ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.LOGOFF_LREAD=' ||NVL(TO_CHAR(audit_rec.logoff_lread) ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.LOGOFF_PREAD=' ||NVL(TO_CHAR(audit_rec.logoff_pread) ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.LOGOFF_LWRITE='||NVL(TO_CHAR(audit_rec.logoff_lwrite),'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.LOGOFF_DLOCK=' ||NVL(audit_rec.logoff_dlock  ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.COMMENT_TEXT=' ||NVL(audit_rec.comment_text  ,'Null')||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.SESSIONID='    ||audit_rec.sessionid   ||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.ENTRYID='      ||audit_rec.entryid     ||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.STATEMENTID='  ||audit_rec.statementid ||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.RETURNCODE='   ||audit_rec.returncode  ||crlf;
                msg := msg||'DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL.PRIV_USED='    ||NVL(audit_rec.priv_used,'Null')||crlf;
             END IF;
             msg := msg||'-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-'||crlf||crlf;
             -- write the message to the error log file
             log_file_handle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN (log_file_dir, log_file_name, 'A',maxlinesize);
             -- send the message by Email
             mail_conn := UTL_SMTP.open_connection(smtp_relay, mail_port);
             UTL_SMTP.HELO(mail_conn, smtp_relay);
             UTL_SMTP.MAIL(mail_conn, sender_address);
             UTL_SMTP.RCPT(mail_conn, recipient_address);
             UTL_SMTP.DATA(mail_conn, msg);
          END IF; -- client_program = MyProgram.exe
       END IF;

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    Please go through the wiki. There are plenty of instructions. Also, this is commonly discussed topic, so try to search first. The key for your problem is that there are function modules to tirgger workflows (either directly or with an event).

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    Hi Vaibhav,
    Kindly check the below thread.
    How to create a Universe with excel?
    Tanb Gupta

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    I assume you mean the JMS example under the $OH BPEL examples area. Unfortunately, this only shows how to get a BPEL process kicked off by awaiting a JMS message - but there is no test code there! There are specific examples which show off the testing framework facilities but it appears that all the examples which use async type of interactions are in the middle of a process which is kicked off by a normal synchronous client interaction.
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    What Disc (CD) is in the Optical DVD Drive...?
    If your trying to startup from the OS X Disc, see > Startup Manager
    If your trying to eject a stuck Disc, see > Quick Tip: How to Force Eject a Stuck Disc

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    # systemctl enable unit
    , but for example, if I whanted to start "xboxdrv" with the option [--mimic-xpad-wireless --silent], or any other custom options I might need. I presume it can be done simple by dropping a .conf file somewhere, but I do not follow what wiki page that adress this - if it at all is possible?

    I followed the drop in option now in … n_snippets
    I tried to copy the whole xboxdrv.service and replace the ExecStart, and also only with ExecStart, like this:
    ExecStart= ExecStart = /usr/bin/xboxdrv -D -c /etc/default/xboxdrv --mimic-xpad-wireless --silent
    The drop in examples above is in: /etc/systemd/system/xboxdrv.service.d/override.conf
    I then made sure the new .conf file was loaded by:
    # systemctl daemon-reload
    # systemctl restart xboxdrv
    # system status xboxdrv
    In both cases, the service fails to restart and I recive this error
    xboxdrv.service has more than one ExecStart= setting, which is only allowed for Type=oneshot services. Refusing.
    Anyone know how I can start "xboxdrv" with my custom options "--mimic-xpad-wireless --silent" using this drop in function for systemd?
    Last edited by onslow77 (2015-02-01 18:27:31)

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    Hello Atul,
    Frankly, I'm also not aware of WCM process or steps... but just in case it helps you.
    Refer -
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    EDIT: SCRATCH EVERYTHING BELOW.  the change to the patch will almost guarantee failure if you do this my way.  it doesn't change the default config; it removes the configuration option enitrely.  i get 'epic fail' for that one.  also, x still complains and fails to start if is missing, even if you're not using it.  grrrr....
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    # $Id: PKGBUILD 21903 2008-12-17 20:32:54Z jgc $ Maintainer: Alexander
    # Baldeck <[email protected]> Contributor: Jan de Groot
    # <[email protected]>
    pkgdesc="X.Org X servers"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    'libxkbui>=1.0.2' 'libgl' 'libxfont>=1.3.3' 'openssl>=0.9.8h'
    'libxxf86misc>=1.0.1' 'libpciaccess>=0.10.5' 'libxv>=1.0.4'
    'libxaw>=1.0.4' 'pixman>=0.11.10' 'xcursor-themes'
    'xkeyboard-config>=1.3' 'xorg-server-utils' 'xorg-utils'
    'xorg-fonts-misc' 'xbitmaps' 'libdrm>=2.3.1' 'diffutils')
    makedepends=('glproto>=1.4.9' 'xf86driproto>=2.0.4'
    'mesa>=7.2' 'randrproto>=1.2.2' 'renderproto>=0.9.3'
    'scrnsaverproto>=1.1.0' 'fontsproto>=2.0.2' 'videoproto>=2.2.2'
    'compositeproto>=0.4' 'trapproto>=3.4.3' 'resourceproto>=1.0.2'
    'xineramaproto>=1.1.2' 'evieext>=1.0.2' 'libxkbfile>=1.0.5'
    'libxmu>=1.0.4' 'libxpm>=3.5.7' 'libxxf86dga>=1.0.2' 'inputproto>=1.4.4'
    'xcmiscproto>=1.1.2' 'bigreqsproto' 'libdrm=2.3.1' 'xtrans')
    optdepends=( 'xf86-input-evdev: to provide input device hotplugging'/
    'hal>=0.5.11: to provide input devices for hotplugging' )
    build() {
    cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
    # Upstream commits from server-1.5 branch
    patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/xserver-1.5-branch-4970d.patch" || return 1
    # extramodes
    patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/001_fedora_extramodes.patch" || return 1
    # Get rid of the ugly pattern
    patch -Np3 -i "${srcdir}/xorg-redhat-die-ugly-pattern-die-die-die.patch" || return 1
    # Patch from Fedora to fix FS#12248
    patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/xserver-1.5.0-force-SwitchCoreKeyboard-for-evdev.patch" || return 1
    # Upstream patch to fix evdev issues with >=2.1.0
    patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/xserver-1.5.3-AEI-on-by-default.patch" || return 1
    # Fix dbus config path
    sed -i -e 's/\$(sysconfdir)/\/etc/' config/Makefile.* || return 1
    ./configure --prefix=/usr \
    --enable-ipv6 \
    --enable-dri \
    --disable-dmx \
    --enable-xvfb \
    --enable-xnest \
    --enable-composite \
    --enable-xcsecurity \
    --enable-xorg \
    --enable-xtrap \
    --enable-xevie \
    --enable-xephyr \
    --enable-glx-tls \
    --enable-xorgcfg \
    --enable-kdrive \
    --enable-install-setuid \
    --enable-config-hal \
    --enable-config-dbus \
    --disable-xfbdev \
    --disable-xfake \
    --disable-xsdl \
    --disable-kdrive-vesa \
    --disable-dri2 \
    --disable-xprint \
    --disable-static \
    --sysconfdir=/etc/X11 \
    --localstatedir=/var \
    --with-default-font-path=/usr/share/fonts/misc,/usr/share/fonts/100dpi:unscaled,/usr/share/fonts/75dpi:unscaled,/usr/share/fonts/TTF,/usr/share/fonts/Type1 \
    --with-xkb-path=/usr/share/X11/xkb \
    --with-xkb-output=/var/lib/xkb \
    --with-dri-driver-path=/usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri || return 1
    make || return 1
    make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install || return 1
    rm -rf "${pkgdir}/var/log" || return 1
    install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/etc/X11" || return 1
    install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/var/lib/xkb" || return 1
    # No longer needed, but as nvidia-utils mangles these files, keep them
    # like this so they can be restored
    mv "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/xorg/modules/" \
    "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/xorg/modules/" || return 1
    # Needed for non-mesa drivers, libgl will restore it
    mv "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/" \
    "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.xorg" || return 1
    mv "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/" \
    "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri.xorg" || return 1
    install -m755 -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}"
    install -m644 COPYING "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/" || return 1
    Last edited by kludge (2009-01-04 20:41:22)

    ok, so i'm almost embarassed to post this.  it's actually pretty trivial.  nevertheless, might as well finish what i've started.
    re-statement of the problem:
    1) xorg-server 1.5.3 depends on hal and evdev in order to provide input hotplugging.
    2) input hotplugging can be turned off, as decsribed here: Arch Wiki Xinput Hotplugging Page.  however, x still requires at runtime or it fails.  (it took me ages of googling to figure out that this is indeed the case.)
    3) therefore, xorg-server must be rebuilt without hal if you'd like to run v.1.5.3 without installing hal.
    how-to correct it:
    1) sync abs tree
    2) copy xorg-server from the abs tree to your local build directory
    3) remove 'hal' and 'xf86-input-evdev' from the depends array
    4) change --enable-config-{hal,dbus} to --disable-config-{hal,dbus}  (apparently the server has *some* support for input hotplugging through dbus without hal.  apparently, it also sucked.  so my method is to turn off both, entirely.)
    5) makepkg
    6) pacman -U
    7) add xorg-server to IgnorePkg in /etc/pacman.conf.  the next time xorg-server is upgraded, pacman -Syu will give you a warning and the opportunity to exit.  this is your notice to rebuild and upgrade your local xorg-server.
    8?) i suppose you could go through the patches that are applied to xorg-server and figure out which aren't needed.  that would be all neat and clean, but probably not necessary.

  • How to start developing forms with weblogic server???

    I am a beginner. I saw someone working on developer 6i and I love the ease so I come to oracle. BUT now I find this weblogic server for desktop applications (forms) too.
    1. Please recommend me a book for developing desktop applications in weblogic server.
    2. Is it possible to use Mysql as database while developing forms in weblogic server?
    Many thanks

    I am a beginner. I saw someone working on developer 6i and I love the ease so I come to oracle. BUT now I find this weblogic server for desktop applications (forms) too.You have to keep in mind that Oracle Developer Suite 6i (Forms/Reports) is over 10 years old and was primarily a Client/Server development environment. Yes, a Forms 6i application could be deployed to the web, but infrastruction has changed many times in the 10+ years since Forms 6i was introduced.
    1. Please recommend me a book for developing desktop applications in weblogic server.Are you talking about an Oracle Forms application deployed through the WebLogic application server? If so, take a look at Developing Oracle Forms Applications or Oracle9i Developer: Developing Web Applications with Forms Builder. These are older books, but they will give you the basics of Oracle Forms development. Once you have the basics of Forms Development, then you can refer to the product documentation for specifics on the particular version of Forms you are using:
    Oracle Forms 10g Online Book - Contents or <a href=">Oracle Fusion Middleware Documenation LIbrary</a> and select the Portal, Forms, Reports and Discoverer option.
    {quote2. Is it possible to use Mysql as database while developing forms in weblogic server?{quote
    You can use MySQL with your web app only if you are not using Oracle Forms! Oracle Forms will only communicate with an Oracle Database. There are methods available to access data from non-Oracle database, but they involved linking your Oracle Database to the non-Oracle database and accessing the data through the Oracle Database.
    Hope this helps,
    Craig B-)
    If someone's response is helpful or correct, please mark it accordingly.

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