How to stop my 2nd Mac from affecting my iPod.

My pod is assigned to my iMac (downstairs), but occasionally I want to get some tunes onto my Powerbook (upstairs). I have, in the past, attached it to my PB, and have selected to "manage music manually", but....that setting does not seem to stick. Yesterday I connected to the PB. I had a suspicion that some syncing was going on, and before I could re-select to manage music manually, iTunes wiped out all the playlists, but left most of the songs (as far as I can tell).
Anyway, I'd like to have a sure fire method of connecting to my PB without it affecting anything on the iPod. Why might that manual management setting change?

TopoTone wrote:
I believe I have the iMac set to manually manage. Are you saying that the setting is stored within the iPod?
Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. A manually managed iPod should show up as manually managed on any computer.
TopoTone wrote:
I've done this twice now, and each time I connect to the PB, it starts to sync automatically. I go back to the iMac, and it's still set to manage manually....then up to the PB, and boom, it begins syncing.
Which is very strange. Perhaps performing a Restore on the iPod might help? Or something is up with the PB iTunes that keeps it from seeing the manually manage flag or whatever it is that is set on the iPod?

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    I looked at your post this morning and did not know enough to respond, other than to find out that links to iListen now go to newer, renamed software. Considering it's been nine hours with no response, I'm suspecting few people here have experience with that software. You could contact the current copmany that used to sell that package and see if they have any archived support info.
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    Quit Mail. Force quit if necessary.
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    Triple-click the line below on this page to select it:
    ~/Library/Mail/V2/MailData/Envelope Index
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    Go ▹ Go to Folder
    from the menu bar. Paste into the box that opens (command-V), then press return.
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