How to tick a checkbox based on query

I would like to tick a check box based in the results from a query while i display it
For eg
while( {
if (rs.getString("status") == "00") mandatory = "N";
else mandatory = "Y";(need to tick check box)
<input type="checkbox" value='<%= mandatory %>' name="build">
But i dont get my check boxes ticked when i do this
Can someone help

Use mandatory="checked"

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    thanks to Quick reply!
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    /\/\ o r e n a!

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    Hi Sally,
    You can create chart into workbook based on the query data.
    Execute the query it will show result in excel sheet. In the tool bar of the sheet you find 'Chart wizard' icon . Select the icon, it will ask for the type of the graph. After select the ranges of the data from result. It will display the graph. Then you can save the workbook.
    Graphs can be embedded in different sheets.
    Hope it helps.

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    Thanks for the reply Deepak.
    We got it resolved. We did following changes in /ucm/custom/SiteStudio/resources/ss_custom_field_resources.htm file and it worked cleanly.
    Added following section at the end before body tag
    <@dynamichtml ss_parent_definition_field_entry@>
         <$include super.std_edit_entry$>
         <$if isQuery and isTrue(isQuery)$></td><td><$endif$>
         <$include ss_contributor_base_scripts$>
         <script type="text/javascript" src="<$HttpRelativeWebRoot$>resources/<$SSContributorSourceDir$>/sitestudio/wcm.contentserver.popup.js"></script>
         <script language="JavaScript">
         function OnSelectParentId()
              var selectParentIdOptions = {};
              selectParentIdOptions.httpCgiPath = '<$HttpCgiPath$>';
              selectParentIdOptions.queryText = 'dDocType <matches> `Country`';
              selectParentIdOptions.coreContentOnly = '<$if coreContentOnly and isTrue(coreContentOnly)$>1<$else$>0<$endif$>';
              selectParentIdOptions.callback = function( returnParams )
                   returnParams = returnParams || {};
                   if( returnParams && returnParams['dDocName'] && ( returnParams.dDocName.length > 0 ) )
                        // Set the actual metadata value
                        <$if isQuery AND isTrue(isQuery)$>
                             for (var i=0; i < document.<$formName$>.elements.length; i++)
                                  var elt=document.<$formName$>.elements;
                                  if ("<$fieldName$>")
                                       elt.value = returnParams.dDocName;
                             document.<$formName$>.<$fieldName$>.value = returnParams.dDocName;
         <input type="button" value="<$lc("wwBrowse")$>..." onclick="OnSelectParentId();">
    Then modified the section which show xWebsiteSection, xRegionDefinition etc to include my custom meta data defitnion as well ('xParentContentType')
    <@dynamichtml std_edit_entry@>
         <$if fieldName and ( fieldName like "xWebsites|xDontShowInListsForWebsites" )$>
              <$include ss_website_query_text_field$>
         <$elseif fieldName and strEquals( fieldName, "xWebsiteSection" )$>
              <$include ss_website_section_field_entry$>
         <$elseif fieldName and strEquals( fieldName, "xRegionDefinition" )$>
              <$include ss_region_definition_field_entry$>
         <$elseif fieldName and strEquals( fieldName, "xParentContentType" )$>
              <$include ss_parent_definition_field_entry$>
              <$include super.std_edit_entry$>
    This worked fine.

  • How to use a checkbox to toggle visibility of a Bar or Line on a Graph

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    This is the tutorial i'm referencing:
    Here is a screenshot of my dashboard. I want to code the checkbox to turn visibility on/off of the blue bar, the blue bar gets its values from Row 3 Colums B to F:
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    It appears that you're missing the logic for the check box.  There needs to be a cell whose value changes based on the check box's status (1 for checked, 0 for unchecked).  Do this choosing 'destination' in the check box's options and setting it to a cell in your spreadsheet.  The default values are 1 for checked, 0 for unchecked.  Then, you should have the values for your blue line in a table, but the actual line graph should be driven from an identical table that gets its information from the first table (confusing?).  The logic in the 2nd table should read:   =IF(Control Cell = 1, Actual Value, "")
    What this does is if the check box is checked, then the 2nd table will read the same as the first, and your values will appear.  However if the check box is unchecked, the 2nd table will have blank values ( "" ) and thus not register.
    Here are some images to help:
    This is the dashboard I created, notice the values are mapped to one area but the chart is driven by the other.
    This screen shows that the chart is driven from the 2nd set of data.
    This screen shows the logic behind the 2nd table, the one that actually drives the chart.
    This screen shows the check values for the checkbox.  Note that the destination for the first check box is cell B3.
    This is the dashboard in action:
    Here is the XLF file so you can look at the logic and stuff.
    --Hope this helps.

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    I want editable checkbox for correct value and uneditable checkbox for incorrect value in a single alv

    Mukilansap wrote:
    > I want editable checkbox for correct value and uneditable checkbox for incorrect value in a single alv
    Use alv styles to achieve this, set the style for each record before displaying the ALV. Structure LVC_S_STYL.
    Take a look at the example BCALV_EDIT_02, it is OOPS based, but check how the style table is filled.

  • How can i imrove peroformance of complex Query

    How can i improve performance of complex Query
    which used CASE WHEN , GROUP By Rollup
    for example
    SELECT CASE WHEN null then a
    ELSE b END
    FROM (
    SELECT a,b,c,..........
    FROM table1
    SELECT a,b,c,..........
    FROM table2
    GROUP BY ROLLUP a,b,c ,............
    this query take 18 min to return 180000 record
    is there is any way to improve the performance of this query

    Have you considered using
    Alternatively you could provide some more information such as an execution plan for your query:
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production
    SQL> set linesize 200
    SQL> set pages 50000
      2  select * from dual;
    SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);
    | Id  | Operation            |  Name       | Rows  | Bytes | Cost  |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT     |             |       |       |       |
    |   1 |  TABLE ACCESS FULL   | DUAL        |       |       |       |
    Note: rule based optimization
    9 rows selected.If you want general info on tuning, I suggest you read the Perfomance tuning guide and the Data Warehousing guide. These are the best place to find information about concepts and techniques. The forums are better suited to specific questions.

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    I hope sombody could help me with this
    Message was edited by: Oscar Diaz

    Hi Diaz,
    Can you explain the exact scenario which you are looking for!!!
    Happy Tony

  • How to avoid or replace a sub query from Exists statement.

    Hello all,
    I have a query regarding sql query.
    DB 1
    Table A                                 Table B
    ID   Code   HeaderID            ID   
    1    100      1                          1
    2    200      1                          2
    3    100      2                          3
    DB 2
    Table C
    ID    Code  Type
    1     100     1
    2     101     1
    3     100     2
    set @HeaderID = 1
    IF EXISTS (SELECT Code From Table A WHERE HeaderID=@ID AND Code  not in (SELECT Code FROM Table C WHERE Type=1))
    RAISERROR('code is not set.',16,1)
    Table A and Table C are in different databases say DB1 and DB2.
    How can we replace this with another query using join or something. Can we do it using one query by avoiding sub query.I want to get Code 200 which is not match with Table C Code.
    Regards, Ranjith T Rajan Acty System India Pvt Ltd.

    Instead of checking later and raising an error you can create a check constraint on the table so that it raises error when you insert the non existent code itself.
    You can create a UDF like below
    CREATE FUNCTION CheckCodeExistence
    @Code int,
    @HeaderID int
    RETURNS bit
    DECLARE @Ret bit
    FROM DB2.dbo.TableC
    WHERE Code = @code
    AND [TYPE] = @headerID)
    THEN 0
    ELSE 1 END
    Then create a check constraint on Table A based on it as
    ALTER TABLE TableA ADD CONSTRAINT Chk_TableA CHECK (dbo.CheckCodeExistence(Code,HeaderID) =1 )
    Now when you try to insert record with Code 200 you'll get the below
    Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
    The INSERT statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "Chk_TableA". The conflict occurred in database "DB1", table "dbo.TableA".
    The statement has been terminated.
    See similar example here
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • How to Disable a Checkbox on a report condionally.

    I have a report and I created a checkbox on this report.
    I have a button which is associated to the checkbox.
    When I check a record an click the button I delete that record.
    This all works great.
    I want to disable the checkbox based on a condition.
    Lets say I cannot delete DEPT rows 20 at all. In this case I want to disable the checkbox and do not allow use to delete these records.
    Can anyone help me on this.
    I really appreciate your help on this.

    In your SQL query, you may be able to use a CASE WHEN statement to accomplish this.
    SELECT .. CASE WHEN dept_id = 20 THEN <dont display checkbox or show disabled> ELSE <show checkbox> END

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    In P2P,
    How to create the PO based on requisition through interface.

    Hi Srikanth,
    I knew it from frontend.
    But i want from backend using INTERFACE .please see if this can help you
    SQL to link Requisitions with Purchase Orders
    ;) AppSmAstI ;)
    sharing is CAring

  • How to create a report based on a DataSet programatically

    I'm working on a CR 2008 Add-in.
    Usage of this add-in is: Let the user choose from a list of predefined datasets, and create a totally empty report with this dataset attached to is. So the user can create a report based on this dataset.
    I have a dataset in memory, and want to create a new report in cr2008.
    The new report is a blank report (with no connection information).
    If I set the ReportDocument.SetDataSource(Dataset dataSet) property, I get the error:
    The report has no tables.
    So I must programmatically define the table definition in my blank report.
    I found the following article:, and came up with something like this:
    internal class NewReportWorker : Worker
          public NewReportWorker(string reportFileName)
             : base(reportFileName)
    public override void Process()
             DatabaseController databaseController = ClientDoc.DatabaseController;
             Table table = new Table();
             string tabelName = "Table140";
             table.Name = tabelName;
             table.Alias = tabelName;
             table.QualifiedName = tabelName;
             table.Description = tabelName;
             var fields = new Fields();
             var dbField = new DBField();
             var fieldName = "ID";
             dbField.Description = fieldName;
             dbField.HeadingText = fieldName;
             dbField.Name = fieldName;
             dbField.Type = CrFieldValueTypeEnum.crFieldValueTypeInt64sField;
             dbField = new DBField();
             fieldName = "IDLEGITIMATIEBEWIJS";
             dbField.Description = fieldName;
             dbField.HeadingText = fieldName;
             dbField.Name = fieldName;
             dbField.Type = CrFieldValueTypeEnum.crFieldValueTypeInt64sField;
             // More code for more tables to add.
             table.DataFields = fields;
             //CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.ConnectionInfo info =
             //   new CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.ConnectionInfo();
             //info.Attributes.Add("Databse DLL", "xxx.dll");
             //table.ConnectionInfo = info;
             // Here an error occurs.
             databaseController.AddTable(table, null);
             ReportDoc.SetDataSource( [MyFilledDataSet] );
             //object path = @"d:\logfiles\";
             //ClientDoc.SaveAs("test.rpt", ref path, 0);
    The object ClientDoc referes to a ISCDReportClientDocument in a base class:
       internal abstract class Worker
          private ReportDocument _ReportDoc;
          private ISCDReportClientDocument _ClientDoc;
          private string _ReportFileName;
          public Worker(string reportFileName)
             _ReportFileName = reportFileName;
             _ReportDoc = new ReportDocument();
             // Load the report from file path passed by the designer.
             // Create a RAS Document through In-Proc RAS through the RPTDoc.
             _ClientDoc = _ReportDoc.ReportClientDocument;
          public string ReportFileName
                return _ReportFileName;
          public ReportDocument ReportDoc
                return _ReportDoc;
          public ISCDReportClientDocument ClientDoc
                return _ClientDoc;
    But I get an "Unspecified error" on the line databaseController.AddTable(table, null);
    What am i doing wrong? Or is there another way to create a new report based on a DataSet in C# code?

    Have a look at the snippet code below written for version 9 that you might accommodate to CR 2008, it demonstrates how to create a report based on a DataSet programmatically.
    +           * the following two string values can be modified to reflect your system+
    +          ************************************************************************************************/+
    +          string mdb_path = "C:
    program files
    crystal decisions
    crystal reports 9
    xtreme.mdb";    // path to xtreme.mdb file+
    +          string xsd_path = "C:
    customer.xsd";  // path to customer schema file+
    +          // Dataset+
    +          OleDbConnection m_connection;                         // connection+
    +          OleDbDataAdapter m_adapter;                              // adapter+
    +          System.Data.DataSet m_dataset;                         // dataset+
    +          // CR variables+
    +          ReportClientDocument m_crReportDocument;          // report client document+
    +          Field m_crFieldCustomer;+
    +          Field m_crFieldCountry;+
    +          void CreateData()+
    +          {+
    +               // Create OLEDB connection+
    +               m_connection = new OleDbConnection();+
    +               m_connection.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + mdb_path;+
    +               // Create Data Adapter+
    +               m_adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter("select * from Customer where Country='Canada'", m_connection);+
    +               // create dataset and fill+
    +               m_dataset = new System.Data.DataSet();+
    +               m_adapter.Fill(m_dataset, "Customer");+
    +               // create a schema file+
    +               m_dataset.WriteXmlSchema(xsd_path);+
    +          }+
    +          // Adds a DataSource using dataset. Since this does not require intermediate schema file, this method+
    +          // will work in a distributed environment where you have IIS box on server A and RAS Server on server B.+
    +          void AddDataSourceUsingDataSet(+
    +               ReportClientDocument rcDoc,          // report client document+
    +               System.Data.DataSet data)          // dataset+
    +          {+
    +               // add a datasource+
    +               DataSetConverter.AddDataSource(rcDoc, data);+
    +          }+
    +          // Adds a DataSource using a physical schema file. This method require you to have schema file in RAS Server+
    +          // box (NOT ON SDK BOX). In distributed environment where you have IIS on server A and RAS on server B,+
    +          // and you execute CreateData above, schema file is created in IIS box, and this method will fail, because+
    +          // RAS server cannot see that schema file on its local machine. In such environment, you must use method+
    +          // above.+
    +          void AddDataSourceUsingSchemaFile(+
    +               ReportClientDocument rcDoc,          // report client document+
    +               string schema_file_name,          // xml schema file location+
    +               string table_name,                    // table to be added+
    +               System.Data.DataSet data)          // dataset+
    +          {+
    +               PropertyBag crLogonInfo;               // logon info+
    +               PropertyBag crAttributes;               // logon attributes+
    +               ConnectionInfo crConnectionInfo;     // connection info+
    +               CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.Table crTable;+
    +               // database table+
    +               // create logon property+
    +               crLogonInfo = new PropertyBag();+
    +               crLogonInfo["XML File Path"] = schema_file_name;+
    +               // create logon attributes+
    +               crAttributes = new PropertyBag();+
    +               crAttributes["Database DLL"] = "crdb_adoplus.dll";+
    +               crAttributes["QE_DatabaseType"] = "ADO.NET (XML)";+
    +               crAttributes["QE_ServerDescription"] = "NewDataSet";+
    +               crAttributes["QE_SQLDB"] = true;+
    +               crAttributes["QE_LogonProperties"] = crLogonInfo;+
    +               // create connection info+
    +               crConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();+
    +               crConnectionInfo.Kind = CrConnectionInfoKindEnum.crConnectionInfoKindCRQE;+
    +               crConnectionInfo.Attributes = crAttributes;+
    +               // create a table+
    +               crTable = new CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel.Table();+
    +               crTable.ConnectionInfo = crConnectionInfo;+
    +               crTable.Name = table_name;+
    +               crTable.Alias = table_name;+
    +               // add a table+
    +               rcDoc.DatabaseController.AddTable(crTable, null);+
    +               // pass dataset+
    +               rcDoc.DatabaseController.SetDataSource(DataSetConverter.Convert(data), table_name, table_name);+
    +          }+
    +          void CreateReport()+
    +          {+
    +               int iField;+
    +               // create dataset+
    +               CreateData();+
    +               // create report client document+
    +               m_crReportDocument = new ReportClientDocument();+
    +               m_crReportDocument.ReportAppServer = "";+
    +               // new report document+
    +               m_crReportDocument.New();+
    +               // add a datasource using a schema file+
    +               // note that if you have distributed environment, you should use AddDataSourceUsingDataSet method instead.+
    +               // for more information, refer to comments on these methods.+
    +               AddDataSourceUsingSchemaFile(m_crReportDocument, xsd_path, "Customer", m_dataset);+
    +                              +
    +               // get Customer Name and Country fields+
    +               iField = m_crReportDocument.Database.Tables[0].DataFields.Find("Customer Name", CrFieldDisplayNameTypeEnum.crFieldDisplayNameName, CeLocale.ceLocaleUserDefault);+
    +               m_crFieldCustomer = (Field)m_crReportDocument.Database.Tables[0].DataFields[iField];+
    +               iField = m_crReportDocument.Database.Tables[0].DataFields.Find("Country", CrFieldDisplayNameTypeEnum.crFieldDisplayNameName, CeLocale.ceLocaleUserDefault);+
    +               m_crFieldCountry = (Field)m_crReportDocument.Database.Tables[0].DataFields[iField];+
    +               // add Customer Name and Country fields+
    +               m_crReportDocument.DataDefController.ResultFieldController.Add(-1, m_crFieldCustomer);+
    +               m_crReportDocument.DataDefController.ResultFieldController.Add(-1, m_crFieldCountry);+
    +               // view report+
    +               crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = m_crReportDocument;+
    +          }+
    +          public Form1()+
    +          {+
    +               //+
    +               // Required for Windows Form Designer support+
    +               //+
    +               InitializeComponent();+
    +               // Create Report+
    +               CreateReport();+
    +               //+
    +               // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call+
    +               //+
    +          }+//=========================================================================

  • How to set the table input in Query template?

    Hi all.
    I need to call a Bapi_objcl_change, with import parameter and a table as an input. I have done this, in BLS. I have set the table input in the
    form of xml. In BLS, I get the output(the value gets change in SAP R3, what i have given in BLS).  But if i set the same xml structure  in
    query template, I didn't get the output. Table input parameter does not take that xml source.  How to set the table input in Query template?
    can anyone help me?

    You probably need to XML encode the data so that it will pass properly and then xmldecode() it to set the BAPI input value.

  • How to write a condition in BEX Query Designer

    How can i write a condition in Query Designer
    An employee can purchase any no of policies in a day or month.each policy will have start date and expiry date.
    My requirment
    Count all the policies(valid) by employee on a ranges basis exception reporting
    (0-10;10-20;20-30;30-40) and then able to drill down by policy start date and expiry date.
    As per the requirment is to show policies which are not yet expired (active) i need to write a condition that will count only policies whose Expiry date is > Current calender day
    As Policy Expiry Date is a char i am converting it to KF using fourmala variable so that i can write a condition on it using current cal day formula variable sap exit
    But i char assigment of a condition i find 4 option
    How can i achieve this

    Hi Aurun,
    Thanks for the help,Really appreciated
    As this is my first enhancement using ABAP & CMOD
    What type of key (either Access or developer ) do i require to perform the following that i can raise request with basis team
    I shall be great ful if u can asnwer below question
    First, you need to create a variable for expiry date with processing type as customer exit, and then give the necessary info.
    In details tab, unchk ready for input as we wont be taking the value from the prompt.
    Now go to CMOD transaction.
    Open the correcsponding project which has the exit code
    (How can i identify the project which has exit code)
    and go to ZXRSRU001 module inside taht.
    Go to the module where u write the exit.
    (How to locate the required module)
    Then, under i step 1, write the code:
    IF I_STEP = 1.
    CASE V_NAME  (What is 'V_NAME',Is it my variable technical name)
    WHEN 'X' " X is the variable u created for the exit
    l_s_range-low = SY-DATUM.
    l_s_range-opt = 'I'.
    l_s_range-sign = 'GT'.
    APPEND l_s_range TO e_t_range.

Maybe you are looking for