How to trace a font outline?

So, I'm trying to place some text on top of a background.
I have created the text object, but really need it to have a gap between the text and the background.
I duplicated the text and gave the new text a 4pt white outline, and then moved this layer behind the original text.
This gave the look that I was after.
However I need a vector drawing of this (for cutouts in a laser cutter.)
If I convert the text to curves, the vector is still the original outline of the text; it is just drawn with a 4pt line.
I need to be able to trace the outline of the 'fat' text, but I can't figure out how to do that.
Another example of this issue is when I draw a line.
If I draw a line, with a 4pt pen, then I get a long rectangle.
However, if I trace it, I just get a thin line.
I need to be able to trace it and get a rectangle.
Any ideas?

In the former case, you may, starting with live Type and the background object at the bottom in the stacinkg order:
1) Type>Create Outlines and Ungroup;
2) With everything still selected,Object>Path>Offest Path by the desired gap width, and Group, then lock, then Group the original outlined letters, then unlock;
3) Select the Offset Path Group and
3a) Also select the background object and in the Transparency palette flyout click Make Opacity Mask with both Clip and Invert Mask unticked, this is fully reversible;
3b) Also select the background object and Pathfinder>Minus front, this is irreversible and creates a Compound Path background object;
3c) Just change the a white fill, or whichever colour you have behind the background object if any.

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    ggaarde wrote:
    > Thanks Urami
    > Tried your method and it does not work for me.
    > I put 3 dynamic text fields in the first frame of the
    movie. Set them up to
    > where one is regular, one is bold and one is italic
    Weird, it works for me on first go, always had in fact :)
    Show you an example, try to compare to your file see if you
    missed anything accidentally.
    text file
    Best Regards
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

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    in SE71 only u can define ur font .
    if u want same font for whole paragraph go  to paragraph format.otherwise go for charactor format.
    down u ll see some tab like standard font tabs and outline
    for font family go clik on font and chose ur fotn family.

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    The create outline command is a 1 shot deal. It doesn't stay on or off like a switch, its more of a conversion process. which is applied to only what was selected and then it is done.
    Even if the new type on the new page was in outline form, it would not explain what is happening. Outlining simply means that you can no longer edit the text, it is now a path. Since it is a path, it retains its shape and characteristics no matter how much you scale it.
    If you rasterise the text, apply a drop shadow or any other raster effect to the text, then those effects would be effected when scaling.
    Everything I type above is my best guess for not seeing your screen, which is why Monika requested a screen shot.

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    I've just stepped into the same problem. Quick analysis of SWF content showed that all "import" tags have been removed and replaced by "font" tags (sometimes empty (empty - meaning no glyphs are there), sometimes not). I am publishing SWFs for Flash 8/ AS 2.0, thus, the SWFs should be FULLY compatible with old players. Technically speaking, importing of fonts is totally busted in CS5.5 and makes the CS5.5 completely unusable for us.
    Seems VERY much like a nasty bug. I am going to play a bit more with it in order to find a workaround. If not - I'll go back to CS5. I really hope Adobe will fix this bug ASAP. I have submitted a bug report about this issue.
    A bit more info about repro the issue: create font.fla and export font $Font from it. Create the second fla (main.fla) that imports the font $Font from  the font.swf. Publish all the swfs. Look inside the main.swf and instead of "ImportAsset" tag for font you'll see the regular "Font" tag (like it was never imported). However, the "ExportAsset" tag exists in font.swf and it looks completely fine.
    AB: Added some info

  • Dataloss in network... How to trace it..?

    Though this question is related to SAP XI and SMICM trace, I feel this question can also be answered by people in WebAs General, so i am posting this in this forum.
    In my current scenario where SAP XI system pushes data to another system(ABC system) using HTTPS connection. I have set up an RFC destination of Type G to connect to the external system.
    When i do a Test connection, i see in SMICM log file, i found that connection established, request message written into ABC system.When response is being written i could find BINDUMP of content denied in the SMICM log file. What does that exactly mean..?
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    XI shows successfully processed and ABC system did not receive the message... So where did the data go?? I have no clue :-(( Need your inputs in this regard. How to trace if the message has been successfully posted by XI. Below is the SMICM log file.
    [Thr 5880] IcmConnConnect: direct connect to
    [Thr 5880] nihsl-getHostAddr: found hostname '' in cache
    [Thr 5880] nihsi-getHostAddr: hostname '' = addr
    [Thr 5880] nihsi-getServNo: servicename '443' = port 01.BB/0443
    [Thr 5880] NiCreateHandle: state hdl 23 / socket -1 NI_INITIAL
    [Thr 5880] NiIBlockMode: switch off block-mode for hdl 23 / socket -1
    [Thr 5880] NiLowLevCon: connect to: host, port 01.BB/0443, fam 2 (low adr..high adr)
    [Thr 4532] [Thr 4532] NiISelect: fds in write-mask: [Thr 5880] NiIInitSocket: set default settings for socket 65268
    [Thr 5880] NiISocket: hdl 23 got socket 65268
    [Thr 5880] NiPBlockMode: set socket 65268 to NONBLOCK mode
    [Thr 4532]
    [Thr 5880] NiPConnect: connect in progress
    [Thr 5880] SiPeekPendConn: connection of socket 65268 established
    [Thr 5880] NiLowLevCon: took local port 10.1B/4123
    [Thr 5880] nilh-localCheck: using local address list
    [Thr 5880] NiSetStat: state hdl 23 NI_CONNECTED
    [Thr 5880] ->> SapSSLSessionInit(&sssl_hdl=015BC3DC, role=1 (CLIENT), auth_type=3 (USE_CLIENT_CERT))
    [Thr 5880] <<- SapSSLSessionInit()==SAP_O_K
    [Thr 5880] in: args = "role=1 (CLIENT), auth_type=3 (USE_CLIENT_CERT)"
    [Thr 5880] out: sssl_hdl = 19193D20
    [Thr 5880] ->> SapSSLSetNiHdl(sssl_hdl=19193D20, ni_hdl=23)
    [Thr 5880] IcmPlCheckRetVal: Next status: WRITE_REQUEST(3)
    [Thr 5880] IcmConnRollInWP: no need to roll in WP status: ROLLED IN
    [Thr 5880] MPI<12ee>0#7 GetInbuf 5 1489e0 2179 (1) -> 6
    [Thr 5880] NiPBlockMode: set socket 65268 to NONBLOCK mode
    [Thr 5880] NiPSockGetStatus: socket 65268 ok, no data pending
    [Thr 5880] NiPBlockMode: set socket 65268 to BLOCK mode
    [Thr 5880] IcmReadFromPartner(id=0/4693): fe-nihdl timeout
    [Thr 5880] PlugInHandleServData: role: 2, status: 3, content-length: 0/0
    buf_len: 2127, buf_offset: 0, buf_status: 6
    [Thr 5880] HttpParseRequestHeader: content length: 1805
    [Thr 5880] HttpParseRequestHeader: no transfer-encoding set
    [Thr 5880] HttpParseRequestHeader: Version: 1000
    [Thr 5880] HttpParseRequestHeader: Keep-Alive: 0
    [Thr 5880] IcmPlCheckRetVal: Next status: READ_RESPONSE(2)
    [Thr 5880] IcmHandleNetWrite(id=0/4693): HandleServData returned: 2
    [Thr 5880] BINDUMP of content denied
    [Thr 5880] IcmWriteToConn(id=0/4693): prepared to write data to partner (len = 2127)
    [Thr 5880] ->> SapSSLWrite(sssl_hdl=19193D20, buf=061F8A74, len=2127, timeout=2000, &writelen=123EFF24)
    [Thr 5880] <<- SapSSLWrite(sssl_hdl=19193D20)==SAP_O_K
    [Thr 5880] result = "written= 2127 of 2127 (all)"
    [Thr 5880] IcmWriteToConn(id=0/4693): wrote data to partner (len = 2127)
    [Thr 5880] MPI<12ee>0#8 FreeInbuf#1 0 1489e0 0 -> 0
    [Thr 5880] IcmConnRollInWP: no need to roll in WP status: ROLLED IN
    [Thr 5880] IcmReadFromConn(id=0/4693): request new MPI (0/0)
    [Thr 5880] MPI<12ed>1#4 GetOutbuf -1 1489e0 65536 (0) -> 061F8A40 0
    [Thr 5880] ->> SapSSLRead(sssl_hdl=19193D20, buf=061F8A74, maxlen=65483, timeout=500, &readlen=123EFEE8)
    [Thr 5880] Fri Dec 02 08:59:10 2005
    [Thr 5880] <<- SapSSLRead(sssl_hdl=19193D20)==SAP_O_K
    [Thr 5880] result = "max=65483, received=8036"
    [Thr 5880] IcmReadFromConn(id=0/4693): read 8036 bytes(timeout 500)
    [Thr 5880] BINDUMP of content denied
    [Thr 5880] PlugInHandleNetData: role: 2, status: 1, content-length: 0/-1
    buf_len: 8036, buf_offset: 0, buf_status: 0
    [Thr 5880] PlugInHandleNetData: read response header
    [Thr 5880] HttpParseResponseHeader: no transfer-encoding set
    [Thr 5880] HttpParseResponseHeader: Version: 1000
    [Thr 5880] HttpParseResponseHeader: Keep-Alive: 0
    [Thr 5880] PlugInHandleNetData: more data to read
    [Thr 5880] PlugInHandleNetData: need more data (7936/12484)
    [Thr 5880] IcmPlCheckRetVal: Next status: READ_RESPONSE(2)
    [Thr 5880] IcmHandleNetRead(id=0/4693): read_len: 8036, HandleNetData returned: 2
    [Thr 5880] IcmHandleNetRead(id=0/4693): status 2 -> 2
    [Thr 5880] ->> SapSSLReadPending(sssl_hdl=19193D20, &pendlen=123EFF1C)
    [Thr 5880] <<- SapSSLReadPending(sssl_hdl=19193D20)==SAP_O_K
    [Thr 5880] out: pendlen = 0
    [Thr 5880] IcmHandleNetRead(id=0/4693): pending SSL data: 0, rollout=1
    [Thr 5880] nihsl-getHostAddr: found hostname 'localhost' in cache
    [Thr 5880] nihsi-getHostAddr: hostname 'localhost' = addr
    [Thr 5880] NiIDgSend: re-connect dgram to: host, port FD.E6/64998, fam 2 (low adr..high adr)
    [Thr 5880] IcmConnRollOut: connection (id=0/4693) rolled out:
    [Thr 5880] CONNECTION (id=0/4693):
    used: 1, role: 2, stateful: 0
    NI_HDL: 23, protocol: 2
    status: READ_RESPONSE
    connect time: 02.12.2005 08:59:08
    WP-status: ROLLED IN (Context: 0, Role: 2)
    tid: 15, mode: 0, uid: 746, roll-reason: ICM_ROLL_NONE
    MPI request: <12ee> MPI response: <12ed>
    request_buf_size: 2127 response_buf_size: 65484
    request_buf_used: 2127 response_buf_used: 8036
    request_buf_offset: 0 response_buf_offset: 0
    [Thr 4852] NiBufSelect: Postprocessing...
    [Thr 4852] NiBufSelect: returning 1 clients
    [Thr 4852] NiSelNext: returning hdl 5, r--, 00000000, rest 0 entries (0164FEF0)
    [Thr 5880] IcmWorkerThread: Thread 6: Waiting for event
    [Thr 4852] NiIPeek: peek successful for hdl -1 / socket 65588 (r)
    [Thr 4852] NiIDgReceive - WAKEUP DGRAM received from:
    host, port 07.B0/1968, fam 2 (low adr..high adr)
    [Thr 4852] NiIPeek: peek for hdl -1 / socket 65588 timed out (r; 0)
    [Thr 4852] IcmWatchDogThread: dg received
    [Thr 4852] IcmWatchDogUpdateRollQueue(id=0/4693): insert fe-nihdl 23, flags=1
    [Thr 4852] NiSelSet: hdl 23, r-, 01679D50
    [Thr 4852] IcmWatchDogThread: check ni handles (timeout=10000)
    [Thr 4852] NiBufSelect: Preprocessing...
    [Thr 4852] NiISelect: timeout 10000 ms
    [Thr 4852] NiISelect: maximum fd=65757
    [Thr 4852] NiISelect: fds in read-mask: [Thr 4852]
    [Thr 4852] NiISelect: fds in write-mask: [Thr 4852]
    [Thr 4852] NiBufSelect: Postprocessing...
    [Thr 4852] NiBufSelect: returning 1 clients
    [Thr 4852] NiSelNext: returning hdl 23, r--, 01679D50, rest 0 entries (0164FF00)
    [Thr 4852] IcmWatchDogThread(id=0/4693): nihdl 23 - data received(read)
    [Thr 4852] NiSelClear: removed hdl 23 from selectset
    [Thr 4852] IcmQueueAppend: Queuelen: 1
    [Thr 4852] IcmCreateRequest: Appended request 8369
    [Thr 4852] IcmConnRollIn: connection (id=0/4693) rolled back to status: READ_RESPONSE
    [Thr 4852] IcmWatchDogThread: check ni handles (timeout=10000)
    [Thr 4852] NiBufSelect: Preprocessing...
    [Thr 4852] NiISelect: timeout 10000 ms
    [Thr 4852] NiISelect: maximum fd=65757
    [Thr 4852] NiISelect: fds in read-mask: [Thr 4152] IcmWorkerThread: worker 3 got the semaphore
    [Thr 4152] REQUEST:
    Type: READ_RESPONSE Index = 8368
    [Thr 4152] CONNECTION (id=0/4693):
    used: 1, role: 2, stateful: 0
    NI_HDL: 23, protocol: 2
    status: READ_RESPONSE
    connect time: 02.12.2005 08:59:08
    WP-status: ROLLED IN (Context: 0, Role: 2)
    tid: 15, mode: 0, uid: 746, roll-reason: ICM_ROLL_NONE
    MPI request: <12ee> MPI response: <12ed>
    request_buf_size: 2127 response_buf_size: 65484
    request_buf_used: 2127 response_buf_used: 8036
    request_buf_offset: 0 response_buf_offset: 0
    [Thr 4152] ->> SapSSLRead(sssl_hdl=19193D20, buf=061FA9D8, maxlen=57447, timeout=500, &readlen=10BEFEE8)
    [Thr 4852]
    [Thr 4852] NiISelect: fds in write-mask: [Thr 4852]
    [Thr 4152] <<- SapSSLRead(sssl_hdl=19193D20)==SAP_O_K
    [Thr 4152] result = "max=57447, received=4548"
    [Thr 4152] IcmReadFromConn(id=0/4693): read 12584 bytes(timeout 500)
    [Thr 4152] BINDUMP of content denied
    [Thr 4152] PlugInHandleNetData: role: 2, status: 2, content-length: 7936/12484
    buf_len: 12584, buf_offset: 8036, buf_status: 0
    [Thr 4152] PlugInHandleNetData: read response body (len=12484/12484)
    [Thr 4152] PlugInHandleNetData: response completely read(EOS=0)
    [Thr 4152] IcmFlushBuf: Flushing 12584 Bytes, buf_status: 6
    [Thr 4152] flush buffer with mpi buffer id 1
    [Thr 4152] MPI<12ed>1#5 FlushOutbuf l1 1 1 1489e0 12636 6 -> 061F8A20 0
    [Thr 4152] IcmConnRollInWP: no need to roll in WP status: ROLLED IN
    [Thr 4152] PlugInHandleNetData: close connection
    [Thr 4152] IcmPlCheckRetVal: Plugin retval: PLUGIN_RET_CLOSE (-702)
    [Thr 4152] IcmHandleNetRead(id=0/4693): read_len: 4548, HandleNetData returned: -702
    [Thr 4152] IcmConnRollInWP: no need to roll in WP status: ROLLED IN
    [Thr 4152] PlugInStopConn: role: 2, error: 0, write_err: 1
    [Thr 4152] ->> SapSSLSessionDone(&sssl_hdl=015BC3DC)
    [Thr 4152] <<- SapSSLSessionDone(sssl_hdl=19193D20)==SAP_O_K
    [Thr 4152] NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 23 / socket 65268
    [Thr 4152] IcmConnClose: Connection 0/4693 closed
    [Thr 4152] IcmConnFreeContext: context 0 released
    [Thr 4152] IcmServDecrRefCount: intersrv.afdb.local:443 - serv_ref_count: 1
    [Thr 4152] IcmWorkerThread: Thread 3: Waiting for event
    Siva Maranani

    SMICM with trave level3 is the only way(i know) to trace whether the message has left XI server or not.

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    Hi Brenda19605,
    You can use this article to set the fonts and colors:
    The default settings for the font are in this article:
    Unfortunately for the default colors has no good reference. But for text it is black (most lower left) color, background is white (most upper left color). Unvisited links is blue (column 8, row 5) and visited link is purple (column 9, row 5).
    Let me know if you need anymore help!

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    In mail, how do you increase font sizes in a reply.  Cannot find things like "underline", "italic" etc either.  Where are they?  Entourage was easier!!

    Preferences/Compsing/set to Rich Text (only then you can use bold etc).
    Then Rightclick the toolbar in Mail, and clcik Customize the toolbar.
    Put the icons (with or without text) that you want on your toolbar.

  • How to trace an error

    Dear all,
    How to trace a purticular error ?
    from metalink
    Diagnose the issue by running the following trace
    alter system set events '1775 trace name ERRORSTACK level 3';
    Redo the import and reproduce the error. The trace file should be in the
    USER_DUMP_DEST directory.
    alter system set events '1775 trace name errorstack off';
    Trace file will show something like the following:
    ksedmp: internal or fatal error
    ORA-01775: looping chain of synonyms
    Current SQL statement for this session:
    I am getting the same ora 01775 error. But when I am tracing, I am not getting any result in my udump. Is there any other setting do I have to make to get the trace file?

    Your question can not be answered.
    Not only you don't include a version (this seems to be too difficult for most posters here), but you also include ambiguous sentences like 'When I am tracing'.
    This results in the question 'did you issue the alter system command and was it successful?'
    As far as I am aware the syntax is
    alter system set events='<errornum> trace name errorstack level 3';
    There are no other 'settings'
    The only other solution is to set up an afterserver error trigger.
    Works like a charm, 8i onwards.
    You uncover way too many things you don't even want to know!
    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBA

  • How to trace an Inbound R3 IDoc by seeing application document

    Hi all,
    How to trace an Inbound IDoc number by seeing application document in R3.
    sometimes 'Services from object' also we could'nt able to trace out the IDoc.
    'Services from object'  option sometimes appears in blank status with no IDoc.
    Any possible tracing options?

    HI Chitra,
    You can findout the Idoc number in R/3 System by using the  tr.code WE05 or WE02.
    Go throgh the following blog for message monitoring.
    Goli Sridhar

  • How to trace purchase order number with respect to Purchase requestion numb

    Hi friends,
    Can u please help me how to Trace purchase order number with respect to purchase Requetuion  number. Is there any standard report  available in R/3

    Hi Vamsi,
    Thats what!!!
    Goto SE16 - EBAN - Give PR number in the iput screen.
    In the output screen you will have to do field selection from Menu - Settings - formatlist - choose fields.
    There you choose Purchase Order.
    So the output will display for you POs for the PR that you entered.

  • How to trace production order history

      how to trace production order history, with all information like some addtion and deletion of components in production order.
       I need the history like how we are doing ECM in master data history.
    Edited by: suresh subramanian on Jul 16, 2008 7:31 AM

    Dear Suresh,
    Please refer the link,[]

  • How can I change font size in iCal 3.0.8?

    How can I change font size in iCal 3.0.8?

    There is no user option to change the font size in iCal.
    For other posts regarding this topic, read some of the links in "More Like This." box just to the right of your first post in this thread.

  • How to change default fonts in Keynote?

    How to change default fonts in Keynote?

    You can't set a default font.
    Instead use a custom slide master with the font you want to use.

  • How to trace a USER in oracle?

    Hi Sir,
    I have a rquirement that I need to Trace a session created through the Application. The only data I have is that I know the application will connect to a Database schema and nothing else. How is it possilbe that I can create a trace file for it.
    Also is it possilble, that i can trace complete user. how to find all the trace as it create number of process inturn number of trace, how do I find it and combine. I read the documentation but can't understand it clearly?
    Any help will be great.

    sanora600 wrote:
    Aman, thanks for replying. This is the problem, they have not implemented dbms_application_info.
    That is the reason I want to know how to trace user(all session of a schema) and combine all the session generated trace(something like trcsess) and then generate tkprof. I am on Oracle 10g.Well, first off, users connect to databases, they don't connect to schemas. And as a follow on, users have sessions, schemas don't.
    That said, you might investigate a logon trigger that initiates a 1046 trace. Something like this:
    -- create a logon trigger for capturing extended trace data
    -- NOTE: must be run as SYS
    -- NOTE: Be sure to change both occurances of the target username
    -- ('user = xxx' and 'TRACEFILE_IDENTIFIER=') to the
    -- correct value for the session you want to trace.
    create or replace trigger logon_trigger
    after logon on database
    if (user = 'SCOTT' ) then
    execute immediate 'alter session set timed_statistics=true';
    end if;
    when others then
    Of course, you can play around with the 'if' condition, and delete or disable the trigger when it is no longer needed. The resulting trace file can be run through tkprof.
    Edited by: EdStevens on Dec 19, 2008 9:03 AM

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