How to translate a PDF to excel?

How do I translate a PDF to excel?

Hi davidc52720423,
To convert a PDF file to Excel format, you can use Adobe ExportPDF, Adobe PDF Pack, or Acrobat.
If converting to Excel is your only concern, then ExportPDF is the most economical choice.

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  • How does one convert pdf to excel

    how does one convert pdf to excel

    Use Acrobat and choose Save As -> Spreadsheet -> Microsoft Excel

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    1. How to upload a Excel or PDF file into SAP through ABAP WedDynpro?
        Upload file name convention is <salesordernumber>_<itemnumber>_YYYYMMDD.xls or
    2. There is a sales order report which contains header and item details. With addition to these details there is 'Reamrks'    
        column. Previous uploaded filename (it can appear either as icon with file name or just file name with file type)  needs to   
        display in reamrks column.
        Can anybody help me how to do part 2? I know only how to do part 1.

    Hi Sahai,
    I fallowed your instructions and able to call Component2 in a seperatre browser
    but unable to see the value. Please see below sample piece of design and code
    and correct me.  Variable lv_contract_number contains null value.
    Creating Application 2
    Go to SE80,
    Create Webdynpro Componet:
    Name:           ZAPPLICATION2
    Description:     Application 2(Data Receiver)
    Type:          Web Dynpro Component
    Window Name:      ZAPPLICATION2
    View Name:     MAIN2     
    Save and Activate Component
    Create WebDynpro Application:
    Place the mouse cursor on component name(ZAPPLICATION2) and
    right click and choose CREATE->Webdynpro Application
    In the pop-up box enter enter applicaiton name and description
    Application: ZBROWSER_TAB2
    Name:        Example program 2
    Save and Activate Component
    Create a node in COMPONENT CONTROLLER
    Click on 'COMPONENT CONTROLLER' and go to context tab & create a node with field 'CONTRACT_NUMBER'.
    Attribute property is 'EBELN'
    Node Name:      ZCONTRACT_DETAIILS
    Attribute Name: CONTRACT_NUMBER
    Go to property tab of node and check the field "Interface Node"
    SAVE the application.
    View design
    Go the View "MAIN2" and Place a UI Element 'INPUT'.
    Bind the attribute "CONTRACT_NUMBER" to 'value' parameter in the properties tab.
    Go to "Methods" tab in the same view and write below code in the "WDDOINIT" method
      DATA lo_nd_contract_detaiils TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
      DATA lo_el_contract_detaiils TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.
      DATA ls_contract_detaiils TYPE wd_this->element_contract_detaiils.
      DATA lv_contract_number TYPE wd_this->element_contract_detaiils-contract_number.
      lo_nd_contract_detaiils = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_contract_detaiils ).
      lo_el_contract_detaiils = lo_nd_contract_detaiils->get_element( ).
    get single attribute
          name =  `CONTRACT_NUMBER`
          value = lv_contract_number ). 
    Creating Application 1
    Go to SE80,
    Create Webdynpro Componet:
    Name:           ZAPPLICATION1
    Description:     Application 1(Data Sender)
    Type:          Web Dynpro Component
    Window Name:      ZAPPLICATION1
    View Name:     MAIN1     
    Save and Activate Component
    Create WebDynpro Application:
    Place the mouse cursor on component name(ZAPPLICATION1) and
    right click and choose CREATE->Webdynpro Application
    In the pop-up box enter enter applicaiton name and description
    Application: ZBROWSER_TAB1
    Name:        Example program 1
    Save and Activate Component
    Create a interface node in COMPONENT CONTROLLER
    Click on 'COMPONENT CONTROLLER' and go to context tab & create a node with field 'CONTRACT_NUMBER'.
    Attribute property is 'EBELN'
    Node Name:      ZCONTRACT_DETAIILS
    Attribute Name: CONTRACT_NUMBER
    Go to property tab of node and check the field "Interface Node"
    SAVE the application.
    View design
    Go the View "MAIN1" and Place Two UI Elements 'INPUT', 'LABEL' & 'BUTTON'.
    Go to properties tab of UI Element "INPUT' and Bind the attribute "CONTRACT_NUMBER"
    to 'value' parameter in the properties tab.
    Button name is "Call Application 2"
    On Action (Event) for the button (call application 2) is 'APP2'.
    Go to "Actions" tab and click on event "APP2" and write below code to call application 2.
        URL            = 'HTTPS://XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/xyz'
        MODAL          = ABAP_FALSE
        WINDOW         = LO_WINDOW.LO_WINDOW->OPEN( ).
        IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0.
    save, activate and run the application.
    Now you can see input field and a button with text "Call Application 2".
    Enter '100002' in inputfield and click on button.
    Then you will see second application in a separate browser.

  • How can I convert pdf to excel in bulk?

    I can only find a way to do this one file at a time, but I have dozens of pdf files that need to be converted, is there an easier way to do this??

    Hi alc136,
    It's not possible to batch convert pdf files to excel. You need to do it individually.
    It is though possible to batch create pdf from multiple files.

  • Pdf to excell

    how do you convert pdf to excell, my screen keeps asking me to buy the service which i did

    Hi vill855,
    It sounds as though you haven't logged in to the service yet. From the ExportPDF website, click Sign in at the upper-right corner, and log in to the service with your Adobe ID credentials. Now, when you click ExportPDF, you'll be prompted to select PDF files to export, instead of being asked to subscribe.
    Please let us know if you need additional help.

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    how can you help me

    What about adobé export PDF. ?
    Enviado desde mi iPhone
    El 07/05/2014, a las 23:00, Claudio González <[email protected]> escribió:
    The product I bought its not working as i expected, it doesn´t translate the exact information from pdf to excel, how can you help me or how can you return my money back....
    created by Claudio González in Adobe Reader - View the full discussion
    If you bought Reader, you were swindled, because it's a free program. And it has never been able of converting PDF files to any other format.
    Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at
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    In Acrobat click Edit | Preferences | Convert to PDF: select Microsoft Office Excel, then click on Edit Settings.  Make sure that 'Convert entire Excel workbook' is checked.

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    in  pdf  from english to other languages.
    i tried the tran. se63 and filled in the desired language,
    but there was no effect on the output ,

    call this funcation. crate_text.
               FID               =
               FLANGUAGE         =
               FNAME             =
               FOBJECT           =
             SAVE_DIRECT       = 'X'
             FFORMAT           = '*'
               FLINES            =
             NO_INIT           = 1
             NO_SAVE           = 2
             OTHERS            = 3
           IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.

  • How do I get PDF forms to export to excel in the desired order?

    How do I get PDF forms to export to excel in the desired order?
    Here is what I have done:
    As taken from another post:
    Choose Forms > Manage Form Data > Merge Data Files Into Spreadsheet.
    In the Export Data From Multiple Forms dialog box, click Add Files.
    In the Select file Containing Form Data dialog box, select a file format option in File Of Type option (Acrobat Form Data Files or All Files). Then locate the form files that you want to merge into the spreadsheet, select them, and click Select.
    Repeat the previous step to add form data files that are in other locations, as needed.
    Click Export. Then select a folder and filename for the spreadsheet, and click Save.
    In the Export Progress dialog box, click either View File Now to open the spreadsheet file or Close Dialog to return to Acrobat."
         The problem now is that Adobe populates Excel in ABC order of the form, based off of the name of each box in the form. For example, if my form has three text boxes, named A, B, and C, then Adobe will export to Excel as such:
    Row 1 =         A                              B                              C
    Row 2 =         data entered             data entered              data entered
    where 'data entered' is whatever the user typed into the form boxes. But what if I want a different order for exporting, and I don't want to rename my text boxes? What if I want:
    Row 1 =         C                              B                              A
    Row 2 =         data entered             data entered              data entered   ?
    Is there a way to do this in acrobat x or xi?

    I don't have time to test right now, but there was a change with Acrobat 10 where it exports according to the tab order, which you may have to set manually, so give that a shot. Otherwise, you'll have to process the file after it's exported if you need the fields in a particular order. This wouldn't be too difficult to do with something like a VBS or JS script in Windows.

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    I've uploaded 4 pdf docs. Now how do I convert them to Excel format so I can manipulate the data?

    Hi linda93790,
    If you uploaded your files to, simply click on one of the PDF files, then click 'ExportPDF' from along the top-bar in your browser.  This will automatically load that PDF into the ExportPDF system.  From there, you can configure any options you may need and convert the file to an .xlsx file.
    Please let us know if you have any questions!

  • How do I upload a file into my acrobat cloud?  I am needing to do this in order to convert the pdf to excel.

    How do I upload a file into my acrobat cloud?  I am needing to do this in order to convert the pdf to excel.

    Hi wesm34245063,
    Here's a quick tutorial on using the ExportPDF online service to convert PDF files to Excel: Getting Started with ExportPDF | Adobe Community.
    I think that you'll find it's pretty easy, but if you do run into questions/issues, please let us know.

  • How to open a pdf at specific page from EXCEL hyperlink

    I can open a .pdf from EXCEL using hyperlink. May I ask, if ever possible, how to open a .pdf at a specific page from EXCEL hyperlink ? I don't mean open a pdf then click on a bookmark or enter a page number. (I am using Adobe Reader v9.5.2 and MicrosoftOffice Profession Edition 2003.)

    The parameters that can be used in the URL when opening a PDF document are
    described in the document :
    Open Parameters for PDF

  • How can i translate a pdf document in japanese language to english language

    how can i translate a pdf document in japanese language to english language

    Hi trueman9299,
    ExportPDF uses OCR (optical character recognition) to convert image (scanned text) to editable/selectable text, but it doesn't translate from one language to another.

  • How to embed a pdf document in excel?

    I am trying to figure out how to embed a pdf file into an excel spreadsheet for work. I keep having to wait for someone with a pc to do it for me and its driving me crazy. Someone please help!

    You will be better off posting in Excel for Mac forums.  That is where the experts hang out.

  • How to print company logo in Excel/ PDF after Enhancement Pack 1?

    Hi all,
    I realise this topic has come up time and time again but apparently this functionality has changed after Enhancement Pack 1 for BW....?
    My problem is simple.  I have a series of reports on our portal, formatted using the WAD, and there is a company logo on the reports.  When exporting to PDF or excel, the logo disappears.
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    We have just applied EHP1 to our test system however I cannot find how to switch on this functionality or how to get the logo onto the exported reports.  I can't find any documentation on how to do this.
    Is anyone else using this after applying EHP1?  Is anyone from SAP reading who can tell me where this functionality is??

    Thanks but this doesn't work.  It works exactly as it did before the Enhancement Pack and doesn't automatically display the image.
    So I guess I am missing something - my image is a bmp. file, will this work or should I save it as something else?
    Are there any settings in the WAD (either in the Web Template itself or on the button to export) which I need to change to be able to display this logo?
    Or are there any settings I need to make in the backend of BW after the application of the Enhancement Pack?
    Any more ideas please?

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