How to turn of Java in Yosemite

I Have read that it is more secure to turn off Java. However I can't find it in Yosemite. In Mavricks it was under security in Safari preferences. Where is it?

It is encapsulated in the Plug-ins section of Security. Java is just a plug-in on a web browser.
If you don't have Java installed in the first place, it won't be listed in the plug-ins.

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  • How to turn this Java into something I can use in CF?

    Hi - Following on from a recent post about how to strip our special characters from a string before insertion to the db I have found this Java code - my question is, how can I turn this into something I can use with CF? I think I need to use the cfscipt tag but that's right on the boundaries of my knowledge base.. If anyone could please help I'd be ever so grateful - thank you!
    package net.htmlescape;
    * HtmlEscape in Java, which is compatible with utf-8
    * @author Ulrich Jensen,
    * Feel free to get inspired, use or steal this code and use it in your
    * own projects.
    * License:
    * You have the right to use this code in your own project or publish it
    * on your own website.
    * If you are going to use this code, please include the author lines.
    * Use this code at your own risk. The author does not warrent or assume any
    * legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefullness of
    * this program code.
    public class HtmlEscape {
      private static char[] hex={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'};
       * Method for html escaping a String, for use in a textarea
       * @param original The String to escape
       * @return The escaped String
      public static String escapeTextArea(String original)
        return escapeSpecial(escapeTags(original));    
       * Normal escape function, for Html escaping Strings
       * @param original The original String
       * @return The escape String
      public static String escape(String original)
        return escapeSpecial(escapeBr(escapeTags(original)));
      public static String escapeTags(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
          boolean found=true;
            case 60:out.append("&lt;"); break; //<
            case 62:out.append("&gt;"); break; //>
            case 34:out.append("&quot;"); break; //"
          if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
        return out.toString();
      public static String escapeBr(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
          boolean found=true;
            case '\n': out.append("<br/>"); break; //newline
            case '\r': break;
          if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
        return out.toString();
      public static String escapeSpecial(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
            boolean found=true;
          switch(chars[i]) {
            case 38:out.append("&amp;"); break; //&
            case 198:out.append("&AElig;"); break; //Æ
            case 193:out.append("&Aacute;"); break; //Á
            case 194:out.append("&Acirc;"); break; //Â
            case 192:out.append("&Agrave;"); break; //À
            case 197:out.append("&Aring;"); break; //Å
            case 195:out.append("&Atilde;"); break; //Ã
            case 196:out.append("&Auml;"); break; //Ä
            case 199:out.append("&Ccedil;"); break; //Ç
            case 208:out.append("&ETH;"); break; //Ð
            case 201:out.append("&Eacute;"); break; //É
            case 202:out.append("&Ecirc;"); break; //Ê
            case 200:out.append("&Egrave;"); break; //È
            case 203:out.append("&Euml;"); break; //Ë
            case 205:out.append("&Iacute;"); break; //Í
            case 206:out.append("&Icirc;"); break; //Î
            case 204:out.append("&Igrave;"); break; //Ì
            case 207:out.append("&Iuml;"); break; //Ï
            case 209:out.append("&Ntilde;"); break; //Ñ
            case 211:out.append("&Oacute;"); break; //Ó
            case 212:out.append("&Ocirc;"); break; //Ô
            case 210:out.append("&Ograve;"); break; //Ò
            case 216:out.append("&Oslash;"); break; //Ø
            case 213:out.append("&Otilde;"); break; //Õ
            case 214:out.append("&Ouml;"); break; //Ö
            case 222:out.append("&THORN;"); break; //Þ
            case 218:out.append("&Uacute;"); break; //Ú
            case 219:out.append("&Ucirc;"); break; //Û
            case 217:out.append("&Ugrave;"); break; //Ù
            case 220:out.append("&Uuml;"); break; //Ü
            case 221:out.append("&Yacute;"); break; //Ý
            case 225:out.append("&aacute;"); break; //á
            case 226:out.append("&acirc;"); break; //â
            case 230:out.append("&aelig;"); break; //æ
            case 224:out.append("&agrave;"); break; //à
            case 229:out.append("&aring;"); break; //å
            case 227:out.append("&atilde;"); break; //ã
            case 228:out.append("&auml;"); break; //ä
            case 231:out.append("&ccedil;"); break; //ç
            case 233:out.append("&eacute;"); break; //é
            case 234:out.append("&ecirc;"); break; //ê
            case 232:out.append("&egrave;"); break; //è
            case 240:out.append("&eth;"); break; //ð
            case 235:out.append("&euml;"); break; //ë
            case 237:out.append("&iacute;"); break; //í
            case 238:out.append("&icirc;"); break; //î
            case 236:out.append("&igrave;"); break; //ì
            case 239:out.append("&iuml;"); break; //ï
            case 241:out.append("&ntilde;"); break; //ñ
            case 243:out.append("&oacute;"); break; //ó
            case 244:out.append("&ocirc;"); break; //ô
            case 242:out.append("&ograve;"); break; //ò
            case 248:out.append("&oslash;"); break; //ø
            case 245:out.append("&otilde;"); break; //õ
            case 246:out.append("&ouml;"); break; //ö
            case 223:out.append("&szlig;"); break; //ß
            case 254:out.append("&thorn;"); break; //þ
            case 250:out.append("&uacute;"); break; //ú
            case 251:out.append("&ucirc;"); break; //û
            case 249:out.append("&ugrave;"); break; //ù
            case 252:out.append("&uuml;"); break; //ü
            case 253:out.append("&yacute;"); break; //ý
            case 255:out.append("&yuml;"); break; //ÿ
            case 162:out.append("&cent;"); break; //¢
            if(chars[i]>127) {
              char c=chars[i];
              int a4=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a3=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a2=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a1=c%16;
        return out.toString();

    hi Dan, thanks for asking
    I did this in the end..
      // function cleantext(string) {
      //   string = "<p>" & string;
      //   string = Replace(string, chr(13) & chr(10) & chr(13) & chr(10), "</p><p>", "all");
      //   string = Replace(string, chr(13) & chr(10), "<br />", "all");
      //   string = string & "</p>";
      //   return string;
    * HtmlEscape in Java, which is compatible with utf-8
    * @author Ulrich Jensen,
    * Feel free to get inspired, use or steal this code and use it in your
    * own projects.
    * License:
    * You have the right to use this code in your own project or publish it
    * on your own website.
    * If you are going to use this code, please include the author lines.
    * Use this code at your own risk. The author does not warrent or assume any
    * legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefullness of
    * this program code.
    function cleantext(string)  {
      private static char[] hex={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'};
       * Method for html escaping a String, for use in a textarea
       * @param original The String to escape
       * @return The escaped String
      public static String escapeTextArea(String original)
        return escapeSpecial(escapeTags(original));   
       * Normal escape function, for Html escaping Strings
       * @param original The original String
       * @return The escape String
      public static String escape(String original)
        return escapeSpecial(escapeBr(escapeTags(original)));
      public static String escapeTags(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
          boolean found=true;
            case 60:out.append("&lt;"); break; //<
            case 62:out.append("&gt;"); break; //>
            case 34:out.append("&quot;"); break; //"
          if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
        return out.toString();
      public static String escapeBr(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
          boolean found=true;
            case '\n': out.append("<br/>"); break; //newline
            case '\r': break;
          if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
        return out.toString();
      public static String escapeSpecial(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
            boolean found=true;
          switch(chars[i]) {
            case 38:out.append("&amp;"); break; //&
            case 198:out.append("&AElig;"); break; //Æ
            case 193:out.append("&Aacute;"); break; //Á
            case 194:out.append("&Acirc;"); break; //Â
            case 192:out.append("&Agrave;"); break; //À
            case 197:out.append("&Aring;"); break; //Å
            case 195:out.append("&Atilde;"); break; //Ã
            case 196:out.append("&Auml;"); break; //Ä
            case 199:out.append("&Ccedil;"); break; //Ç
            case 208:out.append("&ETH;"); break; //Ð
            case 201:out.append("&Eacute;"); break; //É
            case 202:out.append("&Ecirc;"); break; //Ê
            case 200:out.append("&Egrave;"); break; //È
            case 203:out.append("&Euml;"); break; //Ë
            case 205:out.append("&Iacute;"); break; //Í
            case 206:out.append("&Icirc;"); break; //Î
            case 204:out.append("&Igrave;"); break; //Ì
            case 207:out.append("&Iuml;"); break; //Ï
            case 209:out.append("&Ntilde;"); break; //Ñ
            case 211:out.append("&Oacute;"); break; //Ó
            case 212:out.append("&Ocirc;"); break; //Ô
            case 210:out.append("&Ograve;"); break; //Ò
            case 216:out.append("&Oslash;"); break; //Ø
            case 213:out.append("&Otilde;"); break; //Õ
            case 214:out.append("&Ouml;"); break; //Ö
            case 222:out.append("&THORN;"); break; //Þ
            case 218:out.append("&Uacute;"); break; //Ú
            case 219:out.append("&Ucirc;"); break; //Û
            case 217:out.append("&Ugrave;"); break; //Ù
            case 220:out.append("&Uuml;"); break; //Ü
            case 221:out.append("&Yacute;"); break; //Ý
            case 225:out.append("&aacute;"); break; //á
            case 226:out.append("&acirc;"); break; //â
            case 230:out.append("&aelig;"); break; //æ
            case 224:out.append("&agrave;"); break; //à
            case 229:out.append("&aring;"); break; //å
            case 227:out.append("&atilde;"); break; //ã
            case 228:out.append("&auml;"); break; //ä
            case 231:out.append("&ccedil;"); break; //ç
            case 233:out.append("&eacute;"); break; //é
            case 234:out.append("&ecirc;"); break; //ê
            case 232:out.append("&egrave;"); break; //è
            case 240:out.append("&eth;"); break; //ð
            case 235:out.append("&euml;"); break; //ë
            case 237:out.append("&iacute;"); break; //í
            case 238:out.append("&icirc;"); break; //î
            case 236:out.append("&igrave;"); break; //ì
            case 239:out.append("&iuml;"); break; //ï
            case 241:out.append("&ntilde;"); break; //ñ
            case 243:out.append("&oacute;"); break; //ó
            case 244:out.append("&ocirc;"); break; //ô
            case 242:out.append("&ograve;"); break; //ò
            case 248:out.append("&oslash;"); break; //ø
            case 245:out.append("&otilde;"); break; //õ
            case 246:out.append("&ouml;"); break; //ö
            case 223:out.append("&szlig;"); break; //ß
            case 254:out.append("&thorn;"); break; //þ
            case 250:out.append("&uacute;"); break; //ú
            case 251:out.append("&ucirc;"); break; //û
            case 249:out.append("&ugrave;"); break; //ù
            case 252:out.append("&uuml;"); break; //ü
            case 253:out.append("&yacute;"); break; //ý
            case 255:out.append("&yuml;"); break; //ÿ
            case 162:out.append("&cent;"); break; //¢
            if(chars[i]>127) {
              char c=chars[i];
              int a4=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a3=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a2=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a1=c%16;
        return out.toString();
    <cfset cleanedtext = cleantext(dirtytext)>
    Although actually I also ended up changing my charset of my tables to utf8 (it was latin_swedish) and that seems to have solved the head issue (with special characters (bullet points i think it was) throwing an error when inserting them in the db)

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    Pls. help my email address is "[email protected]"
    Any assistance will be largely appreciated.

    you can try the J++ compiler provided with the JBuilder from Microsoft but this is just compiling the java to C++. to create a standalone exe is as far as I know impossible. U can try to use a jar-archive (create with the sdk) and if a Java Virtual Machine is installed (normally with every popular web-browser) it will run with a doubleclick

  • How to install Java on Yosemite?

    How to install Java on Yosemite?

    What version do you need, and what do you need it for?
    If just web applets, you only need the JRE. If running desktop apps or development, then you need the JDK.
    Java 1.6 is here: Java for OS X 2014-001
    Any later version via Pick Java SE JRE or JDK as required.

  • Ok i believe you/how do i turn off java

    i want to turn off java please for the love of imacs tell me how...i can't find it anywhere...
    a simple instruction for morons is what i need..

    ok just un checked enable java
    what about java script...
    take that off too...
    and somewhere on this forum i read you go somewhere else on the imac and turn the whole **** thing off...nor safarri area somewhere else
    thanks for helping me...
    i mad as ****..i bought this cause they said i would never have to worry about this crap...
    i tossed two microcrap computers into the recyclable bin like i was over with this..
    and they still worked...
    it was like a catharsis or a primal Gestalt expierence..
    now this...
    whats next....
    pear compiuters....we got it right!!!! lol....

  • How to turn Java on?

    I want to view videos on Youtube and I need Flash. It says
    "You either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of
    Macromedia's Flash Player" but the newest Flash is correctly
    installed. How can I make Java run correctly?!

    java and javaScript are 2 different things - also - search
    forum - this exact question just asked a
    short time ago today.
    Basically - check this:
    Chris Georgenes
    Adobe Community Expert
    PC2407 wrote:
    > I want to view videos on Youtube and I need Flash. It
    says "You either have
    > JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's
    Flash Player" but the
    > newest Flash is correctly installed. How can I make Java
    run correctly?!

  • I have yosemite but i need java 6 to run one program.  how do i get java 6 installed?

    I need java 6 to work with a program i have, and i am running yosemite.  how do i get java 6 and still use the current version of java for my other apps?

    You can use the Apple provided Java installer:  Java for OS X 2014-001

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    How to turn off beep sound in Swing.

    LookAndFeel.provideErrorFeedback(...);The Toolkit.beep() method is invoked from the above method. So you need to either instal a custom LAF that overrides that method or instal a custom Toolkit that doesn't beep.

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    Since installing Yosemite my Quarkxpress 10 is not running correctly. Too slow or crashes. How do I uninstall Os X Yosemite without losing all of my designs?

    Thank you Thomas
    First, for changing my question to the right forum. I am new on this and wasn't aware I was in the wrong forum.
    Secondly, even though my initial question is not answered as in: I just want to remove Classic, what you say is right. I think now, after writing my long question and seeing your answers, that I should start from scratch.
    To answer your question, I bought the new drive to be able to store and back up into DVDs and CDs all the photographs and movies that are still in the computer. I also need to make CDs of my portfolio since I am trying to find a new job and buying a new Mac at this point is out of the question. To upgrade the computer: I just do not have use for OS 9 anymore; I cannot upgrade to the latest Java, Safari or have issues with Flash or other programs; the programs that I have and need will still run perfectly fine or better in Leopard. And even if I could buy another computer I would still like to hang onto this computer for a while.

  • Inadvertently turned off Menu taskbar. How to turn it back on?

    I cannot find where and how to turn the Menu taskbar on. Any help will be appreciated.

    '''<u>Menu Bar</u>''' (File, Edit, View, History, Bookmarks, Tools, Help)<br /> Firefox 3.6.x versions allow the user to hide the Menu Bar.<br />
    *Tap the ALT key or the F10 key, Menu Bar will display, click View, click Toolbars, click Menu Bar to place a check mark next to it, '''''OR'''''
    *Press and hold the ALT key while pressing the letters VTM on your keyboard, then release the ALT key
    '''<u>Other Toolbars</u>''', see:<br />
    '''<u>Status Bar</u>''': click View, click Status Bar to place a check mark<br />
    '''<u>Full Screen Mode</u>''': If you have no Toolbars or Tab Bar: Press F11 (F11 is an on/off toggle). See:<br />
    Also see:
    <br />
    <br />
    '''Other issues needing your attention'''
    The information submitted with your question indicates that you have out of date plugins with known security and stability issues that should be updated. To see the plugins submitted with your question, click "More system details..." to the right of your original question post. You can also see your plugins from the Firefox menu, Tools > Add-ons > Plugins.<br />
    <br />
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_23 for Mozilla browsers
    **'''''Security update version 1.6.0_24 released 2011-02-10'''''
    #'''Check your plugin versions''' at either of the links below
    #*'''Note: plugin check page does not have information on all plugin versions'''
    #'''Update the [[Java]] plugin''' to the latest version.
    #*Download site: (Java Platform: Download JRE)
    #**'''''Be sure to <u>un-check the Yahoo Toolbar</u> option during the install if you do not want it installed.
    #*Also see "Manual Update" in this article to update from the Java Control Panel in Windows Control Panel:
    #* Removing old versions (if needed):
    #* Remove multiple Java Console extensions (if needed):
    #*Java Test:

  • How do I access Java on my Mac Pro so that I can make sure it's working so I can view Netflix "watch instantly"?

    How do I access Java on my Mac Pro so that I can make sure it's working so that we can view "watch instantly" on Netflix?

    There are various browser scripts
    1: Java (not needed much at all and highly advised to be turned off in Safari/Firefox preferences due to it's vulnerability)
    2: Javascript (if off, needs to be turned on in Safari/Firefox preferences as it's used A LOT)
    Note:  If your using a NoScript type blocker, then you need to whitelist the site. Or drag a Temp Allow All button to Firefox's Toolbar.
    3: Silverlight plug-in (needed for watching Netflix content, it's from Microsoft)
    4: Flash (needed for watching a lot of web based content, but requires constant checks to make sure it's current as they have a lot of security issues)
    Check your status here, works on all web browsers

  • Where on my 8330 Curve B Berry do I turn ON Java program ?

    My 8330 CURVE model B Berry has JAVA programming but I've recently had another program tell me that Java is NOT turned on, where and how do I go in the phone to turn ON Java program ?                                                         Please Help; Sincerely                                                                                                                  Charles                                                                                                                               PS Have only had my Curve only about a week or so now ,todays date Sunday Jan.25,2009 ! 
    From the Black Berry of Charles W. Merritt
    Go to Solution.

    there is no "java turning on" on Blackberry devices.
    the BlackBerry device uses an operating system that is based on Java.
    the BlackBerry device can use applications developed in Java (either J2ME like any mobile phone, or ALX special files for BlackBerry devices)
    the BlackBerry device has a browser that can do JavaScript but not Java applets.
    Question is : why do you think you need Java ?
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

  • Turning a Java applett into a  *.exe

    How do you turn a Java applett into an *.exe?

    Have a look at Its not complete, and I've never tried it on Windows, but it kinda works for linux.
    The other thing you could do is create a C/C++ wrapper that starts a JVM and runs your main class. has some GPL code for doing this for an NT service, but the principle is the same for non-service apps.

  • How to always enable Java 6 with Firefox 18

    I implemented Firefox 15 with Java to be used with a particular Vendor's website. The site has no internet except for accessing this vendor's website. Several weeks ago Firefox 15 updated itself to Firefox 18 and blocklisted Java 6. I was able to unblock it, but now each time the users log into the vendor's website, Firefox prompts the user to activate Java 6. My users are nagging me to turn this activate screen off but i cannot figure out how to permanently activate Java 6 on each of these machines. The vendor is not willing to upgrade to Java 7. I have tested Java 7 with the vendor's site and of course it doesn't load. Consequently, I cannot get this machine to roll back to Java 6. Once they activate Java 6 they can use the website. I could switch back to IE8 and use Java 6 with no problem, except that IE8 has a flaw in it. I have read that I cannot install IE9 on Windows XP pro, so I am stuck with Firefox. Windows XP Pro SP3, Firefox 18, and Java 6.

    Hi there,
    This article walks you through how to enable Java again -- note that we don't recommend this due to the many security risks (this week new threats were revealed again): [[How to use Java if it's been blocked]]
    Hope this helps!

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    When I open iTunes it will automatically go to full screen mode. I can't work out how to turn this off. Only iTunes opens to full screen mode.

    Go to System Preferences (under the Apple logo in the menu bar).  Choose "General".  Click "Always close windows when quitting an application".
    That should fix it.

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    I have been trying to remove a cough from a piece of video in my iMovie project. I'm beginning to think that altering the audio in just a small part of a video is not possible in iMovie. I have marked the part of the video where the cough starts and

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    Hi, I am using a dual Y graph using ADF in which multiple series will be displayed in a graph. However, I am facing some issues in with the Marker Texts of different series as these are overlapping with one another. Please see my code snippet below :

  • Can't finish importing photos from iPhone to iPhoto

    I have about 2,000 pictures in my iPhone 4. When I try to import my photos from iPhone to iPhoto Library, it stops importing after about 250 photos. Keeps saying 1,489 remaining(something like that) photos and the picture image on your iPhoto stops o