How to Update Lightroom to 5.6 from 5.2

How do I update my Lightroom 5.2 to current version of 5.6.  I have an iMac.

"I am having like problem - MAC also - disk image is not recognized! Is that your issue?"
Do you have LR 5.2 installed on your computer and trying to update or are you trying to install LR 5 for the first time on your computer?
If the latter, then its possible that your existing OS is not able to read the image disk. You require OS-X 7 or higher to install LR 5.

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    You can purchase Snow Leopard by contacting Customer Service: Contacting Apple for support and service - this includes international calling numbers. The price is $19.99 plus tax. You will receive physical media - DVD - by mail.
    Third-party sources for Snow Leopard are:
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    Hi brooks45,
    Please try the steps mentioned in the KB Doc :

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    I wrongly presumed this would change the status in Adobe Application Manager from "installed".
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    The upgrade from 5.0 to 5.1 is not free.
    You can find information about it here:
    If you have the full 5.0 Studio, it should be only $49US to get 5.1
    Time is running out on the deal, so don't wait if you are going to do the move.
    good luck.

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    Hi. I thing you will not workaround the iterating of the internal table.
    You can pre-load all the records into another internal table
    check lt_csv[] is not initial. " important, otherwise next select would read all records of the table
    select .... into lt_dbitab for all entries in lt_csv where key-fieds = lt_csv-key_fields...
    check sy-subrc eq 0 and lt_dbitab[] is not initial.
    then do in-memory update of the it_dbitab
    loop at it_dbitab assign <fs>.
      read table lt_csv assign <fs_csv> with key ... " lt_csv should be sorted table with key, or you should try to use binary search
      if sy-subrc eq 0.
        ...change required lt_dbitab fields: <fs>-comp = <fs_csv>-comp...
    ant then you can do mass-update
    update dbtab from table lt_dbitab.
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    Hi Laxmikant,
    If I have understood your requirement correctly, you need to update an internal table with latest 'value_new' from cdpos table where  'fname' = 'fieldname' .
    Hope the below logic will help you:
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <wa_intab> LIKE LINE OF lt_intab.  "the internal table you want to change
    LOOP AT lt_intab ASSIGNING <wa_intab> .
       READ TABLE lt_cdpos INTO wa_cdpos           "lt_cdpos contains latest data selected from CDPOS
        WITH KEY fname = <wa_intab>-fieldname.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         <wa_intab>-value = wa_cdpos-value_new.    
         "//logic if the name is not there in CDPOS
       CLEAR  wa_cdpos.
    If you wish to improve performance, I suggest using
    1. "transporting value_new" addition in READ TABLE,
    2.  select only the data which you require from CDPOS,
    3.  create the internal tables with only fields which you require,
    4.  when you are using SELECT,LOOP AT statements, limit records by using WHERE condition

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    For LR here is a useful link:
    There is also a video tutorial which covers moving a LR catalog to a new computer: other-computer/
    For Elements you can simply install the application and then set up the Elements Editor for external editing in the LR Library prefs. I’m assuming you won’t be using Oranizer as well as LR. That can lead to confusion and broken links unless you are very disciplined.
    If you do intend to use Organizer the method is backup and restore, starting with an Organizer backup on the old PC.

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    Hi and welcome to the Community
    Follow this article, by John_Clark.
    Upgrading BB10 OS Using Sachesi for an OTA-like Up...
    Good luck.
    • Click Likes to appreciate those who helps you
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  • How to update child record when item from parent record changes

    Hi, I have a master and detail form with two regions on the same page.
    Region one references parent record, one of column in the parent record is also in the child record. And is one to many relation
    between parent record and child record. How can I have the column on the child record updated when the column of the parent record is being modified?
    For exemple; Parent record has two columns : ID and Program.
    Child record has Program, goal# and status. I have two pages established, page 27 and page 28.
    Page 27 list out all programs from parent record, by clicking on edit to a program, it braches to page 28 with program listed as editable field in region one, and mulitple records list in region two from the child record with the same program.
    The problem that I am having is once the program in region one got modified using ApplyMRU, the program in child record did not get updated with the new value and therefore those record become orphan records. I need a way to update all current child records with the new program value.
    Thanks in advance for anyone who can hlep out on this problem.
    Edited by: JulieHP on May 24, 2012 4:57 PM

    One Idea is
    If possible create a after update database trigger on the parent table to update the relevant child record.
    Next one
    Create a PL/SQL process on the parent page with process sequence next to ApplyMRU, so when the ApplyMRU is seccessfull it goes not to your process where you can have your update statement

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    Hello Maddy,
    In my system download object DNL_CUST_CAL_C is for the download from the CRM (online) database to the old consolidated database (CDB, for the offline Mobile Sales scenario). You could see this in transaction R3AC3.
    For your scenario I don't know how to download. This thread here speaks of a manual adjustment in transaction SCAL.
    Best regards,
    Thomas Wagner

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    Table 1 is:
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    Table 2 is
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    I'm not clear on how to load the returned employee id's as variables and then loop through them.

    Thanks for the welcome. I'll read up on the rules now.
    Below is the DDL for a couple of the tables.
    Version = 11g
    I would query the users table for all users with a certain site_id and then use them to update the site_id in the users table (and other tables)
    -- DDL for Table USERS
    (     "USERID" VARCHAR2(8 BYTE),
         "PASSWORD" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),
         "FIRST_NAME" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),
         "LAST_NAME" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),
         "SITE_ID" VARCHAR2(5 BYTE),
         "ROLE_ID" VARCHAR2(1 BYTE)
    CACHE ;
         "PROGRAM" NUMBER,
         "JOBNUM" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),
         "STATUS" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),
         "SITE_ID" VARCHAR2(5 BYTE),
    CACHE ;

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