How to upload Image to MDM 5.5 SP3 using Java APIs

I am trying to upload Image to Images table in MDM 5.5 using JAVA API for MDM. But. I'm not able to find particular field in Images table where I need to set the Blob object ( Image data ).
I'm not aware of the method to set the Blob, there is one for getting the Image data.
I have gone through I am not able to add images into Catalog thru java API forums posts and tried the code. But with no luck....
I think this code is for some other MDM version as the fields mentioned are not present in the Images table e.g. DataObject - this field is used in the above posts to set the Blob data but this field does not exist in Images table in MDM 5.5
Can anyone suggest the solution?
Thanks and Regards,

Hi Mausam,
Please try the following:
// adding to a image table
// get the bytes for the image
byte[] imageBuf = readFile("C:\pic.bmp");
// setup A2iFields
fields = new A2iFields();
fields.Add(new A2iField("DataObject", new
Value(imageBuf))); // the image binary (required)
fields.Add(new A2iField("Name", new Value("pic.bmp")));
// a name for the image
fields.Add(new A2iField("OrigName", new
Value("pic.bmp"))); // the original image file name
fields.Add(new A2iField("DataGroupId", new Value(888)));
// the data group to add to (required)
fields.Add(new A2iField("OrigLocationId", new
Value(999))); // the data location of the image
fields.Add(new A2iField("Description", new Value("a
short description"))); // a short description here
// add the image
String imageTable = "Images";
catalog.AddRecord(imageTable, fields, -1, -1);
It's taken out of the API guide for SP3 (the example for method AddRecord.
Best regards,

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    }Here's the original picture
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    Nothing wrong - it's a feature :).
    "Loss of colours" is connected with Java embedded JPEG decoder. If you transcode to for example PNG format using any image processing program and then resize using Java then colors will be OK.
    "Blur..." is connected with bad implementation of interpolation algorithms in JDK/JRE and can't be fixed :)
    I'm close to finish developing own resizing library which produced the next results from your image (it's a very good image to test). "from_png" means that the source image is PNG.
    <b>Box interpolation</b> (also known as nearest neighbour, but it's the honest implementation, not JDK fake):
    Well-known <b>Lanczos 3</b>:
    Not-well-known <b>Ideal 5S</b> but one of the most qualified:
    And 2 interesting s.c. "sharp" filters which make the result sharpen:
    <b>Sharp Light 5</b>:
    <b>Sharp 5</b>:

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    why do you need an active/X for this?
    Can't you just create 2 default blocks on dept and on emp.
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    This will give you all you need with no hussle.

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    Here is the solution for uploading images and displaying images. I am using struts with JSP, so this code has a Action and ActionForm class. You can put the same code in Java Beans or Servlet class to run it. This code has two JSP files - one for Upload (upload.jsp)and other for Image(image.jsp) display. It has a Servlet also to display the image. Here is the code file wise.
    Upload.jsp **********************************************************
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-template.tld" prefix="template" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
    <title>New Page 1</title>
    <html:form action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
    <p>File to upload   
    <html:file property="fileUpload" size="20"/></p>
    <p><html:submit value="Upload" property="upload"/></p>
    <p> </p>
    <p><html:img src="image.jsp"/></p>
    <p> </p>
    <jsp:useBean id="upload" class="uploadtest.uploadActionForm" scope="session">
         byte[] rgb=(byte[])session.getAttribute("byte");
         request.setAttribute("byArr", rgb);
    The image data is now on the request object.
    Forward the user to the showImage servlet.
    That servlet will process and display the image data contained on the request object.
    Image is<p>
    <jsp:forward page="/showimage" />
    Struts Action Class - **************************************************
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile;
    import org.apache.struts.action.*;
    public class uploadAction extends Action {
    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm actionForm, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) {
    uploadActionForm upload = (uploadActionForm) actionForm;
    try {
    int size=upload.getFileUpload().getFileSize();
    //if (image != null) {
    byte[] byteArr = new byte[size];
    //Create an input stream to read the uploaded file.
    ByteArrayInputStream bytein = new ByteArrayInputStream(upload.getFileUpload().getFileData());
    // Load the input stream into the byte Array.;
    // Close the input stream.
    // Load the byte[] into the content field.
    HttpSession ses=httpServletRequest.getSession();
    return actionMapping.findForward("success");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    return actionMapping.findForward("success");
    Struts ActionForm class***************************************************
    package uploadtest;
    import org.apache.struts.action.*;
    import org.apache.struts.upload.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class uploadActionForm extends ActionForm {
    private FormFile fileUpload;
    private byte[] content;
    public FormFile getFileUpload() {
    return fileUpload;
    public void setFileUpload(FormFile fileUpload) {
    this.fileUpload = fileUpload;
    public byte[] getContent()
    return content;
    public void setContent(byte[] theFile)
    this.content = theFile;
    public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping actionMapping, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) {
    /**@todo: finish this method, this is just the skeleton.*/
    return null;
    public void reset(ActionMapping actionMapping, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) {
    Servlet to display image --- ********************************************************
    import java.util.*;
    public class ShowImage extends HttpServlet {
    //Initialize global variables
    protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
    byte[] rgb = (byte[]) request.getAttribute("byArr");
    if (rgb != null)
    OutputStream stream = response.getOutputStream();
    response.getWriter().write("attribute byArr not found");
    This code will enable to to upload and display the image. If you know Struts, then you can write the Struts-Config.xml file by yourself. Other wise write to me, I will send you that. If you want to save the image in database, then you have to keep it as BLOB datatype is database. For database you need to send the byte array in the file to database. Database will keep the image as binary.

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    Hi. The iOS library for Azure Storage is currently in planning. In the meantime, please check out the following blog which may help with your scenario. Thanks.

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    Please explain me the step by step procedure
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    Hi Ramchandra,
    You can refer to following links
    MDM Java API-pdf
    webinr of java API
    Following Fourm Threads will also help.
    Java API
    Java API
    Re: usage of  java API ,
    Matching Record
    Need Java API for Matching Record
    Thanks and Regards,
    Edited by: Shruti Shah on Jul 16, 2008 12:35 PM

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    First you need to configure your asset library with video content type and then you can use SharePoint object model to upload the video files in it...
    check this link for setting up Asset library
    Mark ANSWER if this reply resolves your query, If helpful then VOTE HELPFUL
    Mohammad Nizamuddin

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        Using Java APIs i want to send group/single records to the backend MDM workflows for further processing. Can this be acheived? Please provide me with some code samples if you have any

    Just go through this URL
    In this <b> </b> will Provide u commands for managing workflows.
    I hope this helps you.
    Message was edited by:
            Nisha Lalwani

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