How to use Apache MyFaces components in JSF pages + Eclipse?

I've managed to write my JSF web app. in Eclipse jee, and test it on JBoss 4.2 GA, within Eclipse, but how to import Apache MyFaces components into Eclipse JSF plug-in?
If I can't import it nicely, how to use those components directly in JSF pages?

The Tomahawk component library provides MyFaces components. Install it as you would any other component library.

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  • How to use ocx with javascript in jsf page

    Please i create a jsf page which purpose is to scan.
    I used in a source of my jsf page an OCX with object tag like
    <OBJECT ID="Ranger"
    i wrote my functions which use this ocx in javascript. Function that i call with clientlistener rear adf button
    but it doesn't work
    Could you please help me please VERY IMPORTANT

    This my html code:
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript FOR=Ranger EVENT=TransportNewState(newState,previousState)>  
    // Transport new state, fired every time the State changes on the control
    // input params , are the new state and the previous state
    var RangerTransportStates = {TransportUnknownState: -1, TransportShutDown: 0, TransportStartingUp: 1,
                                  TransportChangeOptions: 2, TransportEnablingOptions: 3, TransportReadyToFeed: 4,
                                  TransportFeeding: 5, TransportExceptionInProgress:6, TransportShuttingDown: 7};
    if(newState == RangerTransportStates.TransportShutDown)
          document.getElementById('StartRanger').disabled = false;
          document.getElementById('EnableRanger').disabled = true;
          document.getElementById('StopFeeding').disabled = true;
          document.getElementById('StartFeeding').disabled = true;
          document.getElementById('ChangeOptions').disabled = true;
          document.getElementById('Shutdown').disabled = true;     
          document.getElementById('UserInstructions').innerHTML = "Press 'Startup Ranger' to initialize the Ranger control"
    if(newState == RangerTransportStates.TransportChangeOptions)
          document.getElementById('StartRanger').disabled = true;
          document.getElementById('StartFeeding').disabled = true;
          document.getElementById('EnableRanger').disabled = false;
          document.getElementById('Shutdown').disabled = false;
          document.getElementById('UserInstructions').innerHTML = "<b>Ranger Started</b> <br> Press 'Enable Ranger' to enable the current Ranger Options and prepare to start feeding"
    if(newState == RangerTransportStates.TransportReadyToFeed)
          document.getElementById('EnableRanger').disabled = true;
          document.getElementById('StopFeeding').disabled = true;
          document.getElementById('StartFeeding').disabled = false;
          document.getElementById('ChangeOptions').disabled = false;
          document.getElementById('Shutdown').disabled = false;
          document.getElementById('UserInstructions').innerHTML = "<b>Ready to feed </b><br> Press 'Start Feeding' to start Ranger Feeding checks from main hopper"
    if(newState == RangerTransportStates.TransportFeeding)
          document.getElementById('StartFeeding').disabled = true;
          document.getElementById('ChangeOptions').disabled = true;
          document.getElementById('Shutdown').disabled = true;
          document.getElementById('StopFeeding').disabled = false;     
          document.getElementById('UserInstructions').innerHTML = "<b>Feeding... </b><br> Press 'Stop Feeding' to stop Ranger from Feeding checks"
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript FOR=Ranger EVENT=TransportChangeOptionsState(previousState)>  
    //Fired when Ranger reaches the change option state, input params are previous state
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript FOR=Ranger EVENT=TransportReadyToFeedState(previousState)>  
    //Fired when ranger is ready to feed the next item
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript FOR=Ranger EVENT=TransportFeedingStopped(reason,itemsFed,itemsrequested)>  
    //Fired when feeding has stopped
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript FOR=Ranger EVENT=TransportItemInPocket(itemID)>  
    //Fired when the item has been fed into the pocket
    var RangerSides = {TransportFront: 0, TransportRear: 1};
    var RangerImageColorTypes = {ImageColorTypeBitonal:0, ImageColorTypeGrayscale: 1, ImageColorTypeColor: 2};
    // Note: SaveImageToFile() below is used to save gray scale images.  Please verify that 'NeedFrontImage2' and
    //       'NeedRearImage2' are set to 'true' in the GenericOptions.ini file.  If bitonal images are to be saved,
    //       please set 'NeedFrontImage1'/'NeedRearImage1' to 'true' before calling SaveImageToFile() for bitonal images.
    document.getElementById('MICR').innerHTML = 'MICR: ' + Ranger.GetMicrText(1);
    temp = Ranger.SaveImageToFile(RangerSides.TransportFront, RangerImageColorTypes.ImageColorTypeGrayscale, "C:\\test\\Testfront.jpg");
    temp = Ranger.SaveImageToFile(RangerSides.TransportRear, RangerImageColorTypes.ImageColorTypeGrayscale,"C:\\test\\Testback.jpg");
    //Here you could check to see if the images were saved, putting alternate
    //text in place of the image if they werent saved.
    document.getElementById('PIC').innerHTML = '<img height=200 width=400 src=' + '"Testfront.jpg">' + '<br>' + '<img height=200 width=400 src=' + '"Testback.jpg">';
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript FOR=Ranger EVENT=TransportNewItem()>  
    // Fired when a new item has entered the track
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript FOR=Ranger EVENT=TransportShutDownState(currentState,previousState)>  
    //Fired when the Ranger control has been shutdown
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript FOR=Ranger EVENT=TransportSetItemOutput(itemID)>  
    //fired when the item is ready to have params set(pocketing decisions)
    <!-- End of Events ------------- -->
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
    function getstatus()
         document.getElementById('Status').innerHTML = 'Status: ' + Ranger.GetTransportStateString();
    <OBJECT ID="Ranger"
    <div id="container">
         <div id="banner" >
         <div id="left">
              <h2>Ranger Control Buttons</h2>
              <br><div id="Status">Status:</div><br>
              <input class="controlbutton" id="StartRanger" type=button value="Startup Ranger" onclick="Ranger.Startup();">
              <input class="controlbutton" id="EnableRanger" disabled type=button value="Enable Ranger" onclick="Ranger.EnableOptions();">
              <input class="controlbutton" id="StartFeeding" disabled type=button value="Start Feeding" onclick="Ranger.StartFeeding(0,0);">
              <input class="controlbutton" id="StopFeeding" disabled type=button value="Stop Feeding" onclick="Ranger.StopFeeding();">
              <input class="controlbutton" id="ChangeOptions" disabled type=button value="Change Options" onclick="Ranger.PrepareToChangeOptions();">
              <input class="controlbutton" id="Shutdown" disabled type=button value="Shutdown Ranger" onclick="Ranger.Shutdown();">
         <div id="content">
              <div id="UserInstructions">Press 'Startup Ranger' to initialize the Ranger control</div>
              <div id="MICR"></div>
              <div id="PIC"></div>
         <div id="footer"><h1>Ranger Control</h1></div>
    them jsf code:
    <OBJECT ID="Ranger"
      <af:document id="d1" title="Fiche Bordereau">
        <af:messages id="m1"/>
        <af:form id="f1">
          <af:pageTemplate viewId="/tempCompens.jspx" id="pt1">
           <af:resource type="javascript">
            // Transport new state, fired every time the State changes on the control
            // input params , are the new state and the previous state
            var RangerTransportStates = {TransportUnknownState: -1, TransportShutDown: 0, TransportStartingUp: 1,
                                  TransportChangeOptions: 2, TransportEnablingOptions: 3, TransportReadyToFeed: 4,
                                  TransportFeeding: 5, TransportExceptionInProgress:6, TransportShuttingDown: 7};
            ok =false;
            var i = 0;
            if(newState == RangerTransportStates.TransportShutDown)
                document.getElementById('btn_demarre').disabled = false;
                document.getElementById('btn_active').disabled = true;
                document.getElementById('btn_arretscan').disabled = true;
                document.getElementById('btn_scan').disabled = true;
                document.getElementById('btn_changetat').disabled = true;
                document.getElementById('btn_arret').disabled = true;
                document.getElementById('UserInstructions').value = "Appuyer sur Demarrer pour initiliser le scanner"
            if(newState == RangerTransportStates.TransportChangeOptions)
                document.getElementById('btn_demarre').disabled = true;
                document.getElementById('btn_scan').disabled = true;
                document.getElementById('btn_active').disabled = false;
                document.getElementById('btn_arret').disabled = false;
                document.getElementById('UserInstructions').value = "Demarrage... Appuyer sur Activer pour preparer le scanning "
                ok = false;
            if(newState == RangerTransportStates.TransportReadyToFeed)
                document.getElementById('btn_active').disabled = true;
                document.getElementById('btn_arretscan').disabled = true;
                document.getElementById('btn_scan').disabled = false;
                document.getElementById('btn_changetat').disabled = false;
                document.getElementById('btn_arret').disabled = false;
                document.getElementById('UserInstructions').value = "Pret a scanner.   Appuyer sur Scanner pour lancer le scanning"
                ok = true;
            if(newState == RangerTransportStates.TransportFeeding)
                document.getElementById('btn_scan').disabled = true;
                document.getElementById('btn_changetat').disabled = true;
                document.getElementById('btn_arret').disabled = true;
                document.getElementById('btn_arretscan').disabled = false;
                document.getElementById('UserInstructions').value = "Scanning...  Appuyer sur Arret scanning pour stopper le scanning"
           <af:resource type="javascript">
            //Fired when the item has been fed into the pocket
                var RangerSides = {TransportFront: 0, TransportRear: 1};
                var RangerImageColorTypes = {ImageColorTypeBitonal:0, ImageColorTypeGrayscale: 1, ImageColorTypeColor: 2};
                document.getElementById('cmc7').value = 'CMC7= '+Ranger.GetMicrText(1);
                var cmc7 = trim(Ranger.GetMicrText(1));
                cmc7 = cmc7.replace(" ","_");
                cmc7 = cmc7.replace(" ","_");
            //cmc7 = cmc7.substring(0,15);
                cmc7R = cmc7+"_R.jpg";
            //alert(Ranger.GetImageAddress(RangerSides.TransportFront, RangerImageColorTypes.ImageColorTypeGrayscale))
                function trim(myString)
                    return myString.replace(/^\s+/g,'').replace(/\s+$/g,'')
                temp = Ranger.SaveImageToFile(RangerSides.TransportFront, RangerImageColorTypes.ImageColorTypeGrayscale, "C:\\Documents and Settings\\Koffi Ernest\\Mes documents\\NetBeansProjects\\Scan-project\\web\\"+cmc7R);
                window.onload = function()
                  document.getElementById("verso").src = monfichierV();
                function monfichierR()
                //  nomfichier = nomfichier+"_R.jpg";
                    var nomfichier = trim(Ranger.GetMicrText(1))+"_R.jpg";
                    return  nomfichier
                cmc7V = cmc7+"_V.jpg";
                temp = Ranger.SaveImageToFile(RangerSides.TransportRear, RangerImageColorTypes.ImageColorTypeGrayscale,"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Koffi Ernest\\Mes documents\\NetBeansProjects\\Scan-project\\web\\"+cmc7V);
                window.onload = function()
                    document.getElementById("verso").src = monfichierV();
                function monfichierV()
                    var nomfichierV = trim(Ranger.GetMicrText(1))+"_V.jpg";
                    return nomfichierV
                function getRImageUrl(img)
                    var imageSrc = trim(Ranger.GetMicrText(1))+"_R.jpg";
                    if(img.src != imageSrc)
                    // don't get stuck in an endless loop
                    img.src = imageSrc;
                function getVImageUrl(img)
                 var imageSrc = trim(Ranger.GetMicrText(1))+"_V.jpg";
                 if(img.src != imageSrc)
                 { // don't get stuck in an endless loop
                  img.src = imageSrc;
            document.getElementById('recto').source = cmc7R;
            document.getElementById('verso').source = cmc7V;
            <af:resource type="javascript">
                 document.getElementById('status').value = Ranger.GetTransportStateString();
            <f:facet name="temp">
              <af:panelSplitter id="ps1" splitterPosition="329"
                <f:facet name="first">
                  <af:panelGroupLayout layout="scroll"
                    <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1">
                      <af:outputText value="Saisie des informations du bordereau"
                                     inlineStyle="font-size:small; font-family:inherit; color:Gray; font-weight:bold;"/>
                    <af:panelFormLayout id="pfl1">
                      <f:facet name="footer">
                        <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl4" layout="horizontal">
                          <af:commandButton text="Annuler" id="cb4"/>
                          <af:spacer width="5" height="10" id="s14"/>
                          <af:commandButton text="Scanner" id="cb5"
                      <af:spacer width="10" height="30" id="s2"/>
                      <af:panelGroupLayout id="panelGroupLayout1"
                                           layout="horizontal" valign="middle">
                        <af:inputText label="N° de compte                   " id="it1"/>
                        <af:spacer width="10" height="10" id="s16"/>
                        <af:commandButton text="..." id="cb3"/>
                      <af:spacer width="5" height="3" id="s12"/>
                      <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl2" layout="horizontal"
                        <af:inputText label="Nom du client         " id="it3"/>
                      <af:spacer width="5" height="3" id="s17"/>
                      <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl11" layout="horizontal"
                        <af:inputText label="N° bordereau    " id="it4"/>
                        <af:spacer width="5" height="10" id="s11"/>
                        <af:commandButton text="New" id="cb1"/>
                        <af:spacer width="2" height="10" id="s13"/>
                        <af:commandButton text="Find" id="cb2"/>
                      <af:spacer width="5" height="3" id="s18"/>
                      <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl3">
                        <af:inputText label="Nbre de chèque" id="it2"/>
                        <af:spacer width="5" height="3" id="s19"/>
                        <af:inputDate label="Date d'operation                  " id="id1"/>
                      <af:spacer width="1000" height="10" id="s1"/>
                <f:facet name="second">
                  <af:panelGroupLayout layout="scroll"
                    <af:outputText value="Resultat scanning" id="ot2"
                                   inlineStyle="font-size:small; font-weight:bold; color:Gray;"/>
                    <af:panelTabbed id="pt2"
                                    inlineStyle="height:498px; width:680px;">
                      <af:showDetailItem text="Scanning" id="sdi1">
                        <af:panelSplitter id="ps2" splitterPosition="103"
                                          inlineStyle="width:433px; height:436px;">
                          <f:facet name="first">
                            <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl7" layout="vertical">
                              <af:outputText value="Liste de contrôles" id="ot3"
                                             inlineStyle="font-weight:bold; color:Gray;"/>
                              <af:spacer width="10" height="10" id="s20"/>
                              <af:outputText id="status"/>
                              <af:spacer width="10" height="10" id="s8"/>
                              <af:commandButton text="Demarrer      "
                                <af:clientListener type="click"
                              <af:spacer width="10" height="10" id="s7"/>
                              <af:commandButton text="Activer              "
                                <af:clientListener method="Ranger.EnableOptions()"
                              <af:spacer width="10" height="10" id="s6"/>
                              <af:commandButton text="Scanner       "
                                <af:clientListener method="Ranger.StartFeeding(0,0)"
                              <af:spacer width="10" height="10" id="s3"/>
                              <af:commandButton text="Arrêt Scan   "
                                <af:clientListener method="Ranger.StopFeeding()"
                              <af:spacer width="10" height="10" id="s4"/>
                              <af:commandButton text="Changer Etat"
                                <af:clientListener method="Ranger.PrepareToChangeOptions()"
                              <af:spacer width="10" height="10" id="s5"/>
                              <af:commandButton text="Arrêter         "
                                <af:clientListener method="Ranger.Shutdown()"
    ....Edited by: nesta on 21 juil. 2010 07:07

  • How to use Apache Web Server?

    Hi all,
    How to use Apache Web Server?
    contact me: [email protected]

    i do not know for certain about the jsps you're talking about, but i would guess they should run just fine under jrun, and you wouldn't have to make jrun and jserv coexist.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by One:
    Hi ilya:
    Thank you for your quick reply.
    I will try that way but I wonder if the thing like "how about the *.jsp developed by the JDeveloper and BC4J run under JRun; could and is it necessary to make the Apache+JServ and Apache+JRun co-exist ... "<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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    Hi All
    How to fire an event dynamically in JSF Page?

    Thanks for the response. I mean to say, if I create the components dynamically then how can I fire events for those components.
    In otherwords,
    If I create the Button dynamically with particular ID being set to that component, then how can I call button action event when the button is clicked??
    Hope you understand
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    Sudhakar Chavali

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    how to display date and time on jsf page
    we are using jdeveloper on windows.
    Edited by: user12187801 on 26-Jul-2012 01:42

    Your question is certainly lacking some information.
    If you want a constantly updating date/time - then JavaScript is your best bet, and Google would find you examples like [url]this
    If you meant something else, then it's back to you to explain.

  • How to use a back button in action pages?

    Hi all,
    I have created a user login page,home page and user profile page.
    If the user provide correct username and password in the login page he will be taken to home page.
    In the home page he will be having his username and a link to view his profile.
    When the user click on the link "My Profile(user profile)" he wil be taken to that page.
    In my profile page the user can edit only his firstname,lastname and password .
    On the user profile page i have placed a Back Button(using javascript: on onclick event i have used history.back()) to go back to home page after editing his profile.
    If the user edit his profile for n-number of times then atlast if he wants to go back to home page-then he wil cilck the back button.
    Now the problem occurs like the back button not going to home page and it simply going back with the edited history.
    How to use a back button in action pages; without repeating the actions done on the page; how to redirect to the users home page?
    I simply used the hyperlink in userprofile page to go to home page but when i click onit it is displaying blank home page.
    I'm using hibernate orm mapping; cflogin and cflogout tags.
    Any help appreciated,
    Chandru P

    chandrup wrote:
    Hi Dan,
    Dan Bracuk wrote:
    Use an anchor tag.
    I simply used the hyperlink(<a href="home.cfm">Home</a>) in userprofile page to go to home page but when i click onit it is displaying blank home page.
    I can see your problem. You may use javascript:history.go(-1), javascript:history.go(-2), ..., to go back one page, two pages, and so on. But how does one go back an arbitrary n pages? The link href="home.cfm" isn't a good solution for the browser. It makes a new call to the server which, as you may have discovered, can overwrite all the changes made at the browser. 
    You should use the Javascript variable history.length. If you open n links in succession, starting from page0.cfm, then the browser holds the value of history.length as n. So, experiment with something like
    <a href="javascript:history.go(-history.length)">Go home</a>
    <a href="javascript:history.go(-history.length+1)">Go home</a>

  • How to use warn about changes property with page menus

    how to use warn about changes property with page menus

    If u will enable this property, then u will get warning message as a popup in case of change of state of VO.

  • Using Business Components in JSF pages

    I have several questions about using BCs in JavaServer Faces pages. I'm new to the JSF-BC development world.
    Here's what I'm trying to accomplish: a salesperson gets a call from a customer requesting a quote. The salesperson selects the URL for my RFQ form and begins filling it out. If there is an existing customer record in the company's database, the salesperson wants to be able to load customer info into the form from the database, rather than typing it all in. Reasonable enough, and probably simply enough.
    But it's kickin' my butt. I've created the domain objects (including one for the customer database, call it "CU") and the model objects (a View Object that filters out all fields but those needed on the form, an Application Module with a View Object Instance). Initially I am routing from the main form window to a dialog window where I am hosting the customer selection components, intending to return to the main window with the selection. On the dialog window I've dropped the VO and configured it to be an ADF Navigation List (which gets implemented as an af:selectOneChoice component). So far so good. The navigation to and from is working fine. The selectOneChoice list is being populated with the first range of returned records. Here's where I'm stuck.
    First of all I can't figure out how to kick the iterator into sending additional records after it's first range. You can scroll down to the end of the list in the selectOneChoice component but nothing happens after that. I know I can set the iterator's range to 0 to get all of the records dumped in at once, but that takes way too long. Any ideas?
    Secondly, when a selection is made, how do I access the selected data? I have set up a ValueChangeListener method in my dialog's backing bean that gets the NewValue() from the event object, but that value turns out to be the index into the collection of selectItems. How do I get the value of the data that shows in the list? Is that the label of the selectItem? If so, how do I access it? What I really want is to get the entire row of data represented by the returned index, but I'm lost as to how to do that. Any help would be much appreciated.
    At some point I want to let the salesperson type in a partial customer name and then retrieve only records matching the query's where clause. I see where I can create a bind variable on the view object, but am not sure how to pass the partial name value from the main form to the dialog. Currently I use an EL expression in the Action attribute of an af:selectInputText component to navigate to the dialog and I don't think I can pass parameters with that. I guess I would have to switch to using a method binding to a backing bean, eh? But even if I can get the partial name value to the dialog, how do I bind that value to the bind variable of the VO? (the VO that is already bound to the af:selectOneChoice component in the dialog.)
    And I am totally open to alternative suggestions for how to accomplish the original intention of all of this. Thanks for any guidance.
    Johnny Lee

    Thanks, Shay. That has gotten me a few steps further along. I modified my VO by creating a bind variable and modified the SQL to use this variable in it's where clause. I generated Java for my AppMod (which I hadn't done before, preferring to keep things simple) and created a method to supply a value to my VO's new bind variable. I need a little more hand-holding, though, to wire an input text field & button (or af:selectInputText?) to both the AppMod's new method AND the data component that will display the query results.
    "...drag the exposed method as a button onto a JSF page." That's easy enough, but I haven't yet figured out from the examples how to associate the value of an input component with the parameter of the AppMod's new method. It's getting late, I'm starting to see cross-eyed so I will sleep on this and take another look in the morning. Thanks for your help.
    Johnny Lee

  • CS3 missing components or How to use Flex 2 components in CS3

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    packaging Flash MC in swc's for Flex.
    Right now I am specifically trying to solve the missing
    dateField component in CS3.
    But I would like to find out if anyone has found a good
    resource for alternatives to all missing components in CS3.
    I'm hoping the answer is not to build them from scratch.

    Pleas find details at the URL below.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to use Apache Beehive in WebLogic 10.3?

    I want to use Apache Beehive controls in an MDB on WebLogic Server 10.3 but I can not get the controls to be instantiated.
    I want to use a Jdbc control sice they are so easy to use.

    To add some more info about this:
    I have an MDB like this:
    @MessageDriven(messageListenerInterface = javax.resource.cci.MessageListener.class)
    public class MyMDBean implements MessageListener {
    private MyJdbcControl mMyJdbcControl;
    public void initialize() {
    public Record onMessage(Record record) {
    mMyJdbcControl.setData(4711, "hello");
    } // end MyMDBean
    and a control extension
    import org.apache.beehive.controls.api.bean.ControlExtension;
    import org.apache.beehive.controls.system.jdbc.JdbcControl;
    public interface MyJdbcControl extends JdbcControl {
    @SQL(statement="UPDATE MY_TBL SET data = {data} WHERE id = {id}")
    void setData(long id, String data);
    // end MyJdbcControl
    OK the first issue is that the control never get instantiated
    so I then tried to do it myself, e.g. in initialize() adding Controls.initializeClient( null, this, null );
    but then Beehive says that there is nu class like MyMDBeanClientInitializer which of course I do not have.
    I can not see from the code on
    how to create an extension control programmaticly
    Please help

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    Thanks in advance.

    It actually depends on your component vendor and component package you've received.
    If u've source code of the compoennt available then you can also directly use that source code by copying it to appropriate pakage in "src" directory, but this tends to clutter up you code so it's better to make it's SWC and use it as they have said earlier.

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    Thanks in advance,

    san-717 wrote:
    Hi All,
    I have tried to deisgn jsf pages to looking attractive. But i cannot able to achieve that and it took me more time to design little complicated.
    Can anyone refer me any link or tell me how to design more complicated page.
    what is the layout procedure for that.Well… there's a lot to this. First, you'll have to have an idea of what should be on your page; how it is presented is ultimately a design decision, not one of layout. Once you have a design (paper sketches?), then you can proceed to start 'cutting up' your designs into larger components. Perhaps your applicaiton will have a larger page template that holds 'content' of other pages/page fragments.
    (If you're coming from OAF, for example, this is a pretty big difference - in ADF page design is very flexible, and how information is presented is largely up to developers/designers. There's no single method for laying out a page.)
    To add to the link above, there is also a list of 'design patterns' than can help with some common problems and ways of presenting information:

  • How to Retrieve Images from mysql on JSF page

    I want to retrieve all the images which are in my database(mysql) using Netbeans 6.9.1 on a JSF 2.0 page.
    How can i do so? I am using backing bean, i use backing bean methods in JSF.
    Pls help me...

    Please first read this
    You can remote control your MySQl and get data by connection string
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  • How to set content type for a JSF page

    I want to know is there any way we can specify the content type of a JSF page, like in JSPs we have the page attribute <%@ page contentType="application/" %>
    In JSP we can create a html table with values and if we specify the contenType as application/, we would get an excel file generated.
    But do we have something similar to this is JSF, as I am using Facelets I cannot use page directive in the xhtml file.
    I tried setting the content type in MangedBean's action as follows
    ((HttpServletResponse)FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getResponse()).setContentType("application/"); but it did'nt work.
    Thanks in advance.

    //add related mutip-part to combine parts
    MimeMultipart multipart = new MimeMultipart("related");
    //attach a pdf
    messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
    fds = new FileDataSource("h:/something.pdf");
    messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fds));
    //add multipart to the message
    //send message

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