How to use auto numbering with ENG_ECO_PUB.PROCESS_ECO (EBS version 12.1.1)

Hi All,
I'm trying to create a new ECO using the PL/SQL API "ENG_ECO_PUB.PROCESS_ECO". I want the ECO name to be automatically assigned by the system but when leaving the ECO_NAME empty (in paramter P_ECO_REC) I get the error message:
"You must enter an ECO name and organization because they are the primary identifiers of a business object. Please ensure that these values exist in all your records and re-run the import process."
I have set the profile option "ENG: Change Order Autonumbering - System Administrator access" to yes.
I have set following fields in P_ECO_REC:
p_eco_rec.organization_code := 'V1';
p_eco_rec.change_type_code := 'ECO';
p_eco_rec.description := 'Test';
p_eco_rec.transaction_type := 'CREATE';
p_eco_rec.plm_or_erp_change := 'ERP'; -- also tried with 'PLM'
p_eco_rec.approval_status_name := 'Approved';
Do I need to set anything else?

Hi Helios,
thanks for reply.
I checked note 1242524.1, but there's no advice what to configure for using auto numbering.
I tried it again with adapted sample code and leaving the ECO_NAME empty:
-- API Input variables
l_eco_name VARCHAR2(9) := '';
l_org_code VARCHAR2(3) := 'V1';
l_rev_item_number VARCHAR2(20):= 'CS_Test_Assem_10';
l_eff_date DATE := '8-SEP-2011';
l_new_revised_item_revision VARCHAR2(2) := 'A';
l_eco_rec Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Rec_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_rec;
l_eco_revision_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Revision_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_revision_tbl;
l_revised_item_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Revised_Item_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_revised_item_tbl;
l_rev_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Rev_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_component_tbl;
l_sub_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Sub_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_sub_component_tbl;
l_ref_designator_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Ref_Designator_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_ref_designator_tbl;
l_rev_operation_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Operation_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_operation_tbl;
l_rev_op_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Op_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_op_resource_tbl;
l_rev_sub_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Sub_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_sub_resource_tbl;
-- API output variables
x_eco_rec Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Rec_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_rec;
x_eco_revision_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Revision_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_revision_tbl;
x_revised_item_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Revised_Item_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_revised_item_tbl;
x_rev_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Rev_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_component_tbl;
x_sub_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Sub_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_sub_component_tbl;
x_ref_designator_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Ref_Designator_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_ref_designator_tbl;
x_rev_operation_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Operation_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_operation_tbl;
x_rev_op_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Op_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_op_resource_tbl;
x_rev_sub_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Sub_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_sub_resource_tbl;
-- Other API variables for return status / error handling / debugging
l_error_table Error_Handler.Error_Tbl_Type;
l_return_status VARCHAR2(1) := NULL;
l_msg_count NUMBER := 0;
l_output_dir VARCHAR2(500) := 'C:\temp';
l_debug_filename VARCHAR2(60) := 'su_debug_10_15.dbg';
-- WHO columns
l_user_id          NUMBER := -1;
l_resp_id          NUMBER := -1;
l_application_id     NUMBER := -1;
l_row_cnt          NUMBER := 1;
l_user_name          VARCHAR2(30) := 'MFG';
l_resp_name          VARCHAR2(30) := 'MFG_AND_DIST_SUPER_USER_APS';
-- Get the user_id
SELECT user_id
INTO l_user_id
FROM fnd_user
WHERE user_name = l_user_name;
-- Get the application_id and responsibility_id
SELECT application_id, responsibility_id
INTO l_application_id, l_resp_id
FROM fnd_responsibility
WHERE responsibility_key = l_resp_name;
FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE(l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_application_id); -- Mfg / Mfg & Dist Mgr / INV
dbms_output.put_line('Initialized applications context: '|| l_user_id || ' '|| l_resp_id ||' '|| l_application_id );
l_return_status := NULL;
l_eco_rec.eco_name := l_eco_name;
l_eco_rec.organization_code := l_org_code;
l_eco_rec.change_type_code := 'ECO';
l_eco_rec.eco_department_name := NULL;
l_eco_rec.priority_code := NULL; --'Medium';
l_eco_rec.approval_list_name := NULL; --'SU_ONLY';
l_eco_rec.reason_code := NULL;
l_eco_rec.Approval_Status_Name:= 'Approved'; -- will default to Not submitted for Approval
l_eco_rec.Status_Name := 'Open';
l_eco_rec.description := 'ECO - '||l_eco_rec.eco_name||' API Test';
l_eco_rec.transaction_type := 'CREATE';
l_eco_rec.plm_or_erp_change := 'ERP'; -- or 'PLM'
l_eco_rec.return_status := NULL;
dbms_output.put_line('Initialized ECO Header');
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code := l_org_code;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := l_new_revised_item_revision;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).start_effective_date := l_eff_date;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).alternate_bom_code := NULL;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).status_type := 1; -- 'Open'
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).change_description := 'Test';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_type := 'CREATE'; -- transaction type : CREATE / UPDATE
dbms_output.put_line('Initialized ECO revised items');
-- Add RS_BOM_C3, acd_type = 1
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code:= l_org_code;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := l_new_revised_item_revision;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).start_effective_date := l_eff_date;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).operation_sequence_number := 1;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).component_item_name := 'CS_Sub_Item_10_D'; -- Add RS_BOM_C3
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).alternate_bom_code := NULL;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).acd_type := 1;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).item_sequence_number := 40; -- new item sequence number
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).quantity_per_assembly := 5;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_type := 'CREATE'; -- transaction type : CREATE / UPDATE
-- Change RS_BOM_C1, acd_type = 2
l_row_cnt := l_row_cnt + 1;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code:= l_org_code;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := l_new_revised_item_revision;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).start_effective_date := l_eff_date; -- effective date
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).operation_sequence_number := 1;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).component_item_name := 'CS_Sub_Item_10_B'; -- Change qty for RS_BOM_C1
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).alternate_bom_code := NULL;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).acd_type := 2;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).old_effectivity_date := to_date('29-APR-2011 10:09:38', 'dd-MON-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'); -- old effectivity date from bill
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).old_operation_sequence_number := 1; -- old operation sequence number from bill
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).item_sequence_number := 20;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).quantity_per_assembly := 5; -- existing comp qty on Bill = 2
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_type := 'CREATE'; -- transaction type : CREATE / UPDATE
-- Disable RS_BOM_C2, acd_type = 3
l_row_cnt := l_row_cnt + 1;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code:= l_org_code;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := l_new_revised_item_revision;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).start_effective_date := l_eff_date;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).disable_date := l_eff_date + 2; -- disable date is 2 day from effective_date
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).operation_sequence_number := 1;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).component_item_name := 'CS_Sub_Item_10_C'; -- disable RS_BOM_C2
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).alternate_bom_code := NULL;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).acd_type := 3;
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).old_effectivity_date := to_date('29-APR-2011 10:09:38', 'dd-MON-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'); -- old effectivity date from bill
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).old_operation_sequence_number := 1; -- old operation sequence number from bill
l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_type := 'CREATE'; -- transaction type : CREATE / UPDATE
dbms_output.put_line('Initialized ECO revised components');
-- call API to create eco
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Calling Eng_Eco_PUB.Process_Eco API');
Eng_Eco_PUB.Process_Eco( p_api_version_number => 1.0
, p_init_msg_list => TRUE
, x_return_status => l_return_status
, x_msg_count => l_msg_count
, p_bo_identifier => 'ECO'
, p_eco_rec => l_eco_rec
, p_eco_revision_tbl => l_eco_revision_tbl
, p_revised_item_tbl => l_revised_item_tbl
, p_rev_component_tbl => l_rev_component_tbl
, p_ref_designator_tbl => l_ref_designator_tbl
, p_sub_component_tbl => l_sub_component_tbl
, p_rev_operation_tbl => l_rev_operation_tbl
, p_rev_op_resource_tbl => l_rev_op_resource_tbl
, p_rev_sub_resource_tbl => l_rev_sub_resource_tbl
, x_eco_rec => x_eco_rec
, x_eco_revision_tbl => x_eco_revision_tbl
, x_revised_item_tbl => x_revised_item_tbl
, x_rev_component_tbl => x_rev_component_tbl
, x_ref_designator_tbl => x_ref_designator_tbl
, x_sub_component_tbl => x_sub_component_tbl
, x_rev_operation_tbl => x_rev_operation_tbl
, x_rev_op_resource_tbl => x_rev_op_resource_tbl
, x_rev_sub_resource_tbl => x_rev_sub_resource_tbl
, p_debug => 'Y'
, p_output_dir => l_output_dir
, p_debug_filename => l_debug_filename
dbms_output.put_line('x_eco_rec.eco_name:'|| x_eco_rec.eco_name );
dbms_output.put_line('x_eco_rec.org_code:'|| x_eco_rec.organization_code);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Return Status: '||l_return_status);
IF (l_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) THEN
dbms_output.put_line('x_msg_count:' || l_msg_count);
Error_Handler.GET_MESSAGE_LIST(x_message_list => l_error_table);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error Message Count :'||l_error_table.COUNT);
FOR i IN 1..l_error_table.COUNT LOOP
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Exception Occured :');
But with this example I again get same error message...
Any idea?

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    #############FILE: slideshow2.dtd ###############
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='us-ascii'?>
    <!ELEMENT slideshow (slide+)>
    <!ELEMENT slide (title?, item*)>
    <!ENTITY % xhtml SYSTEM "xhtml.dtd">
    <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)*>
    <!ATTLIST title
    xmlns CDATA #FIXED ""
    <!ELEMENT item (#PCDATA)>
    ##############FILE: xhtml.dtd #########################
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='us-ascii'?>
    <!ELEMENT html (head)>
    <!ATTLIST html
    xmlns CDATA #FIXED ""
    <!ELEMENT head (title,style*)>
    <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT style (#PCDATA)>
    #############FILE: slideshow.xml ####################
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE slideshow SYSTEM "slideshow2.dtd">
    <title xmlns="">Wake up to

    I want to use the namespace in my project. For this reason, I use a sample
    to test my understanding.
    The slideshow2.dtd refer to the definition in 'xhtml.dtd'. Because in these
    two files, they all use the 'title' as the element names. To solve these
    conflicts, The namespace is used to qualified the one in slideshow2.dtd.
    But the parser still complain that the 'title' in slideshow2.dtd is declared
    more than once.
    I use apache's Xerces.
    I want to know if Xereces realy support namespace spec. now, or how to use
    the namespace with a parser. Can anyone kindly tell me where to find some
    material that demo the use of namespace in Java program.
    Thanks for any help!!!
    #############FILE: slideshow2.dtd ###############
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='us-ascii'?>
    <!ELEMENT slideshow (slide+)>
    <!ELEMENT slide (title?, item*)>
    <!ENTITY % xhtml SYSTEM "xhtml.dtd">
    <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)*>
    <!ATTLIST title
    xmlns CDATA #FIXED ""
    <!ELEMENT item (#PCDATA)>
    ##############FILE: xhtml.dtd #########################
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='us-ascii'?>
    <!ELEMENT html (head)>
    <!ATTLIST html
    xmlns CDATA #FIXED ""
    <!ELEMENT head (title,style*)>
    <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT style (#PCDATA)>
    #############FILE: slideshow.xml ####################
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE slideshow SYSTEM "slideshow2.dtd">
    <title xmlns="">Wake up to

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            i  have small query about how to use union statement with declare & set function?
    Example as below :
    DECLARE @name AS date
    Declare @name2  AS date
    /* SELECT FROM [2013].[dbo].[OINV] T0 */
    /* WHERE */
    SET @name = /* T0.DocDate */ '[%1]'
    SET @name2 = /* T0.DocDate */ '[%2]'
    select  '2013',t5.U_salmannm,t1.CardName,t2.sumapplied as CollectionAmount,t2.DcntSum ,t3.DocTotal as InvoiceTotal,
    datediff(dd,t3.DocDate,t1.Docdate) as Days
    from 2013.dbo.orct t1
    inner join 2013.dbo.RCT2 t2 on t1.DocNum = t2.DocNum
    left join 2013.dbo.oinv t3 on
    t3.docentry = t2.baseAbs
    inner join 2013.dbo.ocrd t4 on t1.Cardcode = t4.CardCode
    inner join [2013].[dbo].[@CQ_RTSM] t5 on t4.U_BeatCode = t5.U_RoutCode
    where t2.DcntSum <> 0.000000 and t3.DocDate between [%1] and [%2]
    /* SELECT FROM [2014].[dbo].[OINV] T0 */
    /* WHERE */
    SET @name = /* T0.DocDate */ '[%1]'
    SET @name2 = /* T0.DocDate */ '[%2]'
    select  '2014',t5.U_salmannm,t1.CardName,t2.sumapplied as CollectionAmount,t2.DcntSum ,t3.DocTotal as InvoiceTotal,
    datediff(dd,t3.DocDate,t1.Docdate) as Days
    from 2014.dbo.orct t1
    inner join 2014.dbo.RCT2 t2 on t1.DocNum = t2.DocNum
    left join 2014.dbo.oinv t3 on
    t3.docentry = t2.baseAbs
    inner join 2014.dbo.ocrd t4 on t1.Cardcode = t4.CardCode
    inner join [2014].[dbo].[@CQ_RTSM] t5 on t4.U_BeatCode = t5.U_RoutCode
    where t2.DcntSum <> 0.000000 and t3.DocDate between [%1] and [%2]

    You have to create stored procedure in SQL only .
    Like u must have create for Crystal .
    You can execute procedure in query manager but you have to enter parameter manually..
    Exec @Test '20140101' '20140501'
    Every time user has to enter it manually in yyyymmdd format in case of date parameters.
    Create Proc [@Test]
    as begin
    DECLARE @name AS date
    Declare @name2  AS date
    /* SELECT FROM [2013].[dbo].[OINV] T0 */
    /* WHERE */
    select  '2013',t5.U_salmannm,t1.CardName,t2.sumapplied as CollectionAmount,t2.DcntSum ,t3.DocTotal as InvoiceTotal,
    datediff(dd,t3.DocDate,t1.Docdate) as Days
    from 2013.dbo.orct t1
    inner join 2013.dbo.RCT2 t2 on t1.DocNum = t2.DocNum
    left join 2013.dbo.oinv t3 on
    t3.docentry = t2.baseAbs
    inner join 2013.dbo.ocrd t4 on t1.Cardcode = t4.CardCode
    inner join [2013].[dbo].[@CQ_RTSM] t5 on t4.U_BeatCode = t5.U_RoutCode
    where t2.DcntSum <> 0.000000 and t3.DocDate between @Name and @Name2
    /* SELECT FROM [2014].[dbo].[OINV] T0 */
    /* WHERE */
    select  '2014',t5.U_salmannm,t1.CardName,t2.sumapplied as CollectionAmount,t2.DcntSum ,t3.DocTotal as InvoiceTotal,
    datediff(dd,t3.DocDate,t1.Docdate) as Days
    from 2014.dbo.orct t1
    inner join 2014.dbo.RCT2 t2 on t1.DocNum = t2.DocNum
    left join 2014.dbo.oinv t3 on
    t3.docentry = t2.baseAbs
    inner join 2014.dbo.ocrd t4 on t1.Cardcode = t4.CardCode
    inner join [2014].[dbo].[@CQ_RTSM] t5 on t4.U_BeatCode = t5.U_RoutCode
    where t2.DcntSum <> 0.000000 and t3.DocDate between
    between @Name and @Name2

  • How to use File Adapter with hierarchial Structure?

    How to use File Adapter with hierarchial Structure like..
    --Header Details:
    Line Item Details:
    Bcoz I am getting a Flatfile in a hierarchial way as shown below.
    Header Details :1
    Line Item a
    Line Item b
    Header Details :2
    Line Item c
    Line Item d

    Hey Kishore,
    In order to create a structure you need to use the file with convertion mode on the sending communication channel of the file adapter.
    check the link for the needed configuration paramters.
    If the structure is more complexed you can use the Contetnt master(CM) from itemfield which allows to ceate XML file from complex flat files and more.
    <a href="">File sender adapter</a>
    If you have any question i'll be more than happy to assist.
    Nimrod Gisis

  • Does anyone know step by step how to use a PC with an AppleTV?

    Does anyone know how to use a PC with an AppleTV and can this be done and if so, how?

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    How far have you got into the set up process please.

  • How to use facebook  + skype with new Ipad? it needs flash player it seems...

    how to use facebook + skype with new Ipad? it needs flash player it seems...

    get the facebook and skype apps from the app store and there is no need flash.

  • How to use java integrate with ondemand

    Hi All,
    As i'm new to integration, can anyone help me to use java integrate with ondemand that inserts some records in ondemand and deletes some records from ondemand in secheduled interval basis.?
    Thanks in advance..!

    hi forum...
    how to use Java WebStart with EJB ? examples ?Well, for starters these are complementing, not 'cooperating', technologies. I presume, since EJB's do not - directly, at least - communicate with a web browser, that you intend for "Java WebStart" to somehow invoke an EJB?? Java WebStart is a technology for running client-side (Java) applications from the web browser - perceptively, the application resides on the server, but technically it, like an applet, is downloaded to the client and run there. Unlike an applet, however, it is not constrained by "sandbox" restrictions and does not have to be re-downloaded each time it is invoked - though the process allows for automagically updating the client-side with new versions of the application. ;) So, with this in mind, to "use Java WebStart with EJB" means little more than deploying an EJB client application with Java WebStart as the distribution channel.
    Tony "Vee Schade" Cook

  • How to use Mulitple DAQs with a single triggered event on only one of the DAQs

    I have three PXI6115 and would like to tie all these to a single triggered event on one of the DAQs. I've scaned the examples and any assistance would be greatly appreciated....

    Please refer to your other post:
    How to use Multiple DAQs with a single triggered event on only one of the DAQs

  • How to use TRUNC function with dates in Expression Builder in OBIEE.

    Hi There,
    How to use TRUNC function with dates in Expression Builder in OBIEE.
    TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'MM') returns '07/01/2010' where sysdate is '07/15/2010' in SQL. I need to use the same thing in expression builder in BMM layer logical column.
    Thanks in advance

    use this instead:

  • How to use INVOKE function with INT parameter types

    Can you tell me how to use invoke function with int parameter type ?

    Pass the int as an Integer.

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