How to use @me as primary iTunes email?

When I try to change my Apple ID email address to my @me account, I get this error telling me how my @me is already associated with my Apple ID and I cannpt use that as my primary email address.  I am going to get rid of my @gmail email soon and use my @me email as my primary email address.  How can I change my account settings to use my @me and get rid of my @gmail.  Thank You for any answers!

HAL 9000 Computer wrote:
The only thing I can think of, it's a bug in Apple's system.
The Apple ID still thinks it cannot allow your ID to be changed to a address becouse, before iCloud, those were always MobileMe addresses which already had an Apple ID associated to them.
Apparently, Apple hasn't yet updated there ID system to reflect the new iCloud reality.
Totally agree that Apple ID seems to think that a account is associated with MobileMe.
Until Apple "fix" it's systems, I'll continue with my old email address, and not use the iCloud email features.

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    you ust to download activation.jar and mail.jar and add them to your build path.
    i have used the googlemail smtp server to send mail the code is following:
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    Properties props = new Properties();
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    props.put("", host);
    props.put("mail.smtp.port", port);
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         private String fUser;
         private String fPassword;
         public SMTPAuthenticator(String user, String password) {
         fUser = user;
         fPassword = password;
         public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
         return new PasswordAuthentication(fUser, fPassword);

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    If you are using different Apple IDs for each device, this implies that you have different accounts on each. Unfortunately you cannot merge accounts or transfer content between them.
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