How to use shell program parameters in java program??

Hai all,
I am writing a java program which must read strings from a file and must assign to variables.these strings are nothing but the output of ls -l command in shell. i need to have all those 9 fields in a file as variables.
I cant find any method that will read only string.I came accross read line but that is not what i need.So, i thought of writing a shell script and by using awk, storing those 9 fields in 9 variables.. but how to use that variables in java programming???
the shell script is executed by exec() but i need that variables also.
Help me please:(
thanks in advance

i now changed the code... and closed the output file and then i read.Later i splited with the line i read.. but the same happened...
this is the code:
while ((l = inputStream.readLine()) != null)
                    op=new FileOutputStream("op.txt");//output of exec goes to this file
                    String[] cmd= {"/bin/sh","-c","ls -l "+l};
                    rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
                    proc = rt.exec(cmd);
                    // any error message?
                      StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new
                      StreamGobbler(proc.getErrorStream(), "ERR");
                    // any output?
                      StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(proc.getInputStream(), "",op);
                    op.close();//the file is closed now
                    ip = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("op.txt"));     //now i opened to read
               }where i went wrong?

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    Something is missing here
    If you want to execute a shell script in windows that not posible unless you find or develop a unix shell script parser for windows.
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    You need an account for the ES Workplace. I'm afraid this is not free, e.g. check [SAP NetWeaver, Composition Subscription|].
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    Hi Pradeep,
    You can save values in the SAP memory using a parameter ID. These
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    Just mention like below in your ABAP report.
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    Just some Friday fun. Use the telnet program that comes with Windows and supports VT escape sequences.
    public class AutoTelnet {
         private static Socket s;
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
              Thread t = new Thread() {
                   @Override public void run() {
                        try {
                             s = new ServerSocket(5555).accept();
                        } catch (IOException ex) {
              Process p = new ProcessBuilder("cmd", "/C", "start", "telnet", "", "5555").redirectErrorStream(true).start();
              PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(s.getOutputStream());
              ps.println("Screen will be cleared in 5 seconds");

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    I think you'll need to use XMLType and then extract the DOM inside java..
    create or replace package SAXLOADER
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    NAME ' ( oracle.xdb.XMLType, oracle.sql.BFILE)';
      public static void saxLoader(XMLType parameterSettings, BFILE dataSource)
      throws Exception {
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    user458361 wrote:
    I have requirement for a pl/sql procedure to invokes a shell script which calls java programs.
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    #echo "Param1 is:"$param1
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    RegardsYou are doing the equivalent of making THREE Left turns instead of a single Right turn
    Most likely the shell environment is woefully lacking in needed details
    add new line as below
    /usr/bin/env | /usr/bin/sort -o /tmp/capture.log
    # make sure above Fully Qualified Pathnames are correct for your system!
    After you invoke script from PL/SQL post content of /tmp/capture.log back here

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    <parameter name="p_loc_1_param" include_in_output="false" datatype="character"/>
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    p_dep_2_param varchar2(14);
    p_loc_1_param varchar2(20);
    p_where_clause varchar2(100);
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    return boolean;
    end bip_departments_2_parameters;
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    function beforereporttrigger
    return boolean
    l_return boolean := true;
    if (p_dep_2_param is not null) --and (p_loc_1_param is not null)
    p_where_clause := 'where (dname in (' || replace (p_dep_1_param, '''') || ') and loc in (' || replace (p_loc_1_param, '''') || '))';
    p_where_clause := 'where 1=1';
    end if;
    return (l_return);
    end beforereporttrigger;
    end bip_departments_2_parameters;
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    it works perfectly....
    Now I don't know if the problem is the datatype, but I noticed that with a single parameter (deptno is number), the lexical refence (inside the data template) works.....with a varchar parameter it doesn't work....
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    1) how can I define the p_where_clause (inside the package) with a single varchar parameter (for example, the department location name)
    2) how can I define the p_where_clause using more than one parameter (for example, the department location name and the department name) not number.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestion

    the missing thing in your example is the fact, that if only one value is selected, the parameter has exact this value like BOSTON. If you choose more than one value, the parameter includes the *'*, so that it looks like *'BOSTON','NEW YORK'*. So you need to check in the package, if there's a *,* in the parameter or not. If yes there's more than one value, if not it's only one value or it's null.
    So change your package to (you need to expand your variables)
    create or replace package bip_departments_2_parameters
    p_dep_2_param varchar2(1000);
    p_loc_1_param varchar2(1000);
    p_where_clause varchar2(1000);
    function beforereporttrigger
    return boolean;
    end bip_departments_2_parameters;
    create or replace package body bip_departments_2_parameters
    function beforereporttrigger
    return boolean
    l_return boolean := true;
    p_where_clause := ' ';
    if p_dep_2_param is not null then
    if instr(p_dep_2_param,',')>0 then
    p_where_clause := 'WHERE DNAME in ('||p_dep_2_param||')';
    p_where_clause := 'WHERE DNAME = '''||p_dep_2_param||'''';
    end if;
    if p_loc_1_param is not null then
    if instr(p_loc_1_param,',')>0 then
    p_where_clause := p_where_clause || ' AND LOC IN ('||p_loc_1_param||')';
    p_where_clause := p_where_clause || ' AND LOC = '''||p_loc_1_param||'''';
    end if;
    end if;
    if p_loc_1_param is not null then
    if instr(p_loc_1_param,',')>0 then
    p_where_clause := p_where_clause || 'WHERE LOC in ('||p_loc_1_param||')';
    p_where_clause := p_where_clause || 'WHERE LOC = '''||p_loc_1_param||'''';
    end if;
    end if;
    end if;
    return (l_return);
    end beforereporttrigger;
    end bip_departments_2_parameters;
    I've written a similar example at ... but it's in german.

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    Hi Shaikh,
    Post it in
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