I have a requirement to set the system status to printed using FM STATUS_CHANGE_INTERN, and we are using FM STATUS_TEXT_EDIT to get system status. Now it is working in QA03 for printing Inspection Instruction. I want to make the same in my custom development.

Hi Nusal,
  Check the where-used-list and also search in SDN. You will get lot of posts on how to use this function module.
anyway check if this is helpful:
data: it_status type table of JSTAT,
         wa_status type JSTAT.
      wa_status-stat =  '<value of printing status: eg. I0073>'.
      wa_status-INACT = ' '.
   append wa_status to it_status.
          OBJNR               = <objnr of notification>
          STATUS              = <it_status>
          OBJECT_NOT_FOUND    = 01
          STATUS_NOT_ALLOWED  = 03.
Swarna Munukoti

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    TM does not work like that.
    If you want files to use later.. do not use TM.
    Or do not use TM to the same location. Plug a USB drive into the computer and use that as the target for the permanent backup.
    Read some details of how TM works so you understand what it will do.
    Use a clone or different software for a permanent backup.
    How to use TC
    This is helpful.. particularly Q3.
    Why you don't want to use TM.
    Q20 here.

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    Take a look here:
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    Forum Tip: Since you're new here, you've probably not discovered the Search feature available on every Discussions page, but next time, it might save you time (and everyone else from having to answer the same question multiple times) if you search a couple of ways for a topic, both in the relevant forums, in the User Tips Library and in the Apple Knowledge Base before you post a question.

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    Kind Regards,
    Jegathees P.
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    Hi Sinha,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I used the syntax
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       <xsl:with-param name="date-time" select="string" />
       <xsl:with-param name="pattern" select="string" />
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    Thank you.

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    First of all one sender mail adapter has to be tight with a specific sender email address.
    The email has to be decrypted as whole, you cannot decrypt parts of it.
    Then you store certificates to secure store in J2EE server and point to it in send agreement, this should be equal to HTTPS setup
    Check security guide:

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    You cannot attach the LDB to the main program of the function group.
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <p:MySalesOrderUploadedIntegrationInputRequest xmlns:p="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <List actionCode="01" listCompleteTransmissionIndicator="true" reconciliationPeriodCounterValue="0">
              <MyBuyerID schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeID="token">token</MyBuyerID>
              <MyName languageCode="EN">MyName</MyName>
              <MyBillToParty schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeAgencySchemeID="token" schemeID="token">token</MyBillToParty>
              <MyEmployeeResponsible schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeAgencySchemeID="token" schemeID="token">token</MyEmployeeResponsible>
              <MySalesUnit schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeAgencySchemeID="token" schemeID="token">token</MySalesUnit>
                    <MyItemProductID schemeAgencyID="token" schemeID="token">token</MyItemProductID>
                    <MyItemDescription languageCode="EN">MyItemDescription</MyItemDescription>
                    <MyRequestedQuantity unitCode="token">0.0</MyRequestedQuantity>
                    <MyConfirmedQuantity unitCode="token">0.0</MyConfirmedQuantity>
                    <MyNetAmount currencyCode="token">0.0</MyNetAmount>
              <MyBuyerID schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeID="token">token</MyBuyerID>
              <MyName languageCode="EN">MyName</MyName>
              <MyBillToParty schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeAgencySchemeID="token" schemeID="token">token</MyBillToParty>
              <MyEmployeeResponsible schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeAgencySchemeID="token" schemeID="token">token</MyEmployeeResponsible>
              <MySalesUnit schemeAgencyID="token" schemeAgencySchemeAgencyID="1" schemeAgencySchemeID="token" schemeID="token">token</MySalesUnit>
                    <MyItemProductID schemeAgencyID="token" schemeID="token">token</MyItemProductID>
                    <MyItemDescription languageCode="EN">MyItemDescription</MyItemDescription>
                    <MyRequestedQuantity unitCode="token">0.0</MyRequestedQuantity>
                    <MyConfirmedQuantity unitCode="token">0.0</MyConfirmedQuantity>
                    <MyNetAmount currencyCode="token">0.0</MyNetAmount>
    Thank you all for your attention.
    Best regards.
    Jacques-Antoine Ollier

    Hello Jacques-Antoine,
    I suppose that as you have tried to construct a map from the schema, you have taken the elements from the List level down. In this case I also can't export the map.
    But if you take the elements from the level MySalesOrderUploaded down, you'll get the exportable map (screenshots)
    Best regards,
    Leonid Granatstein

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    Please guide me.

    What kind of condition you want to use?
    You can use Condition like this:
    <?xdofx:if condition then value1
    else if condition then Value2
    else Value3
    end if?>
    Please go thru XML Publisher User Guide.
    [email protected]

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                   I am having adoubt how to use IF conditon with multiple variables in SAp Scripts
    for ex If a>b and a>c and a>d
             Elseif b>a and b>c and b> d.
             Elseif .....
              How to use above example in SAP Scripts.

    hi Gopi,
    it is almost the same as normal ABAP, you only have to use & before and after the variable and the variable has to be in capitals and you have to make the line as command ( /: before the line )
    IF &A& > &B& AND ...
    text to print
    ELSEIF ...
    text to print
    hope this helps

  • How to use an if statement in javascript code

    I have a batch processing script to search for text "employee signature" on each page in a multiple page file and to then list in the console any pages that do not have the "Employee Signature" text included.
    The script is not yet functional as an if statement needs to be included.
    Can anyone please advise how to use an if statement in javascript code?
    var numpages = this.numPages;
    for (var i=0; i < numpages; i++)
    search.query("Employee Signature", "ActiveDoc");
    console.println('Pages that do not include an employee signature: ' + this.pageNum +' ');
    Any assistance will be most appreciated.

    Thank you very much for your assistance try.
    I have modified the code as suggested and the page numbers are now listing correctly, thank you, but....................,
    The console  lists every page as having an "employee signature" when there are pages in the document that do not have an employee signature.
    The code (revised as follows) is not processing the "getPageNthWord part of the statement" in the console report?
    Can you please advise where the code needs reworking?
    var ckWords; // word pair to test
    var bFound = false; // logical status of found words
    // loop through pages
    for (var i = 0; i < this.numPages; i++ ) {
       bFound = false; // set found flag to false
       numWords = this.getPageNumWords(i); // number of words on page
       // loop through the words on page
       for (var j = 0; j < numWords; j++) {
          // get word pair to test
          ckWords = this.getPageNthWord(i, j) + ' ' + this.getPageNthWord(i, j + 1); // test words
          // check to see if word pair is 'Employee' string is present
          if ( ckWord == "Employee") {
             bFound = true; // indicate found logical value
             console.println('Pages that includes an employee signature: ' + (i + 1) +' ');
             break; // no need to further test for this page
          } // end Employee Signature
       } // end word loop
       // test to see if words not found
       if(bFound == false) {
             console.println('Pages that do include an employee signature: ' + (i + 1) +' ');
        } // end not found on page  
    } // end page loop
    Thank you

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