How to use struts Logic tags in weblogic8.1

          i have used jakarta struts in JDeveloper there i used logic tags
          but the same i have to use in weblogic8.1 ,how should i use it
          i am new to weblogic platform
          it is very urgent

Hi harish,
          Procedure for using a Struts Tag Libraries in weblogic 8.1 :
          â€¢Copy the tag lib jar files under WEB-INF/lib ( if tag handler supplied as
          classes without package a jar file then we need to copy the classes
          under WEB_INF/classes.
          â€¢ Copy the tld files files under WEB-INF or create a directory under
          WEB-INF and copy tld files under this directory.
          â€¢ We need to give the information about the tag libraries in web.xml by
          adding the following lines to it as,
          To use tags in jsp file we need to add taglib directive as ,
          <%@ taglib uri="logic" prefix=“logic"%>
          <%@ taglib uri="html" prefix=“html"%>
          <%@ taglib uri="bean" prefix=“bean"%>
          Every tag can support zero or more number of attributes and a tag may or
          may not support body content
          Every Tag Library Uniquely identified by uri defined in web.xml.
          we can use the tags in jsp according to the tags and attributes which are defined in *.tld files.
          if we look at .tld files we can find several tags and its attributes.
          note :any jar files that are related to struts framework ,place under the lib directory of the webapplication.
          ----- Anilkumar kari

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    How can I evaluate if a collection is empty or not with struts logic tag?
    I tried with logic empty tag. but the tag evaluated if a collection is null or not.
    I would like to do like this below.
    List list = new ArrayList();
    <logic:XXXX name="someForm" property="list">
    The list size is 0.
    </logic>thanks in advance.

    U can use :
    <logic:present name="urform" property="urlist">
    to check "urlist" is empty or not

  • JSP - Nested Jakarta Struts Logic Tags

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    Can Jakarta Struts Logic tags be nested when coding JSP's
    <logic:iterate id="searchSizeTracker" name="searchSizeTracker" type="" scope="request">
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    <logic:lessEqual name='searchSizeTracker' property='page_no' value='<%searchActionForm.getMaxPage()%>'>
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    The above code sample seems to fail to get past the first <logic:greaterEqual tag even though the conditions are met. And the iterator just loops throught the rest of the SearchTrackerObjects.
    I'm not sure whether logic tags can be nested as shown???
    Thanks in advance.

    Yes you should be able to nest logic tags like that.
    However you seem to be wanting to limit the values that are iterated through using the greaterEqual and lessEqual tags.
    I would suggest you use the offset and length attributes on the logic:iterate tag:
    something like:
    <logic:iterate id="searchSizeTracker" name="searchSizeTracker" type="" scope="request" offset ="<%searchActionForm.getCurrentPage()%>" length="<%searchActionForm.getMaxPage() - searchActionForm.getCurrentPage()%>">Cheers,

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    Declare @FromDate Datetime
    Declare @ToDate Datetime
    Declare @SCCode nvarchar(30)
    select @FromDate = min(S0.Docdate) from dbo.OINM S0 where S0.Docdate >='[%0]'
    select @ToDate = max(S1.Docdate) from dbo.OINM s1 where S1.Docdate <='[%1]'
    --Rcpt from PRDN (Condition checked for Return component exclusion also)
    SELECT T2.U_STKNO as 'PRN No', T2.PostDate as Date,
    T2.DocNum AS 'WorkOrderNo',
    b.DocNum as 'Issue Doc No',
    ISNULL(d.DocNum,'') as 'Receipt Doc No',
    b.U_IssPSCName as 'SubContractor Name',
    T2.ItemCode as 'FG Item Code',
    T3.ItemName as 'FG Item Name',
    T2.PlannedQty as 'FG Planned Qty',
    T2.U_OD as 'OD',
    T2.U_ID as 'ID',
    T2.U_OD/25.4 as 'Inches',
    (T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2 as 'Width',
    0 as 'FG Pending Qty',
    0 as 'FG Receipt Qty',
    '' as 'Issue Item Code',
    '' as 'Issue Item Name',
    Sum(ISNULL(a.Quantity,0)) as 'Total Issue Quantity',
    0 as 'Issue Item - Return Quantity',
    '' as 'Return Doc No',
    SUM(ISNULL(a.U_IssPTotWeight,0)) as 'Total Issue Weight',
    SUM(ISNULL(c.U_Quantity,0)) as 'Total Receipt Weight'
    from OWOR T2 inner join WOR1 T4 on T2.DocEntry = T4.DocEntry
    INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T1.ItemCode = T4.ItemCode inner join OITM T3 on T3.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode
    LEFT join IGE1 a on T2.DocNum = a.BaseRef Inner JOIN OIGE b on a.DocEntry = b.DocEntry and T4.ItemCode not in (a.ItemCode)
    LEFT JOIN IGN1 c ON c.BaseRef = T2.DocNum and T2.ItemCode = c.ItemCode INNER JOIN OIGN d on c.DocEntry = d.DocEntry
    WHERE b.Series in('101','20') and T2.PostDate >= @FromDate and T2.PostDate <= @ToDate and b.U_IssPSCName = '[%2]'
    GROUP BY T2.U_STKNO, T2.PostDate, T2.DocNum, b.DocNum, d.DocNum, b.U_IssPSCName,T2.ItemCode,T3.ItemName,T2.PlannedQty,T2.U_OD,T2.U_ID, T2.U_OD/25.4,(T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2
    SELECT T2.U_STKNO as 'PRN No', T2.PostDate as Date,
    T2.DocNum AS 'WorkOrderNo',
    b.DocNum as 'Issue Doc No',
    ISNULL(d.DocNum,'') as 'Receipt Doc No',
    b.U_IssPSCName as 'SubContractor Name',
    T2.ItemCode as 'Item Code',
    T3.ItemName as 'Item Name',
    T2.PlannedQty as 'Planned Qty',
    T2.U_OD as 'OD',
    T2.U_ID as 'ID',
    T2.U_OD/25.4 as 'Inches',
    (T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2 as 'Width',
    (Select (T2.PlannedQty - (Select ISNULL(sum(a1.Quantity),0) from IGN1 a1 inner join OWOR b1 on a1.BaseRef = b1.DocNum and a1.ItemCode in (b1.itemcode) where b1.DocNum = t2.DocNum))) as 'Pending Qty',
    (Select ISNULL(sum(a1.Quantity),0) from IGN1 a1 inner join OWOR b1 on a1.BaseRef = b1.DocNum and a1.ItemCode in (b1.itemcode) where b1.DocNum = t2.DocNum) as 'Receipt Qty',
    a.ItemCode as 'Issued Item Code',
    a.Dscription as 'Issued Item Name',
    Sum(ISNULL(a.Quantity,0)) as 'Total Issue Quantity',
    (Select (Select ISNULL(sum(a1.Quantity),0) from IGN1 a1 inner join OWOR b1 on a1.BaseRef = b1.DocNum inner join WOR1 b2 on b1.DocEntry = b2.DocEntry where b1.DocNum = t2.DocNum and a1.ItemCode in (b2.itemcode))) as 'Issue Item - Return Quantity',
    (ISNULL((Select (Select a2.DocNum from OIGN a2 where a2.DocEntry = a1.DocEntry) from IGN1 a1 inner join OWOR b1 on a1.BaseRef = b1.DocNum inner join WOR1 b2 on b1.DocEntry = b2.DocEntry where b1.DocNum = t2.DocNum and a1.ItemCode in (b2.itemcode)),'')) as 'Return Doc No',
    SUM(ISNULL(a.U_IssPTotWeight,0)) as 'Total Issue Weight',
    SUM(ISNULL(c.U_Quantity,0)) as 'Total Receipt Weight'
    from OWOR T2 inner join WOR1 T4 on T2.DocEntry = T4.DocEntry
    INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T1.ItemCode = T4.ItemCode inner join OITM T3 on T3.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode
    LEFT join IGE1 a on T2.DocNum = a.BaseRef Inner JOIN OIGE b on a.DocEntry = b.DocEntry and T4.ItemCode in (a.ItemCode)
    LEFT JOIN IGN1 c ON c.BaseRef = T2.DocNum and T2.ItemCode = c.ItemCode LEFT JOIN OIGN d on c.DocEntry = d.DocEntry 
    WHERE b.Series in('101','20') and T2.PostDate >= @FromDate and T2.PostDate <= @ToDate and b.U_IssPSCName = '[%2]'
    GROUP BY T2.U_STKNO, T2.PostDate, T2.DocNum, b.DocNum, d.DocNum, b.U_IssPSCName,T2.ItemCode,T3.ItemName,T2.PlannedQty,T2.U_OD,T2.U_ID,T2.U_OD/25.4,(T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2,a.ItemCode,a.Dscription    order by T2.DocNum desc

    Try this:
    Declare @FromDate Datetime
    Declare @ToDate Datetime
    Declare @SCCode nvarchar(30)
    select @FromDate = min(S0.Docdate) from dbo.OINM S0 where S0.Docdate >='[%0]'
    select @ToDate = max(S1.Docdate) from dbo.OINM s1 where S1.Docdate <='[%1]'
    --Rcpt from PRDN (Condition checked for Return component exclusion also)
    SELECT T2.U_STKNO as 'PRN No', T2.PostDate as Date,
    T2.DocNum AS 'WorkOrderNo',
    b.DocNum as 'Issue Doc No',
    ISNULL(d.DocNum,'') as 'Receipt Doc No',
    b.U_IssPSCName as 'SubContractor Name',
    T2.ItemCode as 'FG Item Code',T3.ItemName as 'FG Item Name',T2.PlannedQty as 'FG Planned Qty',T2.U_OD as 'OD',T2.U_ID as 'ID',T2.U_OD/25.4 as 'Inches',(T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2 as 'Width',case when ((T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2) <30 then ((T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2) *0.3 end, 0 as 'FG Pending Qty',0 as 'FG Receipt Qty','' as 'Issue Item Code','' as 'Issue Item Name',Sum(ISNULL(a.Quantity,0)) as 'Total Issue Quantity',0 as 'Issue Item - Return Quantity','' as 'Return Doc No',SUM(ISNULL(a.U_IssPTotWeight,0)) as 'Total Issue Weight',SUM(ISNULL(c.U_Quantity,0)) as 'Total Receipt Weight'from OWOR T2 inner join WOR1 T4 on T2.DocEntry = T4.DocEntryINNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T1.ItemCode = T4.ItemCode inner join OITM T3 on T3.ItemCode = T2.ItemCodeLEFT join IGE1 a on T2.DocNum = a.BaseRef Inner JOIN OIGE b on a.DocEntry = b.DocEntry and T4.ItemCode not in (a.ItemCode)LEFT JOIN IGN1 c ON c.BaseRef = T2.DocNum and T2.ItemCode = c.ItemCode INNER JOIN OIGN d on c.DocEntry = d.DocEntryWHERE b.Series in('101','20') and T2.PostDate >= @FromDate and T2.PostDate <= @ToDate and b.U_IssPSCName = '[%2]'GROUP BY T2.U_STKNO, T2.PostDate, T2.DocNum, b.DocNum, d.DocNum, b.U_IssPSCName,T2.ItemCode,T3.ItemName,T2.PlannedQty,T2.U_OD,T2.U_ID, T2.U_OD/25.4,(T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2UNION ALL SELECT T2.U_STKNO as 'PRN No', T2.PostDate as Date,T2.DocNum AS 'WorkOrderNo',
    b.DocNum as 'Issue Doc No',
    ISNULL(d.DocNum,'') as 'Receipt Doc No',
    b.U_IssPSCName as 'SubContractor Name',
    T2.ItemCode as 'Item Code',T3.ItemName as 'Item Name',T2.PlannedQty as 'Planned Qty',T2.U_OD as 'OD',T2.U_ID as 'ID',T2.U_OD/25.4 as 'Inches',(T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2 as 'Width',case when ((T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2) >=30 then ((T2.U_OD-T2.U_ID)/2) *0.37 end, (Select (T2.PlannedQty - (Select ISNULL(sum(a1.Quantity),0) from IGN1 a1 inner join OWOR b1 on a1.BaseRef = b1.DocNum and a1.ItemCode in (b1.itemcode) where b1.DocNum = t2.DocNum))) as 'Pending Qty',(Select ISNULL(sum(a1.Quantity),0) from IGN1 a1 inner join OWOR b1 on a1.BaseRef = b1.DocNum and a1.ItemCode in (b1.itemcode) where b1.DocNum = t2.DocNum) as 'Receipt Qty',
    a.ItemCode as 'Issued Item Code',
    a.Dscription as 'Issued Item Name',
    Sum(ISNULL(a.Quantity,0)) as 'Total Issue Quantity',
    (Select (Select ISNULL(sum(a1.Quantity),0) from IGN1 a1 inner join OWOR b1 on a1.BaseRef = b1.DocNum inner join WOR1 b2 on b1.DocEntry = b2.DocEntry
    where b1.DocNum = t2.DocNum and a1.ItemCode in (b2.itemcode))) as 'Issue Item - Return Quantity',
    (ISNULL((Select (Select a2.DocNum from OIGN a2 where a2.DocEntry = a1.DocEntry) from IGN1 a1 inner join OWOR b1 on a1.BaseRef = b1.DocNum inner join WOR1 b2 on b1.DocEntry = b2.DocEntry where b1.DocNum = t2.DocNum and a1.ItemCode in (b2.itemcode)),'')) as 'Return Doc No',
    SUM(ISNULL(a.U_IssPTotWeight,0)) as 'Total Issue Weight',
    SUM(ISNULL(c.U_Quantity,0)) as 'Total Receipt Weight'
    from OWOR T2 inner join WOR1 T4 on T2.DocEntry = T4.DocEntry
    INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T1.ItemCode = T4.ItemCode inner join OITM T3 on T3.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode
    LEFT join IGE1 a on T2.DocNum = a.BaseRef Inner JOIN OIGE b on a.DocEntry = b.DocEntry and T4.ItemCode in (a.ItemCode)
    LEFT JOIN IGN1 c ON c.BaseRef = T2.DocNum and T2.ItemCode = c.ItemCode LEFT JOIN OIGN d on c.DocEntry = d.DocEntry
    WHERE b.Series in('101','20') and T2.PostDate >= @FromDate and T2.PostDate <= @ToDate and b.U_IssPSCName = '[%2]'
    GROUP BY T2.U_STKNO, T2.PostDate, T2.DocNum, b.DocNum, d.DocNum, b.U_IssPSCName,T2.ItemCode,T3.ItemName,
    order by T2.DocNum desc
    Thanks & Regards,

  • How to use the Wire-Tag in Cairngorm 3 Observer Library?

    Dear Observer-Lib coders,
    Maybe I am posting my issue into the wrong forum, see this thread:
    I'd like to know how to use the Wire-Tag mentioned in the Observer-Lib docu, see:
    Please let me know if there is anybody who knows how to use
    this Wire-tag. A small code example would be great, too!
    Thank you,

    Ok ... I solved it!
    see this thread:

  • How to use the HTML tags in the reports.

    can any one tell me how to use the HTML tags in the reports.
    i m using the forms 10 g rel 2 and reports 10 g rel 2 and application server 10g rel 2.

    Set the Contains HTML Tags property of an object to Yes, then the tags in the object's text (if any) will be used to format the object.

  • How to use h:selectOneRadio tag  inside h:dataTable tag

    Hi All,
    Can any one tell me how to use <h:selectOneRadio> tag inside <h:dataTable> tag and how to get selected radio button value in bean ?

    JSF<h:selectOneMenu value="#{myBean.selectedItem}">
        <f:selectItems value="#{myBean.selectItems}" />
    </h:selectOneMenu>MyBeanprivate String selectedItem;
    public String getSelectedItem() {
        return selectedItem;
    public void setSelectedItem(String selectedItem) {
        this.selectedItem = selectedItem;
    public List getSelectItems() {
        List selectItems = new ArrayList();
        selectItems.add(new SelectItem("key1", "value1"));
        selectItems.add(new SelectItem("key2", "value2"));
        selectItems.add(new SelectItem("key3", "value3"));
        return selectItems;
    }String selectedItem should contain the key (key1, key2 or key3) when selected. The values (value1, value2 and value3) are the options as shown in the list.

  • Using Strut Logic Iterate tag in JavaScript

    Has anyone tried this or experienced this problem.
    I have JSP pages with JavaScript imbedded. Not my web page but an out of the box portal we bought from a vendor. The JavaScript uses the Logic Iterate Strut tag but gives an error in Nitro:
    "feature is not resolved" on the lines where getLink() and getID() are called. I have put the code in other editors and it does not give me any error. Does any one have a clue to why this error occurs or is this something that NitroX can not handle?
    Zim 8)
    Some of Code:
    function selectFolder(folderName,doExpandPath)
                        if (typeof(doExpandPath) == 'undefined')
                             doExpandPath = true;
                        var form = document.forms['TreeForm'];
                        // unselect old one
                        var cell = document.getElementById(selectedId);
                        if (null != cell)
                             cell.className = '';
                        // select new one
                        if ('/' == folderName.charAt(folderName.length-1))
                             folderName = folderName.substring(0,folderName.length-1);
                        var targetCellId = 'cellLabel./Documents'+folderName;
                        var isContentFolderBrowser = true;
                        try {
                             var sideBarSelected = top.frames['main'].window.sideBarSelected;
                             isContentFolderBrowser = '/' == sideBarSelected;
                             if (!isContentFolderBrowser) {
                             <logic:iterate id="feature" name="userinfobean" property="sideBarFeatures"
                                       if (sideBarSelected == '<%= feature.getLink()%>' )
                                            targetCellId = 'cellLabel./<%= feature.getID()%>';
                        } catch (e) {
                        cell = document.getElementById(targetCellId);

    May I ask why have you done it?
    If it is related to printing of the list then it is of no use.But it IS of use. The objects compEmployees is in scope.
    It has the list we want to print out.
    With logic:iterate:
         <logic:iterate name="compEmployees" property="totalEmps" id="emp">
                  <bean:write name="emp" property="empNo"/>
                  <bean:write name="emp" property="empName"/>
    </table>or alternatively with JSTL and c:forEach
         <c:forEach items="${compEmployees.totalEmps}" var="emp">
                  <c:out value="${emp.empNo}"/>
                  <c:out value="${emp.empName}"/>

  • How to use data-sources tag in struts-config.xml

    hi all,
    I am doing programs in sturts. My program purpose is to retrieve data from the database.My database is MySql. I know that we can write connection code in Action Class, it is ok for some less prog's if i want to use the sane connection code in more Action Classes it is vasting time and so.
    So i want to use <data-sources> tag that is available in struts-config.xml. I know that thre is tag with this name, but the problem is i don't know how to use this tag. If any budy know how to use this please tell me the syntax or any example.
    plese... reply soon..

    hi all,
    I am doing programs in sturts. My program
    My program purpose is to retrieve data from the
    database.My database is MySql. I know that we can
    write connection code in Action Class, it is ok for
    some less prog's if i want to use the sane connection
    code in more Action Classes it is vasting time and
    so.I don't think it's a good idea to put database code in Action classes. (That's one of the biggest drawbacks of Struts - it's completely tied to Actions, HTTP, and the Web.) Better to move that code into plain old Java objects and let the Actions call them.
    You'll be able to test them without the container or Struts, and you'll be able to reuse those objects in other, non-Web contexts.
    So i want to use <data-sources> tag that is available
    in struts-config.xml. I know that thre is tag withThis is the wrong place to configure a connection pool, too. Struts should have nothing to do with it. What if you change Web frameworks to WebWork or Spring? The connection pool should be configured in the container that hosts your app, not Struts.
    this name, but the problem is i don't know how to use
    this tag. If any budy know how to use this please
    tell me the syntax or any example.
    plese... reply soon..Don't do it. Think about doing it in your container, not Struts.

  • Struts--logic:tag-----------help required---urgent....

    Hi All,
    I have a JSP that has the following code
    <%@ page import='java.util.List' %>
    <%@ page import='java.util.Iterator' %>
    <%@ page import='com.stgil.pos.personal.quickQuote.model.QuoteModel' %>
    <%@ page import='com.stgil.pos.personal.quickQuote.model.QuoteRateMasterModel' %>
         List masterList = (List)session.getAttribute("MASTERLIST");
         QuoteModel quoteModel = (QuoteModel) session.getAttribute("QUOTEMODEL");
    <FORM action="">
    <TABLE border="1">
                   <TD><bean:message key="" /></TD>
                   <TD><%=quoteModel.getQuoteNo()%> / <%=quoteModel.getQuoteRenewNo()%></TD>
                   <TD><bean:message key="QQ001.insured" /></TD>
                   <TD><bean:message key="" /></TD>
                   <TD><bean:message key="" /></TD>
                   <TD><bean:message key="QQ001.term" /></TD>
    Click on the submit button to rate for successful programs. Or Click
    on the Review button against the program name to make necessary the
    required corrections.<BR>
    Rating for multiple programs may take time.
    <TABLE border="1" width="804">
                   <TH><bean:message key="QQ001.program" /></TH>
                   <TH><bean:message key="QQ001.edit.check.status</TH>
                   <TH width="161"><bean:message key="QQ001.rate</TH>
         Iterator it = masterList.iterator();
              QuoteRateMasterModel quoteRateMasterModel =(QuoteRateMasterModel );
                   <TD><% if(quoteRateMasterModel.getStatus().equals("E")) { %>
                                  <div align="left"> <span style='font-family:Wingdings;mso-ascii-font-family:
                                  "Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-char-type:symbol;
                                  mso-symbol-font-family:Wingdings'><span style='mso-char-type:symbol;mso-symbol-font-family:
                                  Wingdings'>&uuml;</span></span> </div>
                   <% } else if(quoteRateMasterModel.getStatus().equals("N")) { %>
                                  <div align="left"> <span style='font-family:Wingdings;mso-ascii-font-family:
                                  "Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-char-type:symbol;
                                  mso-symbol-font-family:Wingdings'><span style='mso-char-type:symbol;mso-symbol-font-family:
                                  Wingdings'><font color="#FF0000">&ucirc;</font></span></span> </div>
                   <% } %>
                        <input TYPE=CHECKBOX name="chkEditFlag" value='<%=quoteRateMasterModel.getSubLineCode() %>' CHECKED>
                        <% if(quoteRateMasterModel.getStatus().equals("E")) { %>
                        <% } else if (quoteRateMasterModel.getStatus().equals("N")){ %>
                                  Review <img src="../../Images/pencil.gif" width="14" height="14"/>
                   <% } %>
              <% } %>
         <DIV align="center"><INPUT type="submit" name="btnBack" value="Back"> <INPUT type="submit" name="btnSubmit" value="Submit"></DIV>
    and in my action class i have
    I have to change the JSP using struts tags ......
    also depending on the chechkec value of the checkbox i have to get those records back in my action class---something like this----
                   requestArray = request.getParameterValues("chkEditFlag");
    for each checked value i have to perform some action in the action class.....
    can somebody help
    thanks in advance

    Hi Kamal, Thank you so much for ur response.
    I am herewith writing in detail the flow of my program. The fetching of 50000 rows from the remote database is not consuming time, because i hit the database only once and fetch all the records in an array cursor and do the actual processing in a for loop at my end. Only the 'for loop' is consuming so much time. Please tell me if there is any other way the 'for loop' time can be reduced.
    program flow
    consider the table name as (T1) in another database with 50000 records and the table name as (T2) in my end with 1000 records
    <Cursor Declaration>
    <Array Cursor Fetch from table(T1) containing 50000 records from another database. I Hit once and fetch all the records in the array cursor)>
    :value1,-------------------Array Cursor
    count=sqlca.sqlerrd[2]; (Here i take the count of records)
    for (i=0;i<count;i++)-------------------------> here count value is 50000
         for (j=0;j<count1;j++)---------(count1 is the count of records in my side
    table(T2)---here the count is 1000.)
    } /* Here i close while loop */
         here i use my logic to do name match. here i match the name field in T1 with the name field in T2 using some logic and if a match occurs i display it in the report. the matching logic is defined by the organization and cannot be changed.
         for address match i have to hit another table at my end containing address field and match with the address field in T1 and if a match occurs i display it in the report..
    this is the logic i am using. The for loop is executing 50000000 times which is time consuming. is there any other way to achive this. Expecting your reply....thanks in advance.

  • How to use a Logical Database in Function Module.

    Hi Experts,
    I want to use a logical database in a Function Module to fetch data from a standard SAP table into a Internal table for certain filter conditions.
    How can I get get this done????
    I called LDB_PROCESS FM in my FM, but I could not figure out how to store the extract in my IT table since we cant use GET in FM.
    Please provide me a sample code if possible.
    Thanks in Advance,

    i had an example program like this ,in this i want to get the data using pnp logical database with 5 fields in an interface program.
    data: begin of it_final occurs 0,
            pernr like pa0002-pernr,
            vorna like pa0002-vorna,
            nachn like pa0002-nachn,
           usrid like pa0105-usrid,
           usrid_long like pa0105-usrid_long,
           end of it_final.
    get pernr.
      clear : p0000,p0002,p0105.
      rp-provide-from-last p0000 space p_date p_date.
      if p0000-stat2 = '3'.
        v_pernr = pnppernr-low.
    *---Get employee pernr, First name ,Last name into final table
      rp-provide-from-last p0002 space p_date p_date.
      if pnp-sw-found = '1'.
       it_final-pernr = p0002-pernr.
       it_final-vorna = p0002-vorna.
       it_final-nachn = p0002-nachn.
    *---Error message if not infotype 0002 maintained
      T_ERROR-PERNR   = pnppernr-low.
    **--Get SYSTEM USERNAME to final table
      rp-provide-from-last p0105 0001 p_date p_date.
      if pnp-sw-found = '1'.
        it_final-usrid = p0105-usrid.
    *---Error message if not SYSTEM USERNAME maintained
        T_ERROR-PERNR   = pnppernr-low.
        CONCATENATE TEXT-003 '0105'
        CLEAR T_ERROR.
    **--Get Email ID to final table
      rp-provide-from-last p0105 0010 p_date p_date.
      if pnp-sw-found = '1'.
        it_final-usrid_long = p0105-usrid_long.
    *---Error message if not Email ID maintained
        T_ERROR-PERNR   = pnppernr-low.
        CONCATENATE TEXT-004 '0105'
        CLEAR T_ERROR.
       append it_final.
        clear it_final.
    reward points if useful,

  • How to use a logical database's selection screen elements

    Hi all,
    I have used the logical db, pnp, in my report, however when I want to select data about a personel , ie. her name surname plans-positions, how will I join the two tables pa0001 and logical db? and the table t528t - text for plans?

    Hi Deniz,
    First of all give Logical database PNP in program attributes(Goto->Attributes).
    In program write the following code.
    Infotypes : 0000,
    get pernr.
    rp-provide-from-last p0000 space pn-begda pn-endda.
    if pnp-sw-found =  '1'.
    w_itab-pernr = p0001-pernr.
    rp-provide-from-last p0001 space pn-begda pn-endda.
    if pnp-sw-found =  '1'.
    w_itab-vorna = p0001-plans.--->position
    rp-provide-from-last p0002 space pn-begda pn-endda.
    if pnp-sw-found =  '1'.
    w_itab-vorna = p0002-vorna. -
    >first name
    w_itab-nachn = p0001-nachn.--->last name
    append w_itab to t_itab.
    Dont forget to reward points if found useful.

  • How to use OWN logical database

    Hi all,
    hope somebody can help me.
    I copied a standard logical database (FPMF). The program which I use and have modified is also copied from standard.
    How can I assure that the program use MY logical database instead of the SAP-One?
    In my case I have some get statements. And these get statements all refer to FPMF and not to my copied database.
    Do anybody what's the probelm?

    Yes, I know. And I am not happy with this solution.
    But I didn't see another way for my issue.
    Thank you very much.

  • How to use ugm:getGroupNamesForUser tag in jsp

    when I use the tag in jsp ,run in server,the console write"weblogic.servlet cannot be resolved or is not a field <p><ugm:getGroupNamesForUser username="weblogic" id="weblogic"/>"
    I don't how to use it,please tell me,thank you!

    I'm not sure why you are getting the console message, but here is how you might use the tag. This will simply print out the list of immediate groups (not parent groups) to which user "weblogic" is a member.
    &lt;%@ taglib uri="" prefix="ugm" %&gt;
    &lt;%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %&gt;
    &lt;ugm:getGroupNamesForUser username="weblogic" id="groupNames"/&gt;
    &lt;c:forEach items="${groupNames}" var="groupName"&gt;
    bq. &lt;c:out value="${groupName}"/&gt;

  • How to use JSP custom tag lib in PAR file?

    Hi All,
    I am trying to customize mastheaderpar file. For that I have downloaded relevant par file and making the changes accordingly.
    As part of the changes I would require to use JSP custom tag library in my par file.
    I have the TLD file and relevant classes in the jar file. I would like to know where and what kind of modifications have to be done to use the jsp custom tag library.
    I tried modifying some things in portalapp.xml but was not successful.
    Please help me on how to proceed with this? It would be great if you can provide the xml entry to use this tag library

    Hi Johny,
    Thanks for the reply. Actually I am able to change colors etc. with out any problem.
    My requirement is to use XMLTaglib in mastheader par file. This tag lib is from apache tomcat. I have the relevant TLD and class files. I copied TLD file into taglib dir of portal-inf and class file in src api.
    And I have added the following line in portalapp.xml under component-profile section of default
    <property name="tlxtag" value="/SERVICE/Newmastheader/taglib/taglibs-xtags.tld">
    Is this the right way to use tag lib? Actually before adding this line I used to get the error saying "Error parsing taglib", but now the error does not occur and I am getting new error. This is an exception in one of the taglib classes.
    Could any one provide me some inputs on how to check this error?

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