How to validate all hyperlinks, including links in pdf files?

Dreamweaver's link checker only checks links in html files. Is there's a Dreamweaver plug in I could use to check links (all kinds of links) in pdf files on my site?  I haven't been able to find one and would appreciate suggestions. Thanks.

Not a DW extension but look at Xenu's Link Sleuth.
Nancy O.

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  • How to remove all hyperlinks at once?

    Hi guys,
    I want to know how to remove all hyperlinks in a text at once. I know how to remove one link at a time. But it's time consuming if you paste a text with a lot of hyperlinks.

    Duplicate your document for safe then drag and drop the icon of the copy of the icon of this script saved as an application.
    --[SCRIPT remove links]{code}
    Enregistrer le script en tant qu'Application ou Progiciel : remove
    Déposez le sur le bureau par exemple.
    Glisser-déposer l'icône d'un document Pages sur celle du script
    va éliminer tous les Hyperliens et signets prédsents dans le document.
    On peut également qlisser déposer un fichier index.xml.
    Save the script as an Application or an Application Bundle: remove
    Store it on the desktop for instance.
    Drag and drop the icon of a Pages document on the script's icon
    to remove the Hyperlinks and Bookmarks embedded in the document.
    We may also drag & drop an index.xml file.
    Yvan KOENIG (Vallauris, FRANCE)
    16 février 2009
    enhanced 17 février 2009
    property removeBookmarks : true
    true = remove the bookmarks
    false = don't remove the bookmarks *)
    property removeLinks : true
    true = remove the Links
    false = don't remove the Links *)
    property liste : {}
    on open (sel)
    set theDoc to (item 1 of sel) as text
    tell application "System Events" to tell disk item theDoc
    set nn to name
    set uti to type identifier
    set isPackage to package folder
    end tell
    if nn is "index.xml" then
    my traiteIndex(theDoc)
    else if uti is not in {"", ""} then
    error "Not a Pages document !"
    else if isPackage then
    -- here the document is a package
    if theDoc ends with ":" then set theDoc to text 1 thru -2 of theDoc
    tell application "Finder"
    set the_index to (theDoc & ":index.xml")
    set indexGzAvailable to exists file (the_index & ".gz")
    set indexAvailable to exists file the_index
    end tell -- Finder
    if indexGzAvailable then
    if indexAvailable then tell application "Finder" to delete file the_index
    my expandIndex(the_index & ".gz")
    my traiteIndex(the_index)
    if indexAvailable then
    my traiteIndex(the_index)
    error "No Index available !"
    end if
    end if -- indexGzAvailable
    -- here the document is a flat one
    tell application "Finder"
    set cont to (container of file theDoc) as text
    set name of file theDoc to (nn & ".zip")
    end tell -- Finder
    set theDocZ to cont & nn & ".zip"
    my expandDoc(theDocZ, theDoc)
    tell application "Finder"
    set name of file theDoc to (nn & "yk")
    set theDocF to cont & nn & "yk"
    set the_index to (theDocF & ":index.xml")
    set indexAvailable to exists file the_index
    end tell -- Finder
    if indexAvailable then my traiteIndex(the_index)
    end if -- nn …
    end open
    on traiteIndex(theIndex)
    local theKey1, theKey2, theKey3, theKey4, theKey5, itm, itm1, itm2, itm2
    my nettoie()
    (* Lis le contenu du fichier Index.xml *)
    set texte to read file theIndex from 1
    if removeBookmarks then
    (* supprime les descripteurs de signets *)
    set theKey1 to "<sf:bookmark sf:name"
    set theKey2 to "</sf:bookmark>"
    if texte contains theKey1 then
    set my liste to my decoupe(texte, theKey1)
    repeat with i from 2 to count of my liste
    set itm to my decoupe(item i of my liste, theKey2)
    set itm1 to item 1 of itm
    set itm1 to text (1 + (offset of ">" in itm1)) thru -1 of itm1
    set itm2 to my recolle(items 2 thru -1 of itm, theKey2)
    set item i of my liste to (itm1 & itm2)
    end repeat -- i
    set texte to my recolle(my liste, "")
    end if
    end if -- removeBookmarks
    Here are samples of Hyperlinks in the index.xml file
    --link to bookmark
    <sf:p sf:style="paragraph-style-32">
    <sf:bookmark sf:name="page 3" sf:ranged="true" sf:page="3">
    page 3
    --link to URL
    <sf:p sf:style="paragraph-style-32">
    <sf:link href=";tstart=0" sf:style="SFWPCharacterStyle-7">
    <sf:span sf:style="SFWPCharacterStyle-7">
    Change cell color if number is different from previous cell
    --link to an other Pages document
    <sf:p sf:style="paragraph-style-32">
    <sf:link href="pages:///Users/yvan_koenig/Documents/Sans%20titre%20-%20copie.pages#un%20 signet%20externe">
    <sf:file-alias sf:file-alias="0000000001ae000200010c4d6163696e746f7368204844000000000000000000 000000000000c45c8cef482b00000008a77c1853616e73207469747265202d20636f7069652e7061 67657300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000360f06c5c03419000000000000000000010002000009200000000000000000000000000000 0009446f63756d656e747300001000080000c45c70cf0000001100080000c5c0260900000001000c 0008a77c0008a76f00006bdf000200414d6163696e746f73682048443a55736572733a7976616e5f 6b6f656e69673a446f63756d656e74733a53616e73207469747265202d20636f7069652e70616765 7300000e0032001800530061006e00730020007400690074007200650020002d00200063006f0070 00690065002e00700061006700650073000f001a000c004d006100630069006e0074006f00730068 0020004800440012003455736572732f7976616e5f6b6f656e69672f446f63756d656e74732f5361 6e73207469747265202d20636f7069652e7061676573001300012f00001500020012ffff0000"/>
    <sf:span sf:style="SFWPCharacterStyle-7">
    vers autre document
    if removeLinks then
    (* supprime les descripteurs de liens *)
    set theKey1 to "<sf:link href="
    set theKey3 to "<sf:span sf:style="
    set theKey4 to "</sf:link>"
    set theKey5 to "</sf:span>"
    if texte contains theKey1 then
    set my liste to my decoupe(texte, theKey1)
    repeat with i from 2 to count of my liste
    set itm to my decoupe(item i of my liste, theKey4)
    set itm1 to item 2 of my decoupe(item 1 of itm, theKey3)
    set itm1 to text (1 + (offset of ">" in itm1)) thru -1 of itm1
    set itm1 to item 1 of my decoupe(itm1, theKey5)
    set itm2 to my recolle(items 2 thru -1 of itm, theKey4)
    set item i of my liste to (itm1 & itm2)
    end repeat -- i
    set texte to my recolle(my liste, "")
    end if -- texte contains
    This piece of code takes care of a bug in the save as Pages '08 process.
    A link to an other document is not completely disabled so the 'disabled' link remains blue.
    The link is stored this way:
    <sf:p sf:style="paragraph-style-32">
    <sf:span sf:style="SFWPCharacterStyle-7">vers autre document</sf:span>
    when it would be:
    <sf:p sf:style="paragraph-style-32">
    vers autre document
    if texte contains theKey3 then
    set my liste to my decoupe(texte, theKey3)
    repeat with i from 2 to count of my liste
    set itm to my decoupe(item i of my liste, theKey5)
    set itm1 to item 1 of itm
    set itm1 to text (1 + (offset of ">" in itm1)) thru -1 of itm1
    set itm2 to my recolle(items 2 thru -1 of itm, theKey5)
    set item i of my liste to (itm1 & itm2)
    end repeat -- i
    set texte to my recolle(my liste, "")
    end if -- texte contains
    end if -- removeLinks
    set lineFeed to ASCII character 10
    if texte contains (lineFeed & lineFeed) then set texte to my recolle(my decoupe(texte, lineFeed & lineFeed), lineFeed)
    if texte contains (return & return) then set texte to my recolle(my decoupe(texte, return & return), return)
    set eof of file theIndex to 0
    write texte to file theIndex
    my nettoie()
    end traiteIndex
    on decoupe(t, d)
    local l
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
    set l to text items of t
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    return l
    end decoupe
    on recolle(l, d)
    local t
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
    set t to l as text
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    return t
    end recolle
    on nettoie()
    set liste to {}
    end nettoie
    (* Expands the zip file z in the container d, z and d are pathnames as strings *)
    on expandDoc(z, d)
    do shell script "unzip " & quoted form of (POSIX path of (z)) & " -d " & quoted form of (POSIX path of (d))
    end expandDoc
    on expandIndex(f)
    do shell script "gunzip " & quoted form of (POSIX path of (f))
    end expandIndex
    on lisIndex_xml(f)
    local t
    set t to ""
    set t to (read file f)
    end try
    return t
    end lisIndex_xml
    on compactIndex(nDoc)
    local aliasNDoc
    set aliasNDoc to nDoc as alias
    write leTexte to aliasNDoc starting at 0
    do shell script "gzip " & quoted form of POSIX path of aliasNDoc
    end compactIndex
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE samedi 14 mars 2009 20:55:42)

  • How to create link for pdf file in discoverer worksheet

    Hi All,
    I would like to create a link for pdf file into discoverer report (worksheet).
    So that i can open linked pdf file using worksheet link.
    Can any one tell me about this?

    I think the best way to do this is to use a database directory so that you can access your pdf file as a bfile. Then create a mod_plsql procedure that sets the mime type and downloads the pdf file. You then create a calculation in the EUL then returns the URL to your mod_plsql procedure. You can then include this calculation as a hyperlink in your worksheet.
    It is not as difficult as it sounds. Please let me know if you need anymore details.
    Rod West

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    In a pdf , If there is a text like "" ,even it's not a hyperlink,and there is not any action on the text,but it can be clicked.
    I have read the "Document management — Portable document format — Part 1:PDF 1.7", I find nothing about this text-link, Is this  a function of adobe reader ,or  is it required by the PDF format.
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    and I also want to knwon if is it required by the PDF format that the text url without any action (not a hyperlink )can be clicked?
    grateful for any help
    Best regards & Good luck

    and I also want to knwon if is it required by the PDF format that the text url without any action (not a hyperlink )can be clicked? 
    No. It is a feature of Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat.

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    You can print to PDF from the Print Module .
    Do you have Adobe Acrobat?
    Otherwise install (free) Bullzip Free PDF printer.

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    The file will keep inside server.
    Thank you.

    I need help how to create menu function for link to access file and allow user to save the file when click on it.
    The file will keep inside server.AFAIK, you have to write a custom code to achieve this and Oracle does not provide this functionality.
    If you want to store the file as an attachment, please see (How to Store Image/PDF Attachments on the File System in 11i and R12 (like Attachment File Directory) [ID 294525.1]).

  • How to embed the needed fonts in a pdf file

    Dear Sir/Mam,
    We had purchased licenced version of adobe acrobat x pro
    We are facing issues while embedding the font in the pdf file
    Please find the below mentioned requirement
    We have a pdf file (template) with some static images and static text in it
    We need to populate dynamic data in the pdf file for this we may use text boxes
    We need to set the font name for the text box and embed that font in the pdf template (Eg:Font to be used in textboxes is "RotisSansSerif-Bold")
    Please let us know how to embed the needed fonts in the pdf file?
    Once user exports the pdf file, even if user doesnot have the fonts installed in his system the text need to be displayed in the same fonts,how to acheive this?Eg:if we define "RotisSansSerif-Bold" as font in the textboxes,after exporting the data the text need to be in the same font.
    Fonts will only installed in the application server and not in the client system
    The mentioned requirement need to work on below mentioned specifications
    OS:Windiows-XP,  Browser:IE
    OS:Mac osx, Browser:Safari

    There is a similar post just a few away from yours. I will suggest what I would try. Open your job settings file (press or print preferred to get all fonts) and then select the properties and the font tab. At your font to the always embed list and you will likely need to uncheck the subset box. Then save your job settings (give it a name that is meaningful to you, you can not use the settings file you started with as they are read only and I do not recommend changing that). Maybe that will do the job. Of course that is for the creation of the PDF, I forgot you were talking about a form. You might check the form field properties, but I suspect you have already tried that. Guess I don't play with forms enough. Others may be by to answer.

  • Links in PDF files will be opened in a new browser window?

    Hi all,
    I'm opening PDF files in a browser. I'd really like links in PDF files will be opened in a new window as html. My browsers was configured to allow opening new pages in a new window (FireFox: Tools\Options\Tabs\ New pages should be opened in: New window ;IE 7: Tools\Internet Options\Tabs Settings\Open links from another programs in: A new window)
    Please tell me any additional step I have to done
    Thanks much
    Luong To

    Thank you Bob! We will try out tests again today.

  • Can we put a link to PDf file in MAM application ?

    Hi ALL,
    can we put a link to PDf file in MAM application ?

    Hi JO ..  satya  .. and everbdy,
    Apologies for not updating the Forum. I was travelling soemwhere , so couldnt get connected to internet.
    Regarding Topic,
    yes, you guys are correct , i dont have a PDF Viewer in my pocket pc , so PDf files wont open .
    So, i started testing -- opening pwd files in Pocket pc via MAM. but it is also not happening:(
    JO , i didnt get any kind of error when i tried to open to document via < href > in MAM .
    i also checked that document might have opened but it is not in Foreground . So, i went to memory and checked the opened programs/files . It wasnt there.

  • HT1040 I have an iphoto book saved as a PDF file, how do I order the book from the PDF file?

    AGGHHHH! I have just finished hours of work, making an album on iphoto. I finally finished placing about the 300th photo, all cropped, edited, etc etc. I wanted to check that all the photos were in, so I hit the "clear placed photos" button, thinking it would just leave me with any I'd missed, & instead it wiped my whole album!! Is there any way I can restore it? If not I did save it as a pdf file. How to I purchase the book using the pdf file?

    The way is to restore it is to restore your backup from before this happened - that is why you must have backups
    As to purchasing form a PDF - not from Apple - check for web wervices who claim to be able to  - google brings up sites like PrestoPrint - not recommended - not tested - simply found

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    Copy the content of PDF file in Adobe Reader and paset it to MS Word then create PDF file from the Word file.
    This may not work for all PDF files as some PDF files are not created correctly or some content cannot be copied.
    Acrobat XI Pro has features to extract/delete/crop pages in PDF files and you can download it from version- 30 days free). Or you can upgrade your subscription to Acrobat Plus and see more information at

  • Links to pdf files created in DW not working

    Linking a pdf file to an html page where the expectation is that clicking on the link will display the pdf file in the browser is common. A page that I created would not display my linked pdf files. Google searches suggest this is a common problem with perhaps a variety of causes.
    I found that the solution to my problem was to remove my "mark of the web" statement. When this <!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --> appeared on my web page, pdf links would not open in my browser; when I removed the "mark of the web," all worked fine.

    Personally I always download pdfs for offline reading.
    I do, too.
    As a courtesy, I always tell site visitors what they are clicking on and the file size.   If you want to force a download, you can zip the PDF file ahead of time, and post a link to the zip file.
    <a href="#">a (20kb)</a>
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Expand/Collapse all the Bookmarks in a PDF file

    This is my first message on the board :-)
    I work with very large PDF files (i.e 2000 pages, 700 bookmarks on 5 or 6 levels!) and I'm looking for a script (Acrobat 9 Pro) allowing to expand/collapse all the bookmarks in a PDF file.
    Thanks in advance for your valuable help,

    The Acrobat Javascript Scripting reference ( describes how to use scripting to access bookmarks and how to open and close them, which is what you're looking for.
    I suggest you read the reference and make a function that will do the job for you.
    That's the way I would do it.
    I don't think you can access the keyboard shortcuts "/" and "Shift + *" via scripting.

Maybe you are looking for