How to write a plugin for Creator2 EA2

I am currently using Creator 2 EA2. I want to develop a plugin (module) for Creator 2EA2. Where can I find such a tutorial?
If I can write my module on top of rave 2.0 for Creator?

Creator 2 does not directly support 3rd party module extensions. That said, Creator 2 is based on NetBeans 4.1, so you could experiment writing a NB4.1-compatible module and dropping it in to Creator (check for information on writing modules). If your module simply depends on the OpenAPIs and basic Netbeans features, you should be ok. On the other hand, if your module attempts to interact with other modules in Creator, you may experience unexpected results.

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    If you want to do in Transformation Layer :
    You can use routine ...break up the seconds into minute hour and seconds
    you will have to handle few cases in this:
    let say your variable lv_seconds holds the number of seconds you want to convert to hour min and seconds
    DATA: lv_seconds type i,
               lv_hrs  type  i,
              lv_sec type i,
              lv_min type i.
    lv_hrs = lv_seconds / 3600
    if lv_hrs >= 1.
    lv_min = (lv_hrs - trunc(lv_hrs))*60
    here again handle seconds if min >60.
    lv_hrs = '00'.
    lv_min = lv_hrs*60
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    Swing Tutorial:
    Since you don't know the basic of swing read the tutorial, it is for your own good because it is useless if we provide you with a code you don't even understand and how it works.
    If you want a menu read the tutorial about using menus and for opening a file read using JFileChooser.
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    2 Payments
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    2 Java
    APP_I Techid
    1 1
    2 1
    3 1
    4 2
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    1 Windows NT
    2 UNIX
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    2 1
    3 2
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       techgy t,
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    order by a.app_i
         APP_I DESCR                TECHDESC             PLTFRMDESC         
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             3 order transfer       cobal                unix               
             4 order processing     java                 unix               
    4 rows selected.

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    100001 Tinku Left 100002 100003 0
    100002 Harish Left 100004 100005 100001
    100003 Gorav Right 100006 100007 100001
    100004 Prince Left 100008 NULL 100002
    100005 Ajay Right NULL NULL 100002
    100006 Simran Left NULL NULL 100003
    100007 Raman Right NULL NULL 100003
    100008 Vijay Left NULL NULL 100004
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    2.  100004 and 100005
    3.  100006 and 100007
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    Suppose i have to count pair for id '100002'. Then there is only one pair under id '100002'. i.e 100004 and 100005

    Sounds like this to me
    DECLARE @ID int
    SET @ID = 100001--your passed value
    SELECT left_leg,right_leg
    FROM table
    WHERE (user_id = @ID
    OR parent_id = @ID)
    AND left_leg IS NOT NULL
    AND right_leg IS NOT NULL
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

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    Phenom7 wrote:
    Hi, I have few application I need to write documentation for. Im ok with the user and serwer technical stuff. But how to write proper documentation for source code? Any tutorial or howto?A pointer: be explicit and specific when writing Javadocs. If your method never returns null, make sure you say so. If it can't accept null as a parameter, be sure to say what the consequence will be if it happens (but it's OK to say the result is undefined!). A well-written method Javadoc will make users of any API you make a lot more happy, rather than keeping them guessing or making them inspect your source code.
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    Dear friends , My Company Requires a specific requiremnt that at the date of any Employee's
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    Best regards : rajneeesh

    I think you can make it with something like this:
    Write a PCR in schema, you can call the rule with "actio";
    000860 ACTIO 9BIR AR               Birthday
    Rule 9BIR
    9BIR Rule for Birthday
            NUM=FG C   Set                   " F (fixed indicator for deadline calculation); G (Birth date from infotype 0002);C (complete months)
            NUM/12     División              " Number of completed months divided by  12
            NUMV0O2L   Off.Lng en arg.var.   " the last two places of the number are entered in the variable argument.
                                " if the rest is not 00, there is nothing to do
              00                             " if the rest is 00
                ZERO= N    AmtNumRteZeit = 0 "
                AMT=  1002 Set               " wagetype of  salary
                AMT/TKDIVI División          " divides the amount by  Partial Period Parameter Whole Month
                ADDWTI1002 Input table       " accumulates into 1002
    Example: an employee with birthday 01.01.1977 in IT0002
    Payrroll in january 08
    wagetype 1002 before rule 9BIR:
    3 1002 Salario Bas01                           30,33  30,00              909,90
    Rule 9BIR
    NUM=FG C   Set; NUM= 372
    NUM/12        ; 372/12= 31 rest=00
    AMT=1002      ; AMT= 909,90
    AMT/TKDIVI    ; 909,90/31= 29,35
    ADDWTI1002    ; 909,90 + 29,35= 939,25
    wagetype 1002 before rule 9BIR:
    3 1002 Salario Bas01                           30,33  30,00              939,25
    Hope this helps. Manuel

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    hi mannev,
    to get an idea, search in SDN
    for example
    customer exit code
    with hopes,
    Raja Singh

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    Yes, we can.   
    I think the best place for you to start for this is the NI Developer Zone.  I recommend beginning with these tutorials I found by searching on "data log rio".  There were more than just these few that might be relevant to your project but I'll leave that for you to decide.
    NI Compact RIO Setup and Services ->
    Getting Started with CompactRIO - Logging Data to Disk  ->
    Getting Started with CompactRIO - Performing Basic Control ->
    These will probably give you links to more topics/tutorials/examples that can help you design and implement your target system.
    Wire Warrior
    Behold the power of LabVIEW as my army of Roomba minions streaks across the floor!

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          Good suggestions can be appreciated..

    Hi Ram,
    Generally the IDoc user exit is called at the following places:
      1) When the control record is read.
      2) After each and every segment in the data record
      3) At the end of the data segment processing.
    The IDoc user exit interface generally imports IDOC_DATA (data record internal table) table. Now the data records in the internal table should appear in the same order as maintained while defining IDoc structure (WE30 transaction). For SAP standard segment SAP code will take care of this. For extended segment you will have to take care of this aspect by appending the Z-segment in the IDOC_DATA table.
    You can do this by:
             looping at IDOC_DATA table:
                 - Do a case-endcase fo IDOC_DATA-SEGNAM (This stores the segment 
                   structure as per the hierarchy).
                 - Within the case for "Z-segment" you can write the logic for appending
                   the Z-segment to IDOC_DATA-SDATA.
    Hope this gives some clue.

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