How write integer into a byte[]

How to use dataoutputstream to write an integer to one byte[];

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  • How convert integer into string

    I need to convert answer3 from double into String
    answer3 = Double.parseDouble(dij3)/(1 + Math.pow(( Double.parseDouble(tesside_luas_i) / Double.parseDouble(tesside_luas_j) ),0.5847));

    Now the integer value is string but why i cannot get valur from my servlet to my web page
    package net.mybizaid.isodms.servlet;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import net.mybizaid.isodms.*;
    public class SPLDataInputServlet extends HttpServlet {
         public void doPost (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
         throws IOException, ServletException
    System.out.println( "******************** Calculation Servlet ******************" );
                   String dij     ;
                   String population_i ;
                   String population_j ;
                   String project_name = "";
                   String project_status = "";
                   double answer;
                   String handler = "";
                   String url                    = "";
                   double answer3;
                   String dij3 ="";
                   String tesside_luas_i ="";
                   String tesside_luas_j ="";
                   double answer2;
                   String dij2 ="";
                   String luas_i ="";
                   String luas_j ="";
                   String counter                    = "";
                   String i                                   = "";
                   handler                          = request.getParameter( "handler" );
                   dij                    = request.getParameter("dij");
                   population_i               = request.getParameter("population_i");
                   population_j               =     request.getParameter( "population_j");
                   project_name               =     request.getParameter( "project_name");
                   project_status               =     request.getParameter( "project_status");
                   dij2                    = request.getParameter("dij2");
                   luas_i               = request.getParameter("luas_i");
                   luas_j               =     request.getParameter( "luas_j");
                   dij3                    = request.getParameter("dij3");
                   tesside_luas_i               = request.getParameter("tesside_luas_i");
                   tesside_luas_j               =     request.getParameter( "tesside_luas_j");
                   HttpSession session = null;
                   session = request.getSession(true);
                   int cnt = counter != null && !counter.equals("") ? Integer.parseInt(counter) : 0;
                   int ii = i != null && !i.equals("") ? Integer.parseInt(i) : 0;
    if (handler != null && !handler.equals( "" ) && handler.equals( "cal3" ))
    System.out.println("The DIJ3 value is :"+dij3);
    System.out.println("The tesside_luas_i value is :"+tesside_luas_i);
    System.out.println("The tesside_luas_j value is :"+tesside_luas_j);
                        answer3 = Double.parseDouble(dij3)/(1 + Math.pow(( Double.parseDouble(tesside_luas_i) / Double.parseDouble(tesside_luas_j) ),0.5847));
                        String str = String.valueOf( answer3 );
    System.out.println("The answer value is :"+str);
                         url = "/jsp/model/tessideAnswer.jsp";
                         dispatchErrorMsg( request, response, url, "" );
              catch (Exception e)
                        request.setAttribute("pd.errorMessage", e.getMessage());
                        dispatchErrorMsg( request, response, "/jsp/Error.jsp", e.getMessage() );
    if (handler != null && !handler.equals( "" ) && handler.equals( "cal2" ))
    System.out.println("The DIJ2 value is :"+dij2);
    System.out.println("The luas_i value is :"+luas_i);
    System.out.println("The luas_j value is :"+luas_j);
                        answer2 = Double.parseDouble(dij2)/(1 + Math.sqrt(( Double.parseDouble(luas_i) / Double.parseDouble(luas_j) )));
    System.out.println("The answer value is :"+answer2);
                         url = "/jsp/model/potensiPasaranAnswer.jsp";
                         dispatchErrorMsg( request, response, url, "" );
              catch (Exception e)
                        request.setAttribute("pd.errorMessage", e.getMessage());
                        dispatchErrorMsg( request, response, "/jsp/Error.jsp", e.getMessage() );
         if (handler != null && !handler.equals( "" ) && handler.equals( "add" ))
                        System.out.println("The DIJ value is :"+dij);
                        System.out.println("The population_i value is :"+population_i);
                        System.out.println("The population_j value is :"+population_j);
                        answer = Double.parseDouble(dij)/(1 + Math.sqrt(( Double.parseDouble(population_i) / Double.parseDouble(population_j) )));
    System.out.println("The answer value is :"+answer);
                         url = "/jsp/model/reillyAnswer.jsp";
                         dispatchErrorMsg( request, response, url, "" );
              catch (Exception e)
                        request.setAttribute("pd.errorMessage", e.getMessage());
                        dispatchErrorMsg( request, response, "/jsp/Error.jsp", e.getMessage() );
         public void doGet (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
         throws IOException, ServletException
              doPost(request, response);
         }//end doGet
         public void dispatchErrorMsg(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res,
                                                           String target, String message)
                   RequestDispatcher dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(target);
                   dispatcher.forward(req, res);
              catch (Exception e)
                   System.err.println( e.getMessage() );
    }//end class

  • How to convert a integer into bytes!!!

    I am trying to pack the length of the data transamitted over a stream into 2 bytes (Each byte is a unsigned char in terms of 'C' language). When i am using the bytes in java any value greater than 127 is a negative number (I understand the very definition of 'byte' in java), my question is how to pack the length of the data the 'C' way still following Java rules??
    Example :: Length of the data is 168 say!
    the 2 bytes would be 0x00, 0x80 (the respective ascii values would be NULL, P) but with Java i get some thing different as we know??
    byte 1 = 00 and byte 2 = -88 ( i am not sure what would be the ascii equivalent of this??)
    Please help!

    For what it's worth:package ca.adaptor.util;
    * $Id:,v 1.6 2003/03/28 18:24:47 mike Exp $
    * Copyright (c) 2002 by Michael Coury
    *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    *  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
    *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
    * @author Michael Coury (mdc)
    * @created Sep 20, 2002
    * @version $Revision: 1.6 $, $Date: 2003/03/28 18:24:47 $
    public final class ByteUtil {
      private static final int  __NUM_BYTES_IN_LONG_   = 8;
      private static final int  __NUM_BYTES_IN_INT_    = 4;
      private static final int  __NUM_BYTES_IN_SHORT_  = 2;
      private static final int  __NUM_BITS_IN_BYTE_    = 8;
      private static final long __BYTE_MASK_           = 0xFF;
      private ByteUtil() {}
                ///// ENCODE /////
       * Converts a number to its binary equivalent and returns that as a byte array
      public static final byte[] toBytes(final long aNum) {
        final byte[] ret = new byte[__NUM_BYTES_IN_LONG_];
        for(int i = 0; i < __NUM_BYTES_IN_LONG_; i++)
          ret[i] = (byte) (aNum >>> ((__NUM_BYTES_IN_LONG_ - 1 - i) * __NUM_BITS_IN_BYTE_));
        return ret;
       * Converts a number to its binary equivalent and returns that as a byte array
      public static final byte[] toBytes(final int aNum) {
        final byte[] ret = new byte[__NUM_BYTES_IN_INT_];
        for(int i = 0; i < __NUM_BYTES_IN_INT_; i++)
          ret[i] = (byte) (aNum >>> ((__NUM_BYTES_IN_INT_ - 1 - i) * __NUM_BITS_IN_BYTE_));
        return ret;
       * Converts a number to its binary equivalent and returns that as a byte array
      public static final byte[] toBytes(final short aNum) {
        final byte[] ret = new byte[__NUM_BYTES_IN_SHORT_];
        for(int i = 0; i < __NUM_BYTES_IN_SHORT_; i++)
          ret[i] = (byte) (aNum >>> ((__NUM_BYTES_IN_SHORT_ - 1 - i) * __NUM_BITS_IN_BYTE_));
        return ret;
       * Converts a number to its binary equivalent and returns that as a byte array
      public static final byte[] toBytes(final double aNum) {
        return toBytes(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(aNum));
       * Converts a number to its binary equivalent and returns that as a byte array
      public static final byte[] toBytes(final float aNum) {
        return toBytes(Float.floatToRawIntBits(aNum));
                ///// DECODE /////
       * Converts a byte array representing a long back to a long
      public static final long toLong(final byte[] aNum) {
        try {
          long ret = 0L;
          for(int i = 0; i < __NUM_BYTES_IN_LONG_; i++) {
            ret += ((long) aNum[i] & __BYTE_MASK_) << ((__NUM_BYTES_IN_LONG_ - 1 - i) * __NUM_BITS_IN_BYTE_);
          return ret;
        catch(Exception e) {
          throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid number of bytes for long.  Found: " + aNum.length
                                          + " Required: " + __NUM_BYTES_IN_LONG_);
       * Converts a byte array representing an int back to an int
      public static final int toInt(final byte[] aNum) {
        try {
          int ret = 0;
          for(int i = 0; i < __NUM_BYTES_IN_INT_; i++)
            ret += (aNum[i] & __BYTE_MASK_) << ((__NUM_BYTES_IN_INT_ - 1 - i) * __NUM_BITS_IN_BYTE_);
          return ret;
        catch(Exception e) {
          throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid number of bytes for int.  Found: " + aNum.length
                                          + " Required: " + __NUM_BYTES_IN_INT_);
       * Converts a byte array representing a short back to a short
      public static final short toShort(final byte[] aNum) {
        try {
          short ret = 0;
          for(int i = 0; i < __NUM_BYTES_IN_SHORT_; i++)
            ret += (aNum[i] & __BYTE_MASK_) << ((__NUM_BYTES_IN_SHORT_ - 1 - i) * __NUM_BITS_IN_BYTE_);
          return ret;
        catch(Exception e) {
          throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid number of bytes for short.  Found: " + aNum.length
                                          + " Required: " + __NUM_BYTES_IN_SHORT_);
       * Converts a byte array representing a double back to a double
      public static final double toDouble(final byte[] aNum) {
        return Double.longBitsToDouble(toLong(aNum));
       * Converts a byte array representing a float back to a float
      public static final float toFloat(final byte[] aNum) {
        return Float.intBitsToFloat(toInt(aNum));
                ///// SHIFTING /////
      public static final byte shiftRightUnsigned(final byte b, final int shift) {
        return (shift > __NUM_BITS_IN_BYTE_) ? 0x00 : (byte) ((b & 0xFF) >>> shift);
      public static final byte shiftRight(final byte b, final int shift) {
        return (byte) (b >> shift);
      public static final byte shiftLeft(final byte b, final int shift) {
        return (shift > __NUM_BITS_IN_BYTE_) ? 0x00 : (byte) (b << shift);

  • How do i covert an image in J2ME into an byte array ?

    Can anyone help to show me the way to convert an image into a byte array ?
    Thanks early reply appreciated.

    Hi! I�m developing an application to be installed in two devices. My problem is that i want to send an image: I can receive it with createImage(InputStream ip), but how can i send it with OutputStream? it needs a byte array (method write), how can i convert an image into a byte array?is there any other solution? like send it as a string...

  • How can I load a pdf-file into a byte[]?

    I would like to load a PDF-File into a byte-Array. How can I do this? The standard Streams shouldn't work because this can't be converted into characters. Can it? So, what does work?
    Any idea?

    Why would someone not do:
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    InputStream is = new FileInputStream("foo.pdf");
    byte[] buf = new byte[4096];
    for(int len=-1;(!=-1;)
    buf = baos.toByteArray();  // Here are you bytes!You don't need to know the exact size, let ByteArrayOutputStream do it for you. Streams are generally for bytes, Readers/Writers generally for characters. Why exactly did you say: ``The standard Streams shouldn't work because this can't be converted into characters?''

  • How to put a String into a byte array

    How can i put a String into a byte array byte[]. So that i can send it to the serial port for output to an LCD display. Cheers David

    javadocs for String
    public byte[] getBytes()
    Encodes this String into a sequence of bytes using the platform's default charset, storing the result into a new byte array.
    The resultant byte arraySince:

  • How to activate another worksheet in excel file and write data into it

    I am writing an automation program to collect test data and write the data to an excel file.
    The excel file has several worksheets and now I can only write data to one sheet. Can anyone please let me know how to activate another worksheet and write data into it? Thank you very much.

    You can do a search in the Example Finder for more Excel VIs.
    They will give you a clearer idea of how to go about doing things in the way you need.
    - Partha
    LabVIEW - Wires that catch bugs!

  • How to load 0XF0 into 1 byte ?

    Hi all,
    I am creating an array like this...
    private final static byte[] PSA325_ERR240_FAIL = {0x7e,0x0,0x1,0x5,0x1,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1,(byte)0x82,
    its a 16 byte array...
    in the last but one byte which is 0xF0
    I want a value of 0xF0 i.e 240 to go in there....but if I don't cast it to a byte...I am not able to compile and if I am casting it to byte then it is going as -16 which I don't want..
    I want the value to go as 0XF0 or as 240....let me know if anyone knows the solution...
    all I want is how do I load a value of
    240 i.e 0XF0 in just one byte...???
    pls help!!!

    I am clear to come extent but still not very clear as to how will I load 0xF0 into one of the indexes in the byte array..
    I mean if u look at my problem
    I want to load 0xF0 into one of the elements of the byte array...and if I am trying to load it as 0xFO the compilor doesnt accept as it is an int I am casting it to byte..but ur solution of & it with 0XFF is not pocssible to in my case as
    again I cant use some tjhing like
    private final static byte[] PSA325_ERR240_FAIL = {0x7e,0x0,0x1,0x5,0x1,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1,(byte)0x82,((byte)0xF0 & 0xFF),0x7e};
    as here again 0XFF is an int and cant be loaded into a byte array as an element....hope i have not confused you much..if u are clear..then please let me know the solution...
    my requirement is
    private final static byte[] PSA325_ERR240_FAIL = {0x7e,0x0,0x1,0x5,0x1,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x1,(byte)0x82,0xF0,0x7e}; in the last but one byte 0XF0 should go in and not as di I do it ?

  • How to read an inputStream in UTF-8 into a byte array.

    Hi, Java version is 1.4.2. If is used to read the bytes into a byte array, is it guarenteed that UTF-8 chars are correctly transferred into byte array? Or should we use InputStreamReader? An example would be a great help.
    Thanks in advance.

    I would like to send a byte array read from InputStream to another app where they are converted to UTF-8. In brief
    -Read input stream which comes in UTF-8 into a byte array
    -Send byte array to another app which will convert it into UTF-8 characters

  • How do I go from byte to int?

    I am writing a program which reads a file in, transforms it into a byte array and then extracts information out of the byte array. One of these bits of information is an integer. I am having great trouble actually transforming the byte[] containing the bytes for the integer actually into the integer!
    I've Googled and looked around forums and I'm just not sure why it's not working. :s
    This is what I have so far:
         private int bytesToInt(byte[] b) {
              int bLen = b.length;
              System.out.println("length: " + bLen);
              int result;
              switch (bLen) {
                   case 1: result = (int)b[0] & 0xFF; break;
                   //case 2: return b[0]
                   default: result = 999; break;
              } // switch
              return result;
         } // bytesToInt()When i run it at the moment, with the integer 5 in the file, it returns 53 instead.. Any help would be much appreciated!

    I seem to be going round in circles with this!! I've tried various ways and i'm just not getting it. :s
    This is what i've tried:
         private int bytesToInt(byte[] b) throws IOException {
              // takes the bytes specifying the win amount, casts to char and parses to int
              int bLen = b.length;
              char[] ch = null;
              int result = 0;
              // can take numbers up to 999
              switch (bLen) {
                   case 1: ch[0] = (char)(b[0] + '0');
                   result = Character.digit(ch[0], 10);
                   // case 2: ch[0] = (char)(b[0] + '0'); ch[1] = (char)(b[1] + '0'); break;
                   // case 3:  ch[0] = (char)(b[0] + '0'); ch[1] = (char)(b[1] + '0'); ch[2] = (char)(b[2] + '0'); break;
                   default: result = 0; break;
              } // switch
              return result;
         } // bytesToInt()which gave me the error:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
         at lod.LODMapLoader2.bytesToInt(
         at lod.LODMapLoader2.getWinAmount(
         at lod.LODMapLoader2.main(
    Vanessa-Clarkes-MacBook:src vrc20$ javac lod/
    Vanessa-Clarkes-MacBook:src vrc20$ java lod/LODMapLoader2 testFile
    and so then i tried to simplify it and only consider if i was to be given one int..
         private int bytesToInt(byte[] b) throws IOException {
              // takes the bytes specifying the win amount, casts to char and parses to int
              int bLen = b.length;
              char ch;
              int result = 0;
              // can take numbers up to 9
              ch = (char)(b[0] + '0');
              result = (int)ch - '0';
              return result;
         } // bytesToInt()This ended up giving me 53 again. I'm feeling slightly frustrated.. What have I missed?

  • Why oracle.exe is taking 8G virtual; bytes,  memroy target can not go beyond 5G. How to minimized the virtual byte in perfmon

    Dear Experts,
    Please help me in checking why virtual bytes in perfmon is taking more than memory we allocated.
    Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise x64 Edition Service Pack 2 (build 3790)
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Total RAM on box is 8G
    Page File
    Windows virtual memory equal on C,D,E,F drives is set to  12273M and allocated now is 11262M
    LPENABLED is not set
    SQL> show parameter pga_
    pga_aggregate_target   0
    SQL> show sga
    Total System Global Area 5344731136 bytes
    Fixed Size                  2114736 bytes
    Variable Size            4630514512 bytes
    Database Buffers          671088640 bytes
    Redo Buffers               41013248 bytes
    SQL> show parameter memory
    hi_shared_memory_address  0      
    memory_max_target    5G                
    memory_target      5G                  
    shared_memory_address  0             
    SQL> show parameter sga
    lock_sga   FALSE                         
    pre_page_sga     FALSE                   
    sga_max_size   5G                     
    sga_target      0
    Question :
    Why oracle.exe is taking 8G virtual; bytes,  memroy target can not go beyond 5G. How to minimized the virtual byte in perfmon
    Thanks in advance your time and help.

    John, Thanks for the reply.
    Please find the output of query
    SQL> select pool,sum(bytes) from v$sgastat group by pool;
    POOL         SUM(BYTES)
    java pool      67108864
    streams pool  268503944
    shared pool  2147494008
    large pool     67108864
    SQL> select * from v$pgastat;
    NAME                                                                  VALUE UNIT
    aggregate PGA target parameter                                    671088640 bytes
    aggregate PGA auto target                                         147564544 bytes
    global memory bound                                               104857600 bytes
    total PGA inuse                                                   533962752 bytes
    total PGA allocated                                               810819584 bytes
    maximum PGA allocated                                            1244466176 bytes
    total freeable PGA memory                                          90243072 bytes
    process count                                                           450
    max processes count                                                     588
    PGA memory freed back to OS                                      1.9883E+10 bytes
    total PGA used for auto workareas                                  28210176 bytes
    maximum PGA used for auto workareas                                39973888 bytes
    total PGA used for manual workareas                                       0 bytes
    maximum PGA used for manual workareas                                531456 bytes
    over allocation count                                                     7
    bytes processed                                                  2.6307E+10 bytes
    extra bytes read/written                                                  0 bytes
    cache hit percentage                                                    100 percent
    recompute count (total)                                               72720
    19 rows selected.
    SQL>  show parameter _target
    NAME                                 TYPE                             VALUE
    archive_lag_target                   integer                          0
    db_flashback_retention_target        integer                          1440
    fast_start_io_target                 integer                          0
    fast_start_mttr_target               integer                          0
    memory_max_target                    big integer                      5G
    memory_target                        big integer                      5G
    pga_aggregate_target                 big integer                      0
    sga_target                           big integer                      0
    SQL> sho parameter sga_max
    NAME                                 TYPE                             VALUE
    sga_max_size                         big integer                      5G

  • How to track no of bytes transferred

    Hi there,
    how to track no of bytes transferred
    while downloading a file using java servlets.
    please note that i am not writing any client side application like applet...
    Hence I want to track no of bytes transffered to client end from my server (using servlets)
    Please kindly help me out as soon as possible.
    awaiting the solution immediately.

    //the following is the code what i have written in my servlet.
    res.setContentType(MIME); // I hava parameterised the MIME tag
    OutputStream out=res.getOutputStream();
    int counter=0;
    File f1 = new File("c:/x.pdf");
    //int k=(int)f1.length();
    fis = new FileInputStream(f1);
    byte[] buffer=new byte[fis.available()];;
    for(i=0; i<buffer.length; i++)
    counter=i+1; //getting the number of bytes got transferred
    out.write(buffer,i,1); //write to client's directory
    catch(IOException ex)
    System.out.println("exception while download="+ex.getMessage());
    download_error="Not Downloaded";
    //while executing the above servlet, the servlet prompts for a save as dialog (without file extension, please note I have specified the MIME tag also).
    Now the client is entering the file and clicking save
    In between he cancels and file is not downloaded to the client's directory.
    Now the counter length should not match with the buffer.length, but it is matching exactly and stating that the file has been downloaded properly.
    I hope you would have understood my problem.
    Also note that I dont have any client side application to monitor the download.
    Please let me know how to solve the problem as soon as possible
    expecting your reply at the earliest thanks.

  • Uploading file to the servelet and write directly into database

    i want client to upload file to the server (using servlet for that) and i just don't want to store it to the hard disk, but i want to write it
    into the the ms sql database (that i m using).

    Here is a good site for learning how to upload a file using a servlet:
    Once you get the file in the servlet you shouldn't have any problem storing it to a DB.

  • How to save the audio bytes in a file

    I am capturing the audio from microphone.I write the audio data as bytes to other clients.How can i save the bytes in a wav file and it can be played in future?Please help.I want to write the audio bytes in a wav file

    get sample source code from

  • How to use ImageIcon's byte[] constructor?

    As subject states
    I've tried many many times and I just cna't get it. I can get it working using ImageIcon's String (filename) constructor, but the application I'm developing for requires the use of a byte[] array.
    Could someone please share some code that reads data from an image file (jpg preferably) and converts it into an array of bytes and uses that to (successfully!) create a working ImageIcon?

    It should work to use a BufferedInputStream instead of BufferedReader and InputStreamReader. I tried this test code.
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            ArrayList byteList=new ArrayList();
            byte[] inbytes={12,-127,-126,-2};
            ByteArrayInputStream bas=new ByteArrayInputStream(inbytes);
            BufferedInputStream br=new BufferedInputStream(bas);
            byteList.add(new Integer(;
            byteList.add(new Integer(;
            byteList.add(new Integer(;
            byteList.add(new Integer(;
            byte[] byteArray = new byte[byteList.size()];
            for(int i=0;i<byteArray.length;i++) {
                 byteArray=(byte) (((Integer) byteList.get(i)).intValue());
    System.out.println(byteArray[i] );
    It displays the same values as the original inbytes values. When I tried the same code except using InputStreamReader and BufferedReader, I did not get the original inbytes values. There's character encoding with a Reader that may change the values. Streams give the raw data.

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