HP DV6 - Overheating for no reason

My HP DV6 6121tx has started to overheat even while doing nothing. I can hear the fan running constantly, and even with absolutely nothing running it becomes incredibly hot. 
I've tried to uninstall the display drivers, clean them via Driver Fusion, then reinstall (sp55092), but it didn't improve anything. Because of this, I'm getting around 1hr 50min on a two month old battery on a full charge.
Please guide me on how to rectify this situation. My laptop runs fine on Ubuntu, no such overheating problems.
 I had it cleaned from HP 6 months back and I'm pretty sure 6 months can't cause THIS issue to crop up again that too only on one operating system, STILL I'm going to get it cleaned thoroughly again, in a few days. In the mean time, let us keep the 'clean up' solution aside for the purpose of this discussion. 
HP DV6 6121tx
Windows 7 64bit

If the laptop runs fine on Ubuntu, then the cooling hardware must be OK and I will not recommend cleaning the fan/heatsink. It has to be software and specifically power management in Windows. Go into the control panel/power options. Look for your plan and click to change settings, then choose advanced settings. Look for processor power management. What are your current settings? It sometimes helps to drop the max processor speed down even 1% or 2%.

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    Yes, it's frustrating.
    I don't have my iPod with me but, as I recall, the change is done in Settings/Store.  That change will apply to NEW purchases.  However, be aware that all purchases are permanently associated with the Apple ID that was originally used.  Generally, it's only a problem when you need to update an app.  IF you do your updating from iTunes and your logged in to the "wrong" ID, you'll need to log out and back in again.  It's easier from the iPod as you do not need to log out/in but you do need to know the password.
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