HT1338 flash player download not working

i received a mess from youtube that i need to update flash player, i downloaded flash player installed and still receiving same message from you tube.

1. System Preferences >  Flash Player > Advanced >  Delete  All
     Press the "Delete All" button
     Install Adobe Flash Player.
    Follow the prompts.   Click Safari in the menubar and select “Quit Safari”.
    Restart computer. Relaunch Safari.
2.  Allow  Plug-ins
    Safari > Preferences > Security
    Internet Plug-ins >  "Allow  plug-ins"
    Enable it.
    Press " Manage Website Settings" button for more options.
3. Safari > Preferences > Privacy
    Press the button “ Remove All Website Data”.

Similar Messages

  • Solution, Flash player download not working.

    After Many hours of fighting this, I successfully downloaded a working version of Flashplayer 11.6.602.180 from
    It has many versions for operating systems, including Android. I dont know about Mac or Linux, but the windows version (about half way down the page) worked for me in IE & Firefox.
    I hope this helps some of you, as I have spent almost all day on this (about 9 hours).
    May I recomend that before extracting the zip file, your shoud uninstall the previous version & run Ccleaner & run Ccleaner for the registry as well then do your extraction & run the installation from there.
    Good Luck, Rusty

    Hi Rusty,
    I'm sorry you went through this.  I let the installer team know how much on an inconvenience for you this was.  We are working to get this bug resolved.
    For others that find that the "download" button is missing, please download the installer here while we work to fix this issue:
    Windows - Flash Player Installers for Windows
    Mac - Flash Player Installers for OS X 10.6 and greater

  • Adobe flash player download not working

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  • Adobe Flash Player 11 NOT working after several attempts to download, uninstall, & reinstall

    I have problems with Adobe Flash Player 11 NOT working after several attempts to download, then uninstall, & re-install. 
    I uninstalled the previous versions of Adobe Flash Player from my computer PRIOR to attempting to install the new 11 version, so now I'm unable to view videos, etc., 
    I'm using Windows Vista 32 bit, Internet Explorer 9.0 (which I closed when I got error messages during Adobe Flash Player 11 Installation.  I've  disabled my AVG -Virus also during the installation of Flash Player 11.   
    FYI, I'm not computer savvy so the YouTube video by Adobe Tech was too complicated to follow AND I'm unable to view  (DUH!) it since I have no Flash Player program installed (doesn't make sense!) .
    Thanks for keeping it simple (KISS for me).

    I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling some 30 times now ..rebooting, you name it.
    I haven't been able to use flash since Adobe kindly shoved that latest update down my computer's throat.
    Right after getting the 'successful' installation message I restart IE9 ..go to my channel on youtube and immediately get the message:
    The Adobe Flash Player is required for video playback.
    Get the latest Flash Player
    I tried Chrome and on two or three it worked but then even after closing out of them ..Chrome slowed down to a crawl and finally informed me that Flash had stopped working.
    This has entirely wasted 3 nights of my time. It is 2:30 am and I should have had at least 2hours sleep already to rise at 6:30 but no, thanks this I'm still up and no doubt millions of other computer users are having just as much fun.. Everyone I know that allowed the updates to install having the same problem ..Chrome/IE9/Firefox can truly call it Adobe's Universal Cluster ...
    I live with Adobe. At work we have 6 fully Adobied LR4/CS5 & 6/InDesign workstations. I'm a photographer using nothing but Adobe products and quite frankly I feel this is the worst treatment you have ever given your customers.
    Please stop the CYA and just fix the damm thing! I realize you didn't write it Chris but surely you can get Adobe management to address this instead of just trying to get their users to try and debug it for the airheads that released it. Has anyone stopped to consider the financial damage being done due to videos not playing the ads that support the sites and no doubt stream revenue to Adobe? These guys have rolled the online experience back 5 years minimum and Adobe will probably pay the price for it. Re-issue a working version and go back to the drawing board!

  • Safari or flash player will not work now that I have downloaded mountain lion

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    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left.
    Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then try the action that you're having trouble with again. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them (command-C) to the Clipboard. Paste (command-V) into a reply to this message.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • Flash player does not work with Ie or Firefox with win 8.1?

    Flash player does not work with Ie or Firefox with win 8.1 64, If i try and play a video I get the message to install Flashplayer.
    If I try and install it it says it is already installed. Your onsite  installer says it is not applicable to my machine.
    I have followed all the normal steps re enabling addons and active filters etc.
    all to no avail Pc is Dell 6 months old, Flashplayer has never worked on this machine. Last MS update mid Dec 2014.
    Version of flashplayer is 15....03.......

    Flash Player is a built-in component of Internet Explorer.  There's nothing separate to download or install.
    Firefox requires a different version of Flash Player (the NPAPI plug-in), which will be served to you if you go here: using Firefox; however, there are some unique stability issues related to Firefox on Win8.1, and you're probably better off using Google Chrome if you want a more optimal experience with Flash Player.
    For problems where IE isn't being detected by sites that require Flash:
    First, confirm that ActiveX Filtering is configured to allow Flash content:
    Internet Explorer 11 introduces a number of changes both to how the browser identifies itself to remote web servers, and to how it processes JavaScript intended to target behaviors specific to Internet Explorer. Unfortunately, this means that content on some sites will be broken until the content provider changes their site to conform to the new development approach required by modern versions of IE.
    You can try to work around these issues by using Compatibility View:

  • Flash player will not work on my computer, would love advice

    I have windows vista.  When I visit a web page that requires flash, it instructs me to download it (even though I'm sure I have it ialready...).  I do so, it says it has downloaded successfully but I still cannot view the website.  I have uninstalled my current version of flash and reinstalled the latest version numerous times.  It even shows up in my list of programs.  But each time I visit a site that uses it, it tells me I need flash to view it.  Very frustrating.  And suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks!

    This was very helpful - thank you.  I unchecked "active x filtering" and it seems to be working, under tools in IE.  a simple solution, that may have taken me days to figure out myself!  Hopefully it continues to work from thiis point forward.  Thanks!
    Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2013 12:42:26 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Flash player will not work on my computer, would love advice
        Re: Flash player will not work on my computer, would love advice
        created by Chris Campbell in Installing Flash Player - View the full discussion
    Do you see an animation and version number when you visit the Flash Player Version page? If you are using Internet Explorer, please verify that the following two FAQs check out. Enabling Flash Player in Internet Explorer ActiveX Filtering in Internet Explorer
         Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at
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         To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
         Start a new discussion in Installing Flash Player by email or at Adobe Community
      For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to

  • Adobe flash player does not work on Firefox, but does on Wind Exp

    I have reinstalled Adobe Flash Player many times and also reinstalled Firefox, but flash player does not work. Every tim I try to play something it tells me to install the latest version of flash player. Flash player works fine on on Windows Explorer

    IE uses a different version of Flash (ActiveX) than other browsers use, you need to install the Plugin version of Flash.
    1.Download the Flash setup file from here: <br />
    [ Adobe Flash - Plugin version]. <br />
    Save it to your Desktop.<br />
    2. Close Firefox using File > Exit <br />
    then check the Task Manager > Processes tab to make sure '''firefox.exe''' is closed, <br />
    {XP: Ctrl+Alt+Del = Processes tab}
    3. Then run the Flash setup file from your Desktop.

  • Adobe flash player is not working well I mean since I've  trying to watch movie on youtube is not pl

    I just wanted to know what to do about adobe flash player is not working the way it should cause I've been trying watch movie on youtube but it won't play I've receiving message said that I need to download flash player which I've done so many times and I still receivr the same message download flash player which I have done I don't know anymore what to do anymore cause I've all the differents things it migh be the problem but still not working, please I need help if you gys know anything that Ihaven't tried yet  help thak you.

    Hi, Your Flash files are all correct for IE. I'm sure they are also for FF, since Flash Player is working.
    What you can try is something that has helped other users and maybe this will help you with IE. Try turning off the User Account Control and then Restart your computer and see if IE is working now.
    Open User Accounts by clicking the Start button , clicking Control Panel, clicking User Accounts and Family Safety.
      and then clicking User Accounts. Click Turn User Account Control on or off.
      If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
      Select the Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer check box to turn on UAC, or clear the check box to turn
      off UAC, then click OK.
    Let me know whenever you can, no hurry.

  • Adobe flash player is not working safari

    adobe flash player is not working safari

    If you can't install or update Flash, follow these instructions.
    If you have installed the latest version of Flash, please take each of the following steps that you haven't already tried. After each step, relaunch Safari and test. For a "missing plug-in" error, start with Step 8. Back up all data before making any changes.
    Step 1
    You might have to log out or restart the computer before a Flash update takes effect.
    Step 2
    From the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data...
    and confirm. Close the window. Then select
               ▹ System Preferences… ▹ Flash Player ▹ Advanced ▹ Delete All...
    In the sheet that opens, check the box marked
              Delete All Site Data and Settings
    then click Delete Data. Close the preference pane.
    Step 3
    If you're only having trouble with YouTube videos, log in to YouTube and load this page. You may see a link with the text "Leave the HTML5 Trial." If so, click that link.
    Step 4
    a. If you get a warning of a "blocked" or "outdated" plug-in, then select the Security tab in the Safari preferences window. In the list of plugins on the left, there should be one—and only one—entry for "Adobe Flash Player," showing the same version number that you installed. Select that entry. On the right there will be a list of websites for which you have specifically allowed Flash, if any. It's normal for the list to be empty. Below that is a menu labeled
              When visiting other websites
    From that menu, select either Allow or Ask.
    b. If you still get the alerts, then go back to the Flash Player preference pane and select the Advanced tab. Click Check Now. Quit and relaunch the browser.
    c. If the alerts still persist, triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the highlighted text and select
              Services ▹ Open
    from the contextual menu.* A folder should open. Inside it, there should be a file named "XProtect.meta.plist". If that file is missing and you know why it's missing, restore it from a backup or copy it from another Mac running the same version of OS X. Otherwise, reinstall OS X.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. In the Finder, select
              Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.
    Step 5
    In the Safari preferences window, select the Advanced tab and uncheck the box marked
              Stop plug-ins to save power
    Step 6
    Open this folder as in Step 4:
    /Library/Internet Plug-Ins
    Delete the following item, or anything with a similar name, if present:
              Flash Player (failing).plugin
    You may be prompted for your login password.
    Step 7
    Re-download and reinstall Flash. Download it from the domain "". Don't click a link from any other website, including this one, because you can't trust links. They may be an attempt to trick you into installing malware masquerading as Flash. Type the address into the browser window. Never download a Flash update from anywhere else.
    Step 8
    If you get a "missing plug-in" error, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Security
    from the Safari menu bar and check the box marked 
              Allow (or Enable) plug-ins
    Then click the button marked
              Manage Website Settings...
    if present and make sure that the website is not blocked for Flash.
    Step 9
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Extensions
    from the Safari menu bar. If any extensions are installed, disable them.

  • Flash Player 11 not working with IE 9. What am I missing?

    Flash Player 11 not working with IE 9. What am I missing??

    Hi Hitomi,
    Yayyyy! found it, downloaded 11.7 and it works on both Second Life media players and websites.
    Thanks so much for your help sderik

  • My adobe flash player is not working any more; i cannot play videos or farmville.  what do i do?

    my adobe flash player is not working and i cannot play videos or farmville.  Help.

    1. System Preferences >  Flash Player > Advanced >  Delete  All
         Press the "Delete All" button
         Install Adobe Flash Player.
       Download it first. Click Safari in the menubar and select “Quit Safari”.
        Follow the prompts and install it.
        Restart computer. Relaunch Safari.
    2.  Allow  Plug-ins
        Safari > Preferences > Security
        Internet Plug-ins >  "Allow  plug-ins"
        Enable it.
    3. Safari > Preferences > Privacy
        Press the button “ Remove All Website Data”.

  • My flash player does not work on my tablet.

    My flash player does not work on my tablet

    Your tablet uses Android OS.
    There is no more Flash Player for Android and there won't be another. Android is no longer compatible with Flash Player. Playing Flash content is very processor consumptive and it drains your battery, also shortening the life of it. Android (Google) recommends using either "Dolphin" or "Puffin" as your browser if you need to view Flash content with a mobile device running Android. They're both free in the GooglePlay store. These browsers use "server side" rendering to reduce the load on your device.

  • Flash Player does not work with Standard User, but will work when browser is "Run as Administrator"

    I don't understand why this is happening, but Flash Player will not work when a Standard User is using the browser. It will only work when the browser is run as an administrator. Any way to fix this? I've tried to uninstall, and reinstall the player, and it still wouldn't work.
    The user is on Windows 7, 64-bit. Using IE 10.
    Flash not working for Standard User - YouTube

    Any update to provide at all here guys?  Again, in my situation, it's very much rights-related as a standard user doesn't even report that the flash player exists when testing it on the Adobe Flash Version Detection website (despite it showing up in Control Panel and under Add/Remove Programs).  I've already tried giving the C:\Windows\System32\Macromed and files/subfolders appropriate permissions for the standard user and still nothing.  If I either give the user in question full local admin rights or logon as the domain admin, then the Adobe Flash Version Detection website says Flash is installed and Flash works fine.

  • Flash Player does not work after steps to resolution

    I am using Windows 8.1 and flash player will not work.  I have "enabled" and removed Active X control as per instructions but it still does not work.

    8.1 means Ie11... and that means...
    "User-Agent Strings"
    That doesn't mean a lot, I'm sure, but it's the root of your problems, and Flash Player has nothing to do with it.
    Microsoft "rewrote" the User-Agent Strings for the abomination they call their latest and greatest browser. User-Agent Strings are what websites use to identify the browser you're using and provide the proper content for it's browser engine, like ActiveX stuff, and Flash or HTML5 video. Thanks to the geniuses in Redmond, WA, the User-Agent Strings for IE11 (which has a Trident engine), ID it as either "Gecko" (Firefox) or "Webkit" (Chrome). Problem is: when the site the directs to the content for one of these two engines, the Trident engine in IE can't intepret it and the site then sees IE as an "unidentified" browser.
    The problem with an unidentified browser is that the plug-ins in that browser aren't recognized either, so even though you're up to date, it says you need the latest Flash Player when you use IE11. YouTube... has converted to HTML5 video so if it doesn't detect Flash Player, it can display HTML5 (MP4) video which requires no plug-in to play. Facebook can't do that, because HTML5 doesn't apply to games... only video.
    Microsoft has no plans to "fix" the mess thay've created because they think it's a great idea to block you out of the websites you visit.
    They recommend using "Compatibility View" and pretending that you're using an older verison of IE... Problem with that is that it's seen limited success, and you have to enable it for EVERY page that has problems... individually.
    I'm not big on "pretending" so I recommend actually using another browser.
    Firefox (from Mozilla)
    Opera (from Opera)
    Safari (from Apple)
    Chrome (from Google)
    ANY of those will work where IE11 won't, with the Flash Player Plug-in (For all other browsers), and Chrome doesn't even need that because it has its own Flash Player plugin built in.

Maybe you are looking for