HT1338 why my mail only can received, cannot sent?!!

my email is " ymail".....
i dont know what happen with my mac,,,,,,it only can received the email, cannot sent to others,,
who can help me .....and  how should i setting the system??
thanks a lot~~~~

Hi agian
I have looked in Mail Help no info for recovering deleted accounts so
therefore I figure it can not be done. this from Mail Help:
You can recover deleted messages if you haven't emptied your Trash mailbox, rebuilt your mailbox since deleting the messages, or if Mail hasn't automatically emptied older deleted messages based on the settings in Mail Preferences.
Thus no, seems it can not be done. Boy it was my brightest moment yet.
Moral of the post easier to destroy than to create.

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    Hello bluechalk,
    I'd recommend restarting your iPhone. If you're still unable to proceed, I would recommend resetting the device.
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting

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    Dear All,
    Thought that I'd report in.  My firewall is not on, so that can't be the problem.
    I went into my mail settings and re-entered passwords, account info, unselected SSL, then selected it again, entered custom ports, etc., etc., and was able to get mail to send, but no information seems to be stored and there doesn't seem to be any way to save any changes that are made.  There was always a box that came up and asked if you wanted to save changes, but I can't find it now.  If you shut mail down and start it up again, the same old problem occurs.
    I also have two smtp servers and it seems that if one is working, the other doesn't. If is working and shows green, then is red.  If is green, then is red.  Occasionally they will both be green, but neither one sends any mail.  Strange!
    Also, Connection Doctor shows a red light for no connection when my mail just swooshed out of the mailbox!  It really is working, but Connection Doctor doesn't show a connection.  And, when the light is green and a connection is made, the mail still doesn't leave the box.
    It still takes a long time to send anything, but I was able to send about five test messages tonight.  I'm still waiting for a fix from Apple.

  • Cannot send Yahoo Mail but can receive it!

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    I am new to Mac - just bought my very first macbook pro 13" yesterday and have fallen TOTALLY in love with it! Not sure why its taken me so long to realised my life wasnt complete without a Mac, but anyhoo!
    OK, so I have synced my Yahoo Mail Plus account with Mail, and it receives messages perfectly, but when i try to send messages, the sending little loading wheel just keep spinning, and Outbox says i have 1 message to go, but it never sends! Its been going for about 10 miunutes now!! I have quit and restart Mail a few times, but NADA!
    Any ideas? Advice? Help?

    Here's a troubleshooting article from Apple:  iOS: Troubleshooting Mail
    It doesn't seem to cover your specific issue, but have you tried using a different network (either a different wi-fi network, or switching from wi-fi to cellular or vice-versa if you have a wi-fi+cellular iPad)?
    For GMail, iCloud and Yahoo, copies of messages are stored on their respective servers, so you could try deleting the account on your iPad, then re-adding each account one at a time to see if that resolves the issue.

  • Mail  can receive cannot send

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    Any ideas?
    All help gratefully accepted.

    fixed.  Needed to re-enter passwords for outgoing mail  (?)
    all's well that ends well.

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    Right-Click (or Ctrl-Click) on any mailbox and choose Get Info (you can also invoke this window by typing Command-I). Now, in the Account menu, choose the account that isn't working properly. Does Mail display all your messages there, even those that it fails to download?
    If the answer is yes, don't close the Get Info window yet. I'm going to propose a solution that will cause all your mail still on the server to be re-downloaded again as if it was all new, no matter how old it is or whether Mail had already downloaded it. Hence, before proceeding, you may want to delete any messages still on the server that you don't want to be downloaded again. You can accomplish this in the Get Info window by selecting the messages you want to permanently delete from the server and clicking the Remove From Server button at the bottom right of the Get Info window.
    Now, follow these steps:
    1. Quit Mail.
    2. In the Finder, open the HOME/Library/Mail/POP-<account-name>/ folder.
    3. Move any files in that folder whose name starts with MessageUidsAlreadyDownloaded to the Trash.
    These files keep track of which messages have already been downloaded, so that Mail does not download them again every time it connects to the server. Moving them out of the account folder causes Mail to forget that information and start downloading from scratch all over again.
    For some reason, the information in these files can become inaccurate at some point for people with Comcast accounts. I'm not sure it is a file corruption problem. When these files are the problem, Comcast seems to always be involved. I wonder why your wife has not experienced the same problem, though. Maybe she just hasn't yet or maybe Eudora keeps track of downloaded messages using a different technique...
    iMac G5 17" (iSight)   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

  • Can't send mail but can receive mail

    Hello fellow Mac users! I can usually figure most things out but this has me stumped. I have a Go Daddy account for my business. My Mac Mail has been working ok until recently. Now I can receive mail from the account but cannot SEND mail using the Go Daddy account! I have checked everything. It WILL work with my Entourage mail so I know it's not Go Daddy. And mailing direct from Go Daddy works fine. The fact that it works from Entourage makes me feel it's somehow Mac MAil. My gmail account is ok. My .mac account is ok. My hotmail account is ok. Again... I have checked all the usual problemss. Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.

    I just had this exact thing happen this morning. Go into preferences in your email and check your outbound smtp server settings. Mine inexplicably changed to "none" _all by itself_ and I couldn't send any email. Changed it back to the correct outgoing smtp server and all is well. For the life of me I can't figure out how this setting changed by itself.
    Apple, "it just works".... yeah, right.
    P.S. If that's not your issue then a safe bet it's a GoDaddy thing. I was paying for an email account from them for a couple of years and had nothing but problems connecting to their outbound servers that they denied was their issue and yet I found tons of people on the web having the same problem with them. I moved my domain email over to Microsoft (for free I might add) and haven't had a single issue since. I cancelled my email account with GoDaddy even though I took a small monetary loss and couldn't be happier.

  • Can't compose, reply or send mail - but can receive

    My software is up to date and I can receive mail, but I select reply and it usually would bring up a new mail window and won't or I try to compose a new email and my mail won't let me even type past the third letter or send/forward/reply to anything.
    Worked yesterday fine - the only thing I did was delete some fonts, but replaced them and restarted and mail still won't work - but I can receive and all of my other programs are uneffected.

    This problem in Mail is usually caused by some Launch Services cache or preferences corruption that affects the built-in spell checker. The following article describes how to manually reset Launch Services — the notes at the bottom of the article also provide information about the side effects of deleting each of the files involved:
    Resetting Launch Services
    If you prefer using a cache cleaning utility instead of following the manual procedure described in the previous article, take a look at this other article for general troubleshooting and cache-cleaning procedures. Actually, you should also verify/repair the startup disk (not just permissions), as described there:
    Resolving Disk, Permission, and Cache Corruption
    The most appropriate utility for this particular problem probably is Tiger Cache Cleaner, but you may also want to consider other utilities, such as OnyX, or Cache Out X, which are free. Whatever utility you choose, be sure to read this first:
    Side effects of System cache cleaning
    As an example, this is how you should proceed with OnyX:
    1. Quit all applications.
    2. Launch OnyX and enter your administrator password.
    3. Go to Maintenance > Reset and check LaunchServices database.
    4. Un-check any other pre-checked options.
    5. Click the Execute button.
    6. Restart the computer.

  • New Mac Mini can't send mail, but can receive

    Just received my new Mac Mini the other day but have had problems sending mail. I can receive mail, but cannot send at all. I believe I have all of my settings correct. What can I do, it's very frustrating.

    One thing is for sure, I didn't find Roadrunner's to be very helpful.
    For the heck of it, for outgoing mail port, try custom port instead of default port and enter 25, 465, or 587 singly each one at a time and see if that buys you anything. If they use SSL (and that wasn't apparent to me from their help page whether they do or not) you would likely want to try username/password authentication for smtp.
    Also, you might take a peek in Keychain Access and delete any existing entries that pertain to anything Mail would then re-prompt you for that account login information when it attempts to connect to the smtp or pop servers.
    If the old computer was Leopard, have you tried copying over your $HOME/Library/Mail and $HOME/Library/Mail Downloads folders and your $HOME/Library/Preferences/ file to the new computer?
    Have you called the ISP and told them that the old computer works fine and the new computer with identical account settings doesn't and that you would like to doublecheck with them the account settings (type of account is POP? what is POP port?, what is SMTP port? verify pop and smtp server names, using SSL on POP? On SMTP? Do they use password authentication on SMTP? (If they use "None" that implies they use the WAN IP address to authenticate -- if its one of theirs, your good)
    I don't think reinstalling Mail will gain you anything.
    At least we know who the ISP and mail provider is, maybe another user/helper that has the same provider can weigh in here. I do not use so any other advice from me at this point would be like drawing random straws.

  • HT1277 i did try all that and I still can't seem to send e-mail I can receive it though

    I tried to send e-mail and can't seem to tried all suggestions used my ISP for quite a while went through all the suggested steps several times I can receive e-mail but cannot send it forward it am asking if there is any other things to try 

    Your SMTP server host name setting, your SMTP server port setting, whether SSL/TLS is needed or not, amd/or your server login username or password credentais, some combination of these, are likely incorrect here.  
    These are the typical triggers, when a send (or a forward) fails.
    If you have more than one mail account configured within, ensure that the mail account you are testing with is configured with the expected SMTP server, and is not referencing the SMTP server for another account.
    Connection Doctor (available in the menu bar Window menu) can sometimes help figure out some of these connection problems, too.

  • One more person who can't send mail but can receive

    I sent mail last night and woke up this morning not being able to send mail.
    I can receive, but can't send. I can send to my self, but can't reply to others or create new.
    The email time out message say's the authentication is on. How that changed over night? Not sure.
    Under Mail preferences, Account information, outgoing server settings-
    I've been using 2525 with no authentication for over a year. I noticed someone suggesting 465 and 587... didn't work.
    I went into advanced and saw where it IS asking for authentication (using password) but in the drop down list it doesn't give the word 'none' just like the account option had to select.
    I used the connection Doctor and I have connection...
    what else can I do?
    Thank you for the help

    The standard TCP-port for SMTP is 25. If this doesn't work, try to authenticate to the SMTP-server with the credentials of your POP3-login. Maybe your ISP reconfigured his SMTP-servers to use aSMTP.
    Some other ISP use a method called "SMTP-after-POP3". This means, that you must fetch your mail using POP3 first. After doing this, you have a specific period of time (at most ISPs 5 to 15 minutes) to send mail from the same IP-address as you have POPed before. This is for additional security.
    One more reason could be that your configured SMTP-server is simply "dead" or offline for system maintenance. To check if the machine is alive, go to terminal and
    ping nameofyourserver
    and see if it responds. If so, try connecting on the SMTP port by typing
    telnet nameofyourserver 25
    These steps can provide additional information to find the cause for your problem.

  • Can't send mails, but can receive.

    I can receive mails, but am unable to send. The error message says "a copy has been placed in your outbox. No password provided."
    IT says to go to mail account settings and enter password. I can't seem to know how to do this.

    I was having this problem also.  I did all the steps suggested and I still could not send e-mails from one of my accounts.  I found an article online that suggested the following for IOS 7 so I tried it on IOS 8 and it worked.  Good luck!
    Users must go into their iPhone settings, access the “Mail, Contacts and Calendars” settings, click on the effected account, access that account’s settings, click on the “Outgoing Mail / SMTP Settings” and, in the first activated SMTP server (the first one that says “on” to the right, retype their password in the password field.
    Users must also make sure that their full email address is listed in the username field.
    Even if there is already a password in the password field, users must retype their password.
    For whatever reason, after updating to iOS 7, many email accounts retain the correct password for receiving emails but the correct password does not transfer over to the outgoing mail settings. Once the user reenters his or her password in the outgoing mail settings, they should be able to send emails from the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch without any problems!

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