HT1751 Backup to external hard drive

My school has 30 iPads hooked into a cart that links into 1 macbook air.  We use the macbook, using apple configurator, to manage the ipads.  Currently, all of the iPads backup to the mackbook hard drive.  I want to backup 30 iPads to an external hard drive rather than my macbook air since our hard drive is full.  Can this be done?

Sorry for type-os

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    Yes, when the drive is formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) or if other means are used to back the drive's contents up.

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    Time Machine can't back up drives in some formats, such as FAT32.

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    Chihuahua Rancher wrote:
    My thinking is that if my external hard drive craps out it would be ok because it would be backed up on the TM (what I'm trying to get it to do)  How would I open the external drive if it was damaged and then invoke time machine?
    #E3 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting shows how to do that.

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    You should be able to access your past iTunes purchases. You'll need to re-rip your CDs See: HT2519 - Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store.
    See also this backup tip so you don't get caught out again.

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    Time Machine backs up all locally attached drives unless you specifically exclude them in System Prefenences > Time Machine > Options.. icon.
    You should be able to see this in Finder, enter TM and highlight the external drive. Click back to a prior date. Sometimes it takes a little while to fully populate the display since it's reading across the network, give it a few minutes.

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    There is no way. You can connect the drive to your Mac and remove it from the Time Machine exclusion list. Then it will be backed up, but that will stop when you reconnect it to the TC. While it's connected to the TC, you can copy it manually to another AirPort Disk by following the instructions here (with a slight modification):
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    nachdenki wrote:
    strange, my external HDs were added to the exception list automatically. maybe because they wouldn't fit on the time machine volume.
    It seems to depend on when the drives were connected. When you first turn Time Machine on, it only excludes the TM drive itself, and any drives not formatted HFS+.
    If you connect a drive later on, that drive will be excluded automatically.

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    I'd normally suggest this method for backing up.
    You should always keep at least two copies of any file you don't want to lose.

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    It might have created a new user and loaded under that.. new user being the old user. But if you have issues do it again, only this time pick where the backup will go.
    The other questions might also be relevant as a new hard disk will make the Mac appear to the TM backup as a new computer.
    See 14-18 for restore info.

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    If you mean you're getting the same message:
    see #C3 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting.   It will show you how to locate the message(s) that describe the problem, then help you fix it.    If that doesn't help, post back with details, including all the messages, your setup (especially the destination for the backups), what you've done, and the results.
    If that's not the message you're getting, please clarify.

  • Backup to External Hard Drive

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    backed up each catalog in its respective folder. 
    Now it is time to do an incremental backup to each catalog and this is where I am having problems.  When I select the appropriate path then elements prompts me to select the correct backup
    (.tly) file. When I do it says I cannot overwrite an existing backup.  So if I do not select the appropriate path and just browse for the appropriate .tly file then the backup proceeds but the new backup files are written not in the respective backup folder but just on the main hd space outside of the catalog backup folder I have created.
    I want to be able to keep the backups in separate folders.  Is this possible?
    If you need anymore info to assist me I am glad to provide. Sorry if this is not complete enough, I figured this should be easy but of course I am having problems.

      Once you have a full back up you can make incremental back ups but you need to follow a set routine. It’s not very intuitive.
    Start by creating a new folder or label a new CD/DVD Disk - it’s best to use dates e.g. “PSE9 incr backup 2011-0926”
    Press Ctrl+B and check Incremental, then click Next
    Highlight your drive containing the last backup and click the bottom Browse button (previous back up file) then navigate to the TLY file and click open.
    Click the Browse button above and navigate to your new folder “PSE inc backup 2011-0926”
    Click Done.
    If your full backup originally contained 500 images, the incremental backup will only contain changes since the last backup e.g. files B000501.jpg, B000502.jpg etc
    If you ever have to do a complete restore you start with the TLY file from the latest incremental backup. The program automatically recognizes the number of incremental steps and you will be prompted to insert a disc or navigate to the appropriate drive.
    Incremental backup’s are obviously much quicker to write to disk but I recommend that you periodically perform another full backup and delete any earlier backups.

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    Howdy Kgkgkg12,
    It sounds like this drive you are wanting to use with Time Machine is not in the same format that Time Machine needs to operate. According to this article:
    Mac Basics: Time Machine backs up your Mac
    Your Time Machine drive needs to be formatted as Mac OS X Extended (Journaled). If you select an NTFS or FAT-formatted drive, Time Machine prompts you to reformat the drive. Important: Reformatting erases any files on the destination drive. If you're not sure if you want to erase the drive you connected, choose a different drive.
    You can check the format of the drive with these steps:
    OS X Yosemite: View file, folder, and disk information
    Get individual item info: Select the item(s), then choose File > Get Info, or press Command (⌘)-I.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

  • Rescue and Recovery backup with external hard drive

    When I first backed up my computer to my WD 1 tb external hard drive using R&R, boot files were placed on the drive.  Recently, some files I had corrupted my external hard drive and I had to fully erase it.  Now, after making the drive recognizable again, I went to go back up my computer using rescue and recovery.  This time, it asked me whether or not I wanted to make the drive bootable, I said yes, but an error popped up saying I needed 1000 more mb, even though I had 931 gb open.  The backup started anyway, but it did not include any boot files.  Is there a way to make the drive bootable the next time I backup?  What is the difference between nonbootable and bootable?  Help? Thanks.

    I do NOT have a external Hard drive.  If you just zeroed the drive, it is blank.    Go into control panel,administrative tools, computer management, disk management.  See if you can get  a PROPERTIES of the external drive and post a Screen shot of that here.    This will show what partition(s) are there, Fat32 vs NTFS.  My experience is after you zero a drive, You have to boot your system, then use a Vendor (WD) standalone format utility or windows Disk manangement format, Make partition, etc.  The screen shot i need is the one that says: DISK 1  (d 298.09 GB NTFS 
    Healthy(active,primary partition).  This is what my 2nd drive, D, says. 1 partion on the drive.
    When i added my second hard drive, it was blank.  Booted up, BIOS recognized drive, Then i Formatted it with windows disk managment.  I then pointed R&R to take backups to that drive.  Create rescue media then made a Master boot record, install standalone R&R boots files, then took the backup.   This makes my 2nd drive bootable, should i ever care to boot my D drive up and have R&R standalone program in control.  Thus i have 2 bootable drives.  C boots into windows, D boots into the rescue and recovery standalone program.  I can also boot my C drive into R&R by hitting PF 11 at startup (bios) time. 
    Which version of r&r you have? Which version of windows? Windows 7 changed the way Master boot records are written.
    You can go into R&R, advanced menu,  create rescue media. Point to your External drive. WARNING. make sure the do not destroy existing  data block is checked.  IF YOU ARE brave, uncheck the destroy existing data.  This will erase everthing on the drive!!! <<Warning. And be sure NOT to  point to any drive you really love. 
    Buts lets  1st get the screen shot requested to make sure the drive is FORMATTED correcly. 

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