HT1766 Back up iOS 6.0.1

Please, help I want to in my iphone 5 iOS 6.1.2

You can restore the backup to get the apps back from the last backup
Or you can re install them manually

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    iOS: How to back up  -
    iTunes: About iOS backups - - including a list of what is backed up.

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    How can u downgrade. Apple doesn't allow that. Unless your iPhone 5 is jail broken.  iOS 7 isn't even out yet. There Is no way u can get iOS 7 unless it was beta. And if so beta is having some issues.

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    Hi Milrclan,
    Thanks for contributing to the Apple Support Communities. 
    If you're not able to send or receive email from the mail accounts on your iPad after updating iOS, start with these troubleshooting tips:
    Get help with Mail on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support
    Best Regards,

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    You cannot go back to an earlier version of iOS.
    If you are having Wi-Fi problems I suggest going to some location that offered free Wi-Fi. Your library or a Starbucks perhaps. Does your iPad connect there and work well?
    If your iPad works well there you can eliminate the iPad and it's iOS as the cause of your problem.
    If your iPad still acts up when connecting to the other Wi-Fi sources I'd suggest a visit to an Apple store to help discover the problem. Be sure to make an appointment prior to going to the Apple store.

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    Apple does not support downgrading! Sorry!

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    You might want to check out these two threads:
    This topic has been discussed ad nauseum, they might give you some ideas on how to deal with the changes.  Be sure to leave Apple your feedback on the matter:
    Good luck!

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    The face detection used in the camera jut isnt for me.
    Try a different camera app.  Camera Plus is a good one and there are many others.

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    - there are now more privacy settings to adjust with iOS 7, to protect your privacy from ads or user-specific ads. There is nothing that I hate more than to pay money & have to defend my basic right to not be bothered with ads/sharing of my personal info. Why this is a recurring problem with technology companies, I have no idea. Like the rest of us, I want the choice to completely to maintain my privacy. If I want to look at ads, I'll turn on the TV or open any magazine.
    - in iOS 7, it is now much harder to "swipe" get to the "search screen" to keyword search for documents & emails, etc.
    I'll submit this as feedback to Apple, but I'm sure it'll fall on deaf ears and I'll be permanently stuck with the current changes in iOS 7, or that the next iOS update won't be much of an improvement.
    My question is- if the last time that I backed up my iPad a week ago, I had iOS 6 installed in iTunes (and haven't updated on my desktop yet to iOS 7), can't I do a complete restore of my iPad and then do a backup and revert to iOS 6? I don't care what data is lost over the last week, I just want to go back to iOS 6.
    I really don't like the new iOS 7 version and want to revert back to "6", but I just read that this isn't possible anymore after the beta period is over. Is this true?
    Regretting my decision to update. Could someone please tell me how or if I can revert back to iOS 6 (from my iOS 6 backup on my PC desktop)??? Sorry for the rant. Thanks.

    There is No Apple Supported Downgrade path.
    Use this Link to send your Feedback to Apple

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    Unless you want to jail break it. which is against the rules to speak about here, not to mention taht doing that will void any remainder of your warranty and potentially brick your device.
    The answer is that downgrading isn't supported. If you want advice beyond that, then you need to look elsewhere than Apple's official forum.

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    i Was considerinf buying a macbook pro, but am reconsidering spending such an amount of money on a company that can screw up such a basic function. I mean you can have your iOS 8 back if this is what it means, I don't want to use your health Kit app.

    You cannot 'roll back' your iOS.  That's never been supported or allowed by Apple (with only one exception).
    Use this article: iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections - Apple
    It's not the iOS.  It may be a setting on your iPhone or the wi-fi network, or a hardware issue.  But it's not the iOS.  If it was, then everyone's iPhone 5S using the same iOS would not be working, and that's not the case.
    Troubleshoot your issue.

  • Is there any way of going back to ios 6? 7 too slow on 4

    I downloaded ios 7 for my iPhone 4 yesterday and it's basically ruined my phone, the speed and performance of the phone is ridiculously slow, I find myself typing without knowing what I'm typing until it finally catches up... Is there any way of me going back to ios 6? Or just speeding up 7 on my phone? If there's no way then I don't know why Apple have made ios 7 compatible with iPhone 4's.
    Any help will do! Thanks.
    Johnny Murphy

    Try turning Background App Refresh off.  Mine iPhone 4 immediately picked up speed when I turned that off.  It's not as quick as 6.1.3 but very close and definitely usable. 
    iOS 4 turned my iPhone 3 into a brick and it took me quite a while debugging this iPhone 4 after installing iOS 6.  Keep searching the discussion groups for possible answers.  You might install an app like System Activity Monitor which will show you if one application or process is hogging processor time and thus slowing down the phone.  You might have to google the process to find which app it is associated with, but this will give you a clue.  There is an answer.  You can't downgrade--at least not that I'm aware of--so keep working on finding the answer. 

  • How to downgrade from iOS 8.3 back to iOS 8.2?

    How to downgrade from iOS 8.3 back to iOS 8.2?

    A handful of people scream about every update that is ever put out. It is the nature of technology and blame. Perhaps try addressing your issue instead of blaming yet another update. you would never had of installed 8.2 if you took these forums as any true representation of iOS users.

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    HI I updated iphone 5 to ios 8.1 but now there is many problems and i want to turn back to ios 7 . How can i do it?

    Just restore the iPhone as new
    Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings

  • HT5634 iMac (Late 2006 20") with IOS Lion installed Windows 8 via BootCamp4, Then Upgrade to 8.1 Pro. Worked with warning message until today. How do I get out of Windows 8.1 to get back to IOS Lion.

    Until today I was able to ignore the compatability issues warning (I know bad idea to ignore warnings) and move between IOS Lion and Windows 8.1 Pro partitions on my 20" iMac (Late 2006) with Intel processor. After restarting Windows and spending 1/2 hour waiting for it to update (after installing Office 365) Window works fine, but when I activiate BootCamp (from Windows) nothing happens. It opens and gives me the warning with the option to run the program anyway (like always) but it the program never starts. It stays in Windows. How do I get back to IOS 7 Lion so I can upgrade BootCamp 4 to BootCamp 5 which I just saw today as the solution...?

    Power off your computer. Power up your computer, during power up press and hold the option key. When the boot manager appears select OSx.

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