HT1918 Unable to verify for change of country

I've recently moved to a new country (Canada) and have attempted to change the country to which my Apple id is associated. The problem is that I don't have (and don't want) a credit card here, so I can't verfiy the account.
Does this mean that I will have to close the account because Apple can't use a debit card (it used one in my old home country on my Apple id account). I may not be a regular customer, but isn't it a bit short sighted of such a large company that they can't use more payment options than just a credit card?
Can someone let me know if I can use my debit card in Canada or even a PayPal account before I give up and close the account.
Thanks. - "The iTunes Service accepts these forms of payment: credit cards issued by Canadian banks, iTunes Cards, iTunes Store Gift Certificates, Content Codes, and Allowance Account balances."
You can't close an account, but you can allow it to go dormant.

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