HT201317 applephotostreams.exe dejo de funcionar

applephotostreams.exe dejo de funcionar

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Similar Messages

  • Solucion a applephotostreams.exe dejo de funcionar en Windows 7

    Por algun motivo en que re ordene mis carpetas y redireccione la nueva locacion me empeso a salir el error ahora no puedo usarlo .. alguien tiene alguna solucion o metodo... gracias

    Hola Garbitxu que tal,
    Si funciono antes puede que algo que se instalo últimamente genere algún conflicto.
    Puede también que el problema se relacione a los controladores, de donde los has conseguido de la web oficial de soporte Lenovo?, estaría bien si quitas el controlador actual desde administrador de dispositivos e instalas los que estén aquí .
    El enlace que dejas explica que la solución se dio a través BlueSoleil es un programa gestor de conexiones Bluetooth, este programa al parecer busca e instala algún controlador relacionado al bluetooth de tu ordenador, este programa es de pago.
    Sobre el energy management este lo que hace es apagar/prender WIFI/Bluetooth a través de la tecla f7 o Fn+F7, de todos modos verifica si esta encendido, si no tienes el energy lo consigues aquí busca por modelo y sistema operativo actual en tu ordenador.
    Un saludo.
    Comunidad en Español  English Community  Deutsche Community  РусскоязычноеСообщество
    Mis Lenovo: Y560p,Z580,Z500 touch,S920,T400,G50-70 ,Soy voluntario no trabajo para Lenovo, las opiniones expresadas por mi no representan a Lenovo, no se responde a preguntas de manera privada debes crear un nuevo tema, números del centro de llamada Lenovo Aquí , reglas de participación del foro Aquí , si encontraste solución a tu problema marcarlo aceptándolo como solucionado!!!!!

  • HT201317 ApplePhotoStream.exe

    I get an error when my computer starts up that says ApplePhotoStream.exe has stopped working.  Why would that be?  When I go into the dashboard, though it shows activated, it will not allow me to open the options to see if there is a problem.  Now what?

    Uninstall and then reinstall the iCloud control panel on your computer.

  • HT201317 my icloud now say applephotostream.exe not working how do i fix this?

    my photo stopped streaming photos to my computer.  My computer says applephotostream.exe not working it say I can go on line for a fix to the problem but it doesn't do any thing when I do this.  I don't know how to fix this.  Can someone please help.

    Where from Apple did you download them?  What happens when you try to launch iDVD?

  • HT201317 Why do I keep getting applePhotoStream.exe has stopped working

    Why di i keep getting applephotostream.exe has stopped working on my PC. I have removed the icloud control panel and reloaded it many times and whilst it cures the problem temporarrily it soon comes back................any permanent cures please!

    The only worked it worked for me was to uninstall icloud, restart my pc and reinstall (download from apple site) icloud.

  • Photo Stream PC-error message "applephotostreams.exe has stopped working" and now additional photos that I want to upload is not uploading.

    I sync my devices with a PC running windows.  I have turned on Photo Stream on my PC, iPhone4S & iPad2.
    On my PC it creates two default folders in Pictures called "My Photo Stream" and "Upload".
    Instructions says that you can add photos to the "Upload" folder and it will automatically upload to your "My Photo Stream" folder and when your devices are connected to wi-fi they will upload to each device and show up in the "Photo Stream" section of Photos.
    I was able to upload 50 photos but then I got an error message that applephotostreams.exe has stopped working.
    How do I fix?

    I was having the same problem.  Earlier in the week, I was able to drag a few photos to the upload folder and they synced correctly.  Yesteday, I dragged different photos, and I got the "applephotostream.exe has stopped working" error.
    The solution - for me, at least! - was to reduce the size of the pictures being uploaded to the photostream.  While all of the pictures were jpegs, the first set were ca. 800K (3800 x 2500), and the second set were ca. 2.5 MB (4000 x 2000).  When I reduced the resolution of the last set by a factor of 4 (ca. 600 K, 2000 x 1500), they uploaded without a hitch.
    Based on this admittedly sketchy experiment, it looks like Apple has a max picture size limit, apparently based on file size rather than picture resolution).  Perhaps < 1 MB?  To be rigorous, I should complete the experiment - leave the resolution of the second set of pictures alone and reduce file size by reducing jpeg quality. 
    Has anyone heard about a picture file size limit?

  • Applephotostreams.exe entry point not found error

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    applephotostreams.exe entry point not found
    I've tried searching for similar error messages on the web and in this forum without finding a solution.  I'm also receiving a similar error message for ubd.exe on startup as well.  Any suggestions for repairing this problem would be appreciated.

    A quick search on Google suggests this problem is associated with FlyakiteMacosX plug in.
    Do you have that installed on your computer?
    If so, have a look at this web page .

  • ApplePhotoStreams.exe has stopped working on Windows 7 x64

    same as the title.
    The message "ApplePush.exe has stopped working" appears for a long time, and today, a new message "applephotostreams.exe has stopped working" appeard.
    I using Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Chs on HP Z800 workstation.
    How can I fix this?

    Same issue, Upon start up I get this error (attached)
    Have tried choosing check online for solution, it spins and spins, then poof, the dialog box simply closes, nothing, no tab open in the browser with possible solutions, no reply that a solution couldn't be found. If I go into iCloud panel, PhotoStream has a check mark in it and the same error pops up again. HOW do you uninstall applephotostreams.exe?  It is NOT listed in my Programs & Features in Control Panel. By doing a 'Search Desktop' I can see it is located in Program files (x86)/Common files/Apple/internet services... how do I properly delete it and reinstall? (It is working FINE between my iPad and iPhone, and until yesterday had been working just fine on my PC (Win 7 64bit) Thank you

  • Applephotostreams.exe has stopped working on Windows 7 PC

    applephotostreams.exe has stopped working. Windows 7 PC.

    Same issue, Upon start up I get this error (attached)
    Have tried choosing check online for solution, it spins and spins, then poof, the dialog box simply closes, nothing, no tab open in the browser with possible solutions, no reply that a solution couldn't be found. If I go into iCloud panel, PhotoStream has a check mark in it and the same error pops up again. HOW do you uninstall applephotostreams.exe?  It is NOT listed in my Programs & Features in Control Panel. By doing a 'Search Desktop' I can see it is located in Program files (x86)/Common files/Apple/internet services... how do I properly delete it and reinstall? (It is working FINE between my iPad and iPhone, and until yesterday had been working just fine on my PC (Win 7 64bit) Thank you

  • HT1349 I have icloud on my pc with windows vista.  Recently, upon startup I receive an error that says applephotostream.exe has stopped working.  Windows will close this problem . . . any suggestions.  I tried to download the control panel again. no luck

    I have icloud on my pc with windows vista.  recently, upon startup I get a message that says applephotostream.exe has stopped working.  Windows will close this program  . . . I tried re-installing the icloud control panel, etc.  to no avail.  any leads?

    Hi, I have the same problem. Has anyone come forward with any advice on fixing the problem?

  • Adobe photoshop lightroom 64 bits dejo de funcionar

    Windows 7 me dice que lightroom dejo de funcionar,que cierre el programa e intentara ver el problema,cosa que no hace.
    Todo esto ocurre cuando en EDITAR  voy a PREFERENCIA.
    No puedo hacer otra cosa que apagar el programa.
    gracias por su atencion

    version 5.7.1
    RAM 16
                     Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 64-bit dejo de funcionar
                        el programa dejo de funcionar correctamente por un problema.Windows cerrará´el programa y le                                    notificará si existe una solución
                                                     Cerrar programa

  • How can I stop and restart the ApplePhotoStreams.Exe process on my Windows 7 computer?

    I sometimes notice my CPU utilization skyrockets and my computer fan switches to high. This happens sporadically. The process causing this is ApplePhotoStreams.Exe. It appears the process goes into some infinite loop trying to update or sync pictures. Applications on my PC slow down and the fan stays on high (which is really loud) until I cancel the ApplePhotoStreams.exe process. I can easily cancel the process using Task Manager, but then any photos I take with my iPhone do not replicate over onto my PC unless I reboot my computer.
    I'm not sure if anyone can easily tell me why ApplePhotoStreams.exe is doing this in the first place, but I would more like to know how to restart the ApplePhotoStreams.exe process after I cancel it without having to reboot my PC.

    you can download a new installer and serial number from Adobe at Adobe - CS2 Downloads

  • HT4890 my PC tells me that "ApplePhotoStream.exe has stopped working".  How can I resolve this issue?

    "ApplePhotoStream.exe has stopped working"  How do I resolve this issue?

    Uninstall and then reinstall the iCloud control panel on your computer.

  • TS1717 "ApplePhotoStream.exe has stopped working."

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    Thanks. It seems it helped me for now

  • HT1349 when i open icloud i get the message"Applephotostreams.exe has stopped working"

    I have reinstalled a couple times and still have the same problem.  Any help?

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