HT201401 I have duplicate contacts in my icloud

Any quick resolutions to having multiple contacts in icloud other than individually deleting them?

@vdemtcho, do you have the same exact number of contacts on your iPhone and iCloud?
If so, then you can do the following:
Go to and log in. Click on contacts. Click on the first contact you want to delete, then scroll down, hold “shift” and click on the last contact to be deleted. Then, press the “delete” key on you keyboard. At the prompt, confirm by clicking “Delete”. Your iCloud contacts are now gone.
Then on your iPhone, go to Settings > iCloud. In there, switch the toggle next to “Contacts” to “On”. If asked, confirm you'd like to merge the contacts with iCloud.
Your iPhone (iOS device) should now merge the local contacts with the ones on your iCloud, which you previously deleted. Hereon, any changes you make, such as adding new contacts or deleting existing ones on your iPhone, will be reflected on your iCloud, including other devices that are set to be sycned with iCloud.
If the number of contacts on your iPhone don't match 100% to your iCloud, then you will need to delete your iPhone's contacts and then sync it with your iCloud ones. Now as you can imagine, this can be a manual/tedious/painful work, but you can use the free iPhone app Spring Cleaning ( which allows you to delete your contacts on your iPhone quickly, by making a selection and delete them in batches. Before doing this, make sure that your iCloud contacts are the right ones before you delete anything off your device.
I hope this helps. Good luck!

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    Be sure that you don't have syncing turned on in iTunes, otherwise you'll get data from both iCloud and the iTunes connection.

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    Hi again,
    I found a previous thread on this that may resolve your problem:
    If you are syncing over the air with iCloud then DO NOT sync via the cable with Contacts. This causes duplicates. You are telling the iPhone to bring what is in those programs to the iPhone (one copy). Then you are syncing from the cloud (copy two).
    The iPhone will do exactly as you tell it to do.
    The easiest way to remove duplicates.
    1. On the info tab in iTunes uncheck sync contact and sync calendars.
    2. On the iPhone>settings>mail contacts calendars> account>slide Contacts and Calendars OFF
    3. Log into iCloud and look at contacts and calendars and make sure there are no duplicates.
    4. On the iPhone>settings>mail contacts calendars> account> slide to Contacts and Calendars ON
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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    If you can't do this on a computer, which would be much easier using drag and drop, then you will need to share the contacts with yourself in order to move them to the iCloud account.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Restore from a back up that includes these contacts.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Resolving duplicate contacts

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    Go to contacts on your phone/ipad, click groups, make sure that the only checked contacts are icloud. That shoud do.

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    You can delete the duplicates on, or you can try using one of the apps that say they can identify and merge duplicate contacts.  (If you have a Mac, you can do this by opening your contacts and going to Card>Look for Duplicates.)

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    I can't fully tell from the information you have provided, but I suspect your duplicates resulted from having one set of contacts in your "iCloud "account and another set of contacts in your "on my Mac" account.
    I further suspect that you have then deleted the contacts from your "Icloud "account, and thereby removed them from all devices. You now need to copy the contacts from your "on my Mac" account back to your "iCloud" account and delete the originals from your "on my Mac" account. You can do this by selecting groups, selecting your "on my Mac" group, and then selecting all the contacts within it and dragging them onto your "iCloud " account.
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    all the best

    There is a cool easy to use iPhone app for erasing or merging duplicates and similar contacts:
    Hope it helps

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    This is the article that will assist with this part of your post:
    deltajane wrote:
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    What you've outlined in this part of the post is all that icloud stores for you outside of the backup. If you want to restore from the icloud backup you will then have for all practical purposes a carbon restoration back to your device if you restore from the icloud backup.
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