HT202879 opening numbers 08 doc w/ 3.2

Is there any way to open or export a numbers 08 document to numbers 3.2? (or did I just waste my money?) I don't have numbers 09.

Here's how I opened my 08 docs: open doc in Numbers 08 - export to csv - open csv doc with Numbers 3.2 - save.

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    I Just found it on the apple site, it arrived on a cd a few days later and worked just fine again.
    i would recommend backing everything up just in case. Better safe than sorry, trust me. I've lost so much when i didnt back up once when re-installing the system.
    IT shoulldnt erase everything, bt it might, so back up just in case
    should you loose everything, then i have some tips on moving stuff fromyour iphone/ipod to the computer

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    iWork (no 's') for iOS & iWork for Mac have not gone away. (beta) (also no 's') is going away the end of July. (beta) is/was an online method of sharing iWork files with other users & never moved out of beta in 3+ years. It is a completely different entity than the iWork apps & is not & never has been necessary for the iWork apps to function.
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    Make sure you are launching Numbers 3.1, the latest version. Then, hold down the Shift key as you launch the app to prevent any old document windows from opening as the app launches.
    To find Numbers 3.1, Search for in Finder. Examine the results carefully and launch the one with the icon having a 4-bar chart. The other version has a 3-bar chart icon.

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    Okay , you should only delete EMPTY DUPLICATED folders, not preview folders or any others. I would put them all back. Then just delete any DUPLICATED EMPTY folders, do not disturb any other folders. On iOS switch off DOCUMENTS AND DATA under ICLOUD in SETTINGS. Do this on all iOS devices not just the one. Once deleted DUPLICATE FOLDERS on the mac in MOBILE FOLDERS then exit the LIBRARY. Open PAGES on your MAC and view folders on icloud. Check everything is all there as expected. If okay then DELETE and re-install PAGES app on iOS - THEN switch on DATA and DOCUMENTS in ICLOUD. Now open PAGES. If you have Time Machine on you can recover any 'lost' doc files and restore them from your mac from pages application. Try the process again and do not disturb any folders other than ones I mentioned as this is the system files LIBRARY. It is not a place to be over zealous in moving, altering and deleting folders and files. Take care please.

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    Please review this information:

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    SDKFolderChooser folderChooser;
    folderChooser.SetTitle("Select folder where Indesign Docs are");
    if (!folderChooser.IsChosen())
    break; // cancelled
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    PMString inFolderPath = folderChooser.GetPath();
    if (inFolderPath.IsEmpty())
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    and just cant find any examples anywhere.
    Thanks for your help

    Hi Alicia!
    You can use the FileSystemIterator to go through all the files in a folder. See the paneltreeview sdk sample plug-in for example code for this.
    Basically you probably want something like this:
        PlatformFileSystemIterator iter;
        IDFile idFile;
        PMString filter("\\*.indd");
        bool16 hasNext = iter.FindFirstFile(idFile, filter);
        SDKLayoutHelper helper;
        if (FileUtils::DoesFileExist(idFile))
              UIDRef docRef(helper.OpenDocument(idFile));
              hasNext = iter.FindNextFile(idFile);
          while (hasNext);
    Good luck!
    Oh, you need to include the actual implementations of PlatformFileSystemIterator and SDKLayoutHelper to your project so they are compiled into the plug-in, as they arent part of the InDesign runtime libs.

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    Sounds like there is file corruption.
    Here are a few suggestions: (each one requires moving a file or folder to the desktop and restarting Safari. If no resolution, move the item back to its original location and try the next suggestion.)
    These items are found in your User Library:
    Preferences folder - - this is the Safari preferences file. If Safari becomes functional, then you'll need to reset any customized settings once the program opens.
    Safari Folder - holds your bookmarks, download, history and icons (favicons). Move the entire folder to the desktop. If the program opens, then one of these files is corrupt. On the restart, Safari automatically creates a new folder. So, if Safari works, then move one at a time (restart Safari each time) the various items in this folder into the newly created Safari folder. If Safari crashes you've found your corrupted file.
    If none of the above works, then try Safari from another User Account (you may have to create one in System Preferences). If Safari doesn't work there then your problem is system-wide.
    Post back with results.

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    I tried creating a new URLRequest and navigateToURL to attempt to open the word doc - nothing happens when I click the link. The link button will launch google if i replace my word doc path with the google url.
    I tried sending the file path to javascript via ExternalInterface and having javascript open it up.  It doesn't work that way either.
    Is there something I should know about opening up a Word doc file with Flex? Or possibly is it not working because of where the file resides?  Any thoughts?

    Actually, no and yes. No you do not have to re-save all of your Word files. It depends on what you want to do with them.
    The file you have open is actually a Pages file which was created by converting the old Word file (which has not been altered at all). If you want to keep it and any changes you have made as a Pages file, you must "save as." The next time you open that file, it will open naturally in Pages. Every time you open the original Word file, since it has not been converted to native Pages, it will go through the same translating process as it did this time.

  • Pages v4.0 (727) can't open or save .doc files

    Hello everyone,
    for a while now I haven't been able to open or save .doc files with Pages. When trying to open a .doc file I get the following message:
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    I have tried the following to solve the problem:
    1. run Software Update, which told me there were no updates available
    2. checked my applications folder to see if Pages was in the iWork '09 folder in order for SU to be able to detect updates (it was)
    3. reinstalled Pages from the iWork disc and run SU (which again couldn't detect any updates)
    4. deleted the file from the Preferences folder in the user library on the Macintosh HD
    I'd be very grateful if someone could point me towards a solution, I've spent an age on google looking for one and haven't found anything useful so far.
    Thanks in advance

    Are you still on MacOs 10.6.1? You should update it to 10.6.8. Use the Combo update here if the Software Update check doesn't work (which it should)
    And here you can find the iWork 09 updates. Software Updates should find them!
    iWork 9.0.4
    iLife Support 9.0.4
    You need both.

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    Test by yourself with the documents which you wish to open.
    Dowload the free 30 days trial iWork from :
    install it,
    apply the updaters then test it during 30 days.
    An other scheme which costs nothing is to download the free LibreOffice.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 24 février 2012
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 12 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.3
    My Box account  is :

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    Open  > Force Quit and press Mail

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    I don't believe it will open a Word document, but Writepad allows for handwritten conversion of notes to text and then to email. Might help you some of the way...

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    You have a choice as to whether or not applications in Lion like Word or Preview (or even Safari) save and re-open previous documents or windows... just hold down the option key while quitting a program and when you re-open it you won't get the previous documents or windows when you re-open the application. You can see this by selecting the open program in the menu bar and when holding down the option key the quit function will change to quit and discard open windows. This feature in Lion is referred to as "Resume" and is great if you want to restart an app and return to what you're doing (for example in Safari re-opening existing windows and tabs from your previous session). You still have the option to close individual windows within an app before quitting and they will not re-open when the app is launched again.
    This Resume function is not related to saving your work (a word or text document for example). This is handled by Lion's "Auto-Save" and "Versions" functions. See
    Hopefully this is the complete answer you're looking for.

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