HT2506 Trouble with Annotating by Column

I'm trying to annotate (highlight) a column of text that's in a grid in a PDF file. I can select the column using the option button, but when I choose to "highlight" it, it reverts to text that's highlighted by whole lines (NOT a column). It took me a while to learn about using the option button to be able to SELECT a column of text, so maybe this just involves another "trick" I haven't learned yet.
I'm assuming that I should be able to annotate whatever I have highlighted. If this is correct, how do I do this?

You can try something like this example:
SQL> select decode(gr,1,dname,null) dname, ename, job
  2  from (
  3  select count(1), d.dname,e.ename,e.job, grouping(e.ename) gr
  4  from dept d, emp e
  5  where d.deptno = e.deptno
  6  group by grouping sets (d.dname, (d.dname, e.ename, e.job))
  7  order by d.dname,gr desc
  8  )
  9  /
DNAME          ENAME      JOB
               KING       PRESIDENT
               CLARK      MANAGER
               MILLER     CLERK
               FORD       ANALYST
               ADAMS      CLERK
               JONES      MANAGER
               SMITH      CLERK
               SCOTT      ANALYST
               WARD       SALESMAN
               ALLEN      SALESMAN
               BLAKE      MANAGER
               JAMES      CLERK
               MARTIN     SALESMAN
               TURNER     SALESMAN
17 rows selected.Rgds.

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    Hello all.
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    I have created several forms in Designer that present the user with information from an XML submitted via a .net app. The info includes customer data, URLs to other pages and a URL to an image/s which I embed within the PDF for presentation.
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    I have the dynamically populated images displaying correctly to the user. Annotations and the hyperlinks are basically functioning correctly as well.
    My issues:
    The problems that I have encountered are:
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    2. The hyperlinks work correctly except that when we open the PDFs in Workspace, the hyperlinks open the page within the Workspace area. Is there a way to force the Hyperlinks from Workspace to open the page in a new browser tab or page? I have attempted to use the target="_blank" with no success.
    3. The annotations are being captured and collected ok within LC. I can see the updated XML which includes the markups etc. I have attempted to then use the updated XML to present the PDF, including the annotations, to the next user in the TaskAssignment. Even using Reader Extensions, the annotations/drawings do not display to the next user in their Task. However, if I open the same document using Acrobat Pro, the annotations are displayed correctly. Anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong? Do we require the use of Output to flatten the document with the annotations?
    Thank you all for your assistance

    three years later I have the same problem as David posted in no. 1.
    I created a PDF form in LCD with image fields and text fields that are filled within another software. In LCD I placed the fields in the background. After the pdf fields have been filled within the other software the user wants to add markups and comments on it.
    But the markups on the PDF appear behind the images and texts. I need the markups in front, how can I manage this??
    Best regards,

  • Trouble with CSS div column

    Just got DW CS3 and having a good time learning the new
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    The best (i.e., non-javascript) method to make columns look
    to be the same
    height is to use a faux-column method. Google that....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "SnakEyez02" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g6snvo$6c8$[email protected]..
    > Divs do not work like tables, so if you expand 2 divs
    down next to each
    > other
    > they will keep their respective heights unlike tables
    which expand. I
    > would
    > recommend taking a look at the source code of the
    following example and
    > read
    > over the tutorial that accompanies it:
    > Example
    > Project Seven also has some other good tutorials so I'll
    just give you
    > that
    > link for a later time:

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    .twoColLiqLtHdr #container
    .twoColLiqLtHdr #header
    .twoColLiqLtHdr #header h1  
    /* Tips for sidebar1:
    1. since we are working in percentages, it's best not to use padding on the sidebar. It will be added to the width for standards compliant browsers creating an unknown actual width.
    2. Space between the side of the div and the elements within it can be created by placing a left and right margin on those elements as seen in the ".twoColLiqLtHdr #sidebar1 p" rule.
    3. Since Explorer calculates widths after the parent element is rendered, you may occasionally run into unexplained bugs with percentage-based columns. If you need more predictable results, you may choose to change to pixel sized columns.
    .twoColLiqLtHdr #sidebar1
    .twoColLiqLtHdr #sidebar1 h3, .twoColLiqLtHdr #sidebar1 p {
         margin-left: 5px; /* the left and right margin should be given to every element that will be placed in the side columns */
         margin-right: 5px;
    /* Tips for mainContent:
    1. the space between the mainContent and sidebar1 is created with the left margin on the mainContent div.  No matter how much content the sidebar1 div contains, the column space will remain. You can remove this left margin if you want the #mainContent div's text to fill the #sidebar1 space when the content in #sidebar1 ends.
    2. to avoid float drop at a supported minimum 800 x 600 resolution, elements within the mainContent div should be 430px or smaller (this includes images).
    3. in the Internet Explorer Conditional Comment below, the zoom property is used to give the mainContent "hasLayout." This avoids several IE-specific bugs.
    .twoColLiqLtHdr #mainContent
    .twoColLiqLtHdr #footer
    .twoColLiqLtHdr #footer p  
    /* Miscellaneous classes for reuse */
    .fltrt { /* this class can be used to float an element right in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
         float: right;
         margin-left: 8px;
    .fltlft { /* this class can be used to float an element left in your page */
         float: left;
         margin-right: 8px;
    .clearfloat { /* this class should be placed on a div or break element and should be the final element before the close of a container that should fully contain a float */
        font-size: 1px;
        line-height: 0px;
    </style><!--[if IE]>
    <style type="text/css">
    /* place css fixes for all versions of IE in this conditional comment */
    .twoColLiqLtHdr #sidebar1 { padding-top: 30px; }
    .twoColLiqLtHdr #mainContent
    /* the above proprietary zoom property gives IE the hasLayout it needs to avoid several bugs */
    [Item 1 | #]
    [Item 1.1 | #]
    [Item 1.2 | #]
    [Item 1.3 | #]
    [Item 2 | #]
    [Item 3 | #]
    [Item 3.1 | #]
    [Item 3.1.1 | #]
    [Item 3.1.2 | #]
    [Item 3.2 | #]
    [Item 3.3 | #]
    [Item 4 | #]
    This guide does not replace policy, procedures, or training
        Home Page
    var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", );

    Faux Columns will not work in a Fluid Layout (responsive web design)
    Fortunately PVII have written a nifty little JS-file that will allow you to do that. See the example here

  • Trouble with sorting albums

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    occasionally my albums have their "out of" track numbers removed. so in the track # column it does not display "(track number) of (total tracks on CD)" but instead only displays "(track number)"
    occasionally the LAST song of an album will above the FIRST song of the album instead of the staying as the last song. I have tried everything and cannot fix this without re burning the CD. I don't want to have to do that as I do not have my CD collection with me.
    How should I go about fixing these and making sure they dont continue to happen?

    Generally setting a common Album Artist will fix things.
    For deeper problems see Grouping tracks into albums.
    If iTunes won't accept changes to the tags see Repair security permissions for iTunes for Windows.
    If iTunes appears to accept your changes but the original values reappear later then the files are likely to be mp3s with multiple tags. In such cases iTunes only updates one of them and may later read back the unchanged data from the other. To fix this select the tracks in question in iTunes, right-click and use Convert > ID3 Tags > None, several times, then use Convert > ID3 Tags > ID3v2.3. You will need to reinsert any embedded artwork.

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    The database is fairly old and uses WE8MSWIN1252 as the character set and AL16UTF16 as the NCHAR character set. Hence I'm using NCLOB instead of CLOB. However, I connect to the database with AL32UTF8, since my app is running in UTF-8. I was under the impression that this would result in an automatic conversion from UTF-8 to UTF-16 when inserting into NCLOB columns, but apperently this is not the case. It looks like there is some sort of double conversion, first UTF-8 to WE8MSWIN1252 and then to UTF-16, because some non-ASCII characters like ä (a umlaut) get correctly converted from UTF-8 to UTF-16.
    Any ideas? I'm at a loss here. Thanks in advance.

    PHP OCI8 doesn't support NCLOB or NVARCHAR2.
    See NCLOB support in OCI8

  • Matrix - Help with setting 1st column for line numbers

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    The matrix itself is populated correct from the Query and LoadFromDataSource, and all the fields and columns are filled in correctly, the only column I am having trouble with is the 1st one for line numbers. My code for adding the line numbers is
    SBO_Application.MessageBox("Matrix Count: " & tMatrix.RowCount)
    For i = 1 To tMatrix.RowCount
          oEditText = tColumns.Item("#").Cells.Item(i).Specific
          oEditText.Value = i
    For the example I am using I get the message box appear:
    Matrix Count: 26
    So I know I should have the line number go from 1 to 26, however I only get 1 to 9 displayed, all the remaining lines are blank.
    Any ideas on why it stops at 9 or what I should do to correctly set the line numbers in the Number column like that of the system Quotation/Sales orders forms.
    Your help is much appreciated

    I tried changing it to the following as you suggested:
    SBO_Application.MessageBox("Matrix Count: " & tMatrix.VisualRowCount)
    For i = 1 To tMatrix.VisualRowCount
        oEditText = tColumns.Item("#").Cells.Item(i).Specific
        oEditText.Value = i
    The message box still displays 26, however my lines still only go up to number 9.
    Thanks for the quick response.

  • Trouble with Materialized View

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    create table systems (
    sys_id number,
    sys_name varchar2(100),
    constraint sys_pk primary key (sys_id),
    constraint sys_uk unique (sys_name));
    insert into systems values (1,'System 1');
    insert into systems values (2,'System 2');
    create table mobile_components (
    mo_comp_id number,
    mo_comp_name varchar2(100),
    mo_comp_sys_id number,
    constraint mo_pk primary key (mo_comp_id),
    constraint mo_uk unique (mo_comp_name, mo_comp_sys_id),
    constraint mo_fk foreign key (mo_comp_sys_id) references systems (sys_id));
    insert into mobile_components values (1,'Component A',1);
    insert into mobile_components values (2,'Component A',2);
    create table desktop_components (
    de_comp_id number,
    de_comp_name varchar2(100),
    de_comp_sys_id number,
    constraint de_pk primary key (de_comp_id),
    constraint de_uk unique (de_comp_name, de_comp_sys_id),
    constraint de_fk foreign key (de_comp_sys_id) references systems (sys_id));
    insert into desktop_components values (1,'Component B',1);
    insert into desktop_components values (2,'Component B',2);
    create table internet_components (
    in_comp_id number,
    in_comp_name varchar2(100),
    in_comp_sys_id number,
    constraint in_pk primary key (in_comp_id),
    constraint in_uk unique (in_comp_name, in_comp_sys_id),
    constraint in_fk foreign key (in_comp_sys_id_ references systems (sys_id));
    insert into internet_components values (1,'Component C',1);
    insert into internet_components values (2,'Component C',2);
    create materialized view log on mobile_components with rowid;
    create materialized view log on desktop_components with rowid;
    create materialized view log on internet_components with rowid;
    create materialized view mv_components
    refresh fast on commit with rowid as
    select rowid as row_id, mo_comp_id as comp_id, mo_comp_name as comp_name
    from mobile_components
    union all
    select rowid, de_comp_id, de_comp_name
    from desktop_components
    union all
    select rowid, in_comp_id, in_comp_name
    from internet_components;
    alter table mv_components add constraint mv_comp_uk unique (comp_id, comp_name);

    You need a marker column to distinguish which of your queries you union, that data came from:
    create materialized view mv_components 
    refresh fast on commit with rowid as 
    select 'a' marker,rowid as row_id, mo_comp_id as comp_id, mo_comp_name as comp_name 
    from mobile_components 
    union all 
    select 'b',rowid, de_comp_id, de_comp_name 
    from desktop_components 
    union all 
    select 'c', rowid, in_comp_id, in_comp_name 
    from internet_components;

  • Trouble with FormatPercent in SSRS

    Hi All,
    I am working on SSRS and I am having trouble with FormatPercent function.I have two columns which are units
     and another column representing corresponding values.Units column contains %, kg  and so on. the row 
    containing % as unit should have value
    in this format 'value%'
    For example
    1.%   4
    2.%   3  2
    This should look like
    1.%  4%
    2.%  3%  2
    I am writing this query "=IIF(Fields!units.value="%',FormatPercent((Fields!CURRENT_VALUE.Value/100),2),Fields!CURRENT_VALUE.Value)"
    in TextProperties->Set Number formatting options.
    when I execute this I am getting
    1.%  400%
    2.%  300% 2
    I would be thankful,if anyone can help me to solve this issue asap.

    Hi Arjun,
    Per my understanding that you are using the expression in the custom format of the "Text Box properties" right?
    I have tested on my local environment, if so, it will cause the result not correct, I recommended you to just use the expression in the field by right click the field and select the "Expression":
    Or you can modify the expression as below to use in the custom format:
    You can also use method below to achieve this:
    Add expression of the field:
    =IIF(Fields!units.value="%', Fields!CURRENT_VALUE.Value/100,Fields!CURRENT_VALUE.Value)
    Then add this expression in the custom format:
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Having trouble with the highlights

    I have Samsung Galaxy S3 with Android 4:3
    I am having trouble with the highlight feature. When I highlight a word or a sentence Adobe Reader highlights it without a problem yet I cannot see all the highlighted parts of the pdf file as a list. Thus I cannot jump to different highlighted parts of the document.
    When I bookmark a page for example I can see all the bookmarked pages under a list so it allows me to jump through. 
    How can see and jump between all highlights and annotations? Thanks

    Adobe Reader presently doesn't allow you to see all the highlighted text at a single place. We have noted down your request, and will update you if it becomes available in one of our future releases.

  • I am having trouble with disk space,

    I am having trouble with disk space, I am always getting the error message that I need to delete files on my start up disk, I am all out of space. I cant even save a file to my desktop without getting the message, Is there a way I can free up space. I am not very computer savvy, being a pensioner I  cannot afford expensive options.  I was familiar with the old apple imac, but I was given a macbook pro for my birthday, and am trying to work it out.  I use it mostly for photos and web.

    I'm assuming this is a second-hand machine.  If it is brand new, get it to Apple because it's their problem, not yours.
    First thing you should do is go to Programs: Utilities: Disk Utlity and choose "Repair Permissions."  If you don't have the OS X system disk (a DVD) go ahead and verify the Disk. It can't fix itself, so to speak, but can tell you if there is a problem.  iIf you have the OS X system disk then boot off the disk, go to Disk Utility, and run Repair Disk.  Assuming all is OK:
    You don't need to download any programs to get started on figuring out why all your space is gone.  Try this first:
    Oh, when deleting, especially at first, you may have to move only small folders or even files, of 100 MB or so to the trash, then empty the trash.  As the free space increases, you can trash progressively larger files.  To delete files, the computer needs to create even more files to tell it what files it is deleting before it deletes them.  I know, go figure.;)
    It would not be a bad idea, and is in fact a very good idea, to run the disk utility "Repair permissions" after every half-dozen trash/empty trash cycles and then restart the computer.
    The basic plan is to search for unreasonably sized folders. 
    From the Finder:
    Open a window, click in the window and then:
    Go to menu item View. (If you click on the desktop instead of a window, you'll get a different set of view options, none of which is the one you want.)
    Click on it and move the cursor to the bottom choice, Show View Options (alternative Apple (Command)-J).  Make sure the checkbox "Calculate all sizes" is checked. If it isn't, check it and then click on "Use as default" When checked, it will show you the size of a folder.  If it was unchecked, don't be surprised if nothing seems to be happening as it will take awhile for the computer to calculate the size of, literally, thousands of folders.  But some will start to show up right away. If you open a new window and don't see any folder sizes, Repeat the Show View Options routine above and if Calculate all sizes is checked, just wait.
    I've heard you Aussies enjoy a beer or two.  If your Mac has to calculate all the folder sizes, this might well be a good time to have a cold one or two, as it will take some time.
    Go to the root level, which is "Computer" or "_Your Disk Name_," generically Macintosh under Devices in the sidebar.
    Make sure you are in list view and can have the size column visible.  Click on it (turns blue-grey) and it will sort by size, large to small or the reverse.  Click again to reverse the sort order.
    On my 10.6.8 machine, I have
    98 GB under Users.
    22 GB under Applications. If you only have the Apple-supplied applications, you probably have between 4 and 6 GB here.
    Library is 24.5 GB
    System is 4.6 GB
    Other than a few trivially small files or folders, that should be about it for the root level.
    If you have two System files, you shouldn't, and will need to get rid of one.  Ask for advice before deleting one or the other.  If you have a, "Previous System," or "Old System," -- can't remember the language, you can proably safely delete it if you are satisified with how your computer is working. 
    The Library is a candidate for bloat.  Some applications, especially those that manipulate audio or video, store the bulk of their code, generally resources of one type or the other, in the Application Support folder. For instance, I have a 10.5 GB folder of Live Type in my Application Support folder.  Honestly, I don't know what program it is for, but don't care because I upgraded to a 3/4 TB drive.  In contrast, on my 10.7.1 computer, which has little more than the Apple supplied software on it at this point, uses only 1.5 GB for Application Support.  The support folders will remain even if the program itself is deleted.  As a general rule, I wouldn't bother checking out anything under 300 MB or so.  Any folders over that, you should note for possible deletion _but_ be sure to ask someone with more knowledge about this what it is used for before deleting.  If it is used for some program that isn't on your machine, meaning the program has been deleted, you can safely delete it.  If the program is still on the machine, decide if you will use that program and, if not, delete the program and its application support files.
    My next largest folder in the Library is Audio at 2.7 GB.  I have audio editing programs, so that makes sense. You probaby have one also, but shouldn't be over 500 MB or so.
    Next is Printers at 1.4 GB.  This is a good place to clear up space.  You'll see folders with various printer brands.  Do you have a Brother printer?  No?  Trash it.  Just keep the folder with your printer brand and the PPD folder and trash the rest.  If you want to get real fancy, open your brands folder and delete the files for every model other than the one you have. 
    My next largest is Fonts at 490 MB.  Leave that alone. In fact, unless Fonts is something insane like 2 GBs, stop deleting from the Library.
    Go to Users.  There could be between one and more than one user.  (Fudge of an answer there.)  There is no such thing as a guideline for user folder size.  Is there a previous user?  If so, check with them and see if you can delete it.  I have a "dummy" administrative - level user that can be used for some esoteric rescue operations and it takes up a trivial 33 KB or something like that while my own account is pushing 100 GB.
    You'll see several folders, Music, Pictures, Desktop, etc.  This is stuff you or the previous user have created.  If you don't want it, delete it.  You will also see, aha! another Library folder.  There shouldn't be many folders over 100 MB here except for Mail and our friend Application Support.  I get a lot of mail, rarely delete any, and have carried it over from 10.3 and measures out at 3.7GB.  Still, if its someone elses mail and you don't want it, you can delete it, but again, check with more knowledgable people as there are probably some files and folders you absolutely should not delete, others that you should delete from within Mail, and some you can manually delete. 
    My Application Support Folder weighs in at 1.4 GBs, of which 1.2 GBs is for Final Vinyl.  That's a lot.  Sneaky sucker stored some untitled audio files in there.  Bye! OK, now the Application Support folder is down to 145 MB.  So, I'd say anything much over that should be investigated for possible deletion.  Close up Library and move on.
    Downloads may be very small or very large.  Depends on how meticulous the previous user was in deleting or moving to a more appropriate location.  Ask them if there is anything they want, and if no, delete it.
    My Application folder has Zero KB because I always install at the root, administrative level.  If there is anything there, figure out if you want to use it or not.  If not, trash it.
    1) Don't sweat the small stuff.  The days are long gone when searching a hard drive for a 100 K file to delete is worthwhile.
    2) Start small.  A disk that full is going to be pretty touchy, so once you have identified a bloated folder, go inside of it and trash the smaller files and folder, then empty the trash, then delete a few more files, empty the trash, etc. 
    3) Don't forget to periodically Repair Permissions and restarting the computer.
    4) If you are unsure about whether a folder or file can be safely deleted, ask someone knowledgable or just knock off for the day and hit it again tomorrow.  Seriously, an unanswerable question you have might well be answered by sleeping on it and attacking it the next day.
    5) As Douglas Adams wrote: DON'T PANIC!
    Best of luck! 

  • Troubles with installation of 9ifs

    platform Windows NT4
    after installation of 9iFS I do not manage any more to use iFS.
    indeed I do not manage to launch the Oracle Console Management,
    it launch out but disappear at once...
    to install 9iFS I have to pass the patchset Oracle
    1882450) to migrate my base Oracle 8.1.7 into this
    installation works fine. On the other hand at the time of the
    installation of 9iFS, during the checking of the variable of
    environment of Oracle iFS, the following error occurred:
    oracle.ifs.utils.action.ActionFailedException: the checking of
    variable of environment CLASSPATH of oracle 9IFS failed, because
    files or repertories following are not found:
    e:/oracle/ora81/jlib/regexp.jar e:/oracle/ora81/jlib/oembase-
    to be able to continue the installation of 9iFS, I allowed
    myself to
    put in comment these 4 following lines in the file
    which is in e:\oracle\ora81\9ifs\admin\cl
    so, I could continue the installation of 9iFS, the migration of
    the repository (a little long all the same) was carried out
    without problem. On the other hand I do not arrive at launching
    9iFS by the
    Oracle console Management is there an other solution to
    manage IFS (files .bat or other...)
    I also have troubles with the service NT, Oracle
    oracleEoraHome81ManagementServer, it is very long to launch out
    and it
    stops inopportunely...
    I think that all my problems come to the fact that it miss the 4
    files (oemtools-9_0_1.jar, oembase-9_0_1.jar, regexp.jar...)
    Where I can find these files ? Is there anyone who could give me
    these files ?
    what do you think about it?
    Thanks for helps.

    Do you have binutils- patch installed on your system?
    See page 2-9, section 2.1.14 Installing on Red Hat Linux in the documentation
    "Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes Addendum
    Release 2 ( for AIX-Based Systems, Compaq Tru64 UNIX, HP 9000 Series
    HP-UX, and Linux Intel
    August 22, 2002
    Part No. B10102-01"

  • Trouble with city, state in Mysql Query

    I am having trouble with a query I am trying to setup.  Basically, I want the user to type in their city.  Then I want the system to ask them which city,state combo is theirs.  So if they enter "Washington" the system will return:
    Select your city/state:
    Washington, NJ
    Washington, PA
    Washington, DE
    City and state are stored as two fields in my mysql DB.  I was considering using 'select distinct' but I wasnt sure how it would work in relation to two fields.  So how would I go about making sure washington, nj only appears once (its in a database where there will be multiple washington, NJ listed).
    So anyone have any ideas or code samples they have used to do something like this?
    Thanks in advance,

    davella wrote:
    City and state are stored as two fields in my mysql DB.  I was considering using 'select distinct' but I wasnt sure how it would work in relation to two fields.  So how would I go about making sure washington, nj only appears once (its in a database where there will be multiple washington, NJ listed).
    DISTINCT works the same way for single field or multiple fields.  It returns all distinct combinations of the values in the columns you have listed.
    SELECT  DISTINCT City, State
    FROM     Table
    WHERE  City = 'Washington'
    (Data) City, State
    Washington, NJ
    Washington, PA
    Washington, NJ
    Washington, DE
    Washington, NJ
    Washington, PA
    So for your two columns it would distinct combinations of the "City" and "State" values.  But why are there multiple "Washington, NJ" records? Are they actually different cities or duplicate records?
    Washington, NJ
    Washington, PA
    Washington, DE

  • Trouble with query on Reports

    I am having trouble with a query which results from a join of 4 tables, of which, one table is shortened by grouping it along one column.
    for example
    A join B join C join (D grouped by D.S)
    In MS Access I had used a separate query to represent this and done a join with the remaining tables to generate my report.
    Any one has any idea about how this can be done using just one query, or any way I can store the sub-result elsewhere like in Access.

    Not usre this is a reports issue, but:
    I think you are trying to select from tables and queries in one.
    IN your SQL statement try
    SELECT data,etc
    , (select distinct S from D) Q_D
    A join B join C join Q_D
    Note that I don't think you can use sub queries like this in Access

  • Difference between an XMLType table and a table with an XMLType column?

    Hi all,
    Still trying to get my mind around all this XML stuff.
    Can someone concisely explain the difference between:
    create table this_is_xmltype_tab of xmltype;and
    create table this_is_tab_w_xmltpe_col(id number, document xmltype);What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of each approach? How do they really differ?

    There is another pointer Mark, that I realized when I was thinking about the differences...
    If you would look up in the manual regarding "xdb:annotations" you would learn about a method using an XML Schema to generate out of the box your whole design in terms of physical layout and/or design principles. In my mind this should be the preferred solution if you are dealing with very complex XML Schema environments. Taking your XML Schema as your single point design layout, that during the actual implementation automatically generates and builds all your needed database objects and its physical requirements, has great advantages in points of design version management etc., but... will create automatically an XMLType table (based on OR, Binary XML of "hybrid" storage principles, aka the ones that are XML Schema driven) and not AFAIK a XMLtype column structure: so as in "our" case a table with a id column and a xmltype column.
    In principle you could relationally relate to this as:
    +"I have created an EER diagram and a Physical diagram, I mix the content/info of those two into one diagram." "Then I _+execute+_ it in the database and the end result will be an database user/schema that has all the xxxx amount of physical objects I need, the way I want it to be...".+
    ...but it will be in the form of an XMLType table structure...
    xdb:annotations can be used to create things like:
    - enforce database/company naming conventions
    - DOM validation enabled or not
    - automatic IOT or BTree index creation (for instance in OR XMLType storage)
    - sort search order enforced or not
    - default tablenames and owners
    - extra column or table property settings like for partitioning XML data
    - database encoding/mapping used for SQL and binary storage
    - avoid automatic creation of Oracle objects (tables/types/etc), for instance, via xdb:defaultTable="" annotations
    - etc...
    See here for more info:
    and / or for more detailed info:

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