HT3258 can help me for parallel dekstop?

i got that msg!
Crashed Thread:  0
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
Application Specific Information:
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries
Dyld Error Message:
  Library not loaded: /Library/Parallels/Parallels
  Referenced from: /Library/Parallels/Parallels Transporter
  Reason: image not found
Binary Images:
    0x1000 -   0xb9dfff +com.parallels.desktop.transporter (6.0.11800.593005) <2933AD43-E7B7-7133-E2E8-8CAEC336B903> /Library/Parallels/Parallels Transporter
  0xe7a000 -   0xe7bffc  libpam.1.dylib (20) <DB2EB40C-1E39-3907-A2AA-C1866F09D3E2> /usr/lib/libpam.1.dylib
0x8feb0000 - 0x8fee2e57  dyld (210.2.3) <23516BE4-29BE-350C-91C9-F36E7999F0F1> /usr/lib/dyld
0x91c34000 - 0x91c3fffb (10.8 - 151.10) <234F4A14-60ED-300B-93B2-D5052878558F> /System/Library/Frameworks/DirectoryService.framework/Versions/A/DirectoryServi ce
0x95c45000 - 0x95e2dff3 (6.8 - 744.12) <E939CEA0-493C-3233-9983-5070981BB350> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
Model: MacBookAir3,2, BootROM MBA31.0061.B07, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 1.86 GHz, 2 GB, SMC 1.66f60
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 320M, NVIDIA GeForce 320M, PCI, 256 MB
Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 1 GB, DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x02FE, 0x45424A3130554538454655302D41452D4620
Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 1 GB, DDR3, 1067 MHz, 0x02FE, 0x45424A3130554538454655302D41452D4620
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0xD1), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
Bluetooth: Version 4.0.9f33 10885, 2 service, 11 devices, 5 incoming serial ports
Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en0
Serial ATA Device: APPLE SSD TS128C, 121.33 GB
USB Device: FaceTime Camera (Built-in), apple_vendor_id, 0x850a, 0x24600000 / 2
USB Device: Internal Memory Card Reader, apple_vendor_id, 0x8403, 0x26100000 / 2
USB Device: BRCM2070 Hub, 0x0a5c  (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0x04500000 / 3
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, apple_vendor_id, 0x821b, 0x04530000 / 5
USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, apple_vendor_id, 0x023f, 0x04300000 / 2

i dont know how to contact them .. then what can  tell them .. so poor

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    Dear Barbara B.
    Thank you very much. It works.
    Maybe, it is interesting for you to know that before I sent this question to
    the forum, I asked it officially at Adobe's Customer Help. From them I got
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    i asume you are using (Web)Reports 9i or higher.
    you could implement something like
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    --check report progress
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       -- Report generation errors
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    please anyone can help me.for this issue....
    My Requirements is first need to MR11 tarnsaction and create zmr11 transaction and also the copy the corresponding MR11 program create Z program, which i did it.
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    Account:           Cost Centre:
                       Internal Order:
                      Profit Centre:
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    <logic:iterate id="dtoi" name="ages"
    collection="ages.keySet()" indexId="dtoi">
    <% interfaz.GenericDto dtoEA =
    (interfaz.GenericDto)dtoi; %>
    <% if (dtoEA != null){ %>
    <% }; %>
    </logic:iterate> Try the following (assuming "ages" is the HashMap - adjust as necessary):
    <logic:iterate id="dtoi" name="ages">
    <td><bean:write name="dtoi" property="value.edad"/></td>
    <td><bean:write name="dtoi" property="value.ctotal"/></td>

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    This sort of error message only comes up for Lightroom when your hard disk is full. Indeed this has nothing to do with internal memory as that will be intelligently be dealt with. If you have a mac Book Air that is not so surprising as the cheapest versions come with very small hard disks and if you shoot raw with any recent camera, you'll fill up your hard disk very quickly and you can probably only store a few months of pictures if you are a typical photographer. So the bottom line is that you need to create some room on your hard disk. You should move some of your originals to an external hard disk. You can also delete some of your backup copies of your catalog file that Lightroom automatically generates every few days and that quickly gobble up hard disk space. So first figure out how full your hard disk is. To see that, go to the apple menu, hit -> About this Mac -> More info->Storage. You should see your internal hard disk on top and you'll find that it is almost entirely full with photos. Now find your Lightroom catalog file using Finder. It is usually in a folder in the Pictures folder in your home directory. You should see a Lightroom 5 Catalog.lrcat file, a previews file and a folder called backups. Inside the backups folder, you'll find a lot of subfolders. They have names that show the dates the backups were created. If you have backups of your entire hard disk, you can delete these backups when they are older than a few months. I usually only keep the last 4 around. Just drag the folders into the trash can on the dock on the bottom of your screen and empty the trash. This will probably free up enough space that Lightroom will already run again. Now start thinking about where you will want to store older images. If you have a good USB3 or Thunderbolt hard disk that is probably the best option. There is a video here by Adobe that has some instructions on how to do this: Is Your Hard Drive Full? Here’s How to Move Images to Another Drive in Lightroom. « Julieanne Kost's Blog If that doesn't work because you don't have enough hard drive space to run Lightroom yet, here is another set of instructions to move your files using the finder to the other hard disk: How do I move only my photos to another hard drive, leaving the catalog where it is? - The Lightroom Queen. If you follow that, as soon as you confirm all your images are on the new hard disk, you can delete them from your internal one. She is not so clear about that part but if you don't delete the originals that you moved off you don't free up space. You should move the folder structure over to the new hard disk and then reconnect the folders in Lightroom. That should make it refind all your images.
    That said, if you are uncomfortable with the computer in itself, your best bet is to find a local photography club. There is invariably a Lightroom savvy person in there that could help you move your files. That might be your best bet if you are uncomfortable moving these yourself. A general mac savvy person like you would find at an Apple store or so generally will not be able to help you with this except when they are photographers themselves and know Lightroom. You might get lucky with that.

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  • I need Expert Decomposition of classes in Source Code for my reaserch purpose. Any body can help me in this regard?

    <blockquote>Locked by Moderator as a duplicate/re-post.
    Please continue the discussion in this thread: [tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=698286&forumId=1]
    Thanks - c</blockquote>
    == Issue
    I have another kind of problem with Firefox
    == Description
    I need Expert Decomposition of classes in Source Code of Firefox for my research purpose. Any body can help me in this regard?
    == This happened
    Not sure how often
    == Firefox version
    == Operating system
    Windows XP
    == User Agent
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2010031422 Firefox/3.0.19
    == Plugins installed
    *-Default Plug-in
    *RealPlayer(tm) LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In
    *Office Plugin for Netscape Navigator
    *Google Update
    *Shockwave Flash 10.1 r53
    *Yahoo Application State Plugin version
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_18 for Mozilla browsers
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape
    *DRM Netscape Network Object
    *Npdsplay dll
    *DRM Store Netscape Plugin

    Please let me tell you that I Expert Decomposition may be of any Version of Firefox or Thunder Bird.

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    Hi Civilclerk1,
    In order to achieve your requirement, we can try to use the following expression to instead the last_name column and first_name field:
    last_name: =iif(Fields! staff_role.Value="Lead Atty" or Fields! staff_role.Value="BK Mgr" or Fields! staff_role.Value="Partner" ,Fields! last_name.Value,nothing)
    first_name: =iif(Fields! staff_role.Value="Lead Atty" or Fields! staff_role.Value="BK Mgr" or Fields! staff_role.Value="Partner" ,Fields! first_name.Value,nothing)
    Besides, if we don’t want see the blank row in the tablix, we can add a filter as below in the tablix:
    Expression:=iif(Fields! staff_role.Value="Lead Atty" or Fields! staff_role.Value="BK Mgr" or Fields! staff_role.Value="Partner" ,1,0)
    If there are any misunderstanding, please elaborate the issue for further investigation.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • HElllp! I havent even had my Iphone 4 for a year yet. About a week ago my phone stopped charger! please HELP ME! i cant buy a new one yet, so im hoping you guys can help me

    This is my Story...
    About a week ago i was seddling into bed. I plugged my phone into my dock as usual, heard the vibrate telling that it was hooked up and charging properly. I went to bed, then woke up and went to grab my phone. I noticed it was only 94% the top right corner in the battery it didnt show the lightning bolt, which means its still charging. I never really thought anything of it at the time. by like 1:00 i looked at my phone, and it was already 50% I decided to plug my phone back into the charger. IT WOULDNT CONNECT!! i started to cry... what was i gunna do? that all my money spent on it! I tried my USB for my labtop, ive tried 2 different docks, and i also took it into Sasktel and they plugged it in to. After the day went by, my phone completly lost battery and... turned off!! thats when i started going into Sasktel etc. i was FREAKING out!!! (still am!)
         All my phone will still do is when i press the power button it a picture of the red dead battery shows up, as well as a electricty cord sign, with an arrow to a lightning bolt. i know that means that it needs to be charged. Im so confused it still frashes and shows stuff on my phone.. so it cant be dead .. right? When i went to Sasktel, i got the worker to look at it. He shone a light in the bottom charging spot. he told me after like 5 minutes of looking in there that he can just barely see a super light pink olour on the "white" sticker. He told me it changes to red when it hits water, and moisture. but.... i nver got it wet. i just woke up with it like this. so, i sunno how that changed colour. im gunna call apple again tommorow and see what they say. i really hop someone can help me, i dont wanna loose all my pictures and contacts. i have some valueably stuff. 1,500 picture!!! :O sooo please! any idea is help, and i hope at least someone will try
    So far, ive tried the trick where u hold the home and power button for 30 seconds. It showed the dead battery lightning bolt sign. And tried many different plugs. People say, that because its a little pink, its toast. i dont beleive that, cause, it worked alll day tell it finally died! no probablems at all. so i just need to get it backon again. ill tell you what apple says when i call. HELP
    all i wish for is for you guys to try, and say what you know! anything is better! i will try EVERYTHING!

    If you've had it for less than a year, then it's still under warranty.  Take it to an Apple store or an authorized service facility.  See

  • HT5622 Hi, can you help me for my payment account? It's always show " Your payment method was declined..." How can I fix it? There's only 3 to choose fpr Visa, Master Card and Amex.. But doesn't have "None".. I can't download any apps from app store :(

    Hi, can you help me for my payment account? It's always show " Your payment method was declined..." How can I fix it? There's only 3 to choose fpr Visa, Master Card and Amex.. But doesn't have "None".. I can't download any apps from app store

  • Hi, I have a problem with getting my apple Id working for me. It's been 2 months since it happened and Apple failed to act. I can tell my story proerly, but am not sure, you guys can help, so I just copy my message to them today, I am trying to get it acr

    Hi, I have a problem with getting my apple Id working for me. It's been 2 months since it happened and Apple failed to act. I can tell my story proerly, but am not sure, you guys can help, so I just copy my message to them today, I am trying to get it across all the places around to pay their attention. This is a desperate move, so if you are not the right people to help me to get my message accross, may be you can advise where can I go.
    Thank you, and sorry for the language.
    Vitas Dijokas
    I am sorry to say that, but your security makes my life miserable – it’s been 2 months since my Apple ID account got stuck, and since then I cannot update 37 applications (to date), i.e. most of my applications. Half of them I bought. I also paid for iCloud, and it is not working. I paid money and I am stuck with old applications and no iCloud. Your security *****. Your service ***** too. It took your service 1 month to finally understand why this happened to me, and it took me tens of emails to you and 3 hours of telephone conversation to find out the reason for my problem. And the problem is still not fixed. NOT FIXED. You just leave your customer – the one who paid you money and spent so much time with you trying to help you help me – and nothing. You tell me:  “Vitas, Stick your stinky iphone in your *** and enjoy life, we do not care!” *************.
    It is ******* outrageous, and you should know that,  guys. Get into the ******* database and correct the bug. Get someone in the partners-telephone carriers company (it is Orange as carreer and Cellcom as seller of the phone)  authorized to Identify me in personal encounter in one of the branches in Israel (where I live) and make sure it is really me, and get the ******* system accept my password and let me use my phone.
    Otherwise **** off. None of my friends will get my advise to buy an iphone or any of apple products. And I think you should be very attentive to cases like this, guys. Do your work for the money we pay, or disappear. There are many others eager to take your place, and if the problem is not fixed I will eventually go to the others. My patience is lost, and as soon as I can afford another phone I will change it. AND I WILL TRY TO GIVE BAAAAAD PUBLICITY TO APPLE – I am threatening here, so ACT NOW.
    Vitas Dijokas

    Well, it seems waiting is not my strong suit..! I renamed a javascript file called recovery to sessionstore. This file was in the folder sessionstore-backups I had copied from mozilla 3 days ago, when my tabs were still in place. I replaced the sessionstore in mozilla's default folder with the renamed file and then started mozilla. And the tabs reappeared as they were 3 days ago!
    So there goes the tab problem. But again when I started mozilla the window saying "a script has stopped responding" appeared, this time the script being: chrome//browser/contenttabbrowser.xml2542
    If someone knows how to fix this and make firefox launch normally, please reply! Thank you

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