HT3275 Cannot access backup disk image

I get the message: Time Machine could not complete the backup.  The backup disk image .....could not be accessed.  Any thoughts?

See # C17 in Pondini's excellent Time Machine - Troubleshooting

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    I keep getting a Time Machine error message that says it can not access the backup disk image "……sparsebundle". I have had issue after issue with Time Machine. I have completely started over twice with setting up Time Capsule. Please help!

    For informed suggestions, see #P2 in Pondini's excellent support document.....Using Time Machine with a Time Capsule

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    How can I fix this issue with Time Machine?:
    "The+backup+disk+image+“%2FVolumes%2FGoFlex+Home+Backup%2FJohn’ rsebundle”+could+not+be+accessed+(error+(null))."

    Backing up to a third-party NAS with Time Machine is risky, and unacceptably risky if it's your only backup. I know this isn't the answer you want, and I also know that the manufacturer says the device will work with Time Machine, and that it usually seems to work. Except when you try to restore, and find that you can't.
    If you want network backup with Time Machine, use as the destination either an Apple Time Capsule or an external hard drive connected to another Mac or to an 802.11ac AirPort base station. Only the 802.11ac base stations support Time Machine, not any older model.
    If you're determined to keep using the NAS for backup, your only recourse for any problems that result is to the manufacturer (which will blame Apple.)

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    See # C 12 in Pondini's excellent support document....Time Machine - Troubleshooting

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    See C17 in Time Machine Troubleshooting by Time Machine guru Pondini:

  • HT3275 Hi, I have backed up 2 IMACs and one Mac Book Pro but for some reason, the 3rd IMAC come up with this problem: The backup disk image "/Volumes/Data/Anthony's iMac.sparsebundle" could not be accessed (error -1). Why? They computer system is up to da

    Hi, I have backed up 2 IMACs and one Mac Book Pro but for some reason, the 3rd IMAC come up with this problem: The backup disk image “/Volumes/Data/Anthony’s iMac.sparsebundle” could not be accessed (error -1). Why? The computer system is up to date and I have had no issue with the other computers, just this one.
    Many thanks

    Try this Discussion...

  • HT3275 The backup disk image "/Volumes/Ana M. Hernandez, DO's Time/Ana M. Hernandez, DO.sparsebundle" could not be accessed (error -1).

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    Reboot the Time Capsule.. Lion has terrible networking issues with the TC and has simply forgotten where it is.
    Check C17 for some other issues.. there is some other things that cause it. And you can do a disconnect all users if you have the right utility.

  • HT3275 Time machine cannot backup due to "The backup disk image "/Volume/Data/Dave's Macbook Pro."sparse bundle" is already in use." Does anyone know what this means and how to fix it??

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    Look at the more like this column on the right.. this is the most common problem reported here.
    You need to restart the TC.. that is all..
    Pull out the power cord.. count to 10.. plug in power cord.
    There are a few occasions where this fails.. see C12

  • HT3275 The backup disk image could not be accessed (error -1).

    I would like to know what to do, I can't back up anymore, error message is :
    The backup disk image xxxx could not be accessed (error -1).

    OK I found this page- maybe it will help:

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    While backing up to Time Machine, I receive this message: time machine error says: The backup disk image “/Volumes/Data/Apple ’s iMac G5.sparsebundle” could not be accessed (error -1).

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    That message is caused by several reasons. Read the Pondini's site to fix the problem >

  • HT3275 The backup disk image "/Volumes/Data/Ence's iMac.sparsebundle" could not be accessed (error -1).

    I recently obtained the 3 TB time capsule and after setting it up I have backed up using time machine and after a few days it gives this error.  I erased the drive and started over but the same thing happened.  I do not see the error message that I get listed in the articles.  Any ideas?
    Error message - The backup disk image “/Volumes/Data/Ence’s iMac.sparsebundle” could not be accessed (error -1).

    The best "articles" by far are those provided by Time Capsule and Time Machine guru Pondini.
    He's the guy that Apple calls when they can't figure things out.
    Check out # C17 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting
    Other good stuff you should have:
    Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions
    Using Time Machine with a Time Capsule


    Message from my time capsule"The backup disk image"/volumes/data/bob mertie's imacsparse bundle could not be accessed" Any help?

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    There are different reasons for that error. Read >

  • HT3275 Can anyone help with this comment below. My Timecapsule cannot backup now: The backup disk image "/Volumes/Data/Bill Smith's iMac 1.sparsebundle" is already in use.

    The backup disk image “/Volumes/Data/Bill Smith’s iMac 1.sparsebundle” is already in use.

    Yes, standard ML error.. about 10 posts a day here.
    Reboot the TC.. reboot the whole network in correct order if that doesn't work.. modem.. tc.. clients.
    Read C12.

  • HT3275 I'm receiving an error message that reads "The backup disk image '/Volumes/Data/my name's iMAC.sparesebundle" is already in use.  The time capsule is not backing up any files.

    The Time Machine is not completing thte backup to my Time Capsule.  I am receiving a message which reads "The backup disk image "/Volumes/Data/Mac Jet's iMAC.sparsebundle" is already in use."  I cannot locate the source of the problem or what steps need to be taken to get the Time Capsule operating.

    Hi, see if it shows here...
    In Finder's Menu, select Go menu>Go to Folder, and go to "/volumes". (no quotes)
    Volumes is where an alias to your hard drive ("/" at boot) is placed at startup, and where all the "mount points" for auxiliary drives are created for you to access them. This folder is normally hidden from view.
    Drives with an extra 1 on the end have a side-effect of mounting a drive with the same name as the system already think exists. Try trashing the duplicates with a 1 or 2 if there are no real files in them, and reboot.
    If it does contain data...

  • Error: the backup disk image "/Volumes/Data/David's MacBook Air.sparsebundle" could not be accessed (error -1).

    okay all of a sudden my TC 2 TB is not backing up. 
    O/S Lion
    macbook air late 2011 model
    error: he backup disk image “/Volumes/Data/David’s MacBook Air.sparsebundle” could not be accessed (error -1).
    i don't see a sparse bundle file by name per se anywhere.
    Also what is new: as soon as time machine auto kicks off or I manual kick it of, it opens a new window which contains one folder (my backup fies from other days)  the files are "there", but I cannot successfully back up now?
    i don't see a sparse bundle file by name per se anywhere.
    Also what is new: as soon as time machine auto kicks off or I manual kick it of, it opens a new window which contains one folder (my backup fies from other days)  the files are "there", but I cannot successfully back up now???

    New 2 tb time capsule with air extreme built in.  I can surf the net wirelessly through this device. And it had been backing up all along then a few days ago it stopped and reported that error. 

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