HT3775 flv files in lion

what third party software can anybody recommend to watch .flv video files in lion and/or mountain lion?

Install Perian.

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    Processor 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    Memory 4 GB

    You need to install Perian.

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    Please help!

    FLV files are usually streamed and played by a dedicated Flash media player.<br />
    Streamed files are usually not stored in the Firefox disk cache, but more likely in the memory cache and only that last downloaded chunk may be present.
    It is best to use an extension if you want a copy of such a media file.

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    Julian D

    My solution may not be the most technical but it works. We use a combination of iWeb, dreamweaver and straight code on our site. We lay a graphic in where the flash is going to go then we replace the code with the flash player. You have to make sure the flash is in a div and is identified as a object.

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    It's flash. Do you have a flash player installed?
    Not sure, but try VLC

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    If all you wan't to do is view the .flv video file and do nothing else to it, video players like VLC and Niceplayer will do the trick. Installing the PERIAN extension to Quicktime will also do the trick.

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    Flash Video
    I assume this was there before. The only items I have associated with QuickTime or .flv videos is I have the same Flip4Mac software installed (it was there from previous and is current), and I have the .flv file type associated with the VLC application. I the item "Open 'safe' files after downloading" in my Safari preferences is NOT checked as usual.

    Interesting. I have the latest Safari and my download button still appears -- actually I tried to get rid of it but can't remove it from the toolbar.  It's showing up in the default set only. I wonder why my Safari on Lion is different than yours.  I have the 1Password extension but I don't think that would affect this.  Here's my settings:

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    You can view the file at
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    What am I doing wrong?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi again
    You should probably double-check to ensure the standard.js file was also copied in when the HTML page was imported. It should be there but it never hurts to double check.
    You might also perform a double-check to ensure things ended up in the correct folder (if you are organizing your project into folders). It could be that you moved the HTML page into a different folder and orphaned the JavaScript file.
    Cheers... Rick
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  • How can I mask on flv file in flash cs4?

    I am new to Flash CS4. I saw one video on how to use flv file in flash and mask it. It is working fine when I am using the following option while importing a video file to flash:
    Load external video with playback component
    But when I tried with the following option it doesn't show the background, it shows only movie which is playing nicely. But not the background which has a bill board.
    Embed FLV in SWF and play in timeline
    It seems the mask is not working with this option.
    How to solve this problem? Please help.
    Actually it should be like the above.
    But when I am using the option Embed FLV in SWF and play in timeline while importing the flv video, getting the result like below: It is not showing the Bill board as above.
    See the layers created:

    I Tried with CS4 by creating mask layer and importing video , layers created were same as you have created and it is working for me .
    Here is the screen shot of the .fla file.
    Screenshot of .fla file

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    I have a colleague who is trying to put together a Flash package for me  on her macbook pro.  It needs to play an flv file. She is unable to play  flv files on her computer either in Flash or using the Adobe Media  Player. I have no problem playing the same files on my macbook pro,  we're both running the latest OS and have version 1.8 of Adobe Media  Player.
    She went to the Adobe site to download the latest version of Adobe  Media Player, hoping that might include whatever component is missing on  her system. Because of Adobe's decision not to distribute AMP that  didn't help.  She has Flash Professional CS5 11.0.2 on her system.  When  she imports an flv video into a Flash project and tries to play it she  gets an error message saying it can't stream the video. Note that the  video is on her hard drive, it is NOT on the internet so no streaming  should be required.
    The actual error message is: "the video player is in the connection  error state. It enters this state when a video stream attempted to load  but was unsuccessful. There are two possible reasons for the error: no  connection to the server or the stream was not found."
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    I'm getting error too (Error #2044: Unhandled NetStatusEvent:. level=error, code=NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound). I'm getting this with CS5. This file was previously made in CS4 and never got this error.
    Everything (fla and flv too) is on external hard disk.
    As this work requires to be exported to mov, I've found out that everything needs to be on the mac (don't know for pc), like on desktop.
    So, let me wrap up disadvantages I got with Flash CS5:
    - TextField.embedFont makes the font disappear in CS5, so I can't use it, so I can't "play" with text in a comfortable way (in CS4, with embedFont = true, I was able to rotate and stuff). Now I have to make a bitmap out of it. It means 3 lines of code and a new variable, instead of just an easy one.
    - I have to rebuild my entire source path structure for AS classes, as my old one (that took me years of effort to be reasonable and used to work just fine in CS4).
    - I have to move stuff from my hard drive to the desktop, to make flv be played and to make a mov out of my animation.
    CS5 is making my job harder and making me lose a lot of time to find out errors that have no good reason to exist (it was not error. just "place CS5 doesn't like").

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    8 seconds  to make still images so I can trace into Illustrator and then export it into Flash. (both are older versions).
    Is this possible?
    It is for an animinated logo.

    Andrew J wrote:
    Everybody's wrong wrong wrong. You don't need garageband. Select the song, go to info. You need to select a start and stop time for the song that can't be any longer than 40 seconds in length. Then in advanced mode you convert the song to acc. once done locate the file on the computer. it should end in .m4a . Change the a to an r so it reads .m4r Drag the file to the desktop, double click and it ends up in ringtones folder.
    That's it! Works every time. Or for those who want easier:
    My drug of choice.

  • Why cant I import M4V or FLV files into my I-Movie video? Please HELP!

    I just got the new Mac Desktop and REALLY hate that I cant drap and drop videos into the newer (i-Life11) -Imovie like I was used to since 2010. Seems to only work for photos. Is there a way around that?
    So I am making a church youth group video where I have spent HOURS trying to get parts of Youtube videos into the video to show them.  I have 2 forms saved on my desktop thanks to the software -   i have a FLV video and a M4V - both converted.  The Imovie already has plenty of clips that are M4V in them so I know it will take that form.  It just wont let me import them..they are there but are not accesible (they are 'faded') under the File/Import/Movies/Desktop  or File/Movies/RealPlayerDownloads.  They aren't darkened and  and I cant do anything with them.
    What am I doing wrong?
    HELP please.   Thanks for input. 
    Frustrated volunteer who has spent too many hours on this!!!

    Use MPEG Streamclip to convert them to DV. In the case of the FLV file, this requires installing Perian.

  • How do I replay a FLV file with flvPlayback AS3

    Hey Everyone.
    Pretty new to Flash and AS3- so I apologize in advance if my terminology is all wacked out.   I've researched this topic for the better part of a day and cannot find my solution.
    I've got a .flv file uploaded on my server that plays just fine.  I created the video in Apple Motion, exported out a .MOV reformatted it using Adobe Media Encoder.  Imported into Flash using the import video menu command.  I ended up with a .swf and a .flv.  I upload both to my server, built a webpage and use the swf to play the .flv.
    Anyway.  Everything plays.  I need a button that a viewer can push and replay the video once it stops.
    I can create shapes in flash and can turn them into buttons.  Easy enough.  Seems like I need to create a script to go with that frame in the timeline?
    I keep reading about creating a listener and an event? But it's confusing finding answer because the is no clarification whether people are using AS2 or AS3 and I feel like I'm just chasing my tail.
    Can anyone point me to a tutorial or help me out?  Any advice is appreciated.
    You can see the video here.

    What you need to do is
    1  drag the movie to the stage.
    2  give frame 1 a lable of "frame1"    You can do this by clicking on frame one, then in the property inspector there is a field labled frame lable.
    3  Go to the last frame and make a play button.  Give the button an instance name of "player"
    4  here is the event listener code that will activate when the "player" button is clicked.  It will go back to frame 1 and play.
    To Clarify this is Action Script 3
    function startOver(event:MouseEvent)
    Thats all.

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