HT4623 My iPhone 5 hotspot is disappeared ???

My iPhone hotspot is disappeared .hotspot have troubleshoot problem  ???

Check with your cell provider to see if it is and issue with them.

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    Has anyone faced a problem like this!!!

    No. If you go Settings App > General > Reset > "Erase All Content and Settings", you will have the same iOS that was on the iPhone when you tapped the Erase button. If you believe your iPhone is Jailbroken, then this will not work. If you use iTunes on computer, this will put iPhone to current iOS which is iOS 7.0.2

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    Here is Apple's latest response to the FaceTime issue that cropped up last week:
    FaceTime 4-16 Issue
    Folllow the troubleshooting steps to try to resolve your issues.

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    What phone company do you use. There needs to be more information about what is exactly going wrong. Becasue if you are in the USA then the hotspot feature can be turned off and on by the carrier, Such as what Verizon does, if you do not pay for the feature. If that is not the issue then there would have to be a software problem, which there are a few solutions to. One being take it to the apple store and letting them fix it, if it is not an issue with your phone company

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    there is not even a link to it in the settings

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    My carrier provides tethering service and I used it often so I don't think this is from network problem.
    What I remember is that after I upgrade my iPhone to iOS 4.3.3 I once activated personal hotspot function and it was hanged.
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    What is the exact wording of the error message you received?
    Has your iPhone been jailbroken or modified to work with other
    than the original wireless provider?
    Not wise to post IMEI or ICCID in the clear, FYI. I have asked
    the hosts to edit that info in your post.

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    The iOS5 upgrade for the iphone allowed network operators to control the availability of the 'personal hotspot' feature. If your operator is one of those who charge extra for tethering (and most do) then by upgrading to ios5 you've facilitated them to remove the option for you.
    Apple bowed to the demands of the opertators on this one.
    I am with Tesco(O2) and as soon as I upgraded to ios5 I lost the 'personal hotspot' option.
    I have the last laugh though; They cant control my Android phone so I put the Tesco mobile sim into that when I want to use tethering.
    Get an Android phone or if you're in the UK use Three mobile who allow tethering.

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    Just going to the hotspot screen on the iPhone puts it in host mode where it's easy for the iPad to find it.
    You lose some speed due to bandwidth bottleneck of Bluetooth, but I found bluetooth tethering had fewer headaches and was more persistent.

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    not all mail providers sync the send mail part of the mail box
    you can try to contact yahoo if this is the case with them

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    I have a similar problem, using iPhone 4 and iPad 3. I can connect to the iPhone hotspot (iPhone show the blueish bar on top of its screen and says 1connection is active). So far so good, BUT, the iPad gets no symbol (the chain showing its linked) nor internet access. Sometimes the symbol comes but still no internet. By resetting the iPhones network settings I get it to work immidiately after, but after putting my iPad to sleep there will be the same issue over again. Please come up with a solution. Maybe I need to restore both devices? I don't like the idea though. It just works, huh?!?!?

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    Lahoman wrote:
    Don't try to charge ur iPhone with ur iPad charger or else u will regret like my iPhone battery life is very weak now..!!
    You may be having problems with your battery. However, they were not caused by using your iPad charger. The iPad charger is compatible with the iPhone and can safely be used with it. If your phone is less than a year old, you may want to take it to your nearest Apple Store and have them take a look at it. If the battery is not functioning correctly, they will replace it for you.

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    I think it is 7.1.1 - there was another update today which I've uploaded but it didn't make any difference. It's just the music libary on the 5 that's causing me problems.

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    Realistically there's no harm in trying and just seeing how far you get.
    The need for internet to play DRM protected matreial from a computer on teh LAN is a real annoyance - I tend to use a Mac Mini with HDMI out these days as it doesn't need that internet connection for pre-purchased material (it does for rentals to set the clock ticking).
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