HTML Forms, Mailto and Goto URL Behavior

I know just the basics of HTML Programming. Anyway, in
Dreamweaver MX, I've created a form with the Action as
mailto:myemailaddress Method: Post and Enctype: text/plain If that
is all I do, when the form is filled out and the user hits submit,
I get the problem. But, I want the user to know that
their submission went through, so instead of the page standing
still after the submit button is hit, I added to Go to URL
behavavior so that when they hit submit, it takes them to a thank
you page. Unfortunately, when I do that, the mailto no longer seems
to work. Any suggestions?

mailto: isn't going to work reliably.
using a server side script is the way to go.
first- check your host's FAQ/Support section for info about
scripts. If hosting has a control panel or CPanel, look in
if no preinstalled script, if you can use php i suggest
phpformmail from
Adobe Community Expert, dreamweaver

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    Hi ScoobTheNoob,
    I am bad a rhyming, but Safe Mode essentially only disables add ons. I would disable them one by one to find the culprit.

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    My understanding from your question is that you would like to programmatically (using LabVIEW) send input to and click a button on an existing HTML website, is that right?
    If yes, then you can use ActiveX calls to embed a web browser into the front panel of your VI and then use its invoke node to input a text to a form or click a button. Another way is to use the lower-level TCP VIs in LabVIEW, but you need to understand HTTP protocols to successfully use this. See below examples to get started.
    TCP VIs (HTTP)
    FYI, LabVIEW Internet Toolkit has been deprecated starting LabVIEW 2012, so it is not recommended to build a new application using that.
    Hope this helps.
    A. Yodha
    Applications Engineer | National Instruments
    Singapore (65) 6226 5886 | Malaysia (60) 3 7948 2000 | Thailand (66) 2 298 4800
    Philippines (63) 2 659 1722 | Vietnam (84) 8 3911 3150 | Indonesia (62) 21 2924 1911

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      Try to insert the embed code inside one of your <div> tags say the div-content tag after your <p>..</p> tags.
    The embed code should work inside <div> ... </div> tags according to the layout defined there.

  • Creating an HTML Form - Fieldset and Legend problem.

    Hello everyone,
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    <style type="text/css">
         margin: 0;
         padding: 0;
         font-family: "Century Gothic";
         font-weight: bold;
         font-size: 16px;
    legend span{
         position: absolute;
         top: 30px;
         background-color: #EAEAEA;
         padding-top: 60px;
         width: 100%;
         margin: 0 0 5px 0;
         padding: 0;
    label {
         float: left;
         width: 160px;
         margin-right: 16px;
         text-align: right;
         margin-top: 5px;
    .UserFirstNameField, .UserLastNameField, .UserEmailField, .UserPhoneNumberField{
         width: 200px;
         padding: 4px;
         font-family: "Century Gothic";
         font-weight: bold;
         font-size: 16px;
         color: #F90;
         background-image: url(DFormsImages/Form-Fields-Background-Image.png);
         background-repeat: repeat-x;
         background-position: left center;
         border: 1px solid #D5D5D5;
    <!--[if lte IE 7]>   
    <style type="text/css" media="all"> 
    label {
         margin-top: 5px;
    <form id="BasicForm" class="BasicFormTemplate" method="post" action="">
    <legend><span>Personal Information</span></legend>
    <label for="UserFirstName">First Name:</label> 
    <input id="FirstNameInput" name="UserFirstName" class="UserFirstNameField" type="text" /> 
    <label for="UserLastName">Last Name:</label> 
    <input id="LastNameInput" name="LastName" class="UserLastNameField" type="text" /> 
    <label for="UserEmail">Email:</label> 
    <input id="UserEmailInput" name="UserEmail" class="UserEmailField" type="text" /> 
    <label for="UserPhoneNumber">Phone Number:</label> 
    <input id="UserPhoneNumberInput" name="UserPhoneNumber" class="UserPhoneNumberField" type="text" />
    Thanks everyone!

    Murray *ACP* wrote:
    You might find this good essay to be helpful:
    Good day Murray,
    What I did was give the legend a zero padding.
    legend{ padding: 0; }
    and the gap was removed.
    I tested in IE7, Firefox 3.6.6, Safari 5.0 and Opera  10.60 and it works very well.
    I have not tested it in IE 6.
    However, I also used the method from the article you provided, it also works well and I will also use that as an alternative when needed for another fix.
    Thanks for your valuable help as always.

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    Form encoding is what you do to arguments in an HTTP POST request. Why they called the classes concerned URLEncoder/Decoder is a mystery.

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    I create HTML forms by hand coding, so I cannot recommend any specific apps. Most now suffer from being too complicated.
    I think you need to forget the idea of converting a PDF form (nicely laid out, attractive) to a similar HTML forms. HTML forms are basic, functional, ugly and do not have a fixed layout. A conversion tool will not magically overcome this limitation.

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    hi bregent!
    im using php.
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    <form action="action_page.php">
    First name:<br>
    <input type="text" name="firstname" value="Mickey">
    Last name:<br>
    <input type="text" name="lastname" value="Mouse">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">
    …the form is displayed in my Muse page.  However, it doesn't look normal, meaning:
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    - The Submit button size is minimal, wrapping tightly around the text, and there is no border or bevel.
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    I answered my own problem.
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    At , Ron Pershing gives some very simple code on making it all work with Muse.  I'm not affiliated with him or his website, but since he was kind enough to publish a solution, his work should get some attention.

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    Have you ever considered using Application Express (APEX)?
    Oracle Application Express (APEX)
    Sounds like you're going the long way around to create a web based application.

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    Nalwyn Nessiah.N

    According to your description, the HTML Form Web Part not working after upgraded to SharePoint 2013.
    What version of IE browser you use?
    Also please try to add a new HTML Form Web Part for a test to see if the issue still exists.
    Best regards,
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • HTML Form-like behavior in Flash

    I'm looking to find a reference that can help me in the
    creation of Flash user input screens that behave in a manner
    analogous to an HTML form. Specifically I'm concerned with error
    checking and data validation. For example, if a user is creating a
    new record or editing an existing record and they choose to
    navigate away from the page, the code should check for data
    changes, and on finding any offer the user an option to save the
    data. Once the offer is made and responded to the flow of the
    application should proceed appropriately.
    In an HTML form this type of behavior would be accomplished
    with an appropriately worded JavaScript "confirm" dialog. This
    dialog allows for a synchronous interaction between the user and
    the flow of the JavaScript code in which user choice results in how
    the code flow proceeds. With Flash, such a synchronous event is not
    inherently possible (to the best of my admittedly limited
    experience). Without this type of "confirm" dialog, one must create
    a custom messaging system to communicate with the user, and must
    also structure the code in such a way that everything is able to
    achieve the desired effects in an asynchronous manner.
    I've tried searching this forum but I don't know how to
    phrase my search in order to find good results. If anyone has any
    ideas, links to resources, links to threads, or any other items
    that might help in my quest to build fully optimized and robust
    user input forms in Flash CS3, I'd really appreciate the help.
    Thanks in advance for any advice!

    Why not just use a DataGrid component? They're pretty easy to
    use actually.
    Try this: start a new AS2 project and drag a DataGrid from
    the components
    panel onto the stage. Use the properties panel to size it to
    500 x 300. When
    you add data to a grid it will just show a scroll bar if
    necessary, it
    doesn't resize... Give it an instance name of "theGrid".
    Now, add the following script to the frame:
    import mx.controls.gridclasses.DataGridColumn;
    function doGrid(gridRef, gArray:Array)
    for (var i = 0; i < gArray.length; i++) {
    var cat:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn(gArray
    cat.width = gArray[2];
    cat.headerText = gArray
    cat.editable = false;
    var gFormat = new Array(["fname", "First Name:", 120],
    ["lname", "Last
    Name:", 200], ["date", "Win Date:", 80]);
    doGrid(theGrid, gFormat);
    If you compile now, you'll see the grid with the field
    titles... I use the
    doGrid function, and an array like this to make formatting
    the grid easy.
    The first item in the array matches the dataProvider
    property, as you will
    see in a moment - the second is the title, and the third the
    width of the
    column... change these as you need.
    To add data, you just create an array of objects, with the
    object properties
    matching the first item in the format array - like so - add
    the following
    and test again:
    var gridData = new Array({fname:"Dave", lname:"Mennenoh",
    {fname:"giga", lname:"saurus", date:"10/14/08"});
    theGrid.dataProvider = gridData;
    That's all there is to it... If you add more data than can be
    shown, you'll
    get a scroll bar. You can add en event listener to know when
    someone selects
    an item, etc...
    good luck
    Dave -
    Head Developer
    Adobe Community Expert

  • Receive HTML form redirected to a procedure "URL"

    Hi there,
    can I receive a posted "html" form inside a procedure?
    here is what I mean:
    I used to have a URL that is actually a procedure, which draw HTML page using the htp package,
    the URL is 4 example : http://www.somehost.domain/proc_name?p1=...&p2=...
    the procedure is defined as follows :
    create or replace procedure proc_name(p1 varchar2, p2 varchar2) is
    -- the code
    end;HTML page posts a form with two parameters p1 and p2 will direct to the page defined and processed by the "proc_name",
    but how can I have the request received into this procedure and then get the parameters,
    that analogues to what java's developers can, get the request and then extract the parameters from it.
    I need this because the form directed to the procedure actually use some action map to back the parameters and then redirect to my procedure.
    any suggestions please ! help is appreciated.
    Best Regards,
    Edited by: Knowledgestudent on May 12, 2010 10:28 PM

    Values for Parameter variable (p1 and p2 in this case) will be inside the procedure.
    You are using MOD_PLSQL correct?
    MOD_PLSQL information:
    Passing paramters into PL/SQL procedures...
    Oracle documentation:
    Do CTRL-F for Passing Entry Field Parameters from an HTML Form in the page above.
    The examples in the page above just work fine.
    Sudhakar B.

  • JTextPane and HTML form

    I'd like to display html page containing simple HTML form. JTectPane renders tis form very good but i sthere any way to handle any data change/submit on such a form in JTextPane

    Take a look at this example
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class TestShowPage {
    public static void main(String args[]) { 
    JTextPane tp = new JTextPane();
    JScrollPane js = new JScrollPane();
    JFrame jf = new JFrame();
    try {
    URL url = new URL("" );
    catch (Exception e) {
    Just compile and run the programme. see the output. If you need more info of such type of programmes, check
    Java Developer

  • Problem in opening 'Find Service Request' and 'Create Service Request' HTML forms

    I  am working on creating some date for EBS Service, and I am unable to open 'Find Service Request' and 'Create Service Request' HTML forms.
    I keep getting the error message :
    Oracle error - 20001: ORA-20001: APP-FND-02902: Multi-Org profile option is required. Please set either MO: Security Profile or MO: Operating Unit profile option. has been detected in MO_GLOBAL_INIT.
    I have min knowledge of EBS set up and configuration. We just use EBS as a source system for our ETLs.  Please suggest any workaround to get resolve the issue.

    Navigate to System Administrator responsibility > Profile > System. Search for the profile MO: Operating Unit and under responsibility field, put in the responsibility name you are using for creating the service request, click OK and enter the desired operating unit value in the next window. It pulls up all operating units defined and you can chose the desired one.

Maybe you are looking for