Html with c:set

have a FormBean
<form-bean name="Form" type="org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm">
<form-property name="method" type="java.lang.String"/>
want to set a value to form-property 'method' as below using JSTL
method = "Delete"
how to do this using JSTL?
<c:set target='Form' property='method' value='Delete'/>
but didn't work.

Thankyou for your response.
How to set the hidden form-property value using javascript?
Form is a DynaActionForm
<html:hidden name="Form" property="actMethod" />
<fmt:message var="deleteVar" key="lbl.delete" bundle="${appbundle}"/>
<html:image src="images/delete.gif" value="${deleteVar}" onclick="setMethodNameDelete();"/>
function setMethodNameDelete() {
Before submitting want to set the value.
Have more than one html:image.
tried the above but getting error
Request does not contain handler parameter ''actMethod".
The form is in session.
Not sure why the parameter is not set.
Need help with this please.

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  • Oracle Application Server 10g R3 with patch set

    Hi All,
    Can anyone help me on this, When I install Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 ( and patch set on Linux. I am not able to find forms and reports container.
    This version doesn't support forms and reports or I have go OAS 10g R2 ( with patch set 3 ( What is the difference between these two releases.
    Please help me.

    Hi James,
    1)Yes it supports IE 8 .Please review the below link for certification details on browers :-
         Note: Oracle Application Server supports only those browsers.
    2)Forms only support Windows 7 32 bit only.
        Please refer to the note:1292919.1 "Certification of Oracle Developer Suite 10g (10.1.2) on Windows 7 (32-bit)"
    3)Could you provide more information of JVM because when you install 10gR2 it has JDK and JRE present in it.

  • How to personalize the content users see with a set of questions/answers?

    I have built my website using dreamweaver CS5.5 and would like users to be able to personalize the content that is displayed. Users will first see a page with three questions. Once they have answered the questions, they should then click 'submit' and be transferred to the site with the information most relevant to them, depending on the answers they gave to the questions.
    I know how to create froms and the questions with radio buttons, but I cannot figure out how to make the 'Submit' button link to different sites depending on the answers that users have given.I guess this will need some kind of if/then rule in JavaScript that is then linked to the 'Submit' button? I am really not sure how to best do this.
    (Note: there is no need for the answers to the survey to be saved as data anywhere if that makes life easier)
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Right, here we go, this is the code for the question form (currently still with spry validation):
    <form id="Personalize_OvDex" name="Personalize OvDex" method="post" action="">
    <p>Question 1: Do you have a faulty gene or a family history of Lynch Syndrome?</p>
    <p><span id="spryradio1">
        <input type="radio" name="Question1" value="BRCA1" id="Q1_BRCA1" />
        Yes, I have a BRCA1 faulty gene</label>
      <br />
        <input type="radio" name="Question1" value="BRCA2" id="Q1_BRCA2" />
        Yes, I have a BRCA2 faulty gene</label>
      <br />
        <input type="radio" name="Question1" value="Lynch" id="Q1_Lynch" />
        Yes, I am from a Lynch Syndrome family</label>
      <br />
        <input type="radio" name="Question1" value="unclear" id="Q1_unclear" />
        Don’t know, I have not been tested for a faulty gene or my genetic test </label>
      <br />
        <input type="radio" name="Question1" value="negative" id="Q1_negative" />
        No, I have been tested and no faulty gene was identified</label>
      <br />
      <span class="radioRequiredMsg">Please make a selection.</span></span></p>
    <p>Question 2: Have  you ever had breast cancer? </p>
    <p><span id="spryradio2">
        <input type="radio" name="Question2" value="noBC" id="Q2_noBC" />
        No, I have never had breast cancer</label>
      <br />
        <input type="radio" name="Question2" value="BC" id="Q2_BC" />
        Yes, I have had breast cancer</label>
      <br />
      <span class="radioRequiredMsg">Please make a selection.</span></span></p>
      <p>Question 3: How  old are you?</p>
    <p><span id="spryradio3">
        <input type="radio" name="Question3" value="u35" id="Q3_u35" />
        under 35</label>
      <br />
        <input type="radio" name="Question3" value="35to39" id="Q3_35to39" />
        35 to 39</label>
      <br />
        <input type="radio" name="Question3" value="40to49" id="Q3_40to49" />
        40 to 49</label>
      <br />
        <input type="radio" name="Question3" value="o50" id="Q3_o50" />
        50 or over</label>
      <br />
      <span class="radioRequiredMsg">Please make a selection.</span></span></p>
      <input name="" type="submit" value="Submit now" formaction="home.html" />
    The sets of answers that correspond to a page is made up of "home_" and then the 'value' of the answers divided by underscores. So for example if someone answers Q1 with BRCA1, Q2 with noBC and Q3 with u35, the page that would link to is called home_BRCA1_noBC_u35.html
    Here's a list of the pages for which that above logic works perfectly:
    There are just a few exceptions in which it doesn't matter for one or more questions what people answer (then the page name doesn't include the value for that answer). These are:
    home_BRCA1_o50.html (This page will appear for those answering Q1 with BRCA1, Q2 with either noBC or BC, and Q3 with o50)
    home_BRCA2_o50.html (This page will appear for those answering Q1 with BRCA2, Q2 with either noBC or BC, and Q3 with o50)
    home_Lynch_o50.html (This page will appear for those answering Q1 with Lynch, Q2 with either noBC or BC, and Q3 with o50)
    home_unclear_noBC (This page will appear for those answering Q1 with unclear, Q2 with noBC, and Q3 with any answer)
    home_unclear_BC (This page will appear for those answering Q1 with unclear, Q2 with BC, and Q3 with any answer)
    home_negative (This page will appear for those answering Q1 with negative, Q2 with either noBC or BC, and Q3 with any answer)
    Hope this includes all the info you wanted. I know it's quite complicated.

  • Printing HTML with Java Printing Service(JDK1.4 beta)

    Hi there!
    I'm currently checking out the new Java Printing Service (JPS) in the new JDK1.4 beta. This looks like a very promising printing API, with amongst others printer discovery and support for MIME types - but I have some problems with printing HTML displayed in a JEditorPane.
    I'm developing an application that should let the user edit a (HTML)document displayed in a JEditorPane and the print this document to a printer. I have understood that this should be peace-of-cake using the JPS which has pre-defined HTML DocFlavor amongst others, in fact here is what Eric Armstrong says on Javaworld (
    "With JPS, data formats are specified using MIME types, for example: image/jpeg, text/plain, and text/html. Even better, the API includes a formatting engine that understands HTML, and an engine that, given a document that implements the Printable or Pageable interface, generates PostScript. The HTML formatting engine looks particularly valuable given the prevalence of XML data storage. You only need to set up an XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation) stylesheet, use it to convert the XML data to HTML, and send the result to the printer."
    After one week of reasearch I have not been able to do what Armstrong describes; print a String that contains text of MIME type text/html.
    I have checked the supported MIMI types of the Print Service returned by PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService(). This is the result:
    DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.GIF;
    PrintRequestAttributeSet aset = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
    aset.add(new Copies(2));
    PrintService[] service = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(flavor,aset);
    if (service.length > 0) {
    System.out.println("Selected printer " + service[0].getName());
    DocFlavor[] flavors = service[0].getSupportedDocFlavors();
    for (int i = 0;i<flavors.length;i++) {
    System.out.println("Flavor "+i+": "+flavors.toString());
    Selected printer \\MUNIN-SERVER\HP LaserJet 2100 Series PCL 6
    Flavor 0: image/gif; class="[B"
    Flavor 1: image/gif; class=""
    Flavor 2: image/gif; class=""
    Flavor 3: image/jpeg; class="[B"
    Flavor 4: image/jpeg; class=""
    Flavor 5: image/jpeg; class=""
    Flavor 6: image/png; class="[B"
    Flavor 7: image/png; class=""
    Flavor 8: image/png; class=""
    Flavor 9: application/x-java-jvm-local-objectref; class="java.awt.print.Pageable"
    Flavor 10: application/x-java-jvm-local-objectref; class="java.awt.print.Printable"
    As you can see there is no support for text/html here.
    If anyone has a clue to what I'm missing here or any other (elegant, simple) way to print the contents of a JEditorPane, please speak up!
    Reply to: [email protected] or [email protected] or here in this forum

    Since you have 'printable' as one of your flavors, try this using a JTextPane (assuming you can dump your HTML into a JTextPane, which shouldn't be a big problem)...
    1. Have your JTextPane implement Printable
    ie. something like this:
    public class FormattedDocument extends JTextPane implements Printable 2. Read your HTML into the associated doc in the text pane.
    3. Implement the printable interface, since you have it as one of your available flavors (I'd imagine everybody has printable in their available flavors). Something like this:
    public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pf, int pageIndex) {
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
            g2.translate((int)pf.getImageableX(), (int)pf.getImageableY());
            g2.setClip(0, 0, (int)pf.getImageableWidth(), (int)pf.getImageableHeight()); 
            if (pageIndex == 0)
            if (!pv.paintPage(g2, pageIndex))
                return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
            return PAGE_EXISTS;
        }Here's my setupPrintView function, which is executed once on page 0 (which still needs some polishing in case I want to start from page 5). It sets up a 'print view' class based on the root view of the document. PrintView class follows...
    public void setupPrintView(PageFormat pf) {
    View root = this.getUI().getRootView(this);
            pv = new PrintView(this.getStyledDocument().getDefaultRootElement(), root,
                               (int)pf.getImageableWidth(), (int)pf.getImageableHeight());Note of obvious: 'pv' is of type PrintView.
    Here's my PrintView class that paints your text pane line by line, a page at a time, until there is no more.
    class PrintView extends BoxView
        public PrintView(Element elem, View root, int w, int h) {
            super(elem, Y_AXIS);
            setSize(w, h);
            layout(w, h);
        public boolean paintPage(Graphics2D g2, int pageIndex) {
            int viewIndex = getTopOfViewIndex(pageIndex);
            if (viewIndex == -1) return false;
            int maxY = getHeight();
            Rectangle rc = new Rectangle();
            int fillCounter = 0;
            int Ytotal = 0;
            for (int k = viewIndex; k < getViewCount(); k++) {
                rc.x = 0;
                rc.y = Ytotal;
                rc.width = getSpan(X_AXIS, k);
                rc.height = getSpan(Y_AXIS, k);
                if (Ytotal + getSpan(Y_AXIS, k) > maxY) break;
                paintChild(g2, rc, k);
                Ytotal += getSpan(Y_AXIS, k);
            return true;
    // find top of page for a given page number
        private int getTopOfViewIndex(int pageNumber) {
            int pageHeight = getHeight() * pageNumber;
            for (int k = 0; k < getViewCount(); k++)
                if (getOffset(Y_AXIS, k) >= pageHeight) return k;
            return -1;
    }That's my 2 cents. Any questions?

  • Air app doesn't load with renderMode set Auto

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    Android device is Polaroid PMID-971C
    Android version is 4.0.3
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    Any help or fix would be highly appreciated.

    From the docs that I could find (, it appears that "auto" mode = cpu mode.
    The default value is auto, which currently falls back to cpu mode.
    Is this happening on multiple devices or just the one?  Any chance we could get access to your application to try it out?  If so, could you please open a new bug report on this over at  If you'd like to keep your app/code private, feel free to email the attachment to me directly ([email protected]). 
    Once added, please post back with the URL so that others affected can add their comments and votes.

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    Also when i do this, all changes to the html have to be after im done editing with iWeb because the changes wont load when i load my site in iWeb.
    Any help would be good, thanks.

    You can't view html with iWeb, and any custom html
    you add via a text editor or other means will be
    erased whenever you republish the page using iWeb.
    It really isn't an appropriate tool for what you
    want to do, at least not in this version.
    That is a real BUMMER! After spending many hours over this weekend setting my site up, I need to add a bit of html at the end of my welcome page:
    It is a dynamic weather report.
    I figured out how to add it with a text editor, but every time the file is edited in iWeb and then published, the added code is erased! I hope there will be a way to deal with this WITHIN iWeb soon.

  • Multiple wake-up times with pm set

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    I have read some things on the internet about Pm set that would allow you to accomplish that. The problem is that I don't know how to use it. Is there a way to safely set this up with pm set? I have opened the terminal but I don't know how to use it. any help would be appreciated.
    By the way, I am using the latest Imac model 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5 with OSX 10.8.3

    Does it have to run at exactly 0400 and 2200, or can it run after it wakes from sleep after that time?
    If that is the case, you may want to look at creating a launchctl plist to have it run whatever you want at those times. launchd will run them as soon as it wakes up after the scheduled time (or at that time if it is awake).
    There are quite a few examples online, but Lingon makes it pretty easy to create the plist and schedule the events. Even with Lingon, you would want to read up on launchd: Startup/Chapters/CreatingLaunchdJobs.html
    An example using Lingon:

  • Working with BC-sets

    Hi there ,
                     Can any one please tell me that how do we work with BC sets & how can we use that to migrate the data from one system to other system....

    Pls go through this is very useful
    if it is useful reward some points

  • How can I see shared pc with firewall set to allow only essential services?

    How can I see shared pc with firewall set to allow only essential services?
    So far if I set it as above then shared does not show up? I have to set the firewall to set access to specific applications and services to get access to my windows based hard drive.
    Mike R

    Ok I solved it myself. Not an ideal solution as I have to connect it manually each time but it will do... Unless anyone has a way to have it auto connect when I start the mac.
    Mike R

  • While updating my iphone 4s to ios6, I had to restore it. Now every time I connect to itunes, I get the "Set Up Your iPhone" window with the set up as new iphone and restore from backup options. After the restore, I got everything except my apps back.

    While updating my iphone 4s to ios6, I had to restore it. Now every time I connect to itunes, I get the "Set Up Your iPhone" window with the set up as new iphone and restore from backup options. After the restore, I got everything except my apps and music back. Do I need to set the phone up as new again?

    Hi Vidbrent,
    If you are having issues updating or restoring your iPhone, you may find the following article helpful:
    Apple Support: If you can't update or restore your iOS device
    - Brenden

  • After creating a new slideshow I export it with the  setting HD 1080p it is then saved as a .mov i then create a dvd in idvd and the quality is not  as good as the original photo's when viewed on the monitor or a TV, am i doing something wrong?

    After creating a new slideshow I export it with the  setting HD 1080p it is then saved as a .mov i then create a dvd in idvd and the quality is not  as good as the original photo's when viewed on the monitor or a TV, am i doing something wrong?

    DVD's are only 640 x 480 (interlaced), so yes, the quality is not nearly as good.  You should probably create your .mov in DV format to best match the DVD format

  • I am still using my Apple G4 1.25 Ghz MDD running Leopard 10.5.8 with iTunes 10.6.3 installed. Can I use an Phone 4s with iOS 5 with this set up? I have read the iPhone iOS 5 user guide and it appears that I can but is anybody actually doing it ?

    Hello to all my readers.I am still using my Apple G4 1.25 Ghz MDD running Leopard 10.5.8 with iTunes 10.6.3 installed. Can I use an Phone 4s with iOS 5 with this set up? I have read the iPhone iOS 5 user guide and it appears that I can but is anybody actually doing it ? My current phone is a £10 Nokia and I've neither wish nor cash to spend more than a grand upgrading to an intel based machine (at the moment) ! Regards to you all.

    If you can find an iPhone running iOS5 and those are the specs for iOS5, there is no reason it should not work.
    If you want a more current version of iOS or a more current device, a Windows computer is always an option at significantly less cost. 
    Granted, there is no requirement to have a computer to use an iPhone.

  • I have 2? How do I sync selected photos from my IPad to my IMac w/o losing all photos on my IPad and getting the phoos o my IMac. ou see I have two IMacs with different sets of photos. Also want to convert all Apple works docs to pages docs on my IMac.

    I have 2? How do I sync selected photos from my IPad to my IMac w/o losing all photos on my IPad which will be replaced with the photos on my IMac.You see I have two IMacs with different sets of photos. Also want to convert all Apple works docs to pages docs on my IMac. Is there and app available to do the former. many thanks. b

    The iPad and related software is designed to sync with only one computer. I suggest transferring the photos from one of your iMacs to the other so that all photos are on one Mac. Same for all other files you want to sync over.
    To get those AppleWorks files to the iPad you'll have to determine if Pages will open them. If it will then use the file sharing feature of iTunes to copy them to Pages on your pad.
    If Pages will not open the AppleWorks files directly you'll have to save them in some format that Pages will read. These include but may not be limited to Pages and Word formats.

  • BO Webi: How to populate a variable with the set of static values for Graph

    Hi All,
    I have the data: Order number, Order Date, processing time coming from the SAP Bex query in the below format:
    Order No    Order Date    Processing time (Days)
    1                 Jan-2011      4
    2                 Jan-2011      5
    3                 Feb-2011      6
    In BO webi report, I have to report the number of orders which were processed in <1day, <2days, <3days,...<10days in a graphical view. i.e., X-Axis:  <1day, <2days, <3days,...<10days(10 static buckets for the processing days)
    Y-Axis: Number of Orders.
    The graphical output should be like below:
    X-Axis: <1day, <2days, <3days,<4days,<5days,<6days,<7days,<8days,<9days,<10days
    Y-Axis: 0, 0,0,0,1,2,3,3,3,3  (count(Order No)) (Cumulative count)
    I am able to calculate the number of orders individually for each of the 10 buckets. But the problem i am facing is that I am not able to hold the 10 static bucket values in a variable to use it for the x-axis in the Graph, as these 10 static bucket values are not coming from the backend source.
    I would like to know if there is way to populate a variable(to use it for the X-Axis in the graph) with the set of 10 static values.
    Any help would be highly appreciated.

    Hi ,
    I think we can use the variable as X-axis in chart.. but Variable Qulaification should be Dimension.
    can you try this?.
    Using efasion universe
    1) Select month and Sold at (unit price) , then run the query
    2) create the variable V_Month ==If [Month]=1 Then "Month1" Else "Month2"  (Note = Variable Qulaification should be Dimension)
    3) Create the variable V_Sum= sum (Sold at (unit price))
    4) create another variable V_Cumulative_Sum==[V_Sum]+Previous([V_Sum])
    Now add V_Month and V_Cumulative_Sum in table , then convert to chart.. now you can add the variable V_Month as X-axis of the chart.
    Hope this will help:)
    Ponnarasu K

  • White lines fixed with art optimization - Is it possible to copy with that setting?

    I've seen threads about the white lines you get on the edges of objects due to the anti-aliasing in Illustrator, and I found that when exporting, you can remove them by setting 'art optimized' in one of the options there.
    For those who don't know the white line issue:
    Sometimes, when Illustrator blends the pixels around an object, it puts a thin white line around it that always appears 1 px thick at any zoom level.
    It's not really there, and when printed it vanishes. Trouble is, even when exporting the document, or copying objects into other software for screen use, it's still there.
    A lot of people think the white line is a tiny gap, but it's not.
    People also tend to tell you it's because you have two objects butted up against one another. This is also not true. The white line still occurs even on overlapping shapes.
    People will also say it's when two shapes on top of each other follow the same path. Again, not true. The white lines still show up even when you only have 1 object following a particular path.
    My issue is that I rarely export an entire document at once, but tend to copy elements of it into Photoshop. When I do so, the white lines travel with it, and become permanent. Even on a .jpg, .png, or .gif image file, the lines are still visible.
    What I want to know is, can I copy objects from Illustrator using art optimization?
    Or is there any other way to copy them without taking those white lines with me?
    I know I can get rid of them by turning anti-aliasing off, but then everything looks really pixellated, so it's not much better.
    Plus, anti-aliasing doesn't actually fix the problem, it just hides it. Even with the setting off, when I copy affected objects to Photoshop, the white lines reappear in Photoshop.
    And please don't bother to reply explaining to me what the white lines are, or how to get rid of them, or how to lose them in exporting. I already know all that.
    I'm running Illustrator CS6
    And Photoshop CS6

    Weirdly, yes. That does work.
    The only problem is that I can't then resize it in Photoshop in the same way as a smart object. I'll just have to know what size it needs to be before I rasterize it.
    But for now, it's a solution that's workable. Thanks! ^.^

Maybe you are looking for